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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13468428 No.13468428 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know any good brands of noodles that don't contain palm oil or at least have it ethically sourced? I really like noodles like pic related, but I really don't want to support a brand that has shitty practices.

>> No.13468438


>> No.13468446
File: 35 KB, 420x276, packaging-mobile-fpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this brand is my favorite, tasty flavors

>> No.13468501

What’s wrong with palm oil?

>> No.13468544

Pretty much everything. It's pretty unhealthy for you, but the main thing I'm concerned about is that lots of forest and jungle is cut down to make room for plantations. It's quite literally one of the main things driving orangutans to extinction. Also, lots of the plantations use unethical labour, like low wages or child labour.

>> No.13468585

M8 every fucking Asian worker is underpaid and half are children. Also, fuck orangutans

>> No.13468594
File: 38 KB, 625x415, tips fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh ethics

>> No.13468599

just make your own

>> No.13468602

>Does anyone know any good brands of noodles that don't contain palm oil or at least have it ethically sourced? I really like noodles like pic related, but I really don't want to support a brand that has shitty practices.
That is a good question to email to Whole Foods. See what they say...probably will come back with information that gives you 3-4 brands.

>> No.13468604

>fuck orangutans
they do in those places m8, literally have orangutan brothels in southeast asia

>> No.13468610

Who gives a fuck about orangutans? Also, all stuff made in third world countries uses underpaid labour anyway.

>> No.13468691

>unethical labor
Good chance whatever device you're posting from is made out of raw materials dug up by an African child slave. Then built by an Asian child slave, and probably uses software made by an Indian code monkey.

>> No.13468692

ethical consumerism is bunk
>Source: schniffing slovenian marxist man

>> No.13468695

This, the ethical thing is to not consume in the first place.

>> No.13468703

>haha lol just don't buy food :^)
big brains here

>> No.13468728

>big brains here
Yes. Buy local and grow some yourself. Ethical consuming is a marketing meme.

>> No.13468739

>Buy local
uh sorry that's consumerist
>grow some yourself
how do i grow meat and veggies for me and my family without devoting most of my time to maintaining a farm and owning the requisite land area?

>> No.13468747

Orangutans are pretty based

>> No.13468752

>Orangutans are pretty based

>> No.13468768

Buying directly from local farmers is not the same as consuming plastic wrapped processed foods from billion dollar grocery chains. Most people don't need to grow all of their own food. Maintaining a small garden and maybe even a few chickens if their is adequate space can be accomplished even with a full time job.

>> No.13468771

Apes in general are basically just double-niggers, anon. Why do you like them so much?

>> No.13468775

People would like niggers too if they were kept in enclosures or left in the jungle like apes.

>> No.13468800

I’m a fan of conservation, especially habitats of larger species. Just always spent time outdoors and think it’s worth keeping around. Orangutans specifically I like how close to human they are, always looking relaxed at the zoo, eating fruit with those lanky fingers

>> No.13468811

Whats the second best ape after orangutans?

>> No.13468816

Gorrilas are cool but I wouldn’t want to hang out in the mist with them personally

>> No.13468820

gorillas, chimps look like smelly hippies and I thought plastic beach had a few bangers

>> No.13468821

>Buying directly from local farmers is not the same as consuming plastic wrapped processed foods from billion dollar grocery chains.
that's not what either of the posts quoted said nor implied

>> No.13468825

Not having any food is a corner stone of communism

>> No.13468866

I should stop arguing with retarded autists that have the IQ of a gorilla.

>> No.13468939
File: 85 KB, 856x1190, CxbwrhjXEAIenvP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gorillas are hot

>> No.13468979



>> No.13469628

Ho-Mi chili garlic beef

>> No.13469639
File: 44 KB, 650x975, Konjac-Noodles-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried getting into Shirataki Noodles (made from Konjac) OP? They are usually sold refrigerated next to the tofu/health drinks as zero-calorie or miracle noodles.

>> No.13469675

>of noodles that don't contain palm oil

doesnt exist
95% of instant noodles have palm oil

>> No.13469686

>ethically sourced
Go kiss a moving bus

>> No.13469732

show me one product that has no association with unethical practices.

>> No.13469774

it's not only unethical it's also poison. eat fresh ramen noodles without additives. you low IQ cunts should really learn not to ingest poison.

>> No.13469814

You're poison.

>> No.13469922

The vegetables I grow organically in my backyard and the chickens we keep for eggs (who live more comfortably than 80% of the worlds humans)

>> No.13469939

Exception for you, you should eat those instant ramen as much as possible.

>> No.13471998

Did you know that gorillas have extremely small penises?

>> No.13472021

Grown on soil stolen from native Americans. Powered by oil bought with the blood of American soldiers and middle easterners. Kept safe by the biggest military industrial complex in the history of humankind

>> No.13472047

shin ramyun is pleb tier doe