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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13491319 No.13491319 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /CK/ today I'll reveal my legendary tomato sauce.

Dice a medium/small onion and two garlic cloves.

Heat it in olive oil until it looks good.

>> No.13491321

Lookin' good. I wanna eat it already!

>> No.13491325
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Add a can of diced tomatoes and a little bit of tomato paste, heat it in highest heat for 5 minutes.

Stir when it smells burnt.

>> No.13491335
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Put in some herbs you like.

I chose dried basil and oregano.

Salt and pepper to taste add some honey if it's too acidic.

Heat some more.

>> No.13491351
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This is a fast recipe takes under 15 minutes so the sauce needs to be blended.

Blend the sauce and heat some more.

This step isn't needed if you plan on heating the sauce longer.

>> No.13491363
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Toss some pasta in this bomb ass sauce and serve it.

This recipe cost next to nothing and taste better than store bought tomato sauce hope you'll enjoy it anon.

Bon appetit

>> No.13491572

Mmmh tasty

>> No.13493826


>> No.13493830

>legendary tomato sauce
>is the most basic bitch sauce you can make
im not downing this sauce, it definitely has its place, but why would you ever call it legendary?

>> No.13493835

Make it and eat it before you judge you gay homo

>> No.13493838

thats literally the sauce everyone makes when they only have 30 minutes to cook you retard. everyone and their dad lived off of this while going to school

>> No.13493849

He's right homo

>> No.13493850

Shut the fuck up this sauce is different from the rest.

>> No.13493861

he's just exaggerating a bit to make the thread more entertaining

>> No.13493880

thats what i thought homo, just keep being a homo

gay boi homo lover

>> No.13493899

This sauce is fit for kings

>> No.13495312

Looks tasty

>> No.13495409

Now I'm left wondering what a legendary tomato sauce looks like.

>> No.13495415

Fresh ingredients + a little parmesan cheese.

And longer cook time.

>> No.13495493

> Hand picked tomatoes by virgins in the hillsides of italy.
> Herbs grown under constant super vision by monks praying the ancient prayers of wisdom and healing
> Olive Oil pressed by royal elephants and gathered in basins made of gold and amber
> All ingredients stewing for a minimum of 10 years, heated by the burning of preggo employees
> Lacto fermented in aged sherry casks, tasted daily for ideal tang and flavor.
> Jarred by Italian grandmothers and hand delivered.

>> No.13495499

> until it looks good
Stopped reading

>> No.13495524

Nigger the onion is diced just the camera that isn't good.

>> No.13495585

you could just use tomato puree instead of diced and skip the blending.

>> No.13495663

Christ, last week we were calling this shit gravy and now we're back to tomato sauce, how tf am I supposed to keep up.

>> No.13496830

Eeww onion chunks

>> No.13497362

My own recipe for pasta sauce to save you poor souls:
Cut finely 2-3 bell peppers and an onion, in a pot fry for 5 minutes with some olive oil.
Add 600g of ground meat, heat until lightly brown, mix to prevent chunks forming. Add 1kg of tomatoes (canned cube is fine but fresh is better of course), mix and warm up, add some more olive oil.
Let simmer for 40 minutes. Near the end of the process add basil, garlic (tyme and bay leaf) and salt to taste, mix and serve with pasta (linguine or capellini).
Optional: add mushrooms and/or carrots to the vegetables. I don't like carrots much and if you do add mushrooms, some types are better to pan-fry first because they hold a lot of water. If you don't have access to good olive oil just replace with butter or margarine, palm or other oils don't have very good taste. I like a lot of garlic in mine (3-4 cloves pressed).

Result is 5-8 large servings, you can freeze it, keep for 4 days in the fridge, or re-heated the day after. Budget is whatever ground beef/pork costs in your area and an hour of time.

>> No.13497377

WTF-this shit sounds gross. OP is a bad cook. Not enough garlic and never put onions again

>> No.13498999

>x cans of San Mariano's
>x-1 teaspoons kosher salt

drain tomatoes, reserve juice. roast tomatoes in oven 400 until charred on edges. reduce juice in saucepan with black pepper, splash of olive oil and white wine. stir in roasted tomatoes and blend. beats any 4+ ingredient sauce in blind taste tests, key is San marzano

>> No.13499006

lower heat

>> No.13499016
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When in the fuck will you people stop cooking in shit pots? This is a disgrace. Get a goddamn ceramic pot .. PLEASE. The iron makes sure the heat gets to every part of the sauce. Aluminum and shit stainless does NOT.

>> No.13499020

Do you shitheads understand what fond is? That's fond on the edge of the pot.

>> No.13499040

Only Italian-Americans call it gravy

>> No.13499062
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Here's my recipe for pasta sauce. It's legendary as FUCK and it fucks OP's sauce in the ass all night long. In fact, this is the best pasta sauce ever. Anyone who disagrees is just a mentally-ill hater, contrarian, or troll. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

>1 jar of Ragú Flavored With Meat
>1 5 oz. can of tomato sauce
>some mushrooms and onion
>sliced hot dogs and ground beef
>1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
>half a bottle of banana ketchup
>optional: chili flakes, processed cheese, Parmesan cheese
Brown the beef. Add vegetables and cook them until they're cooked. Add sliced hot dogs. Add the sauces and brown sugar. Optionally, you can add a slice or two of processed cheese for richness. Simmer everything until all the flavors get to know each other. Serve over pasta (I recommend rigatoni or spaghetti). Optionally garnish with low-moisture mozzarella, Parmesan, and/or chili flakes. Better than Jollibee

>> No.13499091

>Banana ketchup
>Hot dogs

>> No.13499109
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It made me into the man I am today.

>> No.13499123

>No carrot, no finely chopped anchovy, no fish sauce, no brown sugar, no toasted fennel seed, not caramelizing your tomato paste, no dash of worcestershire sauce, not seasoning with both salt and soy sauce

wtf OP

>> No.13499125

its a flip recipe

>> No.13499129

Why you stop at the first step of making the sauce?

Here's my tomato sauce recepie I often use:
>onion/garlic diced and cooked until it's about to get caramellized
>halfway there add cellery, it adds juicyness
>add mince meat. Brown it.
>add some concentrated tomato paste, you can even make a small empty spot on pan and brown it a bit
>add a can of whole tomatoes. They are usually better quality than chopped. If its summer just flat out add whole fresh tomatoes don't be a faggot. They'll cook into a sauce anyway.
>once sauce is to temp add fish sauce, lots of salt, pepper, star anise, mb some s0y, chilli powder maybe bit of beef stock. Bay leaf if you believe in placebos.
>cook it for as long as you can and remove the fat that raises to top
>if its too thick you can add some water.
>if you want to finish it off you can throw it in oven and brown the top

Later you can add shit like cream cheese

>> No.13499151

>actual cooking

>> No.13499155

>when it smells burnt
Your sauce is ruined. Dropped and yikes

>> No.13499172

My mom showed me this when I was 9 years old, come on do something ORIGINAL

>> No.13499215

a little bit of "burning" can make some things taste better. i had pasta with sauce that someone burned a little bit one time and i actually liked it. just have to be careful to not overdo it, 5 minutes might be too much unless the sauce is really watery.

>> No.13499546

You realize you don’t know an ounce of shit about cooking right?

>> No.13499564
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Here's how you make a ragù bolognese you should tried you sad fuck
>dice onion, celery, carrot
>make a bouquet garni of rosemary and sage
>add two undiced cloves of garlic
>chuck all this into a big pan and sweat it out for 10-12 mins
>add 1kg of beef chuck
>sear that shit on the bottom of the pan
>after 10 mins of tossing add half a bottle of red wine, reduce it to virtually nothing
>add tomato paste, bake it for another 5-6 mins
>ad half a liter of passata and half a liter of water
>bring to a boil and then let it simmer for 1.5-2 hours

It's not rocket science. Just serve it with pecorino and tagliatelle/papardelle/gnocchi and you're set

>> No.13499572

>tagliatelle with bolognese

>> No.13499894

Do you know shit about cooking?

>> No.13500271

burned is burned. maillard is what makes shit taste good, but if you smell it burned, well then you've just create pure carbon, and that's garbage.
this is going to taste like shit 100%

>> No.13500275

Kek you got autism.

>> No.13501064

How can you say this recipe is shit if you haven't tried it?

>> No.13501091

Because we all have. This is a basic tomato sauce.

>> No.13501093

Holy fuck, babbys first tomato sauce? That is so fucking elementary. Legendary to who? And you burned it on purpose. Please never cook again

>> No.13501099

Dumbest post I've read all year

>> No.13501958

It's true

>> No.13501987

this is what I do, I always reserve the canned juice and reduce it. I guess because I never remember to buy tomato paste.
adding sugar or honey to your mary is heresy, unless you're a chef at a summercamp.
carrots are correct

>> No.13502082

It's not burning, idiot. It's browning. Burned is burned

>> No.13502095

Hey retard, are you aware that carrots have sugar in them? It's the same as adding sugar. You just choose to make arbitrary decisions about what is and isn't okay because you're obsessed with being an elitist.

>> No.13502128

I thought that was a joke post with only that single post and chuckled.

But it really is tomato sauce.

>> No.13502243

I wrote it's true Browning it is not burning it.

FFS contain your autism.