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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13496212 No.13496212 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13496225

Casual race mixing threads with crippled white guys, oy vey Jew chocolate. Seems there's no corner of this site the JIDF doesn't have covered.

>> No.13496231

Why is Israel allowed to stockpile nuclear arms while forcing the US to intervene when other ME countries start getting nukes in response?

>> No.13496237

Because the holohoax

>> No.13496269

NOOOOO!!!! DONT DO IT!!!! NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.13496270

1/3 done
Not very creamy
Somewhat watery/oily consistency in mouth
Flavor is tame and fairly forgettable

>> No.13496300

I think I protested outside that company once, for sending care packages to an Israeli military division that was bulldozing the houses of dead militants in Gaza.

>> No.13496327

Just you wait until you taste the chocolate made from the milk of the red heifer, goy.

>> No.13496330

so pretty much you standard fare cheap easter chocolate you need to freeze to taste good.

>> No.13496336
File: 2.03 MB, 3024x4032, KosherMcDonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A souvenir from my birthright trip.

>> No.13496433

Made from the breastmilk of kidnapped and enslaved slavic girls.

>> No.13496470

>bulldozing the houses of dead militants

I don't see the problem.

>> No.13496501

Why is there so much antisemitism? What did Jewish people in general do to any of you personally?

>> No.13496515

antisocial manchildren think racism makes them edgy and cool.

>> No.13496567

Might have something to do with their blatant ethnic supremacism and generally treating all non-Jews like insects they were put on this earth to rule over.

>> No.13496605

You're projecting hard mate

>> No.13496612

I don't think you know what projection is

>> No.13496624

They literally call themselves the chosen ones of God. Goyim are like cattle to them.

>> No.13496629

You're an ethnic supremacist justifying your hate by calling another group of people ethnic supremacists. It's 'I'm better than him because he thinks he's better than me'.

>> No.13496634

How is that a reason to hate them? If you don't believe that Christianity is the right religion, chosen by God, then why be a Christian? It's a completely hypocritical way to think.

>> No.13496638

All humans have a right to self determination.
>not bowing down before G-d's chosen is "hate"

>> No.13496644

no cheeseburgers?

>> No.13496651

Did you get a good deal on it??

>> No.13496657

Christianity preaches love for all humans. Judaism encourages taking advantage of all non-Jews. Christianity is also not an ethnically based religion like Judaism is. Sure you can convert to Judaism but you are never racially going to be a Jew.

>> No.13496701

No it was 3 or 4 dollars

>> No.13496747

>red heifer

>> No.13496785

I donated to something that just sent chocolates, and other dumb shit to idf soldiers. Honestly thought I was buying them bullets, bond, and cod style jewggernaught suits for Muslim stomping.

>> No.13496801

There's a billion angry Muslims in the world.
Let's just say that it's similar to the reason why anti-Semitism attacks alqassam rocketed in the same areas where Muslim refugees were placed.

>> No.13496809

Now we're getting to the real purpose of this thread.
>Donate to the IDF Goym!

>> No.13496828

I would if they bought them better guns to shoot the Arabs.

>> No.13496903


JIDF have actually acquired janitor slots on both /k/ and /his/ and have been going to town trying to suppress pro-Iranian threads.

>> No.13496987

Doesn't surprise me. If if they're not in positions of power on the site it's so obvious this entire site has been on their shit list since the 2016 election. They were here before that but they shifted into maximum overjew when they realized stupid internet memes have a serious effect on elections.
All of the porn boards are filled with kosher shit like BBC cuck, tranny and all kinds of gay shit. Even /a/ and hentai boards get retarded posts about 2Ds being made for black dick. /fit/ get spammed with HAES faggottry and I've seen them pulling the female IDF soldier trick there. I'm sure just about every board has some variation of Jewry curtailed specifically for it.

>> No.13497030 [DELETED] 

Try saying naughty things about Muslims, and the Indonesian guy will b& you for a few days.

>> No.13497056

Oddly enough, despite being more strict about "hate speech" outside of /pol/, moderation on this site has been terrible for the past couple years. You pretty much won't get banned unless you get reported by some cuck.

>> No.13497060 [DELETED] 

>You pretty much won't get banned unless you get reported by some cuck.
Have a try at insulting Islam then.

>> No.13497069

weird, since they neither have real beef nor real cheese on them

>> No.13497072 [DELETED] 

Fuck Islam. Sandniggers tongue my anus.

>> No.13497081 [DELETED] 

Now keep doing it, but mention all the naughty things about Muhammad the prophet. Inbreeding statistics, and all the good stuff that Muslims don't like to see.

>> No.13497094

this will be your last mistake infidel

>> No.13497118

>pro-Iranian threads.
you mean russian and chicom shill threads that are completely mentally ill?

>> No.13497124

congrats, in a thread full of poltards, you're the biggest schizo

>> No.13497194

That lack of sex is messing with your head, bro.

>> No.13497234
File: 82 KB, 1854x237, ∕pol∕ delenda est.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is pure cancer.
Be the chemo by reporting any and all political threads and posts as off topic.

>> No.13497348

Will buy another foreign choco next week and report again. Thanks fellas.

>> No.13497397
File: 10 KB, 299x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, yeah it's a mystery, that's for sure.

>> No.13497569

because they're willing to assassinate US presidents who would deter their nuke arsenal