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13467214 No.13467214[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>23 years old
>kissless, almost handholdess virgin
>schizoid personality disorder
>no job experience
>haven't left the house for more than 3 weeks now
>very few friends made during the 2 years of uni before I dropped out
>200-ish facebook contacts
>depersonalization and depressive episodes in the past
>25lbs overweight
>slowly balding, might lose most of my hair by the age of 30
>RAGING gynecomastia
>tinnitus in left ear for a good year now
>brown eyes
>roughly $900 in debt
>terrible relationship with alcoholic father
Any dishes for this feel?

>> No.13467225
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>> No.13467226


>> No.13467245

Hey, man, a lot of people have no friends at all. Don't trash your situation.

For balding, take finasteride, it will slow.

For your psychological issues, seek some help if you truly want to change.

>> No.13467246

I'd recommend any dish that'll make you stop being such a bitch-ass crybaby.

>> No.13467261

The best dish is served cold. Yeah youre getting old but let me tell you a secret. Girls worth their weight in gold love the idea of an untainted man, keep that in mind but be weary cause loose women will get excited by the idea of corrupting you. But back to it - drop social media, find a physical activity. Spend as much time outside as you can. I recomend joining a rock climbing gym as its not chad infested, its actually fun, and you will get jacked while doing it, also theres tons and tons of girls there that are fun and helpful especially to new climbers. Stop caring about you being bald, bald is fine but bitches who whine about their hair and obsess over it is obvious and a turn off, just own it. Shave and clean yourself up, if you can grow an actual beard and not pubes then take care of it. Everyone has tinnitus faggot who cares. All you need to do is spend time outdoors, get exercise, eat more healthy food than unhealthy food and learn to make small talk (literally as easy as smiling and mentioning something relevant to the situation). Honestly, you clearly dont give a flying fuck about yourself already, why not try to actually do something about it, if it doesnt work its not like you loose anything.

>> No.13467264

I was told this is a reddit meme is it true guys?

>> No.13467275

If you were actually schizoid you would not give a shit about interpersonal connection you larping faggot

>> No.13467295

But to your question OP.. It is french bread pizza

>> No.13467296
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>Crying about your $900 debt

>> No.13467299

Why don’t you go get a job? Dishwasher? Server? Host? It’s not hard op

>> No.13467319

Start walking for exercise, fresh air, and a minor break from your father. If the weather is shitty, try a mall, or just exercise on your floor, a few lunges or crunches, some deep breathing and some stretches, right before you pop into the shower. It's minor but you'll feel better.
The 25lbs for a male is easy work for your height and age. I wouldn't even diet, just make some movement choices. I wouldn't worry about the gynecomastia which is either going to drop a bit when your weight drops or you can't afford to fix it anyway, nor the hair, out of your control unless it's diet or steroid related. Shave it down to crew cut level and shrug that problem right off. It's your hair and your destiny, need to drop the mindset about it bothering you. Take a dollar store multi-vitamin.
Tinnitus can be drug side effect, just double check with your doctor about it. Lipo-bioflavoid (brand name) is the only vitamin supplement that could help.
Carbs can make you feel good. Make a nice bowl of popcorn with butter.

Stop focusing on women right now. Focus on yourself, and one thing at a time. Tackle the job hunt. Just getting out of the house for a part-time job, something manual even, might help. Do you drive? Could you do snow removal? Are you political? Could you volunteer for a campaign locally? What were you studying? Actually go to a job corps govt job center, where your mental health disorder can be parsed out with some job counselor in person. Working for people who know what your disorder is already about can help you keep a job you wouldn't otherwise. Do you have internet at home? A quiet space? A computer? Do phone support. Apply to comcast, an airline, local phone company, anyone that requires work from home and an internet connection. At this point in your life you can say "I couldn't afford to continue school at this time, family issues, etc" and when pressed for the reason, just say "it's personal and affects my father" and clam up.

>> No.13467433

>almost handholdless

How can you be ALMOST handholdless? Also you're problems are nothing, I think your just a big ol' wiener.