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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13501703 No.13501703[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"That'll be 7.68 + tip bro"

>> No.13501711 [DELETED] 

Imagine the smell of his vinegary shits

>> No.13501714

No one on earth says that. Stupid gay wad.

>> No.13501718
File: 457 KB, 600x450, 1304376955947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this nigger.

>> No.13501719


>> No.13501768

Stop being poor.

>> No.13501774

>stop being poor
>tipping someone behind a counter
Thats how you end up poor child.

>> No.13501792


If you can afford to eat out then you can afford to compensate extra gratuity when someone prepares a meal for you.

>> No.13501812

so $6

>> No.13501816

>spending an extra $1 when you shop is enough to break the bank
You're poor.

>> No.13501825

People behind the counter dont get a tip. Pretty simple.

>> No.13501826

all he did was take ur order. didnt prepare shit

>> No.13501829


Tell me something. Are you African American?

>> No.13501866

Tell me something. Is the only job youve had behind that counter?

>> No.13501871


We got ourselves a nagger here. You can tell by their insistence to not tip.

>> No.13501887
File: 46 KB, 807x659, 1566763840824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only nigger here is u schlomo. Its not my job to pay ur salary tell ur boss to raise ur wage or better yet get a better job than a waiter faggot. All minimum wage fags that get uppity deserve the rope.

>> No.13501890

Says the neet.

>> No.13501897

Lel good one, you got me - I dont tip the snot nosed kid who gawks at his feet when I order coffee.

>> No.13501899
File: 23 KB, 382x308, 1445960587043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says the neet.

>> No.13501922

Vinegary shits bot, go home

>> No.13502594

I generally do not tip wagie cashiers unless they offer a special service. Eat shit.

>> No.13502648
File: 131 KB, 525x809, 1568588026572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>service industry workers are only paid full minimum wage if they get 0 tips, otherwise your boss gets to take a cut of your paycheck

>> No.13502938

I've had a counter person at a chinee take out place hiss at me when I put an x over the tip section when paying by cc. entitled much? how much effort does it take to load a styrofoam take out box?

>> No.13502950

What's a MAKON33?

>> No.13503022

why did you take a picture of him?

>> No.13503285

ding fries are done

>> No.13503321

Tipping fast food employees isn't a custom, so it doesn't happen often.
Also servers aren't supposed to ask for a tip, and never say
>plus tip

>> No.13503352

>+ tip
Tips, and service charges are pre calculated, and included in the total automatically.

>> No.13503368

>paying for a tip at Fast Food Joint

>> No.13503369

>t. non american

>> No.13503872
File: 1.05 MB, 480x384, 1558802203705.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Australian
>Go to America
>Never tip
>Never eat at the same place twice

>> No.13504447

local mcdonalds only has one guy at the counter now because everyone was replaces with touch screen machines. Every time I went they had like 10+ people in line and no one at the screens. I dont understand do boomers and older zoomers not know how to use these?

>> No.13504472

Cash only, markofbeastfag.

>> No.13504475

rent free

>> No.13504499

>tipping someone before eating your meal
get a load of this faggot

>> No.13504511

Boomers are scared of credit/debt cards.

>> No.13504547

>give him:
>one 5 dollar bill
>two one dollar bills
>two quarters
>two dimes

You want a better tip? Get a better job, faggot.
If there is spit in my food, I'm specially coming back to shoot just you in the chest twice and watch you drown in your own blood.

>> No.13504553

just my two cents
*bum dum tssshh*