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13500854 No.13500854 [Reply] [Original]

>too many cooks in the kitchen edition

what are you baking this week, anon?

Thread #4
previous thread

>> No.13500940


I'll be making a three stage 90% rye sourdough. This is the full sour mix which was preceded by a basic sour (lower temp, longer fermentation), and a freshening sour (medium temp, medium fermentation time).

>> No.13500946
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>> No.13500950

Corn bread for chili night.

>> No.13501163
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I'm making standard bread for the week with some sourdough starter. Using this recipe.
I'm also making some banana and shepards pie lunch buns but I'll post those pics later in the thread

>> No.13501171
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>> No.13501179
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>> No.13501684
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wet-dry separation
how long is a 'long' fermentation?

>> No.13501689
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ready for the first proof. The oven is busy so it's going to be a room-temp (16C) proof today boys

>> No.13501696

What's a good way to get started with sourdough? Got a dutch oven for Christmas and I want to make some nice loaves.

>> No.13501704


Recipe is above.

>> No.13501892
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finished the first proof. I would say it only grew 2/3 the size it normally does in the oven proof.
I followed this guide to get it started. Then saturday morning I take it out of the fridge and feed it so it has 24 hours to prep before sunday baking

>> No.13501904
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some bubbles. I forgot to take a picture but I cut it into threes and put them in their bread tins. The oven was free so their second proofing will be done in there

>> No.13502113
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Final rye starter is almost ready to be mixed to dough.

>> No.13502264
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>> No.13502386

That member looks angry and needs some release ;) Get him in the oven before you have a messy accident on your hands.

>> No.13502404

Chill out m8, have some waffles, bacon and some syrup. Why is OP so uptight?
Perhaps he's scared of flying saucers and lizard people?

>> No.13502540
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Made madeline cookies for the first time tonight, had a pan I got as a Christmas present so I decided to try it out. Made them with lemon zest, lemon juice and crushed pistachio nuts, they taste pretty good.

>> No.13502546
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First loaf is in. Only kept the lid on for the first 6 minutes as rye needs a lot of time to firm up the crust.

>> No.13502562


They look great. I've never really done pastry stuff so it's still a mystery to me which is really nice. Love seeing what folks can do.

>> No.13502579

I know what you mean, I've self taught myself and there are still some things I need to learn. Once I perfect making macarons, I'm gucci.

>> No.13502612
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second proof all done. The loafs weren't cut evenly
Those look delicious! Very nice colour
Looking good!

>> No.13502623
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A little uneven. I don't love them but they will do for the week.
Next up is some lunch buns!

>> No.13502629

Based and Proustpilled!

>> No.13502661


Look decent, though I would let them darken up more.

>> No.13502669
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Three different flavours of lunch buns today: Banana dulce de leche (pic related), pizza, and shepards pie
Good point I'm going to chuck them back in for a little bit longer

>> No.13502675
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pizza filling and Shepard pie filling

>> No.13502696
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shepards pie filling balls formed and ready to go into the freezer. The left over bowl of filling was promptly eaten for supper

>> No.13502716
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Shepards pie buns done!

>> No.13502738
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First loaf is out.

>> No.13502764
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all buns rolled up, proofed, and ready to bake!

>> No.13502785
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all done!

>> No.13502793
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and a cross section of a cheesy boi

>> No.13502858


Are you using stream at all?

>> No.13502872



>> No.13502878

Looks good, anon.

>> No.13503018
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Based bread anon

>> No.13503043
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Second loaf almost ready.

>> No.13503069
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Second loaf. This one was retarded for the hour that the first loaf was in the oven. It's about the same height but around 30% wider....looking like the retarding gave it a slightly better proof.

Since these are so heavily rye they'll have to wait til tomorrow to cut into and see the crumb.

>> No.13504489
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lads, i tried to make bread in my dutch oven for the first time yesterday. turned out ok, however the crust lost its crispiness really fast (hours). anyone know what i did wrong / how to prevent this?

>> No.13504671


Most breads won't maintain a super crispy crust very long. One way to help alleviate that is to finish the bake for a longer time at a lower temperature. Things like ciabatta that are high hydration but are supposed to be crispy need a really long, low ish bake after the initial higher temp to get enough water out of the crumb, otherwise it will just rehydrate the crust once it's out.

>> No.13504673

why Sunday morning?

is this like, a Christian thing?

>> No.13504682


Sunday morning is mass, friend.

Mostly just timing. If you're doing any sort of preferment or retarding it's often convenient to build everything up on Saturday and bake on Sunday.

>> No.13504842

thanks a bunch anon, will try next weekend

>> No.13504879

>tfw spelt flour is so expensive compared to regular flour
>tfw there is only one shop that I know of on my city that sells spelt flour, so I have to drive there to get a bag
>tfw I prefer the taste and texture of spelt over regular wheat

>> No.13504894
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>every two days
this nigga eating a lot of BREAD

Nice crumb tho, loaf looks very German.
You can try adding in some bread spices for a good German style flavor if you've never done that before.
Equal parts:
Caraway seed
Coriander seed
Star anise
Fennel seed
Spice grind it up however fine or coarse you like and add a teaspoon per loaf.

That being said, sourdough is the biggest hype at the moment apparently.
People make sourdough everything.
But what I can't get behind is why there seems to be this competition of who can make the airiest, most irregular crumb.
Some of the breads look inedible. I mean obviously they're edible but what are you supposed to do with a slice of bread that is 90% air pockets?
Feels like make bread only to post a crumb shot.
Can't really hold any topping, can't smear butter on it, can't use it for dipping.

>> No.13504899

I really hope whoever took that photo didn't take it to brag. Good lord.

>> No.13504909

Looks great!

>> No.13505155

>not showing the bump
anon, is this a joke to you?

>> No.13505716
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Sourdough. Pretty great boys.

>> No.13505717

That's not even fucking bread anymore. How do you even do that?

>> No.13505722

cook it longer and let it cool next time you fuck

>> No.13505725

It's kind of impressive that they were able to get that crumb but it's like damn nigga, why???

>> No.13505770

It tasted good but I will keep it in mind for next time.

>> No.13506569

it's fuccin raaaaaaw

>> No.13506618

They were large bumps anon, I assure you.

>> No.13506643

Just my advice. When using a stand mixer, it's better to have the liquid on the bottom

>> No.13506932
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>> No.13507114

It is not raw. You all think so just because of a picture but in real life it is fine. I let it cool until warm. Sometimes I like the gumminess.

>> No.13508113

My sourdough is proving pretty awfully in the cold weather. The house I live in is pretty poorly insulated so the kitchen is quite cold when the heating is off for the night.
How do you feel about oven proving? Might give it a try if I wake up to yet another pathetic rise.

>> No.13508159

Maybe just use the pilot light?

>> No.13508179
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I made some basic white cupcakes, took em out to cool, put them in the tin, poked holes all over, poured lemon jello over them, let them sit in the fridge overnight. Might frost them with lemon whipped cream frosting or dust with powdered sugar but they are fine. Moist, reminds me of orange juice cake and a light lemon flavor.

>> No.13508209
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>> No.13508216
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Simple hotdog bread.

>> No.13508224
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>> No.13508231
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Sandwich made from long fermented bread.

>> No.13509565

I am on keto and have been making pure flax bread for a while. Just flax flour, flax seed, eggs, butter and spices. It is mostly fat, protein and fiber. It is a staple for me. Healthy and tastes good. A bit crumbly though.

>> No.13509883

No these guys just cooked in the oven. They are from a 'chinese steam bun' recipe but due to laziness I just chuck them in the oven

>> No.13509907

everything in this thread looks pretty good, the shepard pie buns look great
you could try 'painting' them with some eggs/butter mix, it'll give them a more appealing colour
I've always been impressed with low carb bread like that, for the macros it has you get a really good 'bread' experience imo

>> No.13510476

>sometimes i like the gumminess
lol nice cope

>> No.13510803

I would fucking eat all of these buns in heartbeat, they look delicious. Also post the banana dulce bread please!

>> No.13512182
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First test batch of an acorn squash levain.
24 hour cold ferment because yeast was miscaled (4 times too much)

>> No.13512949

Decided to try a different sourdough recipe and got a far stickier dough.
I was adding far too much flour during my abnormally long kneading so I eventually just stopped and left it to prove, will have to see how it turns out tomorrow.

>> No.13512957


Looks good, anon.

>> No.13514728


>> No.13514748
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70% hydration yeasted loaf. 60% whole wheat, 40% bread flour (I think, can't really remember).
Left it to proof at room temp for a day, stretching and folding every couple of hours.
Popped it in the fridge for four days and gave it a lil stretching once every 24 hours.
Developed some nice flavor, not sourdough worthy but cba to maintain a starter.

>> No.13514750
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Le crumb

>> No.13514899


That's an impressive loaf. Whole wheat flour tends not to take super well to extra long fermentations so good for you for making it work out.

>> No.13516170

Was way too hydrated and ended up sticking to the basket. Live and learn I guess, time for a misshapen loaf

>> No.13517312

My oven takes 40 minutes to preheat to 350 and the apartment complex is dragging their feet doing something about it. Picked up a bread machine for $6 at the thrift store. This weekend I’m going to try out an oat and flax whole wheat bread.

Whenever the oven gets fixed I’ll try a bread recipe I found with quark. I calculated it to have around 6g of fiber per slice and a bit of protein, but it’s more of a quickbread so won’t do well in the bread machine I have.

Looking for more high fiber and/or protein breads if you have them. Especially if they use flax, because I have a lot of flax to get rid of.

>> No.13518844

>way too hydrated
Mind yer baker’s percentage

>> No.13519815
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hey lads just got done baking this guy, based exactly on this dudes recipe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuk8Ma4gaeA [Embed] except i dont bother with all the folds he does, i just ferment the dough till its 2x-2.5x in size then shape it into a tight boule before dropping it in a basket and sticking it in the fridge for 10-12h retardation, then bake in a closed glass container so the natural steam will let it rise.

>> No.13519823

Post the crumb bud

>> No.13519833

still cooling fren

>> No.13519847

a little denser then i expected desu, i guess that makes sense when using a week old starter.. i remember getting a much more open crumb when i was using a mature starter a few years ago.

>> No.13519849
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forgot pic

>> No.13520184

gone make a nice grilled cheese