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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13494023 No.13494023 [Reply] [Original]

can cannabis use cause nutrient deficiencies?
asking for a friend

>> No.13494027

No but it can cause poor eating habits that likely result in nutrient deficiency
Stop eating sugary snacks and eat an apple you retarded stoner

>> No.13494222

dude ponies LMAO

>> No.13494226

Bruh what does the person who wanted this cake look like?

>> No.13494380

Yes it makes you retarded

>> No.13494420
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>Why yes, Twilight Sparkle is my favorite pony and I'd love the chance to smoke a blunt with her. How could you tell?

>> No.13494430

Cannabis may not cause nutrient deficiencies but since most people who use are wastoids it may seem that way.

>> No.13494435

Blunts are for niggers who buy shit weed that needs the taste covered up and for people who are stupid enough to want to do something because niggers do it.

>> No.13494441

This is why no one invites you to parties.

>> No.13494443

no one invites you because you smell like pot and talk about stupid hippy shit.

>> No.13494449

twilight wouldn't smoke anything

>> No.13494452

The person asked for a "Moana" cake and got a marijuana cake instead.

>> No.13494459

Blunts are the weed equivalent of cigars and mixing weed and tobacco is patrician.
Educate yourself: https://herb.co/learn/smoke-weed-and-tobacco/

Twilight is a genius and geniuses are know for their drug use. She buys it from Fluttershy and she gets a nice discount for being friends.

>> No.13494478

>geniuses are know for their drug use
lol no

>> No.13494483

The least you could do is google it before making yourself look like an uneducated idiot. Denying reality doesn't make it any less real.

>> No.13494595

I mean, the carcinogens and other materials you absorb while smoking do damage your lungs somewhat. It wouldn't be outside the realm of some possibility that you'd be deficient in some protein the body makes to maintain the integrity of your lungs. Just a hypothesis. I mean there's not a lot of research regarding it. Sure fucking should be but plenty of people to blame for why not.

>> No.13494598

Blunts are the weed equivalent of eating prime rib after you've dipped it in a used toilet you fucker.

>> No.13494602

why is this article asserting that spliff in the US means a joint with weed AND tobacco? why are they lying?

>> No.13494603

The dirty fucking canadians are to blame for why spliffs are even a thing. Why, why WHY?!?

>> No.13494609

No. It's used medicinally for cancer patients exactly because it helps them keep their appetite and nutrition up.

>> No.13494610

That's not what OP asked but you are correct, in the things you asserted outside of well, the whole point.

>> No.13494613

What do you believe nutrition is?

>> No.13494618

I would hang out with whoever that cake belonged to because I am fascinated by the existence of both the cake and the oompa loompa person that it must be for.

>> No.13494620

It's not medicinal cancer treatment you fucking imbecile.

>> No.13494622

I said it's for appetite and nutrition in cancer patients, not for treating cancer you smooth brained piece of shit.

>> No.13494625

Why am I supposed to predict your own insinuations? Christ, I feel like if you had to communicate verbally you would be in a world of shit.

>> No.13494627

It isn't an insinuation if I explicitly tell you that's what it's for you fetal alcohol syndrome baby with a keyboard.

>> No.13494635

Well now you're just upset.
Listen, where is this going?
I said I was on board with what you said in my first response. The OP is asking in general, is it POSSIBLE that the use of cannabis, in some capacity could cause a nutrient deficiency. The answer is POSSIBLY in it's smoked form. Which is like, stone age shit that some people are still down with.

>> No.13494645

I remember most of the heavy weed users back in high school
being incredibly thin and bony, so maybe. Maybe not.

>> No.13494649

Well, that's high school.
They might have been snowboarders or skiing all the time. It's impossible to stay fat doing that shit. It's like, those people that look really athletic but don't play any high school sports. There are private leagues and organizations.

aaaand that's a ramble

>> No.13494838
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>> No.13494868

somebody has never experienced the high class of tobacco + weed..... let's dial it back kid

>> No.13494962

Blunts are gay as fuck and you nigger faggots are too cheap to even get the good ones.
>hurr let’s buy shitty tobacco paper
They make wraps from unprocessed tobacco. They cost more, are amazing, and no one uses them because you all want your shitty dirt tobacco mashed into a “blunt wrap” and flavoured like kool aid...

>> No.13495029

>mixing weed and tobacco is patrician
you'll say anything to enable your tobacco addiction, huh
weed is delicious by itself and should not be marred with the sins of big tobacco

>> No.13495041

getta load of this guy

>> No.13495340

Once I got into oils, I rarely went back to smoking. breathing in smoke of any kind causes cancer and we sure did find out that all those chinese vapes were causing collapsed lungs or whatever else I'm sure those are twice as cancerous as well.

>> No.13495362

being a moron with an unbalanced diet causes nutrient deficiencies

>> No.13495417
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>> No.13495434

Absolute combo!

>> No.13495446

I actually know a woman who died of lung cancer from smoking only oil. She didn’t smoke cigarettes, and she didn’t cut her oil with weed. Doc said had she smoked her oil with weed or even tobacco she most likely wouldn’t have gotten cancer.

>> No.13495484

make sure your weed oil doesn't have any Vitamin E added to 1) scam you and 2) kill you.
Vitamin E is fine ingested, but inhaling it will cause permanent lung damage. It has been found primarily in weed cartridges. Be careful, bro.

>> No.13495539

Nice baseless assumptions, jackass. You sure got me figured out. Now tell me my birthday and favorite color since you're apparently a fucking psychic.

>> No.13495565

it can exacerbate pre-existing mental health problems. It can impede people developing from adolescence to adulthood and cause people to become lazy and fat. For the vast majority of people none of this is relevant...but its not risk free. Also, going to work feeling like a half-shut knife after smoking the night before isn't fun

>> No.13495570

Yea but usually lsd, optiates, and amphetamines. Not fucking weed lmao

>> No.13495595

why do people even need vitamin E in a smokable?

does it act as a binder or whatever?

>> No.13495677

Those few "geniuses" doing drugs are always from established families with riches and contacts in the field. Being a drug writer or drug artist is just coping and the last chance to save what little esteem that person has.
Don't let yourself be fooled into thinking drugs had anything with "their accomplishment" to do!

Drug usage is retarded as hell but the pleasant effects keeps the user from noticing.

>> No.13495751

>all this arguing
The original guy was right, 99% of people who smoke blunts buy 99 cent wraps with some shitty artificial flavor and they wrap over one gram of weed (typically, weed that is $10/gram and NO you CANT BUY A WHOLE OUNCE because niggers are too poor to amass $100 at a time and only G’s by g’s).
So each blunt, for the poor retard who can’t into math, is over $10 and typically shared with at least 3 people who didn’t pay for shit and it’s completely fucking stupid because there’s some asshole who holds onto it while half of it burns away and he just talks his stupid ass off.

>> No.13495767
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how’d this board fall for pony baiting in the current year

>> No.13496250

All tobacco smokers are addicts.

>> No.13496252

>tfw collecting roaches and table scrapings and no one accuses you of stealing their weed
that was an interesting time of my life desu

>> No.13496257

t. plays video games and shitposts on 4chan for 16 hours a day

>> No.13496261

It's used to scam people because it's thick like THC/CBD oil.

>> No.13496266

I don't mean vaping oil, I mean they sell just straight up oil weed that your either spray or drip into your mouth. I never got into vaping it just seemed like a gateway for me to be smoking cigarettes again..

>> No.13496272

My bad

>> No.13496602

what kind of a person has a name like that

>> No.13496707
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no but suddeenly quitting after wake-and-baking for years can cause you to become extremely constipated

don't ever get to that point, it's more fun having a lower tolerance anyway

>> No.13496718

prepare yourself for the tsunami of Ayden-Brayden-Kaiden-Dradyns that are about to become adults

>> No.13496929

Oh god a whole thread full of unironic le rational stoners

>> No.13497355


>> No.13497859

>No but it can cause poor eating habits that likely result in nutrient deficiency
This. Eventually nearly all stoners get too lazy to cook proper fucking food and they resort to eating Mac n Cheese or $3 frozen pizzas every day for their one meal a day.
It's why every proper stoner is skinny as fuck and malnourished.

>> No.13497899

All the great, genius-type jazz musicians smoked weed. I don't even know if it's possible to play improvisational jazz without weed.

>> No.13498574

The transparent background on the horse image.

>> No.13498596
File: 41 KB, 500x364, f0388776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread started 7 hours ago
i don't fucking understand. i thought all ponyshit was instantly deleted with a warning. isn't that why we have the containment board?

where the fuck are the janitors?

>> No.13498625

You mean distillate you silly fuck.

>> No.13498628

Where the fuck is Lee?

>> No.13498632

WHO the fuck is Lee

>> No.13498637

>no but suddeenly quitting after wake-and-baking for years can cause you to become extremely constipated
I take t-breaks after long periods of time often and this has never happened. That has to do with your diet.

>> No.13498642

why are you in this thread if you don't like it?

>> No.13498730
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>> No.13498732

It makes retards even more retarded.

>> No.13499247

>the horse image

>> No.13499257

weed is the only thing that brings me joy in life now

>> No.13499492

Retard holy shit

>> No.13499550

weed makes me HATE processed food. you can just taste how fake that is

>> No.13499596

/ck/ mods are pretty lazy about deleting stealth pony. they don't care.