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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 112 KB, 600x550, 10-sukiyaki-hot-pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13483600 No.13483600 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw one chance at life
>born in America
>not born in based and comfy Japan
>will never experience hotpot on a cold winter day after school with close friends and gf
It's not fair.

>> No.13483615
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>he thinks Japan is like his gay cartoons
>he thinks he'd get to hang out with lolis instead of skipping childhood entirely and becoming a depressed sararyman
Why do you think those slice of life animes where nothing happens are so popular? Because most Japs never get to experience that kind of peace.

>> No.13483618

You will never pass.

>> No.13483643
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I know that feel, anon.

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.13483647

You will never pass.

>> No.13483654

I'm not trans you idiot. Im just a depressed wagie weeb.

>> No.13483657

>eating japanese food your entire life
no thanks

>> No.13483659

Then the first step is to stop thinking anime depicts life in any way. The grass is not greener in Japan.
And you will never pass.

>> No.13483662

Japanese cuisine is actually total trash.
>porkchop in soup

>> No.13483666


>> No.13483670
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Japanese people don't have friends or social lives. Their concepts of these things come from Western media, which they incorporate into their own because anime from the beginning was their attempt to copy Disney.

I guess what I'm saying is, you should wish you were born in Care-A-Lot, not Japan.

>> No.13483702

Yea just like America is like saved by the Bell and 90210.

>> No.13483783

But what if you get reborn as a loli?

>> No.13483788

hot pot is overrated
make yourself some chanko nabe

>> No.13483815

>>tfw one chance at life
>>born in America
What’s the problem again?

>> No.13483853

>not born in based Uganda

Why even bother with living?

>> No.13484084

Daydreaming faggot. You will never enjoy this life.

>> No.13484097

Seriously curious. Are you aware how pathetic you are? Not to insult, just genuinely curious.

>> No.13484106

anime = / = real life japan

in reality suicide rates are high and stress is through the roof and the whole country is on a perma decline

>> No.13485284
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>tfw born America
>tfw Shared a Hot pot with close friends and a qt on a cold night before
>tfw am white
>tfw you can do all this in America if you have a social life

Op you just need to get out more

>> No.13485322

Lol, well I totally get hot pot on winter days here in CA. Sounds like you need to move.

>> No.13485330

You will always pass.

>> No.13485363
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I would hope so. I was born a man, am still one and will always be one.

>> No.13485383


>> No.13485389

These homosexuals seem familiar.

>> No.13486035
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Pass whatu? Was there a testo I missedu, Anon?

>> No.13486040

seethe but also rent free and non-homogeneous

>> No.13486056
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Watashi goingu to failu, Anon desu ka?

>> No.13486066

You will never pass Go and collect $200.

>> No.13486236

The Persona 5 protagonists and they're NOT homosexuals expect for Ryuiji.

>> No.13486361

>What’s the problem
mass shootings and healthcare

>> No.13486374
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>tfw you are born in america
>land of the fast foods
>best burgers on earth
>best BBQ (supposetly, I don't know never tried it)
>enough foreign cultures to go and get authentic food in every major city
>best Bourbon in the world (hey atleast the best at making ONE type of whisky)

TFW you go online and bitch and moan about never being able to satisfy your weeb fantasy. Try getting some decent BBQ that isnt sausages in the middle of nowhere in Germany. You know no pain.

>> No.13486378

> He can't get hotpot in his neighborhood because he has no based japimmigrants
Lmaoing at your life

>> No.13486473

This frightens and angers the weeaboo

>> No.13486479

Don't live in a flyover state, problem solved.

>> No.13486498

>will never experience hot pot
There are multiple things wrong with this.
Not just the fact that you're romanticizing Japan but I'm in an major American city and I've had hot pot and korean bbq with friends around the corner from college.
You don't need to be in Japan for that shit.

>> No.13486519

I think it's obvious that OP lives in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, and/or is a shut-in.

>> No.13486523


>> No.13486567

Since he specified with friends or a qt I'm assuming both or maybe just shut-in.
I'm a nervous wreck with people and I've still had hot pot and korean bbq with friends since they both were cheaper than going to the burger joint or sandwich shop near them. They weren't even "all you can eat" places. The lunch special was $15 and $10 respectively and you walked out full and still had leftovers.
I yelled at this one dipshit who tried to use wooden chopsticks on raw meat to put over the fire when he had been given metal tongs but that was an outlier event.

My only problem with hot pot is that you have to wear clothes you don't mind smelling like the spices until you can wash them. Ventilation at that shop is not the best.

>> No.13487124

I live in White Plains NY and yes I am a shut in. No one at my wage slavery location talks to me.

>> No.13487209

>wanting to live in one of the most depressed countries in the world.

>> No.13488566


>> No.13488760

>growing up in asian society and having asian parents
nah I'm good

>> No.13489154

Fuckign lazy weeabo, you can buy all these ingredients in murrica and cook it yourself, now you only need to get friends and a gf

>> No.13489256
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>> No.13489360

Then you grow up to be a disgruntled salarywoman who never has time to get married.

>> No.13489431

I lived in Japan for 5 years. I know this is some grass is always greener shit, but it really isn't.

>> No.13489436

more like sell your body to a talent scout at the age of 16 and now have to service pudgy old men or star in weird AVs

>> No.13489468
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I think he means the bar exam

>> No.13490303

Does food really taste better with friends?

>> No.13490309

>becoming a depressed sararyman

Decent bland food can't compensate for this shitty way of life. These kids have no concept of it.

>> No.13490364

>mass shootings
irrelevant alarmism, you're over 3x more likely to drown in a backyard swimming pool than you are to get shot
the greatest in the world. There's a reason people from other countries with socialized medicine come over here to get treatment. Because paying out of pocket for the level of care you get far outweighs the death sentence of state run health"care" where treatable cancer ends up becoming terminal because you had to wait 6 months to begin treatment
where as in america you're booked for surgery and treatment that same afternoon

>> No.13490370

Don’t worry, you wouldn’t have a gf if you were born in Japan either...

>> No.13490383

>the greatest in the world. There's a reason people from other countries with socialized medicine come over here to get treatment. Because paying out of pocket for the level of care you get far outweighs the death sentence of state run health"care" where treatable cancer ends up becoming terminal because you had to wait 6 months to begin treatment
>where as in america you're booked for surgery and treatment that same afternoon

You need to update your goddamn stupidity. They calculated trillions in savings ditching the bureaucracy in America for single payer. You would save fucking trillions because your system is so cripplingly inefficient. EVERYONE knows this now and you're to stupid to know it. You're a goof shutin that wants to pretend they know something.

>> No.13490424


It would ruin the quality. Not worth it. We don't need to save money.

>> No.13490635

Too much carb poison in that country

>> No.13490662

>single payer
Socialists are disingenuous as is but the term "single payer" is like something from 1984.

>> No.13491477

>carb poison
No such thing. Organic rice is pact full of nutrients and the Japanese diet is supplemented with plenty of fresh fish, eggs, and waygu beef.

>> No.13491485
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Yes I would you bitch. My life would be cozy and perfect if I was Japanese.

>> No.13491499

I used to teach in a Japanese high school. A third year student killed herself around Christmas time.
Shortly after exams, a college student that one of my friends worked with lit himself on fire in front of the school.
People who think life would be perfect in Japan would not survive the pressure of high school /college education in Japan, I'm sure.

>> No.13491531

you can literally do that in america, you virgin.

>> No.13491561

Students kill themselves in every country on earth. Stop trying to make it a Japanese specific problem unlike how shootings and racial violence are uniquely American. If those kids were in America they would probably kill themselves due to bullying at the hands of blacks.

>using virgin as an insult
Seethe, roastie.

>> No.13491571

No you really can't. Much like "authentic" Chinese and Italian food is impossible to find in America the same goes for Japanese food. American hot pots are just as fake as their cheese.

>> No.13491576

then go move to japan you weirdo cunt

>> No.13491587

You haven't actually lived in Japan have you?

>> No.13491630

just make it yourself?

>> No.13491806
File: 123 KB, 800x533, 1dandy00697jp-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stayed in Japan as a homestay student. You'll never believe what happened next.

>> No.13492372

White planes. Go take the metro north to NYC.

>> No.13492390

>Dear, Penthouse Forum...

>> No.13492393

>Japanese people don't have friends or social lives.
counterpoint: neither do amerisharts.

>> No.13492396

Rebuttal: nobody does in this day and age.

>> No.13492474

I'm guessing you can just make that yourself and stop being a whiny faggot

>> No.13492542

Europeans and many other Old Worlders and 3rd worlders do

>> No.13493790

jokes on you, tojos don't have friends of gfs

>> No.13493797

>anti traps

>> No.13493833

I was saddened by the amount of buzzword shitposting I saw in this thread, until I realized I was on /ck/; No use being saddened over a board that fell over 2 years ago.

>> No.13493836

>be born in the country with the most nationalities and the most abundance of food ever in the entire history of humanity.
>complain you can't eat your anime food

>> No.13493954

You'd be as much of a loser in Japan as in America.

>> No.13493960

Nah. I new losers who went to Japan, and became minor idols/musicians in bands without even knowing how to play instruments, or get high paying corporate positions that they were unqualified for in the US.

>> No.13495102

All you weeb ass faggots need to fuck off back to /h/.

>> No.13495215

why do weebs think they would be magically happy living in japan just because anime characters are? you'd still have the same social skills you have here but in addition you'd have to slave away nearly every hour of your day at school/afterschool activities/additional schooling/studying for rigorous nonstop exams/working at your suffocating salaryman job

>> No.13495289

You have just as much of a chance of staying alone in Japan as America, if not more.

>> No.13495344

I think people romanticize it, but Japan is an introverts paradise.
>unnecessarily talking to strangers in public is seen as rude
>being loud is rude as fuck
>sitting on the streets and getting in people's way on the sidewalks is rude
>waiting in patient queues to get on the train
>talking on the train is rude unless you're as quiet as possible
>expected to clean up your trash at tables after dining
>karaoke is private rooms for just you or you and your friends and not in trashy bars
>food is simple and cheap

and this is just me but
>overweight/obese people have a hard time because nothing is made to accomodate their size
>"bodyshaming" is encouraged
>infinite amounts of delicious seafood fresh from the ocean

honestly, I'd just love to eat all of the food they have to offer.
>inb4 Japanese food sucks
I appreciate simpler flavors and small amounts of food. I've lost 25% of my body weight by imitating Japanese diet and continue to lose it.

Worst part about Japan (aside from the work culture) is if you're a foreigner you're not allowed in many places. Japs will be casually or even extremely racist to non-Japs. So if you're a tourist, you have to stay in tourist areas and be surrounded by the people you were trying to escape from (Logan Paul). Even mixed blood Japs are ostracized.
The population in cities is also probably terrible.

>> No.13495441

>muh healthcare
get a real job loser. every full-time job offers insurance

>> No.13495818

If substories in Yakuza games taught me anything it's that Japanese people are jews that want to scam you in any possible way.

>> No.13495890

False. Many of those that offer it require you to pay for all or part of it, the plans often have high deductibles and large copays.

>> No.13495910

>works at a supermarket.

>> No.13496033

>Japanese chef makes authentic hot pots
>moves to America to sell hot pots
you’re retarded.

>> No.13496116
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Cut a weeb and a pedo bleeds

>> No.13496130

It's a viciously competitive society where you are worth nothing other than what you have to offer to the community (meaning whoever you work for first and foremost).

You'd probably kill yourself before you were 12.

>> No.13496292

>american crying about not being born in Japan
Mate, I got born in BRAZIL! You don't know what true pain and suffering is!

Fuck you and your retarded opinion! Value what you have cause it could have been much worse!

>> No.13496331

stop it, you only crave gf and friends anyway

>> No.13496511

>*scribbles eagerly in my Bait Book 2020 edition*
thanks for sharing all!

>> No.13496573

You realize America has that shit all over the place? "Ethnic" foods are Americans' favorite. Heck, there's even more Chinese restaurants there than there are McDonald's. There's plenty of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean hot pot places where you can hang out with your close friends and gf, once you get outside and start making friends.

>> No.13496606

Pretty much this. All their comfy shit is a form of escapism from the realities of day to day life. Also, if you're American there's literally nothing stopping you from learning Japanese and visiting/moving to Japan any time you want. Only Eastern Europeans say shit like, "I will never experience [x]". Just hop on a plane, lol.

>> No.13496618

saving trillions for who exactly?
I don't even have health insurance.
I had a serious ankle sprain and torn ligament and my PART TIME job handled 2 time weekly physical therapy, I paid nothing
I had an ear infection and had to go to a doctor, I paid $120 for an exam and ear drops

yes, my medical expenses have been total $120 in 6 years

basic medical care really isn't expensive at all
meanwhile your proposed socialist health care will be taking money from may check every week for something I don't even use

>> No.13496909

Based and Sumopilled

>> No.13496926

Iirc supermarkets have good insurance, because they unionized.

>> No.13496933

Japan healthcare is still expensive. Especially if you have real health problems.

>> No.13497091

Nah, a large megacorporate factory farm meat processing company doing programming. My brother at a large university has the same deal. But keep sucking up Koch brother F(au)x News so you feel better I guess.

>> No.13497134

>It's a viciously competitive society where you are worth nothing other than what you have to offer to the community (meaning whoever you work for first and foremost).

>> No.13497158


>> No.13497162
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>> No.13497170
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>> No.13497172

>you'll never hunt japs for killing whales
It really isn't fait

>> No.13497174

Yeah but I'd like to live in a country where I can just leave stuff lying on the ground and come back 10 hours later and it still be there. Also, it'd be nice to be able to leave my doors and windows open during the day for fresh air and not have to worry about criminals.

>> No.13497197

>go to doctor for physical
>get some vaccines since I hadn't gone to doc in 6+ years
>letter comes in mail from health insurance
>"We found this vaccine unnecessary. Give us money."
Meanwhile they paid millions to famous actors who play doctors to be in their fucking commercial to advertise their service. Give me a fucking break.
They failed to provide a therapist. Gave me a list of hundreds of doctors to call and told me to play phone roulette. Turns out the majority of them were wrong numbers, literal faith healers, and geriatric only services who acted like I was interrupting something when I called.
>"... ... ... Is this a doctors office?"
thanks for reading my blog

>> No.13497298

now that's something i can get behind
>unlike my wife, that cold, fat pig. god i'm so horny

>> No.13497686

Literally move anywhere in the first world except america.

>> No.13497714

You just don't have friends

>> No.13497738

you can literally just go to japan whenever you want.
Modern western capitalism has given us an unprecedented ability to travel, being born an American is winning the lottery

>> No.13497779

You severely misspelled "EU citizen", but yeah.
Being born American is like winning the lottery and then getting shot on the way home.

>> No.13498557

They hated him because he told them the truth

>> No.13498601

You can go to a hotpot resturant with your friends. They exist all over the U.S.

Or do you not have friends, anon?

Is that the problem?

>> No.13498644

>chongqing hotpot>beijing hotpot>>>>fondue>>>>>>>>>>>>"shabu shabu :3"

>> No.13498821

>Modern western capitalism has given us an unprecedented ability to travel
bruh I think thats just aeroplanes and a functioning economy

>> No.13498839

Happens when your neighbors with China.

>> No.13498874

On the downside, you'd have to be a gook

>> No.13498919

>One chance in life
>You wasted it

>> No.13498965
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(^_-) born in America

>> No.13499715

Just make some Asian friends that'll take you out to hotpot. It's not hard.
>>tfw one chance at life
>>born in America
You've already won the Jackpot in a lot of ways. Way better than being born in a poor or overpopulated country.

>> No.13499727

Nah, he'd be a Jap, which is better than being a gook

>> No.13499728

That's what they all say.

>> No.13499729

You are irrelevant

>> No.13499731

It is for good looking people.

>> No.13499735

That's exactly what he wants. Stop encouraging him. He will never pass.

>> No.13499744

>tfw one chance at life
>born in the fucking middle east
at least the food is good

>> No.13499833

Yeah man dry flat bread and mashed up chickpeas are soooo good. lmao nice cope, monkey.

>> No.13499851

Burger here. Middle Eastern food is pretty based.

>> No.13499858

I mean, it can be pretty good. But I'm from Israel and while it is a shithole that should be nuked, the food is very diverse and fucking amazing, although it's expensive. I've visited over 10 countries and nothing came close so far. Especially spain, fuck that place, learn to make something edible that isn't fucking rice with shrimp.

>> No.13499859

Eat an IED.

>> No.13499870

This guy's right
Just buy shit for hotpot and host it yourself, my gf is Asian and she has had me help her make hotpot it is one of the easiest fucking things to make. Or go to a restaurant. Stupid fucking zoomie

>> No.13499873
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Double bacon cheese burger (short rib, chuck, and brisket patty) > All Japanese cuisine.

>> No.13499891

Sure many do. You just don't lol

>> No.13500021

Child palate

>> No.13500035

>aeroplanes and a functioning economy
yeah, western capitalism

>> No.13500052
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>born in comfy netherlands
>have gourmet

>> No.13500057
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>> No.13500065
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>> No.13500087

The really good hot pots are Chinese anyway. Japanese shit is weak

>> No.13500108

>one chance at life
>be Japanese
>never get to experience waffle house with friends drunk at 2 am
>watch anime and cry

>> No.13500340

i still need to see a video of her

>> No.13500375

>all those delusional weebs raging at anon for the truth
Shame Japan has all these social problems. It'd probably be a nice place if everyone wasn't introverted to an extreme degree.

>> No.13500463

>I'd like to live in a country where I can just leave stuff lying on the ground and come back 10 hours later and it still be there.
>Also, it'd be nice to be able to leave my doors and windows open during the day for fresh air and not have to worry about criminals.
I don't know which country are you talking about, but surely not Japan.

And if you are, you're getting a delusional and romanticized vision of the country. Believing that would be like thinking the US is like depicted in classic Western movies.

>> No.13500524

Not in a city like Tokyo. But in the suburbs where you know all your neighbors and your children and friends with their children. You know the vegetable seller, the butcher etc. It's a closed group of people living in a small area. They aren't too busy like a city butcher to even remember your name or face etc.

>> No.13500564

That is as true in Japan as in any other country...

Mostly in media.

>> No.13500629

Idk, my korean waifu lived in smaller cities in japan for a number of years and told me it was quite common for a woman to forget her handbag in a park or other public place, come back hours later and it would still be there untouched. She said a woman could walk alone any time day or night w/o fear. When she first came to the US she worked retail and was shocked about the widespread shoplifting, said it was virtually unknown in japan. Given the antagonism koreans have for japan, it would be surprising if she wasn't telling the truth.

>> No.13500641

>Not buying a nip hotpot setup and lighting the gas burner with 12 gauge dragons breath that also lights the carpet and curtains on fire.

>> No.13500655

Why did she move out from such a safe and wholesome environment?

>> No.13500690

It's safer in S. Korea.

>> No.13500895

>smaller cities in japan for a number of years and told me it was quite common for a woman to forget her handbag in a park or other public place, come back hours later and it would still be there untouched. She said a woman could walk alone any time day or night w/o fear.
This is true in America too

>> No.13500962

Nah they're pretty unrelated. That's a trick the capitalists tell you to keep you in check.

Cell phones aren't capitalism, cell phones you can't fix yourself are. Planes aren't capitalism, stuffing people into poorly designed jets like sardines is.

>> No.13500963

in that 90210 90210 lookin for that alley

>> No.13500966

Hotpot is Chinese you dumb shit.

>> No.13500989

why can't you get your family together and have some hotpot, regardless of where you live?

>> No.13500994

the fact that international flight is affordable for middle class people around the world is a direct result of capitalism

>> No.13501053

I'll back this up. I was in yamanashi with my then gf and she forgot her expensive camera on the train. The next day we went back to the station's lost and found and it was returned.

I was flabbergasted

>> No.13501069

Oh man, this thread has inspired me to hit up mitsuwa later and get hotpot ingredients for tonight. It'll be fun with the senpai.

Now if only I could teach my kids mahjong the night would be perfect

>> No.13501087

>all these replies from GIRUGAMESH style faggots
good on you, anon

>> No.13502142

The majority of posts are agreeing with him.

>> No.13502260

I've experienced it and it was wonderful. you're missing out, OP

>> No.13502327


>> No.13502331

Lol, never, ever since america's inception. Cope harder, though, lol!

>> No.13502335


>> No.13502374

Based. Always open diners and gas stations are the one good thing about America's 24/7 fetish.

>> No.13502492

have you never been to America outside the largest urban areas? crime is basically unheard of in suburban and small town America

I guess midwesterners wouldn't leave it alone, they would actively try and find you and then apologize to you when they find you

>> No.13502501

>not living in a city where hotpot restaurants exist

>> No.13502518
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there are some decent people in america too, I dropped my wallet on a NYC subway once with something like $60 cash inside and someone mailed it back to me with the cash and everything still there. I found someone else's wallet on a sidewalk in a small town last year and did the same.

>> No.13502551

Property crimes, fentanyl/meth abuse, vandalism, theft and shoplifting are rampant in those areas idiot. Stop pretending "Leave it to Beaver" is or ever was an accurate portrayal of the suburban/small town canker pustule.

>> No.13502573

They absolutely are not, you are thinking of the rural south, which absolutely has some of that. But if you go to some middle or upper class suburb in the northeast or midwest or west coast crime is absurdly uncommon
The midwest especially has done a very good job of sequestering crime to inner cities where the rest of the people never go

I grew up in one of these areas and have quite a bit of first hand experience in it, you can literally leave your doors unlocked and garage door open if you want, the worst you have to think of is teenagers stealing beer

>> No.13502770
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>You weren't born Japanese

Feels good

>> No.13502800
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How about you quit being such a weeb fag and buy the shit and have your own hotpot party.

>> No.13502886
File: 2.25 MB, 1659x1177, __shima_rin_and_kagamihara_nadeshiko_yurucamp_drawn_by_fuji_fujino__ca5d7d4b6d73fa015434267374ea45fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a dream that I went camping in the outdoors with my gf
>but for some reason I am a cute girl
>and my gf is also a cute girl
The hell is wrong with me?

>> No.13503006

Just finished up my hotpot and it was awesome! Thanks op for the inspiration

>> No.13503024

>tfw you will never spend the first 17 years of your life going to school 14 hours a day 6 days a week in order to get a nice pointless fluff desk job at a Yakuza front company where you work 90 hours a week to make a middling salary to cover the cost of your tiny one room apartment until you reach 35 years old and decide you can't take the loneliness anymore and go to the forest, never to be seen again

Why even live

>> No.13503035

there is literally nothing stopping you from just doing that in america you stupid weeb

>> No.13504155

yeah something that shows what she does

>> No.13504351

There's hotpot in every western country you stupid faggot. Get a girlfriend here, move somewhere cold. The only thing unfair is how much of a pathetic worthless incel you are.

>> No.13504468
File: 229 KB, 1277x892, IMG_20200104_120855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in West Coast
>Hotpot joints literally everywhere
>Get to experience hotpot during a cold winter with all of my close friends

Get fucked loser.

>> No.13504877

Those are all airosoft toys.

>> No.13504896
File: 543 KB, 800x650, 9vmpEHoOOg_4IklVJOZHFMqVoDwq8AbwoaH7fg6XQ1s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop calling me a faggot incel. All I wanted was to live the dream. Now I'm a 30 year old slave working 9 to 5 with a 2 hour commute. I literally don't have time to find a gf or have a social life. I'm making Kung Pow chicken for one tonight. Fuck all y'all.

>> No.13504905

based anon btfo retarded white male americans who fetishize japan

>> No.13504911

what kind of dumb boomer post is this

>> No.13504999

If you were born in Japan, but had the same personality as you have now, you would likely be a hikki. They are more common in Japan than the US, I think.

By the way, nothing is stopping you from making a hot pot in the US. Any dish you want to try from another country... you can make that. You can also substitute out or add ingredients to taste if you want to innovate. The idea that only certain people can eat or make certain food is ridiculous. The world is your oyster, so go ahead and try something new.

>> No.13505041

>based and comfy Japan
Being Japanese in real life sounds like an immense pain in the ass.

>> No.13505091

>>will never experience hotpot on a cold winter day after school with close friends and gf
minus gf, I've experienced all the way through college

>> No.13505309

>Stop pretending "Leave it to Beaver" is or ever was an accurate portrayal of the suburban/small town canker pustule.
The same can be said about weebs thinking Japan is a panacea.

>> No.13505525


Japan's crime rates are low only because the police and justice system is corrupt and incompetent. Murder and rape cases will usually be dismissed, even if the identity of the culprits is well known.

>> No.13505569

jfc just buy an electric single person nabe on amazon or w/e. that’s what I did since I live alone in Osaka and haven’t made friends here yet. plus hot pots are super easy meals for when you’re busy and tired.

>> No.13505575

As much as I like anime and manga, you speak the truth, anon. Good on ya.

>> No.13505621
File: 122 KB, 504x566, 1576080052260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video of a gacha game

>> No.13505908

yeah, i just want to see what shes like

>> No.13506427

>t. korean still butthurt about ww2

>> No.13506657
File: 149 KB, 342x347, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in Oahu
>authentic Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean, Indian and locals everywhere
>mfw an anon Seattleite thinks he's hot shit with 3rd generation, washed out Americanized dishes
no u