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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13456281 No.13456281 [Reply] [Original]

Objective cuisine ranking is as follows from best to worst
>rest of the world

>> No.13456291

Italian should be lower, Mexican should be higher, and Vietnanese should be on the list just below Thai.

>> No.13456297 [DELETED] 

It I save the dirty water when I wash my ass after taking a shit, then I could make a triple A grade Indian stock

>> No.13456305

Japan's too high, Germany's too high and Chinese is too low

>> No.13456325

Stop using foul language.

>> No.13456330


>> No.13456340

>mexican below german
>greek last
swap chinese and italian and you've got a pretty solid ranking though

>> No.13456348

>muh pita and hummus
>muh falafels
Absolute trash.

>> No.13456350

everything tastes the same and lack of spice

>> No.13456351

ital*an cuisine is a fucking joke

>> No.13456354

but gyros are one of the best food items ever created, that alone should net them a top five spot.

>> No.13456360

>poo cuisine
Street shitter detected

>> No.13456366

>t. baby palate

>> No.13457167

>t. Rajmajanadan

>> No.13457190

>eating "cuisine" that was created to cancel out spoiled produce and meats

OP you're either a poo or an idiot. There's unironically no excuse to eat any food from a country that doesn't have a reliable sewage system.

>> No.13457311 [DELETED] 
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Mods need to rangeban India because of shit threads like this. No human being says Indian food is the best, only subhuman Pajeets.

>> No.13457463

>rest of the world
Fixed that for you.

>> No.13457692
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>> No.13457693

prove me wrong fagget

>> No.13457706

weak bait

>> No.13457713

If it's beef curry, count me in.

>> No.13457719

First what you call Indian is Punjabi, second aside from the spices, it's simple stuff. Everything is just simmered in tomato paste. Every other culture you listed has a myriad of other cooking techniques and refined nuances on presentation and serving. They don't even have unique words for the 3 meals of the day.

>> No.13457931

Hungarian is the most underrated cuisine in the world

>> No.13459446

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.13459477

>best cuisine
fucking kek right there mate

>> No.13459518
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>curry diarrhea as number 1
what in the absolute fuck kys

>> No.13459606

Why is British on the list twice?

>> No.13459718

Japan shouldnt be on the list, Italian should be at the top. I don't really give a shit about the order of anything else but Italian food is god king tier and shits on all other countries food.

>> No.13460226

include turkish

>> No.13460263

sure thing Guido

>> No.13460960

Why would I need to be an orange asshole to enjoy simple but delicious food.

>> No.13460966

Is german cuisine a meme? I stayed in germany two months and barely ate german since my german friends mostly recommended turkish and greek places

>> No.13461078

Nice larp! No one believes you though.

>> No.13461126

I believe him

>> No.13461141

Germany doesn't have a culture anymore, all they do is suck middle eastern cock

>> No.13461155


Souvlaki, tzatziki, spanakopita, kleftiko, lamb chops, kalimari, moussaka

Greek cuisine is great.

German cuisine on the other hand gets brutally dull and unpleasant after about 3 meals.

>> No.13461172
File: 46 KB, 383x681, 1sqkm8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drown everything in spices to disguise the fact that meat's gone stale a month ago.
>now everything tastes of spices, every dish tastes the same, if you can even taste it pass the hotness
>every dish is curry
>eat Indian food, sweat curry and smell of curry for a week.
>this improves the smell of the pajeet. Sucks for a regular person tough.
>best cuisine in the world

>> No.13461179

You have to be 18+ to post here, kids.

>> No.13461295

shut up

>> No.13461360

Lol what most people consider "Indian" food is actually British.

>> No.13461388
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How many levels of schizophrenia in this post?

>> No.13462074
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at least 23

>> No.13463892

Yet, you posted.

>> No.13465785 [DELETED] 

>Italian should be lower, Mexican should be higher
Found the shitskin retard

>> No.13465877

>t. has only eaten at taco bell

>> No.13465904

So you’re saying Indian food is the best in the world because literally anything that covers the natural scent of pajeet is a godsend? Kinda checks out actually.

>> No.13465908

>likes Indian food
>hates Greek food
>even considers virgin boy piss eggs worth mentioning
Shit taste, nigger. I can smell you through the fucking internet.

>> No.13465913

>Found the shitskin retard
so, an italian

>> No.13465918

>rest of the world


>> No.13465920

Lamb is extremely underrated and Greece does it best imo.

>> No.13465932

>Italian above Japanese
>not even splitting Chinese into regions

>> No.13465948

>french cuisine
>not #1
t. non french

>> No.13465963

Japanese food sucks desu

>> No.13465968

>rest of Europe
>rest of Anglosphere
>rest of world

>> No.13466115

>complains about 2 on the list
>suggest to switch 2 others
>list has 9 spots
>calls it a solid list

>> No.13466149

>not even splitting Chinese into regions
Culinary Regions of China:
Poor People
Even Poorer People
People Who Literally Eat Sparrows
French-Inspired British Cuisine

>> No.13466359

>people who literally eat sparrows

is this true??

>> No.13466379

Yeah it's called Fr*nch people

>> No.13466459

1. French
2. Greek
3. Mexican
4. American
5. Chinese
6. German
7. Italian
8. Japanese
9. British
10. Indian

>> No.13466473
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I have never had French food. There seems to be a lot of people in here praising French food. What is it like, anons?

>> No.13466477

Yes. During the Great Leap Forward, people ate all the sparrows, leading to plagues of locusts. They had to import more sparrows from Russia. Look it up.

>> No.13466513

Indian is definitely up there, but there's no way it's better than Thai or Italian. Similarly, Chinese and Mexican are both above German for better pork dishes.

>> No.13466532



>> No.13466533

Comprehensive and complete (best to worst)
>South American in general excluding ceviche
>nigger chow

>> No.13466546
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>not enjoying a bratwurst
You are gay.

>> No.13466575

All of Europe does good sausages. The master race knows how to eat.

>> No.13466589

Italians taught the germanic barbarian tribes to make sausage and bread.

>> No.13466591

i think you'd eat sparrows too if you were literally starving

>> No.13466597

>"For centuries, a rite of passage for French gourmets was the eating of the Ortolan. These tiny birds—captured alive, force-fed, then drowned in Armagnac—were roasted whole and eaten that way, bones and all, while the diner draped his head with a linen napkin to preserve the precious aromas and, some believe, to hide from God."
French cuisine once again manages to be impossibly based.

>> No.13466602

these anons' tastes are so white i'm surprised they even split chinese and japanese into different categories, asking them to split china into its Four or the even more modern Eight Cuisines is too much for their smooth brains.

>> No.13466616

>split china into its Four or the even more modern Eight Cuisines
God, how many ways do you gooks have for cooking sparrows?

>> No.13466624


>> No.13466630

>dude white people are like so dumb lol
Blow your fucking brains out you soi ridden cuck

>> No.13466634

>Japanese in third
You sound like some Japanese isekai MC, their cuisine is shit, chinese easily beats japanese food.

>> No.13466644

seethe whiteboy seethe

>> No.13466649

How's the malnutrition treating ya, Huang?

>> No.13466653

Rest of the world

>> No.13466654

Soy isn't filtered on /ck/ you cancerous fucking newfaggot

>> No.13466658

>Indians start acting like they invented curry
Those ungrateful poos, they wouldn't be on the path to becoming a world power if it wasn't for us brits

>> No.13466660
File: 34 KB, 435x321, delhi-cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such thing as "Indian" cuisine, only various kinds of regional vegetarian food that you are unfamiliar with. What you are familiar with is Mughal cuisine brought to India by Muslim conquerors and later adopted by the British.

>> No.13466664

I haven't even tried it and I praise it, just cos I've seen how they coock, it is literally derived of the cuisine the French Royalty had for themselves, and it shows, chekc:


>> No.13466675

Maybe it is just a meme

>> No.13466685

I've been here since 2017. You're the newfriend here.

>> No.13466690


> Literal cheese and potatoes 39,90 euros plus tip cuisine third best in world.

You thick cunt.

>> No.13466710

Chinese food is absolute garbage anyway. The ranking is:

1. South Florida cuisine. Stone crabs, snook, smoked kingfish, ropa vieja, media noche etc.
2. TexMex
3. American bbq and all the fixins
4. Italian-American
5. Cajun.
6. Traditional French (Escoffier etc.).
7. All the rest (3rd world shitholer chow).

>> No.13466711

>shilling this hard for burger cuisine
I'm American myself and some of it is all right but this is pathetic.

>> No.13466718


>> No.13466723

Why are Americans so retarded?

>> No.13466724

i wasn’t critiquing it, i was taken back. yes, obviously i would.

>> No.13466725

He also failed to mention American Chinese food, which blows "authentic" Chinese food out of the water.

>> No.13466727

I didn't even remember the Key Lime Pie.

You sound like a cranky asian bugwoman. If you could open your eyes, you could see. But you can't, so I guess you won't.

>> No.13466734

Only thing Anglosphere has going on for them are the cakes, pies and baked goods, the rest is pretty lack-luster imo.

>> No.13466750

The pies are pretty fucking amazing, though.

>> No.13466751

That's why the Anglosphere is obsessed with foreign food from all over the world, aside from the most backwater, irrelevant areas in the Anglosphere.

>> No.13466761

I must add though, that american barbacue thingy is nice too

>> No.13467007

If you ate anything from a bakery it was 100% german. Currywurst also german. Potato soup german. Schwarzwälder kirschtorte. Granted the more traditional food you wont find outside because if people eat them they are cooked at home.
The meme is people of other nationalities thinking something is of their cuisine when its actually german

>> No.13467019

Another things i remember off the top of my head blaukraut, linsensuppe or every kind of wurst and pork like schweinshaxe.

>> No.13467030
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>> No.13467033
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>> No.13467036

I love German food but these aren't even good desu

>> No.13467050
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>> No.13467061

Mexican is what i shit in my german toilet in the morning pah

>> No.13467074

It is one thing of many even tho i doubt you ever had good ones let alone from german bakeries but nobody walks out of a bakery not finding anything except its a rely shit tier one and every asian japanese or frog eater is a bad copy and can fuck off

>> No.13467075

No, the actual meme is that Germans think they are the only ones that can bake breads and there aren't hundreds of breads they know nothing about in other countries.
Also I doubt anyone has adopted any of that other shit you listed besides the black forest cake.
Maybe some slavs like to eat your bland kitchen and have copied some of your stuff though, idk.

>> No.13467086

No the meme is you thinking its from your shitstain ancestors as usual subhumans taking german things and acting like they did it we have in germany alone over 2000 registered bread varieties so how many does you dumb shithole have?

>> No.13467090

Also its called schwarzälder kirschtorte subhuman

>> No.13467091

I used to live in Stuttgart and I have had "good" ones before.
Germany is extremely based but that is one thing they did wrong.

>> No.13467100

Your food is shit Fritz, bland shit, in case of sauerkraut it's also putrid.
Only thing a tourist will want to eat in your bland country is some sausage with a fucking bread bun and some ketchup-curry mix along with mayo and fries on a small paper plate from some imbiss outside Real.
That's all you're good for.

>> No.13467105

Also it's Black Forest, because nobody cares about your country and language, unlike the French and Italian dishes.

>> No.13467107

Well for me it depends on the freshness and filling but yeah maybe still point stands and german cuisine still gets shit on in every thread while most of these swines dont have anything original of their own

>> No.13467118

Thanks for proving my point trying to make something superior your own because your pea brain couldnt even come up with it genetic trash enjoy your schwazwälder kirsch next time and dont feel insecure because your country doesnt have an own cuisine(weird that you dont even mention which shit hole haha)

>> No.13467121

Literally every country has sausages. Even Mexico has more types of sausages than Germany

>> No.13467124

Don't let those retards get you down, krautbro. Germany is and always was based.

>> No.13467136

So were did these beaners get their sausage from? The world just discovered sausage couple hundrdd years ago when that fake country was formed? Oh no its stolen from europeans mhh

>> No.13467146

>2000 registered bread varieties
Ahhh ha ha
License and registered bread please.

>> No.13467160

Easy there boy, don't want you losing another world war.

>> No.13467167

Not anymore. Too many niggers and turk scum here before that yeah it used to be based but now the air smells like shitskins

>> No.13467180

We have nothing to lose since 70 years. Its the other western countries who lost their country to migration which is great because they fought for this diversity against evil hitler now they get what they deserve. Meanwhile germany hasnt existed for quite some time now

>> No.13467184

Mexico is white and European

>> No.13467192

>Above italian

>> No.13467202
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Sure thing pedro. I give it to you tho mexican has very high cuisine doritos with cheese mhh very good

>> No.13467208

>No french
Peak taste, French cuisinie is a entry tier meme

>> No.13467216
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>when the thallium pollution is just right

>> No.13467235


>> No.13467238

Bread is better than pasta what's the issue

>> No.13467257

Don't Italians have breadsticks or is that just at Olive Garden

>> No.13468910

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.13468968

Those are Filipinos

>> No.13468992

both greek and indian are delicious wtf
op your taste buds are busted

>> No.13469262 [DELETED] 

>Middle eastern
>Rest of world

>> No.13469279

>putting Italians low
Fuck your shit taste. Here's the real objective food tier list
>rest of the world
>Dog Shit
>Sewage Drain juice

>> No.13469290
File: 50 KB, 615x621, 1807BC46-4421-46EA-A88B-4B1B885100B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming from a Brit

#1 French
>Camembert, Brie, baguette, croissant, French pastry, soupe aux choux, French onion soupe, jambon buerre, au jus
#2: southern American soul food
Biscuits and fucking gravy, shrimp and grits, fried chicken, Mac c cheese, seafood bake, FRIED OKRA
#3 Greek
gyros are the best thing I’ve tasted
#4 Italian
Pretty much anything Italian
#5 German
Pretzels and mustard, sausage and peppers, oven roasted juden
#6 Levantine
Falafel, lamb shawarma
#7 Japanese
Sushi, pokky
#8 Indian
Naan. Just naan.
#9 Mexican
Taco Bell
#10 British
Fish and chips is the only redeemable British food.

>> No.13469310

Thanks for the laugh. The real list is
American (for regional dishes like Buffalo wings or southern BBQ)
Mediterranean/middle eastern
The rest

Angry chinks, gooks and poos need not apply.

>> No.13469335

Black pudding's alright

>> No.13469351

can you name at least 5 dishes from each?

>> No.13469366

You have to admit tho, he's not wrong

>> No.13469651

>what is
>Fondue (many varieties)
>myriad sausages and salamis
>endless beers and white wines
Fuck off broke retard

>> No.13469665
File: 192 KB, 750x1050, D8D32ECB-4E0B-4F0F-A955-64A26ED61FAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it is the German cuisine and only German cuisine.

>Burgers: The food that also made America great
>Strammer Max: Delicious German bread with finest butter, lots of eggs sunny side up, some spices and optional sliced cheese
>Pumpkin soup with bread and butter
>Obazda (German cheese speciality) with pretzel and onion
>All the German pastries and cakes

>> No.13469679

You’re quite right. I like Hungarian stuff.

>> No.13469992


>> No.13470098

You can always tell whose taste buds are utterly thrashed when they whine about "muh no spiiiicccceeee"

>> No.13470125

Goulash with csipetke is the best stew I've ever tried.

>> No.13470345

Jesus fucking Christ, I wish that image weren't so representative of the UK.

Age: 62
1a) ST-elevation myocardial infarcation
1b) nil
1c) nil
2) type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia

>> No.13470435

hahaha. ein kanacke der in deutschland lebt und frustriert ist xD