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File: 98 KB, 615x820, 0_Spanish-cops-order-British-bar-owner-in-Benidorm-to-tear-down-Union-Jack-bunting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13490695 No.13490695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw some poofter Yank tells me his Double "IPA" or Stout with a poof name like Bearded B*stard that comes in tiny bottles is better than drinking pint after pint of lager with the lads in the pub

>> No.13490701

nice wine glasses you buncha Marys

>> No.13490713
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Pint's a pint lad, simple as

>> No.13490721

>brit fats

>> No.13490732
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Go yikes yourself, cunt

>> No.13490735

bow down fog breathers

>> No.13490772
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In any irish pub worth it's salt, you will have draft pale ale, stout, red ale and cider among others.
Don't know which drinking culture you are referencing, but it's piss poor.
You are probably american yourself, really.

>> No.13490780

does england have gay bars or would that be redundant?

>> No.13490793

>Shaved head
>Fat, out of shape
>No muscle
That guy probably thinks he is intimidating.

>> No.13490795


>Irish pub

That's the next country along ye daft cunt.

Irish pubs are shite anyway, it's like €6 for a 500ml glass (not even a full pint) and they basically all have the same row of beers like Guinness, Hop House, Smitwicks and Rockshore.

>> No.13490799

>5 quid pints

yeah no thanks mick
ill stick to the £2 pints at the local tyvm nonce

>> No.13490803

Stop this cringy LARPing please, nobody thinks it's cool.

>> No.13490808


We're both right, you're the one LARPing by wanking off about Irish pubs

>> No.13490855

Irish pubs are also stupidly over priced in Canada, English pubs are GOAT.

>> No.13490864


Good lad

Irish pubs are pure plastic paddy bait

>> No.13490892


Only one nonsoi lol

>> No.13490896

Not in Ireland you dumb fuck.
Stop LARPIng.

>> No.13490928

Who the obvious gay in the tank top?

>> No.13490978
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>tfw some faggy Brit tells me his "pint of lager" with a faggy name like Camden that isn't even 5% ABV is better than chugging a 40 oz Steel Reserve at 6am in Arizona

>> No.13491001

I'll just stick with drinking liquor straight from the bottle in the morning.

>> No.13491005

You know we certainly have our problems, and I'm certainly not proud of being American at the moment, but I thank my lucky stars every day that I was born here and not in England.

>> No.13491012

>I'm certainly not proud of being American at the moment
why, because you got btfo by a thirld world shithole and let it happen?

>> No.13491018

no, because huge swaths of our countrymen are uneducated, racist, and hateful bigots. Each and every one of them literally does not have the mental capacity to look past their hatred and stand up for their fellow Americans. We're slowly but surely waiting for them to die of hookworm and heart disease.

>> No.13491027


>dying earlier with no healthcare and less banter


>> No.13491034

gee I wonder why they don't cheer on being replaced and wished death

>> No.13491038

>have your entire life revolving around the tabloids of what a prince and his princess are doing, or soccer
>having that awful accent
>not being able to cook literally any good food.
being British must be no laughing matter. It truly sounds like an awful existence.

>> No.13491102

>having that awful accent
Not everyone is from bristol

>> No.13491116

What's Bristol? Is that a part of London?

>> No.13491117

Someone please post the guy who will out-quaff anyone.

>> No.13491125

Just a city full of people who say most things wrong.

>> No.13491137
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i want to rub their bellies

>> No.13491139
File: 159 KB, 702x1024, 2e47f3a0b17b705abc3815bd889eadeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy in the blue shirt is cute cute CUTE

>> No.13491144
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Jack Mackintosh?

>> No.13491152

Indeed. Thank you.

>> No.13491158
File: 76 KB, 480x640, breaking-norf-middul-will-neva-scrap-again-peace-treaty-between.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've got the same belly desu. Love me pies, love me pints, simple as.

>> No.13491166
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needs to be rounder

>> No.13491172
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It is pretty round lad

>> No.13491175

holy shit cute

>> No.13491180

replace the first line with what the kardashians are doing and handegg, and you have described burgerland perfectly you fcunt bumdragon

>> No.13491206

literally nobody watches the Kardashians, and football is a very small portion of the massive sports industry we have. More people show up to our Major League Soccer games, which nobody really attends anyways, than to your biggest soccer games.

Stay mad crooked teeth.

>> No.13491226

>rainbow flag by the door
You're the poofta

>> No.13491236

that's good news for me

>> No.13491237
File: 98 KB, 727x977, world-football-attendances_25-highest-drawing-football-leagues_2013-14_no-1-is-bundesliga_f_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>More people show up to our Major League Soccer games, which nobody really attends anyways, than to your biggest soccer games.

Absolute cretin lol

>> No.13491260

lol wtf is a cretin?
I'd unironically rather be dead.

>> No.13491381

are you unaware of what a cretin is or are you merely pretending to be?
it's sad af either way

>> No.13491394

Steel reserve is a lager dumb ass

>> No.13491493

A High Gravity Lager, 8.1%, what you know about that? Probably nothing.

>> No.13491703

I'd pay good money to rub that belly for good luck. Special bonus if I saw the wittle weewee rising.

>> No.13491714

lmfao burgerboy got rekt

>> No.13492083

Try a Session IPA, op. They are much more palatable in volume. I used to be a big fan of huge ABV double, triple IPAs and the like. Then I realized I liked them because of the alcohol content, not necessarily the taste. Session IPAs are hopped much more lightly and typically don't have an ABV of above 6%, so you could actually throw them back with the boys.

There is also the possibility that they just have different taste from you and prefer a sipping beer that has layered flavors rather than whatever Euro-American (it's all the same) piss pale lager with low ABV and low flavor.

>> No.13492178

Seriously. Every country I've bothered to try an Irish pub, it's nothing but assholes and losers and it's shit atmosphere. USA, Canada, Spain, France, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, UAE, and Chile.

British stuff sucks in general but Irish is the worst of all of them.

>> No.13492281

>uneducated, racist, and hateful bigots.
>does not have the mental capacity to look past their hatred and stand up for their fellow Americans

fuckin lmao

>> No.13492302

>More people show up to our Major League Soccer games
the only people who watch MLS are hipster try hard faggots who like to pretend they're ultras. MLS is fucking god awful, no skill, baby tier bullshit compared to UEFA leagues

t. American

>> No.13493050

You sound like a nigger chink kike wop faggot wetback gook spook loving nancy boy.

>> No.13493153

as what?

>> No.13493169

>combing usa and canada

>> No.13493769


>> No.13493968

Beerfags are such losers.
>oh you had x brand? Haha. That's funny. I remember when I didn't know what a good beer was.
>here, order this kind next
Just stfu and drink the beer

>> No.13493987

Irish beer is kinda boring but it's getting better. O'Hara's is pretty much just Guinness from what I've tried

>> No.13493996
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beer is about 20,000x worse than soy
beer is the most estrogenic swill on the face of this planet
bland lager is at least the less harmful type, and the only type that tastes non-poisonous.

belgian ales and IPAs are craft beers in general are for extreme bugmen

>> No.13494012


>> No.13494519
File: 99 KB, 609x615, 1576479763218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'ave a pint wif me lad

>> No.13494532


> Layered Flavours

Fucking lol, it's shitty juice for manchildren.B-but muh IBUs make it sophisticated!

>> No.13494557

old speckled hen has got to be the most godawful shite I have ever had the displeasure of drinking
I'd rather a cup of muttwater

>> No.13494641

Drink Guinness

>> No.13494821

>the virgin craft beer vs the chad real ale