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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 1180x1602, seared-foie-gras-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13473996 No.13473996[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most delicious food you have tasted?

For me, I think it has to be seared foie gras

>> No.13474010

Banned in California, and New York.

>> No.13474014
File: 53 KB, 810x500, deliciousgaycake2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freedom from discrimination

>> No.13474017

fuck off

>> No.13474020
File: 8 KB, 300x171, EEDEA78D-AB26-4360-A558-FBFD51C65346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, It’s the McChicken®

>> No.13474021

>dish sponges covered in mayo
Do fags really?

>> No.13474023
File: 384 KB, 549x428, The Gay Community.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13474024
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your hetshit tears as you lose the culture wars are delicious

>> No.13474031
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I was sick and hadn't been able to eat anything solid for a week. The first thing that was solid I could eat, I was going to go all out.
I bought a big fat burrito from Chipotle, loaded it up with all the good stuff. Then I drove down to Taco Bell, and bought an orders of nacho fries and stuffed them into the burrito.
I had to eat it with a knife and fork, but it was beyond delicious to me.

>> No.13474033

You will literally kill yourself lol

>> No.13474036

The fuck? You're that annoying faggot that had aids over the Colorado cake guy not being forced to make cakes.

>> No.13474039

Open a business to the public, serve the public.

It's quite a simple concept.

>> No.13474043

I don't fucking care.

>> No.13474047

Why would you pay someone who hates you?

>> No.13474049

I'd like a cake with donald turump's face on it saying "fuck faggots and niggers"
should you be forced to make that for me as a gay nigger faggot cake maker?

>> No.13474053

You would care if you were actually part of a marginalized minority group and experiencing discrimination on that basis. The government has a compelling state interest in preventing discrimination in public accommodations.

Because it's just a commercial transaction and their feelings toward me personally don't really matter.

Being gay is not inherently offensive.

>> No.13474055

Would you even eat a cake that a gay Baker anti straight made?
They'd probably do gay stuff to it.

>> No.13474057

>Open a business to the public, serve the public.
A business is not, and never has been, obligated to serve you. In fact, it is free to discriminate against anyone who is not a protected class. Don't like your beard? No sale. A store is not a public service, it's a property owned by an individual or group of individuals considering selling or trading merchandise or services.

Things do not simply belong to you because you think you have sufficient funds in your wallet.

>> No.13474060

>You would care if
/ck/, and this thread isn't your platform faggot.

>> No.13474062

You will never pass.

>> No.13474063

The business is obligated to serve the public as an amenity. They can function as a private club or an at home business if they don't wish to do so, or they can simply not sell items they cannot sell without discrimination.

>> No.13474066

I'm gay not trans. Transgender women are homophobic men.

>> No.13474075

Here's the thread. Gay cake anon is just a troll, and everything that could be said about this topic has already been posted in this thread.

>> No.13474076
File: 183 KB, 1115x648, HITLER CAKE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant wait to eat a hitler cake in celebration when i finally get a country of my own free from you fucking demons

>> No.13474085

>The business is obligated to serve the public as an amenity.
Incorrect. This only applies to certain types of businesses. Do you live in the US?
>They can function as a private club or an at home business if they don't wish to do so, or they can simply not sell items they cannot sell without discrimination.
Did you read my post? They can discriminate all they want, except for against protected groups such as veterans, races, religious creeds, nationalities, physical handicaps, and I think there's only a couple others. There's not many federal protections. If they don't like you, public businesses are NOT forced to sell to you.

>> No.13474086
File: 116 KB, 482x458, 1543895963438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anybody thats not a faggot needs to watch this video immediately. Sammy lays out the truth about fags.

>> No.13474088

There's a difference between being a good-faith customer and being part of a minority protected class and wanting offensive cakes to harass the store owner. Being gay and wanting a wedding cake is not obscene or offensive.

>> No.13474092

Unbanned in California recently.

>> No.13474097

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.13474098
File: 54 KB, 209x203, 1552624549419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being gay is not inherently offensive.

I seriously cannot believe faggots like you exist. Your filthy practices have been a just cause for murdering or castrating people like you in most every nation that has ever existed historically.

>> No.13474100
File: 238 KB, 2402x652, ArgumenttoGenocide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13474101
File: 90 KB, 646x770, 1539212196570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before the tranny jannies delete this thread, i want you to know that i enjoyed your post

>> No.13474103

Any straight guy threatened by gays or transgendered women are just scared of their true feelings. Hate when guys only wanna date bio women like its sooo transphobic. You should date someone based on chemistry period! Its homophobic and transphobic to exclude GBT persons from your dating people just because of their perceived sex.

>> No.13474105

I thought that challenges to the law had been rejected, so it's still banned.

>> No.13474108


The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.


A 1996 study from the Journal of Abnormal Psychology found that homophobic heterosexual men were most sexually aroused by gay male porn than non-homophobic hetero men.


A 2012 study of 785 college students published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that “self-described highly straight individuals” who “indicated some level of same-sex attraction” were significantly more likely than others to “express greater implicit hostility toward gay subjects” including supporting anti-gay policies.


A 2017 study published in the journal Sex Roles said that men who felt insecure about their masculinity were more likely to make homophobic and sexist jokes to appear more manly.


>> No.13474112

Explain to me why being gay is bad?

Are most of your friends not men? The people you have a connection with and like to spend most of your time with. Imagine how beautiful it would be if you extended that connection to the sexual! You would honestly get the best sex and oral in your entire life.

>> No.13474117

>faggots like men
You dumb waste of space.

>> No.13474119
File: 78 KB, 632x327, based caeser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good-faith customer

Those poopdicks were anything but good faith when they ruined the life of that couple that considered them friends.

> Being gay and wanting a wedding cake is not obscene or offensive.

Being homosexual is as obscene and unnatural as suicide, nay, it is equal to murder because you corrupt others with your genetic suicide cult.

Marriage exists to ensure a stable family unit for child rearing, faggots cannot accomplish this and pretending they can weakens are society.

>> No.13474123

Ruined whose life? How?

>Marriage exists to ensure a stable family unit

there's no requirement to have kids, infertile couples may marry freely

>> No.13474125
File: 87 KB, 626x1024, CHRIST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If the enemy hates you, they lose

>> No.13474128

You need fun to balance out being married to a woman. Gay sex and oral is the funnest there is.

>> No.13474131

Still not going to vote for you bootijig.

>> No.13474135

You can't stop gay people from gaining equal rights forever. This will be over eventually and you lose very little from having to treat gay people with respect.

>> No.13474141
File: 71 KB, 850x400, 1554115902573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are beyond parody. 'Chemistry' should not naturally exist between members of the same sex, we feel sexual feelings for the purpose of reproduction. Love is a beautiful thing, essential to the survival of our species. You only feel lust.

Homosexual animals in nature exclusively have homosexual relations because these animals have been naturally selected to be so goddamned horny they'll fuck anything with a pulse.

>> No.13474143

So close-minded. Mark my words, one day you'll be so horny and start jerking it to trap porn and gay porn until you're begging to be mounted on Grindr and googling enemas to prepare for your hot lover.

>> No.13474144

It's not that hard to imagine that the brain could be wired to be aroused by the same sex. Just because you feel a certain way, doesn't mean others all feel the same way.

>> No.13474145

You're very sneaky, omer, but
your posts won't make me convert to Islam anon.

>> No.13474147

Shitty debunked sources.

>> No.13474150

But as humans why do you deny that sex can be just for fun? So you can have a wife to procreate with and a male lover to have the best oral of your LIFE! Even you admit that you're only with a woman because of procreation LOL. What about what feels good? You know gay sex feels soooooo good!

>> No.13474152

Mfw the annoying faggot is just Muslim internet force trying to get Islamic converts.
Thanks for all the Muslim refugees Obama Hussein.

>> No.13474158

What??? I'm not Muslim and I'm not trying to convert anyone. I'm trying to spread the word for other men to be open minded or at least to become a little bi-curious. I know you're all reading this. And if any of you are even remotely horny, download a gay dating app and please try to hook up with an attractive gay man. You will never regret opening your doors to new sexual experiences!

>> No.13474160
File: 48 KB, 850x400, 1546196432723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wont insult you anon, but explaining why homosexuality is bad is exactly as insane as having to explain to somebody why they should not commit suicide.

pic related

and vid related are a good start
You are an animal and you must follow natural laws anon, nature demands that you reproduce. Homosexuality is destructive and hedonistic, it ends only in suffering and death
both for the individual and his bloodline.

>> No.13474165

Muslim brotherhood pls go. Your tricks won't work here.

>> No.13474174


>Ruined whose life? How?
People are discussing an obama era court case where a couple were sue'd by homosexual friends of theres after they refused to bake a wedding cake for them on religous principle. The normal couples lives were ruined by thousands of frothing at the mouth homosexuals who threatened them and their business, and the clown court eventually slapped them with a nasty fine for not bending over backwards for the gay mafia.

Infertile couples can still adopt kids, and a union between a man and a women is still a natural urge that requires fulfillment. Their marriage still does not carry the same weight as a true marriage if they do not rear children however.

>> No.13474181

You don't even know the couple's names? How were their lives ruined?

>nasty fine

they get thousands in private donations from Christians tho

the baker in colorado wasn't even fined...

>> No.13474182

Natural urge? LOL that's why there are soooo many married men who fuck young twinks on the side lol.

>> No.13474184
File: 119 KB, 928x738, charlottesville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosex aint funny, nor is it edgy in 2019

>> No.13474189

I never said it was funny or edgy. I said it feels great. There are some things a men can make you feel sexually that a woman could never replicate. I really hope any bi-curious younger adults reading this take my advice and start experimenting NOW. You wont regret it!

>> No.13474191

>the baker in colorado wasn't even fined.
The gays keep targeted him, and keep attacking his business.
He's had to go through court cases against three faggot couples, so far.
Doesn't this news make you want to convert to Islam bro?

>> No.13474194

The corn beef and cabbage my mom makes

>> No.13474202
File: 84 KB, 512x512, 1536047023169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't stop gay people from gaining equal rights forever.

You faggots are already a protected class, you get college scholarships, preferential employment, your like the niggers of sexual orientation.

>you lose very little from having to treat gay people with respect

We legalized gay marriage 5 fucking years ago and now we have transgender children all over the place, more then half of Californian preschoolers identify as non binary / non heterosexual

Fuck off with your normalfag takes, you dont belong here.

>> No.13474207

by y

>> No.13474209

Sharia doesn't have this problem. Christianity is weak. Islam is the most sensible choice.

>> No.13474210

>the brain could be wired to be aroused by the same sex.

It can also be wired to hear voices that arent real. Not an arguement, homosexuality is obviously a mental illness once you understand nature and mans place in it.

>> No.13474213

Why do people recognizing their true gender and sexual identity bother you so much? Is it because you are too afraid to confront your own? Yep, I think so!

>> No.13474215
File: 11 KB, 752x527, hollow goose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sex can be just for fun

I dont want my kids to grow up in a world infested with predatory homosexuals and degenerate fag culture.

>> No.13474220

Im screaming but you cant hear me anon, you wont hear me. You will deserve whats coming, but you don't deserve this cruel world you've been born into.


>> No.13474226

Lol newsflash your kids if attractive enough will most definitely have sex for fun. If you're so secure in yourself, then why limit your sexual capacity to just pussy when you can have both. Look at Alexander the Great, married thrice but had his gay lover and best friend and ended up conquering half the known world.

>> No.13474228
File: 247 KB, 1080x1349, 1576196463842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soooo many married men who fuck young twinks on the side

You actually bought into your own propaganda you disease ridden faggot?

>> No.13474230
File: 3.80 MB, 224x224, 1578195630547.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13474231

For all the young anons on here, search your heart for your natural feelings about homosexuality. Listen to your instincts and let the hate flow through you.


>> No.13474232

And molested individuals are more likely to molest children

>> No.13474235

Omg perfect! To any bi-curious young adult men reading this, that is exactly what a repressed gay Catholic looks like. hes definitely had more cock in his fantasies than I've had in my entire life! Dont wait til you're old to experiment. Do it now!

>> No.13474236
File: 193 KB, 1048x762, 1513437773908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Im already a realized man, i dont need to worship a desert death cult.

>> No.13474238

So, you have nothing against gay people who don't have sexually transmitted diseases? You want gay people to be in monogamous committed relationships? I do too!

>> No.13474240
File: 424 KB, 1092x1052, 1543194430529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based on topic anon

>> No.13474243

Gay people need professional mental health treatment, and constant surveillance to make sure that they don't molest children.

>> No.13474246

Being gay is not a mental illness according to actual scientists/doctors.


>> No.13474249

So is it just fear of disease stopping you? Lol first it was the duty to pro-create now its fear of disease. Diseases exist in the straight world too buddy. And yes so many married men frequent gay websites to look for a twink to spoil. Again if any bi-curious hotties are reading this, I hope you can see the light and realize that gay love/sex is just like straight love/sex except better and without all that icky guilt!

>> No.13474253
File: 646 KB, 1872x590, 1519566776814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam is a savage religon for a savage people, though it retains some admirable qualities.

I am a proud white man, i do not need to look anywhere but the actions and wisdom of my ancestors to know the course i must take.

>> No.13474255

It's funny they don't want disease but they are trying to drive gay men into the closet and pressure us to marry women. Do they think that won't just backfire and spread more disease when the closeted gay men in sham marriages cheat with strangers?

Jesus never existed.

All religion is a human-created lie to control people.

>> No.13474271
File: 166 KB, 1920x1280, its all pointless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay away from my people and my future you hedonistic demon.

I dont want you faggots hurting that which is dear to me, you know exactly how perverse what your doing is deep down, im sure of it. Choke on this last free (you) of the night.

>> No.13474272

Have you tried minding your own business for a change?

>> No.13474273

hes right you know

>> No.13474277

Gay people had higher rates of being molested.
Molested are more likely to molest.
Homos molest their adopted children.
CNN's Don Lemon is gay, and was molested.
Thai food maybe

>> No.13474283

100 percent of gay shit is bad, being gay is evil and selfish

it was defined as a mental illness from the dawn of man until the 1990's (inb4 lies about muh greeks).

Dont trust jewish acadamia

>> No.13474285

So gay people reporting higher rates of molestation in a single, non-replicated study, somehow means that being gay is caused by molestation?

The woman surveyed gay men at a pride parade twenty years ago and that's your only evidence.

Mental illness is a spook.

Oh but you trust academia when it says the bigoted nonsense you want them to push.

>> No.13474288

look what you did to this thread, thats what faggots do to everything.

Its by design you know, you faggots destroy the fabric of any community, thats why the elites are pushing so hard to spred your sickness amongst nations they wish to undermine and destroy

>> No.13474289

Preach. Driving men into the closet will just hurt females. Let men love and make love to whoever they wish. And let these women married to closeted gay men be free to find partners who actually love their lady bits.

>> No.13474290

Look at you victim-blaming. Hope you're proud of yourself.

>> No.13474294

>So gay people reporting higher rates of molestation in a single, non-replicated study, somehow means that being gay is caused by molestation?
There's been many studies. I just linked you one of them. Not a spoiler, but as it turns out. Gay people are pretty fucked in the head.
They are also most likely to spit, or fuck with people's food, lie, knowingly infect others, and steal from a friend.

>> No.13474295

If any of you homos ever fully consumed these two pieces of media you'd probably do the world a favor and finally rinse your mouth out with buckshot

>> No.13474296

So many of those elites you speak of our gay themselves LOL. And grow up, it's not a sickness to have sex with another man. It's just body parts.

>> No.13474297

>victim blaming
Just showing the facts.

>> No.13474299

There haven't been many studies. You linked just one pertinent study because that's the only one and it hasn't been repeated because it's a bogus finding that doesn't stand up to scientific scrutiny.

All these people suggesting gay men should just marry women; I wonder if they'd be happy if their daughter married a closeted gay man.

>> No.13474304

Some are fucked in the head because of people like you who reject and shame gays into feeling they have to hide or lie about their sexual preferences. Same with trans persons.

>> No.13474305

>And grow up, it's not a sickness to have sex with another man.
It's pretty much a mental disease caused by childhood trauma of being molested.

>> No.13474308

Then why do most scientists and actual doctors disagree with you?

What about gay people who were not molested? What about gay people who were molested by the opposite sex?

>> No.13474313

Be honest anon. Do you really not find hard cocks sexy? I bet when you look at porn you look for a nice big cock in the male participant in your porn video. Theres a reason why even in hetero porn, guys have massive dicks. Confront your subconscious desires and be honest with yourselves for once!!!

>> No.13474314

>There haven't been many studies.
There's been a lot of studies. I just linked a few that were relevant to my post.
The studies are real, and there are quite a few.
You're a mentally I'll gay liar, so you're just
denying the facts, and trying to pretend otherwise.

>> No.13474320

Lol what? How is it a disease? Finding out you like cock is the same thing as finding out you like sashimi. Do people who discover they like raw fish have an eating disorder? You guys are ridiculous.

>> No.13474321

I don't rejected gay people. I don't denying that they exist just look at my posts I actually understand what they are.

>> No.13474322
File: 127 KB, 334x346, 1539389235171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this faggot is getting absoloutely btfo

good job lads

>> No.13474326

>Then why do most scientists and actual doctors disagree with you?
But they don't. The lgbt community disagrees with the science, and it's now illegal to conduct certain studies in most countries.

>> No.13474332

I wasn't molested anon, so no. It's fine if you like the same sex though, but you should be kept away from children, the elderly, medical services, and food industry.

>> No.13474333

>disagrees with the science,

what science?

A single study conducted at a gay pride parade 20 years ago by a woman with dubious motives that you always trot out because it presents the highest percent of gay men as reporting childhood molestation?

One single study? that's it?

>it's now illegal to conduct certain studies in most countries.

not it isn't you just aren't getting the answers you want that make gay people look bad because you real goal is to vilify gay people and you don't care how that's achieved

>> No.13474334

>comparing how your brain develops from trauma during childhood to what kind of food you like
lmao you will never be a woman

>> No.13474336

Liking to eat raw fish doesn't come from childhood trauma, and sexual abuse though.

>> No.13474341

>what science
The studies posted for starters.
Gay people will cry foul over the studies until they get caught molesting a child.

>> No.13474349

He posted a single study that actually directly looks at reported childhood molestation among gay people. The same one that always gets posted, that was never replicated.

Your real goal is to hurt other people to compensate for your own shitty life and avoid thinking about how much you hate your own life.

>> No.13474355

Lol and being gay doesnt come from sexual abuse. I loved women for many years until I met a guy who talked me into expanding my sexual experiences. And I dont regret it one bit. Honestly it was like when a friend convinced me to try sushi or Ethiopian food for the first time. I didnt think I would like anal but ended up loving it and am now with a male partner who can satisfy that aspect of my sexual needs. Sometimes you wont know you like something until you try it.

>> No.13474359

You're just gross, faggot

>> No.13474362

There were actually multiple studies posted, and more there's available.
Like yo, you're literally telling me that anon didn't post shit, and trying to force your delusion on to me.

>> No.13474365

not an argument

only one of the studies actually specifically looked at molestation rates of gays

there's literally one study you guys always post, and thats it

you've never even read these studies and have no idea what they say

>> No.13474369

>Lol and being gay doesnt come from sexual abuse
Statistics suggest otherwise, but ok. There's no getting you to admit it, but that doesn't matter.

>> No.13474374

>Statistics suggest otherwise,

specifically how do they do that, explain in your own words how the scientific consensus of a reproduced finding shows that all gay people were somehow abused into being gay

>> No.13474381

>only one of the studies actually specifically looked at molestation rates of gays
There was another study linking child molesters to being molested, and gay (but claimed otherwise).
There's also a lot of other studies done internationally that virtually claim the same too.

>> No.13474384

even more reason to like it

fuck new york and fuck cali

>> No.13474387

>There's also a lot of other studies done internationally that virtually claim the same too.

that of course you can't list, haven't read and can't explain their findings in your own words

>> No.13474388

They find gay people, and ask them if they've been molested, and/or check their history.

>> No.13474392

Yeah. Foie gras is pretty gud. Had it in a burger a few times. Very nice.

>> No.13474395

the single study that did that went to a gay pride parade and asked them if they had sex with a much older man when they were kids, they changed the wording, deceptively, to molestation in the final study

you have never read any of these studies and cannot explain any of their findings in your own words

>> No.13474396

But why do you care so much about who fucks my ass? If you've watched porn featuring anal sex or watched hetero porn with a giant dick then you're just a hypocrite.

>> No.13474398

Well. I have to go gay people. Feel free to keep responding to my posts
(the ones with sauce to studies) that proved you wrong, because I won't be here to defend them anymore.

>> No.13474399

they think gay people should be under constant surveillance

>> No.13474412

>one politically charged study conducted by gays
No thanks

>> No.13474417

But one politically charged study by a straight woman about gays being molested somehow is definitive proof that all gays are gay from being molested, not by birth?

>> No.13474465
File: 93 KB, 334x506, crunchhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually think that you should just be forced to live somewhere else. Get the fuck out of my country before it becomes more convenient to just kill you.

>> No.13474506
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>> No.13474515


>> No.13474525
File: 34 KB, 1635x176, lulul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homosexuality is not a mental ill...

>> No.13474526
File: 113 KB, 874x1200, defbcgrwkaind1m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a weird thread

>> No.13474535

Yeah, a queer one

>> No.13474537

i hate other gay dudes calling themselves queer
they need to have some fucking self respect

>> No.13474549

and i don't like queers calling themselves people

>> No.13474552

good thing I'm not queer then

>> No.13474555

It's 4chan though dude. Absolutely everyone here is mentally ill.