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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13488717 No.13488717 [Reply] [Original]

just had this, it had a really nice red apple taste to it. makes for a really good adult soda. what are /ck/'s favorite ciders?

>> No.13488724

>drinking cell poison

>> No.13488728

it's not the poison itself that kills you, it's the dosage.

>> No.13488732

I've never tried alcoholic cider. In the North- midwest of the US, cider is typically only popular in the Fall time when we have numerous cider festivals. And they're nonalcoholic.

>> No.13488741

you know, I hear the same thing from smokers. One guy tried to tell me that inhaling a little bit of smoke is healthy. That's how stupid you people sound.

>> No.13488747

I'm not much of a connoisseur but I go for Weston's vintage as my default cider. Very dry though so you might not be a huge fan if you like sweet ciders.

>> No.13488750

alcoholic cider tastes a lot like wine with some apple mixed in. i find the overly sweet tastes of actual soda icky so i prefer to drink cider, even if it's more expensive.

even water can kill you if you take it too much. cider has a very little amount of alcohol and a healthy liver should have no problems handling it if you drink like a bottle a day.

>> No.13488754

i actually prefer dry ciders, although i do find different fruit flavors delightful.

>> No.13488757

>even water can kill you if you take it too much. cider has a very little amount of alcohol and a healthy liver should have no problems handling it if you drink like a bottle a day.

ok, so beat your face in moderation then. You can live just fine with a few beatings daily cant you? Your body should be able to handle that.

>> No.13488768

drinking cider is not comparable to a beating. i have drank stronger alcohols that have made me actually drunk and i can tell that cider is nowhere near that kind of amount.

>> No.13489287

Winter break is over, kid. Go back to school and let the adults talk about their booze in peace.