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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 700x1050, Air-Fryer-Boneless-Buffalo-Wings-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13481834 No.13481834 [Reply] [Original]

What justification could there possibly be for chicken wings being so expensive? Literally $10 (CAD) per LB for what every other country just throws out into the trash

>> No.13481841

>up to 4 small pieces per chicken
>wouldn't cost more overall

>> No.13481861

They don't throw the rest of the bird in the trash, dum dum.

>> No.13481866

>buy whole chickens at 2$ a pound
>plenty of leftover wings for later

>> No.13481873

just make boneless wings out of the breast bro

>> No.13481879

>What justification could there possibly be for chicken wings being so expensive
Because you'll pay it, dipshit. Learn some basic economics.

>> No.13481900

No, most countries throw the wings out is what I meant. Other than North America

>> No.13481908

Yeah wings are cheap as fuck here in Aus and we still don't use them. The reason is the Americans are hoovering them up, supply and demand.

>> No.13482097

You aren't buying the rest of the bird, either, retard. The small piece is being sold separate from the rest of the bird. I don't know why you thought this mattered.

>> No.13482131

>rest of the world full of starving third-world savages
>they throw out chicken wings
>#1 food exporter in the world full of well-fed civilized people
>they eat chicken wings

>> No.13482135

>wings used to be so cheap that people throw them away
>bars use it to make buffalo wings
>it becomes a meme
>now wings are in massive demand everywhere
>raise prices to make money

And this happened to pork belly and flank steak. At least chicken thighs and drumsticks are still dirt cheap and delicious.

>> No.13482332

>North America is a country, eh?
I have some questions aboot the education system in your maple scented snow covered country

>> No.13482350

>thinks north america is a country
>thinks other countries throw out any part of the bird
they eat the feets in china, you really think they throw this part out?

>> No.13482352

Meant most countries other than in North America, you pissant autist

>> No.13482373
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>> No.13482405

bro shut up about thighs, do you want those to be gentrified too?

>> No.13482411

Grownup tendies

>> No.13482413

Wings, like breasts, are well known for having huge mandate and desire for. So, price is up.

>> No.13482425

Shut up nigger I don't want people to be buying my dirt cheap thighs and drumsticks. I just make those instead of hot wings.

>> No.13482473

There's a method to be followed here, I think.

>> No.13482496

>I don't know why you thought this mattered
Maybe you should read the post I was replying to.

>> No.13482558

I just hope people never discover how good grilled chicken hearts are

>> No.13482608

Food in Canada is expensive in general.

>> No.13482672

nobody anywhere throws away chicken wings retard

>> No.13482677

Post insulin prices.

>> No.13483004

>Post insulin prices.
Aren't you more interested in female hormone prices?

>> No.13483007

Regular "free" insurance, or premium?

>> No.13483008

Everybody knows the Impossible Whopper and Soylent are banned in Canada.

>> No.13483010

The chinese aren't human, so it doesn't really count

>> No.13483011

So is being born with a penis.

>> No.13483018

>The chinese aren't human, so it doesn't really count
The Chinese are more human in Canada then their white people.

>> No.13483019

Canadians pay substantially less than Americans on health care, despite us being taxed out the ass for it

>> No.13483024
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>> No.13483034

Jesus is this /ck/ or /pol/ cuz I can't tell

>> No.13483036

>Canadians pay substantially less than Americans on health care
Unemployed Canadians pay less than unemployed Americans.
>Gender is a social construct.
-White Canadians

>> No.13483040

>White Canadians
So none of them?

>> No.13483046

Welcome to New-Reddit. The tourists have overstayed their visas.

>> No.13483047

>So none of them
A lot of them still pretend to be, but act like negroes.
On another note.
Canada sells American maple syrup now.
I wonder what they think of it.

>> No.13483053

>A lot of them still pretend to be, but act like negroes.
Sounds like the US to me.

>> No.13483062

No that's USA. We don't have negros here, just poos, chinks, and natives depending on which part of the country you're in

>> No.13483065

>Sounds like the US to me.
You haven't been to Canada then. White people are constantly harrasing, and/or trying to steal from Asian owned businesses. They're, so used to getting things for free from the government that they don't understand having to pay for products, and services even if you aren't competitive in the work sector.
They have a complete gibsmedat mentality in Canada.

>> No.13483068

>We don't have negros here, just poos, chinks,
White Canadians are the negroes.

>> No.13483072

I never saw a nigger in real life until I visited Toronto when I was 12.
I'm Canadian, and you just described 90% of how chinks act here. They steal shit constantly, evade taxes, and then feign ignorance.

>> No.13483076
File: 284 KB, 1200x675, sticky-honey-garlic-chicken-wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh.... Does anyone like honey garlic wings?

>> No.13483084

White Canadian here. I love them.

>> No.13483086

>I'm Canadian, and you just described 90% of how chinks act here. They steal shit constantly, evade taxes, and then feign ignorance.
You lying Canadian faggot. You know that I described the modern white Canadian man in Canada. The chinks bought all the real estate, and run all the businesses while the white Canadian cut off its dick, and shits on the street while slamming heroin.

>> No.13483090

I'm sorry you got caught stealing a napkin dispenser, Huang.

>> No.13483091

>I never saw a nigger in real life until I visited Toronto when I was 12.

>> No.13483096

We all know about you Canacuck. You can't lie to us.

>> No.13483097

lol no

>> No.13483098

Profit you unemployed incel

>> No.13483105

Massive Americope trying to downplay their jealousy by making shit up.

>> No.13483106

nah way too sweet for me i find them super gross

>> No.13483107

Lmao, know how I can tell you're yellow?

>> No.13483111

>Americans being realistic of Canadians
Lel. All of your YouTube celebs pretend to be American alt-righters.

>> No.13483113

What's your favorite wing sauce?

>> No.13483115

Natives in Canada are equivalent to niggers in USA. Poor, uneducated gangster wannabe fuckheads that abuse the system and cry that they’re repressed.

>> No.13483117

I'm no vegan but I do think it's kind of fucked how many chickens are required to make a single sitting's worth of wings, even if they are just the excess since we mostly use breast meat.

>> No.13483118

The Canadian boogy man is yellow.

>> No.13483119

Bro I don't get it I'm a 30 y.o. boomer and used to eat BWW for free because they'd give you a coupon for free wings and a shirt after the blazing challenge but they make you pay for the shirt and I don't know if the wings are still free, doubt it

>> No.13483120

>pays any attention to "youTube celebs"

Just go. Please.

>> No.13483123

That was my in the past before Chang bought Canada.

>> No.13483124

Glory to the People's Party.

>> No.13483126

I did the blazing challenge and they made me pay for the wings

>> No.13483129

There's a difference between paying ng attention, and knowing that they exist.
I'm not one of 30million Canadians, so it's hard for me to delusionally ignore reality.

>> No.13483130

Have you ever gotten any of your opinions from real life experience and not the internet?

>> No.13483131

Post YouTube search history

>> No.13483136

I just got back from feeding people in Vancouver. You people are arrogant as fuck when given free food.
Whatever it looks good on paper.

>> No.13483139

>YouTube search history.
I don't have one. I don't have any Google accounts.

>> No.13483143

Those were ducks, Anon. You were feeding ducks in a park. Bring your glasses next time.

>> No.13483144

Anyways I have shit to do. All of you faggot Canadians can now attack my past posts with confidence, because I'm out.
Later defects.

>> No.13483149

This isn't Reddit

>> No.13483152

You sound mad, did someone hurt your soul?

>> No.13483156

Reddit as fuck.

>> No.13483157

I haven't even posted in this thread before now but what a twitterfaggot move, jesus christ. It's not worth trying to get the last word if it makes you look like a giant bitch.

>> No.13483370

I dunno where you shop, but it's about $15 for 2.5 kilos here in Quebec.

I do. Got a recipe for them? Better if it's spicy honey garlic.

>> No.13483970
File: 662 KB, 2016x1512, 20200108_174245-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those look good. I'd eat them. Last night I went to the local place last night to have their spiciest wings. Pic related

>> No.13483982

those look awesome

>> No.13483990

where? they are definitely not that price at any provigo i have been to.

>> No.13483995

>tiny pieces of chicken
"Oh, these are so delicious! I can't believe I've been eating regular sized chicken all these years. Being a fucking retard is the best!"

>> No.13484163

Who are you quoting...?

>> No.13484198

Everyone who eats chicken wings.

>> No.13484269

yeah $1 wings are such a scam

I wish our shithead fast food places would learn how to cook meat at a reasonable price. just cook some thighs and stuff too without all the breading. I used to enjoy kentucky grilled chicken but of course that's gone too. amerifats just can't enjoy any natural meat. it's a wonder they even eat buffalo wings without too much sugar added, only because they got brainwashed by Hot Ones youtube to eat it

>> No.13484348

Ferme des Voltigeurs in Drummondville. Locally sourced grain-fed air-chilled chicken.

>> No.13484354

Business isn’t nearly as popular as they thought it would be so they need to make more off each customer to make up for the lack of customer numbers. Our bww is attached to fat burger. I like fat burger but have never seen anyone eating wings a single time I have gone in there.

>> No.13484377

Wings should be illegal. They somehow tricked a country into paying absurd prices for what is objectively the shittiest part of a chicken. Cover it with disgusting fat sauce and kill a nation. It is criminal and anyone caught selling wings should be put in jail.

>> No.13484381
File: 324 KB, 380x517, 1564720046560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic sums it up perfectly

>> No.13484390

>honey garlic
>obvious soy sauce
huh. how about that.

>> No.13484392

it looks like you threw up on the wings you were about to eat. fuck off tastelets

>> No.13484473

I think you might be the tastelet bro. Those looking fucking delicious with a tall glass of ice cold beer.

>> No.13484536

>4 angry canadian replies
Based as fuck.

>> No.13484780

Not anymore. That package of wings is closer to $20 now.

>> No.13485225

bros....where is the best place for wings these days

wingstop is $9.5 for 10 wings
checkers has wings but they're way smaller

and NO I ain't bouta finna cook damn wings myself

>> No.13485231

Same thing happened to ox tail

>> No.13485241

cook them yourself you fat fucking faggot

>> No.13485253

well I found your problem

>> No.13485270
File: 54 KB, 721x541, 59c18d8e9803c50d098b6cdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that cheap for Canada?

>> No.13486037

>no I won't cook one of the easiest things possible to cook
you deserve shitty wingstop wings cuck

>> No.13487959
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>> No.13487985
File: 537 KB, 629x466, laughingsnakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he owns a deep fryer

>> No.13488014

DyYungious where yo pops?

>> No.13488044

you know you can fry wings in a skillet or pot right? deep fryers are for boomers.

>> No.13488233

You sound mad, did someone hurt you recently?

>> No.13488242


This pissed me off. Fuckin meme youtubers and cooking blogs let this secret out and now I don't bother with them because they're so fucking expensive.