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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 127 KB, 680x450, One-Pot-Chicken-Parmesan-Pasta-feat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13456616 No.13456616 [Reply] [Original]

I was told that /ck/ was full of undercover master chefs and could spit out a divine recipe which is simple but delicious.

Tell me, please, what great dishes can I make by using vegetables, herbs, spices and sauces alone?

>inb4 vegan memes
I just wanna experiment after eating meat for so long.

>> No.13456639

You heard wrong, bitch.

>> No.13456660

Don't do me like this /ck/ ;__:

>> No.13456661

>no meat
Fuck off vegan

>> No.13456669
File: 163 KB, 1200x900, gettyimages-617762114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

romanesco + steam = best vegetable you dont need herbs or spices

>> No.13456706

Doesn't sound like much of a dish?
Ok consoomer

>> No.13456708

that's not a McChicken

>> No.13456711

>I was told that /ck/ was full of undercover master chefs and could spit out a divine recipe which is simple but delicious.

no.....? maybe..?

I was a tourist from /pol/ and /tv/.
I only cook like once a month. Maybe.

>> No.13456716

for me its mcchiken

>> No.13456727

Literally hundreds exist

Literally dozens exist

Literally thousands exist

Literally millions exist

So when you say just these alone are you actually retarded or what’s the gimmick?

>> No.13456730

if your not gonna eat animal products theres no reason to make your food interesting or taste good your gonna be eating like 6lbs of vegetables a day to stay healthy

>> No.13456738

Please leave

>> No.13456742

Yeah you were lied to
I’m not even sure what kind of monster would tell you that

>> No.13456748

>inb4 vegan memes
You're literally asking for it.
And your question is so vague and nondescript, you might as well google it.

>> No.13456759


>> No.13456840

How is this so difficult for you guys?

Ratatouille is one perfect example of the OP request.

>> No.13456841


Pretty good bate honostly

>> No.13456847

>full of undercover master chefs
it's just fags larping, same as every other board

>> No.13456852

Because "no meat" triggers the fat, contrarian manchildren that infest this hole.

>> No.13456857

That and a million other recipes, seriously, he might as well just google it.

>> No.13456861

I was just trying to be kind to squeeze out /ck/s delicious recipes.

I guess every board truly is dead.

>> No.13456867

You were told wrong
We only talk about poverty convenience food here like fast food chains and processed Walmart trash

>> No.13456868

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.13456874

You two niggers can fuck right off because you're not being helpful to OP either.

>> No.13456895
File: 352 KB, 256x256, 1511985377225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evidently so.

>> No.13456908

contains animal products

>> No.13458520

spaghetti al pesto, retard. I don't fucking know, maybe elaborate?

>> No.13458966

You can make just about any animal product based dish with only plants. I've been vegan for 6+ years now, and I make french, italian, indian, thai, chinese, japanese, british & american style dishes, breads, etc.

The best thing you can do is to learn basic cooking techniques and apply them to vegetable based cookery - learn how to sear, braise, deglaze / make pan-sauces, roast, learn how to properly use stainless, cast-iron, or carbon steel and learn how to make the mother sauces with plant-based ingredients (loads of tutorials online).

Focus on seasoning properly, at every stage of cooking, balancing salt, fat, acid, and texture, and building depth of flavor.

Be sure to add protein to every dish you make, or you'll not be satiated. That doesn't always have to be a slab of seitan, tempeh, tofu, etc; you can, for instance, incorporate a protein into a sauce such as you might with almonds when making romesco or an almendrado.

Explore alternative grains instead of just pasta and rice - try freekeh, barley, bulgur, farro, etc.

Lastly, ignore crusty gluten free / raw / vegan recipes and videos. Even popular plant-based "influencers" don't know shit about making things that taste good. Learn classic components and technique, and apply them to vegetable cookery. If you do this, you'll never need a recipe to make something good. You'll wake up one day, look in your cabinets, and find yourself thinking - 'right, I've got farro that I can dress in garlic confit oil for a filling carb, broccolini and summer squash that I can roast at high heat for flavor and texture, and tomatoes, onions, peppers and blanched almonds that I can make into a romesco for sauce / protein.' While you still need a recipe to make something nice, you can't cook yet.

If you want to get into seitan / fake meats, a good starting point is Field Roast's book - they have techniques in there you'll not see anywhere else.

>> No.13459092


>> No.13459103

Potato latkes
Tomato soup
Roasted root vegetables
Cauliflower and garlic stir fried with sesame oil
Wilted spinach with garlic
Brocolli rabe with garlic
Fried diced potatoes peppers and red onion
Grilled mushroom caps
Mashed sweet potatoes
French fries
Fried breaded zucchini
Onion rings
Hash browns
Squash soup
Leek soup
Peppers stuffed with vegan cheese
Vegetable antipasta- roasted red peppers, marinated mushrooms, artichoke hearts, olives
Trimmed artichoke hearts sauteed in olive oil with garlic
Banana liquado
Potato taquitos
Pico de gallo
Vegetable samosas

>> No.13459107


>> No.13459523

Wrong, this place is full of fast food plebs and kids who cant cook to save their life. The only thing the undercover chefs do is browse to make fun.

>> No.13459534

If you want to talk about food and recipes and dishes but then deny an entire category of food and flavour then you will not be taken seriously. Fat is flavour and that comes from animal meat.

>> No.13459540

>Tell me, please, what great dishes can I make by using vegetables, herbs, spices and sauces alone?
lentil curry?
vegetable curry?

>> No.13459773

What an insufferable perspective.

>> No.13459775

Perfect, thank you.

>> No.13459791

There's a lot you can do with just those but if you're just taking a break from meat, I would suggest throwing eggs, cheeses, and breads into the mix as well.

>> No.13459805

Remove the herbs and you are descriving a wok

>> No.13461204


>> No.13461224

broad requests = broad answers
if op cant even bring himself to choose at least a vague category of vegetables, he is certainly not gonna be spoonfed by me

>> No.13461237

if you really want to ghetto things up you could also just add some crumbled up nuts on top of your veggie dishes

>> No.13461245

not only mashed sweet potatoes, you can do that to lots of root vegetables, especially turnip

>> No.13461350

boil spinach + salt in its own water till it reduces, add sour cream + ground pepper and crushed garlic a little bit before taking off the fire. This will turn into a sauce for your spinach. It's delicious.

You can also try sauteing the vegetables (add small amount of oil in pan, cook with lid on until it gets color, add a little water if necessary). This works great for mushrooms, broccoli, sliced carrots, parsnips, etc. I use half butter half sunflower oil for frying.

Slightly fried grated carrots and parsnips and celery make a good basis for a soup (add things that cook longer (like potatoes) earlier, and things that cook faster (like greens), near the end of the cooking process). Boiled root vegetables add a sort of sweetness to a soup. I like to boil pealed zucchini (seeds and all) in water, then add some sour cream, salt and pepper, and put it trough a blender to make a smooth cream soup.

Eggplants are great for spreads: https://www.chilipeppermadness.com/recipes/zacusca/

Beans, chickpeas and lentils are good but need to be soaked first then boiled for a long time. Use the boiled ones in soups or as basis for other recipes. I like lentils soup with some garlic.

>> No.13461395

you can also make great lentil or bean salads

>> No.13461556

• 2 chopped celery stalks
• 2 big kale leafs picked apart into bite-size pieces, the bitter kind with fractal folds on the edges
• 1 sliced carrot
• pot with enough water to almost submerge your vegetable pile
• salt
• big spoonful of oregano
• sliced ginger root, about as big as your thumb

Cover, bring to a boil then leave on a low simmer for a half hour or something

Looklà, some vegetable soup

>> No.13461571

maybe soup doesn't decribe it well

I separated the broth into a coffee cup (which I drank, tasted good) and ate the cooked vegetables on their own with garam masala and garlic powder on top

>> No.13461636

sounds like a veggie pot au feu, cozy

>> No.13461657

>I was told that /ck/ was full of undercover master chefs
You should've been told it's full of people who only eat fast food and ramen and have no idea how to cook anything
And who think a bald homosexual on youtube makes high cuisine

>> No.13461684

veggie stir fry
now fuck off

>> No.13462047

speak for yourself you utter plebeian