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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13488753 No.13488753 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the most talented?

>> No.13488772 [DELETED] 
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OMG are those E-CELEBS?!!?!




Do they have makeup videos as well? Mukbang maybe?


>> No.13488779

Sohla, because I want to marry her. Other factors can not overrule this single desire. Second best is Priya, because I would try and marry her on the rebound after Sohla turned me down.

>> No.13488780

I don't know a single one of them.

>> No.13488783

This user is underage.

>> No.13488788

absolutely, unequivocally, undeniably, unbelievably based

>> No.13488791

This is true. Us real adults love our e celebs. I have about 5 I worship here on the ‘chan.

>> No.13488793

Nice. Top 3?

>> No.13488796 [DELETED] 
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Chris Morocco, far right, is a closeted gay man in a sham relationship with a (probably lesbian) woman.

People falsely claim gays are accepted now but that such an obviously gay man would be married to a woman with kids and nobody says a word about it to try to rescue him speaks to the continuing erasure and marginalization gay people, especially feminine voiced gay men face in our societies.

>> No.13488801

Angry vidya nerd Jon tron pewpie

>> No.13488803

Chris. Never seen him fuck up anything and god damn are those episodes with recreating the dish without seeing it good. Its no small task. Claire is pretty creative but not as talented as Chris.
I think theres more contenders for the worst cook than the best talent honestly.

>> No.13488804

Realistically it's probably Chris or Carla. I think Chris has the most developed palate, but Carla is the best all-round chef. Although, Andy's knife skills are great and he can dress a dish like a motherfucker.

Sohla is the best up and comer and Brad gets a lot of creativity points.

Shit tier = Molly, Priya, Christina, Amiel
Wholesome tier = Gaby
Bro tier = Delany

>> No.13488806 [DELETED] 

Gays deserve to be sidelined and derided.

>> No.13488808

i'm gay and i agree

>> No.13488812

R u a dom daddy bitch fuck me

>> No.13488815
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>> No.13488821

she is literally the ugliest fucking frumpy ass dumpy ass head ass mutt bitch ive ever seen in my life

>> No.13488829
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>she is literally the ugliest fucking frumpy ass dumpy ass head ass mutt bitch ive ever seen in my life

>> No.13488830

Why were you so keen to announce that she is not to your taste? Probably because she is way out of your league and you're angry that you will never feel the intimate touch of anybody remotely as attractive as her.

>> No.13488831
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You do realize the men who post here and idolize brown women and probably so far down on the totem pole they cannot afford to care? There's much worse than her around.

>> No.13488832

>reddit spacing

>> No.13488855


Reddit spacing is the space between reference post and first line. I am demonstrating it in this paragraph.

This paragraph is not reddit spacing. It is appropriate formatting for readability.
This paragraph is just poor formatting. It is what a newfag does when he is tricked into misunderstanding reddit spacing.

>> No.13488877

Chris Morocco is a closeted gay man in a sham marriage to a woman he doesn't love.

>> No.13488922

He could be bi. I abandoned the best relationship I ever had because she was a bi woman and I was scared she would never be satisfied with committing to my dick, but for the sake of others I still have hope I was wrong about that.

>> No.13488940

It’s official. The moderation team here at 4channel support BA e-celeb faggotry. Maybe they even have a monetary incentive?

>> No.13488997

Only thing that matters is who is the most based and that is Delany by a country mile.

>> No.13489037
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what the fuck

>> No.13489044

1. Rick
2. Andy
3. Claire
4. Chris
5. Carla
6. Brad
7. Priya
8. Delany
9. Sohla
10. Christina
11. Gaby
12. Molly

>> No.13489095

SS Tier
Sohla, Chris

S Tier
Andy, Rick

A Tier
Claire, Brad

B Tier
Molly, Carla

C Tier
Delany, Christina, Priya

Literally a dishwasher tier

>> No.13489155

shes too short, her little arms would never reach the bottom of the sink without her falling in

>> No.13489226
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Bisexuality is gay erasure.

He's clearly gay and repressing his preference to date men to fit into a society that expects men to date women.

>she was a bi woman

women are walletsexual

>> No.13489273
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>> No.13489282

im in love with molly. she looks like my high school/college crush

>> No.13489293

>Who is the most talented?
Brad, how is this a question? How are all you faggots getting this wrong? Brad can and does literally hunt and forage for his ingredients. His recipe's are all daring experiments. Literally everyone else is making shit their mom taught them.

The follow up is Chris because he's talented enough to taste dishes and recreate them blind folded, and also trick a woman into thinking he's straight

>> No.13489308

>bisexuality is gay erasure
And that's a good thing

>> No.13489326

Its a toss up between Brad and Alex

>> No.13489351
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their marketing team which pays 4channel to protect their kike threads from 404ing

>> No.13489353
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>> No.13489358 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13489359

Brad is the only one with the charisma to be a breakout star, along with his imaginary friend Vincenzo.

>> No.13489376

pretty incredible that he's greeted to the best comfort women in the country each morning.

>> No.13489377

hes got charisma but he cant make a decent meal to save his life, but i suppose that accounts for 98% of this board

>> No.13489396

No it's not. You're retarded.

This is reddit spacing.

It's putting a blank line between every sentence.

Redditors do this because of something on reddit that fucks up their formatting when they don't,

I don't actually know what the issue is there because I have never actually made a single post there.

There's plenty of normal uses for whitespace in typical 4chan formatting.

But newfags don't know this because they have only been here since around 2017 so they call all whitespace "reddit spacing" so they can act like an oldfag and hope their newfagginess doesn't show.

>> No.13489470

Ahhh it’s good to see an oldfag round these parts.

>> No.13489482

He kind of fucked the lentil burger with the wrong flour but still, you'd probably let that slide

>> No.13489492

Sohla is fat lesbian

>> No.13489545

He's not great at regular cooking, but he's really knowledgeable about atypical stuff like fermentation and such. His best work by far is on It's Alive.

>> No.13489581


>> No.13489651

fuck you

>> No.13489683

This show is incredibly disgenic. I feel like I’m getting Tay-Sachs just by looking at the pic.

>> No.13489784

Priya is so god damn annoying. Every fucking video is just her talking about her parents and bobbing her head around like a mental patient

>> No.13489804
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Obviously based Chris. Honestly he's the only one that seems like he knows his shit.

>> No.13489812

He's a closeted gay man in a sham marriage.

>> No.13489823

yeah but he channels the frustration of that into his cooking

>> No.13489835

Never thought of it that way.

That said, I don't think we should be rewarding people who choose to deny who they are.


>> No.13489897

>1st, Carla
++Mortherly vibe
+Experienced around the kitchen
+Capable of improvising
+Entertaining without being cringe

>2nd, Brad
+++"It's Alive" season 1 was pure kino
+Relaxed aura
+Capable of improvising
--Lost half of his magic after Vincenzo left

>3rd, Molly
+-Motherly looks (If she doesnt tie her hair and wears an apron)
+-Somewhat knowledgeable
+Entertaining without being cringe

Chris is alright
Andy is one of those homos who would cook a tree bark and pretend its delicious
Gaby is Gaby

>everyone else

>> No.13489916

>deny who they are
What he is doing is called the rational-gay-man's-choice. Suck up their homolust and get into a relationship with a woman, just being a regular man.

t. lgbt expert

>> No.13490913

Delany and Brad are obviously the best. Carla has a hilarious last name.

>> No.13490922

Sohla is very talented and brad can cook. Priya is easily the worst. She can't cook anything and makes indian food instead of the shit she is supposed to be cooking. Fucking talentless diversity hire.

>> No.13490938

Idk why they're pushing the indian shit so hard anyways. 80% of the ingredients they're talking about you can't find easily if you're not living in a city like fucking NY.
And most indian food is disgusting slop, it's plates full of brown, green or yellow mush.

>> No.13491134

Whenever it says “professional chef”
And has Priya in it I roll my fucking eyes.
All she knows how to cook is Indian food and doesn’t even know how to flip food in a fucking pan. Professional chef? Fuck off

>> No.13491141


>> No.13491186

>mutt Velma and a literal kike
Big fucking yikes.

>> No.13491333

Why are only the women diverse?

>> No.13491385

because white women can't cook to save their lives

>> No.13491402

She said on camera she never tried cooking a pizza before that episode. Who the fuck makes a career of cooking without trying to make a pizza?

>> No.13491412

She's a writer. She was employed to write for the magazine. She was close to releasing a book about her mother's Americanized Indian food at the same time they were looking for a replacement for Claire, and was given an opportunity to promote it.

>> No.13491440

The Claire situation remains bizarre to this day. She barely seems to work in the place anyways, in one of the more recent videos Brad asked her if she's around next week and she said only on Monday.

>> No.13491441


>> No.13491456

She's now employed casually rather than as a full time salaried staff member, pursuing other career options through most of the week while retaining public exposure. I believe she's working on a cookbook of her own.

>> No.13491495

While still complaining about working so very hard. Kinda funny how they're pushing her as a pastry chef when the dumb fatty only really ever did two internships

>> No.13491508

Do you work there?

>> No.13491544

That's the gimmick of the series, brainlet wojak.

>> No.13491658

Actually I checked her instagram. She and Priya are white cock whores.

>> No.13491810

agreeable, id fuckin eat bbq with delany in a heartbeat

>> No.13491830

based nazi

>> No.13491857

We need to bully Brad into body dysmorphia so that he'd starve himself and exercise every spare moment he has.

>> No.13491892

Why are New Yorkers so insufferable. t. New Yorker

>> No.13491906

Chris has the most talent, Andy is the most fuckable.

>> No.13491925

new york men are effeminate, that doesn't make them gay

>> No.13491930

>man is effeminate
Or maybe he's just effeminate and straight. It happens. There are also gay men who are very masculine at not flamboyant or effeminate at all. Homosexuality isn't determined by mannerisms, it's determined by whether you are attracted to dudes.

>> No.13491954

Andy is some kind of Italian mutt and Rick is Mexican.

>> No.13492002

You mean Iranian you idiot. Stop going on pol

>> No.13492028

How often do you reckon Brad gets food poisoning?

>> No.13492216

I was going by his last name, Baraghani. Sounds Italian to me, but he also doesn't look fully Italian, hence "mutt" because he seemed indeterminately mixed in some way. I don't mean it in the demeaning/racist /pol/ sense. Once upon a time people used that word without the harsh connotations. My family and I always called ourselves mutts because we don't have any one strong historical heritage, we're just all generically white.

>> No.13492230

It's a term for dogs. There is an implied subhumanity when you apply it to people. Your family was being self-deprecating for comic effect.

>> No.13492239


>> No.13492369

All my life people have said that to each other without being offensive. It's just shorthand for not having a strongly defined heritage. It was /pol/ bullshit in recent years that turned it into something offensive and nasty. I meant no harm by it, really.

>> No.13492407

Which stinks worse, Indian cooking or Priya's crotchal zone?

>> No.13492430

I don't like how Priya just ignores 100% of the prompts on those "Chefs cook X" type videos. "Oh, I'm supposed to cook a specific type of cuisine? Nah, I'm gonna cook some unrelated Indian garbage." It's frustrating, and it's so obvious she's hiding her limited cooking ability and food experience behind being lolsorandom and always cooking Indian food for no reason.

>> No.13492796

It's an Iranian name you idiot

>> No.13493651

She really can't cook anything.

>> No.13493682

>Claire Saffitz is a freelance recipe developer and video host.
>Previously, she was Senior Food Editor at Bon Appétit magazine, where she worked for five years in the test kitchen.
>Claire is continuing to host the “Gourmet Makes” series for Bon Appétit and is currently working on a cookbook project slated for Fall 2020.


>> No.13493698

Jesus. She hasn't had a published article since 2016, hasn't designed a recipe since 2017, and hasn't done any food styling since 2018. Minor internet celebrity is all she has going for her at this point.

>> No.13493747
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Molly's underwhelming on this channel, at best. So I was surprised to learn she used to work boh at Picholine, an amazing restaurant I loved going to (on the rare occasions I could afford it). She must have had skills back then. How did she get so meh?

>> No.13493842

He has a second life in hollywood, going under the alias Patrick Fischler.

>> No.13493913

I want to lick Sohla's sweaty armpits

>> No.13493947

Sidenote: The amerimutt meme came from /int/ because it made fun of the 1488 nazi /pol/acks from America preaching about white supremacy while being 23% white on DNA tests.

>> No.13493969

She’s working on a cookbook and makes the most popular videos for Bon Appetit. She’s doing pretty well 2bh.

>> No.13494064

chris 1st, andy 2nd, carla 3rd. everyone has their own specialties, but that isn't talent. christina figured out the obvious recipe, so she should probably get more time... instead of brad making fuckin bologne sandwiches

>> No.13494091

She is fucking worthless. She is NOT a baker. She's a hack. Brad was at least funny editing.

>> No.13494208
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No homo but I really want Andy to snap my neck off and cum in my decapitated hole

>> No.13494232


>> No.13494278

"I'm gonna rip off your head and shit down your neck" is a phrase used by Duke Nukem in Duke Nukem 3D upon encountering the second boss, but like many Duke 3D lines has a much richer history of reference in the cultural canon. You could definitely have achieved more with your post by attempting to reappropriate this.

>> No.13494466

This is honestly THE shittiest list you could ever come up with unless you're literally that egomaniac Rick and in that case FUCK OFF RICK.

>> No.13494481

Even being an ignorant dolt Bargahni is closer to a middle eastern name than an Italian name you stupid mutt

>> No.13494484

Isn't this dude shoot 5'1? KWASB

>> No.13495906

A freelance success story? Good for her!

>> No.13495913

I know nothing about middle eastern names but every Italian I've ever met had a last name that ended in i, so it sounds Italian to me.

>> No.13495945

Baraghani looks as Italian as Alighieri, Battaglia, or Ghirardelli. Who gives a shit, anyway? It's all foreign.

>> No.13495963

Brad or Alex
I've been a fan since Alex took the blind taste test.

>> No.13496012

based stan

>> No.13496030

Italians don't look like Iranians unless they are literal rape babies that moved to the united states from sicily.

no it doesn't you mutt

>> No.13496100

My favorites are either brad or carla because their style of having fun with a recipe, adapting, and not being rigid in the kitchen is exactly how I learned to cook.
Technically, chris morocco is the most talented, however.

>> No.13496112

no idea.
but I would take molly, carla and priya out to lunch

>> No.13496140

Molly is hot af, but also seems like a real stuck up bitch, so mixed feels

>> No.13496149

you guys sleeping on Molly

>> No.13496547

>Molly is hot af
Really? That weird nose and underbite don't do it for me. I'm sure she's a nice enough person, though, and anyway à chacun son goût.

She doesn't strike me as stuck up, so much as sheltered, maybe was a bit of a princess growing up sort of thing. Who knows, who cares.

>> No.13496559
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>> No.13496561

It's an overbite combined with an incredibly weak jaw/chin which recesses her bottom teeth even further.

>> No.13496572

>She doesn't strike me as stuck up, so much as sheltered, maybe was a bit of a princess growing up sort of thing. Who knows, who cares.
Molly was definitely an only child to well-off parents who spoiled her. It was never more obvious than the finale of the Thanksgiving meal series when she brought her fucking dog to Claire's parents' house and kept shoving her into the center of attention all the time.

>> No.13496679

why do they let Delany cook? why do they let him on the channel at all to be honest

>> No.13496685

carla burns almost everything. it's kinda weird really

>> No.13496740

I'd definitely take her out for a dinner, if only she kept her mouth shut and I could sit across the table, rest my eyes on those dove eyes while having a steak and enjoying a glass of red in the candle light illuminating few freckles on her sweet cheeks.

>> No.13496841

he's cute

>> No.13496918

1. Chris
2. Brad
3. Sohla
4. Amiel
5. Delaney
The rest are talentless hacks.

>> No.13496938

That's the absolute worst take imaginable.

>> No.13496942
File: 392 KB, 772x629, 2019-12-27 19.23.56 www.youtube.com 3f339120b76d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentle reminder that that's her husband.

>> No.13496951

I'm better looking than he is, and I'm an ugly bastard. Also, holding her dog like that is unkind.

>> No.13496958

Nah, he's just a New Yorker.

>> No.13496972

Didn't she only get the job because her parents are hot shit and well connected or something? Even the YT comments, which are usually completely uncritical, tend to point out that she's complete garbage at cooking.

>> No.13496981 [DELETED] 

I think she's a freelancer now, basically only hired for the videos but otherwise not employed at BA.

>> No.13496985

Chris is the most talented, Brad is the most entertaining and likeable.

>> No.13497007

I saw the same thing on MasterChef. The white people were usually really talented, creative, skilled in various cuisines, tried to push their limits, etc. while the minorities only cooked their own food - so the Mexican grandma would cook Mexican every time, the Indian vegetarian would only cook Indian vegetarian dishes etc.

Guess who one every time (hint: it wasn't the talented white dudes).

>> No.13497016

Literally everyone can follow a recipe, Brad included. Its why he doesn't focus as much on it, because to him and to many others just following a recipe is boring as fuck. Instead, he experiments and invents, and creates new things. He works with things that often don't have a perfectly set recipe, and knowledge about it needs to be gained through experience.

>> No.13497973

Man she's a jawlet

>> No.13498120

absolutely BASED

>> No.13498131
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>> No.13498564

>Molly was definitely an only child to well-off parents
Her dad (Doug Baz) is a suburban wedding photographer. How well-off can they have been?

>> No.13498572

>Instead, he experiments and invents, and creates new things.
They work in a test kitchen, testing out new recipes for the magazine. Experimenting and inventing and creating is literally all of their job description.

>> No.13498581

from best to worst
(secret bro tier for Delaney who as far as i can tell doesnt actually cook but is based anyways)
everyone else


>> No.13498586


Carla is a horrible chef who gets by on seniority.

>> No.13498604

Wedding photographers actually make good money. I didn't say her parents were rich, just well-off, meaning they could afford to spoil their only child on account of not being poor.

>> No.13498608

Alex seems like hes really good.

Carla, Andy, Molly, Claire, and Brad have all proven themselves.

>> No.13498674
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>> No.13498687

Why isn't there a single white guy in the group?

>> No.13498711

Because prime material like that never stays single for long.

>> No.13498718

Eh? All the guys are white.

>> No.13498725

I watched a youtube video on some random lifestyle blog style channel that had her as the subject, she's spending her time working on a cookbook so she stays at home creating & setting recipies for it.

>> No.13498728

Doesn't need to prove herself so all her recipices are shit tier basic garbage.

>> No.13498742

Chris, Brad, and Delany are all clearly white. Delany is a fucking ginger for Christ's sake.

>All the guys are white.
Andy is Iranian and definitely not white. Nothing wrong with it, but those are the facts.

>> No.13498751


>> No.13498812

>Andy is Iranian and definitely not white
Sicilian, Iranian, they're both Caucasian. White is white.

>> No.13498844



>> No.13499039

>Wedding photographers actually make good money. I didn't say her parents were rich, just well-off,

I know plenty of photographers, and though weddings are their bread and butter, I wouldn't call any of them "well off." Maybe your friends are better?

>> No.13499042

Middle easterners are caucasian. How does that make them mongoloid or whatever we're calling Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese these days?

>> No.13499047

I think you and I just have different definitions of well off.

>> No.13499049

Why would you know "plenty" of photographers? That sounds like an unpleasant social circle. Anyway, not him, but there are lots of bridezillas who pay a premium for actually good photographers.

>> No.13499298

for me its Adam CHADfort because he treats them like the spineless, shallow, easily-marketed entertainment livestock they actually are

>> No.13499304

just admit to homophobia and stop bringing that weird gay erasure mentality over from tumblr

>> No.13499307

the opposite actually

>> No.13499315

everyone on that show seems like a degenerate

>> No.13499322

>being this proud of being ignorant

>> No.13499403

>can't even make mashed potatos
>is one of those typical cringe italian americans who thinks she has some sort of culinary dna

>> No.13499413

Molly is the typical gold digger, spoilt white whore.
All her ugly ass husband has going for him is probably his wallet.
Every time I watch her videos I hate her a little more.
Her obsession with her fucking dog as well.
Probably will never have a child because it would be "gross".
She looks like the person who will cook something on camera and then throw it in the trash after having taken her obligatory on camera test bite.
Secretly hates all the non whites in the kitchen too.

>> No.13499428

Probably alex or brad because white male

>> No.13499438

>projecting this hard

>> No.13499443

have sex

>> No.13499464

>Secretly hates all the non whites in the kitchen
This is actually based.

>> No.13499528

Only fuckable people in there are Brad, Chris and Carla. Discuss.

>> No.13499539

I always root for Chris in a competition because he's the most pragmatic.

>> No.13499541

Brad's face says it all

>> No.13499548

absolutely, undeniably, unequivocally based

rapo is a chad

>> No.13499552

Exactly this

>> No.13499597

You're an absolute fucking homo if you don't want to make mixed babies with Priya. Imagine her smiling face as you unload your balls inside of her. Come on dude, don't be a fucking faggot

>> No.13499696

so true

>> No.13499714

molly and adam videos are top tier

>> No.13499808

Some pretentious kike whore and a guy who has no idea about cooking, sure is top tier.
why does she act as if she were the authority on indian food?
she's a currynigger whore, that's all.
and her vocal fry makes me want to stab her throat
like when they talk about the hardest kitchen task and she portrays this filled currynigger pancake or whatever the fuck it was like this intensely difficult thing only a PRO chef can make.

>> No.13499860

This channel is just /ck/ bishojyo game at this point

>> No.13499861

they're funni together :(

>> No.13499888

my favorite bishoujo is andy.

>> No.13500112

I only watch Brad episodes, since he is the most entertaining.

>> No.13500136

I can't stand how she always looks hunched over all the time with her shoulders pulled together and her neck sticking out. Her shoulders and neck look so fucking tense it's unbelievable.

>> No.13500178

>why does she act as if she were the authority on indian food?
My theory is that Priya was incredibly sheltered growing up and has little to no culinary experience beyond the Indian food her mother would make. She somehow faked her way into Bon Appetit and now she has to hide how inexperienced she is by deflecting every single thing asked of her into some piece of trivia about Indian food. Notice how she mentions her mother's cooking in every single video where she's asked to make food. All of her (very limited) experience with food is filtered through that lens and it's literally all she knows, but somehow she tricks everyone around her into thinking she knows anything by just acting like an authority despite how she can't go a video without talking about her mom's cooking more than her own.

>> No.13500232

delany is the drinks expert at the mag

he does wine and cocktails

>> No.13500237

thanks delany

>> No.13500242

no problem bro!

>> No.13500287

Priya is only there for diversity points.

>> No.13500291

priya needs to go out to a restaurant that isn't Indian or something, oh my god

can't even make a fucking sandwich without inserting indian bullshit into it

>> No.13500301

too spicy for you, white boy? ;)

>> No.13500554

I kind of wonder if she still lives at home with how much she talks about her mom's cooking.

>> No.13500597

even more based

>> No.13500600

I hate Alex simply because I see my own overweight self whenever he's on

>> No.13500608

I love them all and want to make friends with all of them and cook great food together

>> No.13500666

That's funny especially since it's literally all white people who win every single spicy food contest.

>> No.13500668

"spicy food contest" lmaoo cope

>> No.13500680

And yet people love him, take inspiration

>> No.13500741

Where the fuck is Rick?

>> No.13500751

Truth hurts?

>> No.13500753

getting his nails did

>> No.13500837

Brad seems like the kind you guy you'd love to have a pint with, play video games or cuddle haha

>> No.13501615


>> No.13501638

post mollys kazar milkies

>> No.13501671

he was a complete douche on hot ones

>> No.13501840

He obliviously hates these challenges and doesn't really want to do them. Same with all the cooking challenges BA has started doing, he has no patience for those as well and doesn't really put in much effort.

>> No.13501970

Brad is nothing if not genuine. He's not built for burying his feelings and doing things he doesn't like just for publicity. He tries to bury it and be pleasant, but it boils over.

>> No.13502426

>ywn push Brad just a little too far and catch the look of murderous rage in his eyes
>ywn push his buttons even more and have him try to choke you to death with his huge hands

>> No.13503822

You just KNOW Brad has fucked Claire

>> No.13503836

Left kid is an absolute chad

>> No.13503870

If I knew brad, I would be his friend. So brad.

>> No.13504082

Fuck, anon... why even live?

>> No.13504109

Easily Chris Morroco

>> No.13504127

not really. he just reacted strongly to them.

>> No.13504149

Nah, but it's obvious she's thirsty for him and he knows it.

>> No.13504163

Sorry but that is not what I want my babies to look like. Don*t even mean it racist, just no. And as far as casual sex goes I would much rather go for a skinny pseudo european chick or a twink-ish tallboy.

>> No.13504164

i wanna nut on carla's face

>> No.13504206

>/ck/ is filled with e-celeb worshipping fags and minorities
What went wrong?

>> No.13504211

>brad leon
Chad Lion

>> No.13504215

>and minorities

just slippin that in there

>> No.13504245


brad seems like just a cool normal dude, someone who'd probably be really funny off-camera. i think it's obvious he doesn't feel comfortable having to perform like a circus clown now that they're constantly forcing him after people liked him so much

>> No.13504383

>Who is the most talented?
Is this a trick question?

>> No.13504427

More like super rich parents and trust fund living

>> No.13504440

who do you guys think is the biggest slut? i think molly takes the most dick easily

>> No.13504458
File: 112 KB, 612x612, 1544603233058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13504481


>> No.13504488

>Bisexuality is gay erasure
Then why do I jerk off to lesbian porn and gay porn?

>> No.13504623

i feel this.
but the answer is andy

>> No.13504649

Fucking low class sudra whore.

>> No.13504801

wow, and that's all in the space of a single second (14:58). i bet the rest of that video is equally cringe, but i'm not going to watch to find out.

>> No.13504901

This guy is the most obvious closeted gay dude - you need to have the intuition of a cabbage if you can't see this.

>> No.13504934

Leave your basement every once in a while

>> No.13504983

I was the most talented all along. Thank you for the support since day one.

>> No.13504988

molly is so fucking cute

>> No.13505020

based delany

>> No.13505094


>> No.13505304

chris "straight male" morocco

>> No.13505304,1 [INTERNAL] 

Molly Baz is the sexiest. I want to have sex with here and see her nude. She is the most beautiful, sexy, and perfect person in the universe.