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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13505792 No.13505792 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of him?

>> No.13506294

Absolute culinary genius. He's convinced an entire generation of social media tards that an unseasoned boiled dinner is a gourmet meal. This dude is a well-seasoned troll.

>> No.13506301

He's a lard ass but he's likeable.

>> No.13506306

I used to think he was some fat gross west coast faggot. But then i found out hes a fat gross canadian faggot, it didnt make me think any less or more of him. Aside from youtube always shoving him in my face id glady forget he exists

>> No.13506309

I think he's overly loud and obnoxious. I don't care about his recipes because I can't stand to watch him.

>> No.13506312

absolute basedman

>> No.13506518

Mediocre chef at best.

Action Bronson's show is MUCH better.

>> No.13506544

He gives me a migraine.

>> No.13506574

is this really what the average american male looks like???

>> No.13506583

seems like hed be fun to hang with
hes an ok chef

>> No.13506591


But to answer your question: yes.

>> No.13506593

Canada is in America. America is two whole continents.

>> No.13506602

lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite Matty Matheson meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?

-he shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)

-totally random noises (also good haha)

-a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae

>> No.13506605

I don't watch fat youtubers.

>> No.13506609

Classic yuro cop-out.

>> No.13506614

I don't know youtube personalities but I'll tell you exactly who he is.
Likes food, but has no discipline. Exemplified by his sloppy presentation of those burgers.
>dyed hair
Style over substance. Will prioritize exotic ingredients over common sense cooking principles.
No respect for his body and thus no respect for the ingredients he uses. Will tarnish quality with store bought garbage.

>> No.13506653
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Dam dude, I agree in principle but people change you know? Anyways I think he makes food that is on the fatty side, loads of butter and oil, salty and spicy, is for the fried palate clientele, the murican and the shart people.

>> No.13506695
File: 304 KB, 562x562, 1552361036283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Canada is in America

>> No.13506701

Funny guy. Okay chef. I watch him from time to time

>> No.13506712

pot au feu is a classic when this bloated fuck isnt shitting all over it

>> No.13506736

I like that he’s not a pretentious classically French trained chef. Can be a bit annoying.

>> No.13506820

Unlike most of /kv/ I’ve actually cooked some of his recipes and they are solid.

His citrus grapefruit dip is very good and not difficult or expensive to make.

>> No.13506942

Canada is in NORTH America, not America.

>> No.13507082
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Woudln't north america be in america? Wait is there anywhere in the world that isn't in america?

>> No.13507172

USA is OF America, not America.

>> No.13507176

he's a loud retarded incompetent cook. his recipes are ok, but he is an insufferable cunt

>> No.13507255

classic doesn't always mean good.

>> No.13507267

it doesnt obviously but some people including me do have an appreciation for a nicely made pot au feu
imo it needs to have tongue in it

>> No.13507278

>Action Bronson
Fuck that Jewish wigger

>> No.13507283

this is the biggest problem for me, I hate how he talks and his subject matter for metaphors. Also saying fuck 1 in every 2 words doesn't make you interesting

>> No.13507288

I loved when ghostface killer told him to shut his mouth or else he was going to get dissapeared and action bronson basically got down on his knees and kissed his feet while apologizing.

>> No.13507291

Nigga you know what he meant when he said “average American male,” don’t play dumb, he didn’t mean fucking Guatemalans or Paraguayans

>> No.13507296

Sounds like a typical wh*te dog. Submits to the kara boga on command

>> No.13507321

Delicious recipes, entertaining videos, but my god would I hate to be in a room with him for more than 15 minutes.

>> No.13507386

Matty's a decent chef and his receipts are accessible unlike that cunt Babish, but he's annoying as fuck. Funniest thing he's done with go noodling with Brad

>> No.13507602

Hes got some good recipes.

>> No.13508019

slobby disgusting trash. gives me the heebie jeebies

>> No.13508399
File: 338 KB, 328x400, r9jTPAq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bam margera cooking show

>> No.13508526

>saying naughty words while being fat and eating burgers = what a cool guy
Fuck you and the rest of the sőyim who enabpe this disgusting judeo-muslim dough meteor. Look at literally any image of him and imagine the fucking smell. What the fuck is wrong with you?