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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13470575 No.13470575 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be me not greentexting this ok fuck it i did anyway
>visiting relatives i havent seen in years
>go to aunts house
>she has 2 kids both libshits, one who is drug addict.
>dinner time rolls around
>drug addict cousin shows up
>attention not on him for 1 millisecond
>"Been off drugs for a while now"
>everyone congrats him
>i scold him for being a quitter haha j/k
>aunt gives me a harsh look
>get burgers from local "better than 5-guys"
>burgers are ok
>'want some cuz?'
>out of curiosity i ask whats the scove on that
>something like 3-4 million
>cousin proceeds to pour 1/4 of the bottle on the burger and then eat it
>cousin begins sweating and rocking back and forth
>rocking back and forth faster and faster
>starts moaning/gurgling idk what to call it
>foaming at mouth
>visibly shaking
>refuses to drink anything
>10 mines later theatrics stop
>cousin sits back in recliner
>moans out load and statles everyone
>aunt is oblivious to how fucked up this is
>i give aunt harsh look
>cousin is sitting there pretending he's high from the endorphins released from chemically burning his entire digestive tract
>everyones glad he's "off drugs"

anyway so dude's sitting there burning his mouth and throat just to "get off" on something that you cant even get off on and people are sitting there like this is all ok. maybe they were oblivious or maybe werent but i seemed to be the only one with a look of horror about all of this. i like spicy shit, but i want to taste my food. i dont even know what to call this, he's so fucked up hes thinking he can get a benzo high from endorphins released in response to trauma.

anyone do this or experience shit like this? it was fucking weird man.

>> No.13470581

lost a friend to hot sauce addiction. he is on a dangerous path

>> No.13470586

what was it? it wasnt tabasco was it?

>> No.13470591

My cousin smoke a joint laced with hot sauce one time and almost died

>> No.13470593

started with tabasco. considered the gateway sauce

>> No.13470595

never hot box your weed anons, i hope hes doing better

>> No.13470601

The normalization of marijuana (((pushed))) onto polite society has had devastating effects and will continue to.

>> No.13470625

interesting when (((alcohol))) is worse for you and kill you in many ways.

>> No.13470665

Who says I'm in favor of (((alcohol)))?

>> No.13470673

He was probably lying that he was off drugs and using the sauce to mask it.

>> No.13470707

I once felt drunk from eating too much hot peppers. Only happened once, and I definitely ate hotter shit than on that day. Was a weird experience.

>> No.13470744

Or he was doing hot sauce all along, while claiming he was doing drugs.

>> No.13470759


Hot sauce actually can give you a high, because pain releases feel-good chemicals. It's why people cut themselves, it's an addiction. Pepperheads are basically drug addicts

>> No.13470773

Mind blown.

>> No.13470775

I'd rather come out to my parents as a smackhead than admit I love hot sauce like a soygoy

>> No.13470788

This desu

>> No.13470809

exactly, so no one would know he was a saucer
theres nothing inherently soylent about hot sauces. faggots treat hot sauces like pokemon cards and then it becomes gay

>> No.13470811

God you're a fucking fag

>> No.13470815
File: 1.47 MB, 300x225, Lando clapping.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you were eating peppers, I was sniffing poppers

>> No.13470829
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>sniffing poppers
this anon has a hardcore problem, hes way beyond being just a pepperhead

>> No.13470835
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Anti-spice fags btfo

>> No.13470849

There's nothing inherently soy about 95% of everything that is labeled soy. But when you're on /ck/ you've got to capitalize on the ability to soy post.

>> No.13470865
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get on my level faggot

>> No.13470897

You spend too much time here.

>> No.13470929

The duality of man.

>> No.13470975

Lots of dysfunctional men use weed to cope. Drug addiction should be frowned upon.

>> No.13470986

>Drug addiction should be frowned upon
>implying it isn't

>> No.13470990


A fittingly gay term for a fittingly gay "community". Imagine identifying your personality as "person who likes hot food"

>> No.13470992


>> No.13470997


>liking spicy food = eating disgustingly high heat levels not meant for sane consumption

I keep 1 mil scoville sauce in my fridge and even I think you're a fag

Fun fact: frequently eating overly spicy food is linked to psychosis

>> No.13471001


Who the fuck puts hot sauce on mashed potatoes

>> No.13471006

It's no different than identifying yourself by what you do with your genitals.

>> No.13471013

Who doesn't? French fries, tater tots and onion rings too.

>> No.13471019

but no one does that though, do they

>> No.13471027
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I don't know where the argument is if we both consider trannies and gender politics to be retarded, unless you're a dipshit pepperhead polposter

They have entire conventions and hot sauce collections

It's like putting ketchup on mashed potatoes, it's just wrong

>> No.13471031

>Imagine identifying your personality around being a person who enjoys getting his asshole violated by other men

>> No.13471032

soy bitch cope

>> No.13471089


Polster confirmed, enjoy your brain damage. Protip: there are ideologies between being a burning crosses and getting fucked in the ass by jamal

>> No.13472355

This thread is dogshit but it still made me laugh

>> No.13472420

i knew a dude like this. he was also a self proclaimed alcoholic. i never took him seriously because we drank about the same but all he drank was gin and natty ice and was always playing mad scientist with his psych meds. he used to XXXDIABLO the everloving fuck out of everything and get super fucking sick from it everytime. i just thought he was an edgy unstable faggot but apparently sometime after he moved out (we were roommates) his pancreas failed completely. now we lifts weights and boofs kratom. probably still eats a lot of hotsauce idk

>> No.13472435
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yea could actually die from spices getting into certain places in your system there not supposed to be. Im surprised this guy is still alive after smoking a reaper

>> No.13472445

i just had a bag of Takis, how psychotic am I?

>> No.13472450

depends on the drug really. it's culturally accepted for moms to have a bottle of wine after getting off work or mentally unstable people to pop pills. But the second someone gets weed into their system its suddenly a problem, same with coke even though we give some children amphetamines for their problems.