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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13468369 No.13468369 [Reply] [Original]

9 eggs for dinner

>> No.13468380

thats too many eggs im worried about your cholesterol

>> No.13468382


how do you make them like that

>> No.13468391

it's okay, I haven't eaten anything in like 16 hours

they're just omelettes made in a pan. with ham and jalapeños.

>> No.13468395

I see no ham. I see no jalapenos.

>> No.13468404
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they're on the underside. Have you ever made an omelette?

>> No.13468429
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>> No.13468433

the plate weighed like 3 pounds

>> No.13468443

They should be on the inside, fool.

>> No.13468444

Did... Did you think he was lying about putting ham and jalapeños in his omelette?

>> No.13468445

That's a weird way to make an omelette.

>> No.13468453

you know what I mean. Throw everything on top as it cooks then flip it once.

>> No.13468467
File: 107 KB, 930x550, basic-french-omelet-930x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's a weird way to make an omelette. I always lay my ingredients on top of the cooking egg and then fold it over once or twice.

>> No.13468470

overcooked to shit

>> No.13468471

That's called a frittata, kid.

>> No.13468481

omelettes gotta be folded, not flipped. im sorry it had to be this way, thats egg rules

>> No.13468487

It's how I learned in college. Gets it done quicker and more evenly plus flipping is fun.

That's called browning and it's very tasty.

I can't believe I'm hearing this. I've done it this way for 8 years.

>> No.13468541

You've basically made egg pancakes. Not that it's a bad thing.

>> No.13468542
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thanks for all your help

>> No.13468549

>burns food
>calls it browning

>> No.13468567

>he doesn't like burning his food a little for some crispy texture
Are you a child?

>> No.13468568

I don't know how to prove to you that it isn't burned because I ate it all already. Bit I can tell you I have burmed it before and that isn't it.

>> No.13468576

cholesterol is a meme, it's never once been proven to exist like carbs. it's just a theory.

>> No.13468582

Nobody said it wasn't allowed. Just call it what it is.

>> No.13468590

>consuming carcinogens for 'some crispy texture'
based retard

>> No.13468684

Hell yeah.
I'm down with that, I'll eat anywhere from 6-10 eggs and toast any time I just really need a huge meal for purse sustenance.
I always go scrambled, but since you've inspired me, I'm gonna try for an omelette/ a few next time.
I'm not really into the browning of it all, but I might develop a taste for it while I'm practicing.

>> No.13468687

looks good man

>> No.13468689

holy shit those look so different and delicious, like a bunch of pancakes.
Is that 2/3 eggs in a really narrow pan?

>> No.13468700

yeah what the fuck op i thought those were pancakes

>> No.13468718
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based, I make these also.

Egg whites and eggs for more volume.

>> No.13468719

>muh carcinogens

>> No.13468731

1.5 eggs per pan

>> No.13468735
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You've never made an omelet in your life.

>> No.13468736

looks perfect

>> No.13468738

>fritatta quicker than omelette...

nah man. A ham and jalapeno omelette can go from raw to plate in under 4 mins, including separate fry time for the ham and jalapenos. Thin egg wrap cooks very quickly.

>> No.13468741

looks like a gay frou frou version of OP's manly meal.

>> No.13468748
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>> No.13468749

I'm this fgt
Does anyone here make baked eggs?
I fucking love them, but they're the only way I can tolerate a browned egg.
My mom makes them every year for Christmas breakfast. She really isn't a good cook, but I really can't seem to replicate them.
>retarded amount of cheese
>heavy cream
>maybe some water
Damn nibba they good

>> No.13468766

is the whole muh cholesterol, muh heart, eggs bad etc a meme?

>> No.13468776

no. listen to cardiologists

>> No.13468783



>> No.13468830
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the small pan I use.

>> No.13468831


>> No.13468860

>implies that a single egg is worse for you than a fucking KFC Double Down
ok, opinion discarded. Glad to know there are smug assholes making medical advice videos in the same tone as Sargon of Akkad making fun of SJWs.

>> No.13468892

The claim was worse in terms of dietary cholesterol content, not worse overall.

>> No.13468907

then I'm not convinced cholesterol matters at all.

>> No.13468915
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>> No.13468928 [DELETED] 

Try giving this a read:


>> No.13468934

Try giving this a read:


>> No.13468949
File: 77 KB, 1527x852, kfcdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFC Double Down is not as bad as people make it out to be. It's no worse than any other fast food chicken sandwich. People react to foods emotionally without actually reading the nutrition facts. Pic related is a side by side comparison of the KFC Double Down and Wendy's Asiago Chicken Club.
The Double Down has:
>80 fewer calories
>the same amount of fat (within 1g of each other)
>less cholesterol per patty (75mg per patty with bacon vs Wendy's 95mg in its patty with bacon)
>250mg more sodium (a difference of a pinch of salt)
>1/3rd of the carbs (because no bun)
>1g sugar instead of 9g sugar (again, no bun)
>1/3rd more protein (because 2 patties of chicken)

And yet, people fucking RIOTED over how UNHEALTHY the Double Down is to the point where KFC was forced to remove it from the menu entirely, while literally no one ever had a problem with Wendy's Asiago Chicken Club. Because no one actually thinks about food rationally, they just see TWO chicken patties and NO BUN?! HOW UNHEALTHY!!!! THAT MUST BE LIKE 1500 CALORIES!!!! But it's fucking not. I'm eternally butthurt about this because the Double Down was a really good sandwich and probably my favorite fast food chicken sandwich ever made, but KFC had to remove it because of people's emotional outrage and they never replaced it with anything remotely as good.

>> No.13469997

But you didn't fold them over?
Those are more like egg pancakes.

>> No.13470007

For the last 40 years they've been flipping between egg whites give you heart attacks, to egg yolks give you heart attacks over and over again and then recently the FDA decided to stop being big sugar Jews and tell the truth that dietary cholesterol basically doesn't matter unless you're a fat fuck with a genetic predisposition to heart attacks. Your egg doesn't block your veins and arteries.

>> No.13470037
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Quite down and eat your sugar and make sure to not eat any unhealthy eggs or you will get a heart attack.

>> No.13470307

Yeah, and it doesn't look like that.
Although honestly yours looks tasty af, I'd try it

>> No.13470321
File: 125 KB, 1300x955, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 eggs for dinner
>overcooked the yolks, no creamy yolk goodness left if the eggs
why would you do that

>> No.13470325

>overcooked the yolks, no creamy yolk goodness left if the eggs
not true. The inside of them is still soft.

>> No.13470336

Soft like your brain.

>> No.13470339

Why make this thread, son? I normally eat 15 eggs in a single meal and I don't understand how that warrants a thread. Please enlighten me

>> No.13470341


>> No.13470353

Yeah, right. You couldn't make it past 4 eggs.

>> No.13470361

Now wait a second, is 9 eggs in a single meal really considered a lot? Even 15 eggs is not a lot of calories, bloody hell what is this shitsite; are you all manlet skellies?
Work out, walk 25k steps a day, physical labour, and you will easily need more than 3k kcal a day.
9 eggs ...

>> No.13470362

Whats in the right tray, I see Brokkoli, maybe chicken or noodles
Please tell me kind anon, it looks tasty

>> No.13470368

it's also like 2 pounds of cheese.

>> No.13470397

S-s-s-something wrong with that, my good boy? I can easily eat kg of cheese.

>> No.13470401


>> No.13470408

Okay Bruce Jenner.

>> No.13470500

Oh, very nice my man, I wish you luck. At least someone on this god forsaken website is doing something worthwhile :)

>> No.13472211

it's a physically large amount of food. I would have to be incredibly hungry to eat 9 eggs by myself in a single meal.

Breakfast after a 16h shift working with scaffolding, speakers, LED wall, with the only options for intake being black coffee, and the world's worst pizza... yeah, I'll lose a pound or two on those days.

>> No.13472898

small diameter frittatas, nothing wrong with that except them looking slightly undercooked

>> No.13472974

>not eating five dozen eggs

>> No.13473589

>slightly undercooked
>overcooked the yolks, no creamy yolk goodness left if the eggs
so which is it?

>> No.13473609

looks fucking tasty, i'm jealous, how do you make omelettes in this weird pancake style?

>> No.13473619

just flip them in the pan instead of folding.

>> No.13474728


broccoli, onions, some yukon potatoes and greek yogurt tzatziki

>> No.13474909
File: 27 KB, 640x426, 0D18FD8A-DE8F-45F0-BFB9-9C2AF0EA529A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t worry about it, anon. While it has been established that eggs contain cholesterol, it has not yet been proven conclusively that they actually raise the level of serum cholesterol in the human blood stream.

>> No.13475026

I'm a grug and always mess up the omlet flip, i think ill try these egg pancakes out

>> No.13475125

>Egg whites and eggs for more volume.
Why not just use another egg?

>> No.13475146

put gouda and havarti slices on top and bottom and make a sandwich with a biscuit with those omelette patties

>> No.13475155

i heard that you should only eat eggs from "happy" chicken and by happy i mean one that is around cook
otherwise yhey release toxins to eggs

>> No.13475176

Based Lenny poster.

>> No.13475177

i heard if you put your teeth under your pillow the tooth fairy puts a quarter under your pillow when you sleep

>> No.13475191

oh right i forgot that this board doesn't give a fuck what is edible

>> No.13475606

we just don't give a fuck about hippie bullshit

>> No.13475643

So one of those egg council creeps got to you too huh?

>> No.13475676

Pancakes use eggs

>> No.13475711

>/ck/ is one person

>> No.13475816
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That's like sucking your wife's boyfriends dick and then saying "haven't you ever eaten pussy before?"

>> No.13476117

The only time you even flip an omelette is when you put it on the plate.

>> No.13476331


>> No.13477202

Its not really that bad in moderation, even with 9 eggs every now and then

>> No.13477429

That's the part he's talking about messing up.