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13452525 No.13452525[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


French Champagne prices are set to double in response to the President's highly unpopular family winery producing sparkling domestic wine that no one wants. How does this make you feel?

>> No.13452552

Good. Only the rich buy expensive french wines and this will hit them rather than the common folk and create more jobs in the American industry. Someone lefttards will think this is a bad thing.

>> No.13452553

Based. I hope he makes his own products the only ones available in the US. President for life and sole-manufacturer of all domestic products. Pretty redpilled imo.

>> No.13452560

>Only the rich buy expensive french wines
meanwhile veuve cliquot is the second most requested wine in the world

>> No.13452561

>I can't afford a $50 grower champagne
>I can afford drugs and video games
Let me guess the jews are oppressing you

>> No.13452575

AHHHH the... french champagne... known throughouttheworldforitssexellence

>> No.13452663
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>American winemakers are so bad that they need to be protected

>> No.13452684

Some of them are actually surprisingly good. The problem is there's absolutely no regulation, producers can lie, lie, and lie. Or as we call it, "offer alternative facts because the truth is subjective and science is a libtard hoax".

So nobody trusts any of it, it's highly stigmatized, and instead of fixing this, they demand retaliatory tariffs.

>> No.13452712

Some wines from Upstate New York are actually alright for cheap. Wines from Long Island, though ..... I'd rather drink urethane straight from the gallon can.

>> No.13452722

What do they lie about?

>> No.13452738

Isn't this basically the same kind of shit like British grocers dropping prosecco in favour of sparkling wines? I mean, I'm Canadian, and I'd rather a domestic Okanagan wine over a $5 bottle of Chilean anti-freeze, but at least wine stores carry a variety of international wines at fair prices.

>> No.13452745

It's America, all big businesses are hurr ebul babykilling monsters peddling high fructose goyim juice. Don't believe me, then you're clearly a shill.

>> No.13452785

The physical contents of the bottle. The geographical origins of the contents of the bottle.

Most Americans have this weird idea that blends are bad and "pure" (single varietal) wines are superior, despite drinking wines that are labeled "pinot noir" and are like 51% pinot noir and 49% random other grapes because nobody bothered making a law saying that a varietal wine has to be that varietal and nothing else. Because freedom or some shit

>> No.13452805

Most countries allow 15% of the wine to be from different varietals to be labeled as a single varietal wine though. Are you sure it's different in the US?

>> No.13452841

Respectable wine puts the denomination of origin on the label and blends are not just permitted but encouraged. Only in America do they actually take pride in pretending to have one grape while actually having a blend because the experts know blending is how it's done but the ugly American has been lied to all his life and accepts the lie as truth.

>> No.13452852

Good fuck the French, they can take their overpriced sparkling wine and shove it up their asses.

>> No.13452859

Couldn't care less

>> No.13452861

t. has only drunk overpriced Champagne

>> No.13452872

>blends are not just permitted but encouraged
Depends heavily on the region.

>the experts know blending is how it's done
Maybe for shit wines, but not always, no.

>> No.13452873

At least a $50 game will give me months of use.

>> No.13452875

>tfw French Champagne does taste better but not enough to justify the price difference

>inb4 some expensive California sparking wine that's really good but also almost the same price as the AOC Champagne

>> No.13452882

Anything California does poorly, New Mexico does better and cheaper. Fuck California. This isn't 1970 anymore. Pussy pass denied.

>> No.13452893

I don’t care because champagne fucking sucks. Imagine drinking that piss on a regular basis

>> No.13452903

>he's never had good Champagne

>> No.13452905
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Imagine being so terrible at making wine that you print the name of a totally different wine region in a totally unrelated country in order to trick people into buying it by accident
>but if they know better then they won't
The words of an actual criminal, aka California logic

>> No.13452909

>tarrifs on french
Good, and don't care. They are the worst Ally

>> No.13452914

I’ve had some extremely expensive shit. Sparkling white wine and champagne are one of the longest-running currently active memes

>> No.13452922

You should read up on how the french protects all their industries, and you'll realize just why le crusset, and other shitty french products are expensive.

>> No.13452931

Not all extremely expensive Champagne is good. In fact most of it is not.

>> No.13452933

You might want to try Moscato. Probably more up your alley. Just because something is costly doesn't mean you'll enjoy it.

>> No.13452939

>le crusset

France does protect a lot of industries, but they are mainly the shitty ones.

>> No.13452940

It’s a fucking meme

>> No.13452948

France is just a collective of shitty workers that need protection so they can nap at work.

>> No.13452954

Going to have to agree with you for the most part but they still make the best wine in the world.

>> No.13452961

25 years ago, and I would have agreed with you.

>> No.13452968

Who has eclipsed them?

>> No.13452997

Of all the shithole states, Washington.

>> No.13452998

Italy, Spain, USA, and Argentina on top of my head. France is just retarded, and they are the loudest at pretending that they have the best wine outside of blind tests.

>> No.13453015

according to a blind taste test, CA makes better wine than france. only Trump's wine is so shit he has to abuse the power of his office to sell it

>> No.13453016

Trump champagne actually sells extremely well and is hard to get ahold of.

>> No.13453019

MWWAAAAAAHHHHHH the French... Champagne has always been known for its excellence...

>> No.13453023

Is it actually bad, or is that just something that the Democrats repeat, because they hate Trump?

>> No.13453028

The prevalence of quality viticulture is far less widespread in any of those places. Italy gets points for diversity though, as does Spain to a lesser extent.

That was a once off and has since not been reproduced. Plus there are far more quality wines coming out of France than the US.

>> No.13453037

you're probably right, but california does make good wine. and as always, Trump is only looking out for his own business because he cant succeed witghout cheating somewhere

>> No.13453045

Agreed, I've had at least one good wine from California.

>> No.13453051

its great. best served with a Trump Steak, well-done with a side of ketchup. surely you'll be able to afford it with your degree from Trump University

>> No.13453055


>> No.13453058

I was asking seriously.
>Trump steak
Had a steak in one of his buildings. Was pretty good.

>> No.13453065

Must suck being (You)

>> No.13453070

not even Trump's own properties would sink to the level of serving Trump brand steaks

>d-dont bring up muh god-emperor's scams, reddit told me 4chin was muh safe space

>> No.13453109

Why would I expect a man who drinks mostly diet coke to now anything about wine?

>> No.13453116
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rent free

>> No.13453129

It's Eric that runs the wine game. As for the steaks, I understand they're alright but nowhere near worth the asking price. About as good as Omaha Steaks. Apparently Trump buys another company's steaks, slaps his name on it and sells it at a dramatic markup.

>> No.13453133

>he defends a con man for free

>> No.13453173
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will you be participating in the mass suicide when he gets reelected?

>> No.13453329

>not even Trump's own properties would sink to the level of serving Trump brand steaks
Wikipedia claims that the steaks (hotel, and trump brand) came from the same supplier. Not sure if they were the same grade, or breed though.
I personally don't see how Angus steaks would taste bad, but I can see why they wouldn't do well at a sharper image.

>> No.13453376
File: 22 KB, 968x681, ok-hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

praise kek and shadilay fellow oldfags!

>> No.13453402

Declared varietals have to be at least 75% of that varietal to be declared as such in the US, you fucking retard.

>> No.13453409

Imagine being such a cuck you think its wrong to protect your own countrymen over foreigners who coildnt even fight the nazis

>> No.13453422

Why would I want to cuck myself with higher prices just to protect some shitty businessman/worker?

>> No.13453440

Exactly. Why buy anything french in the first place.

>> No.13453453

Because I like their products.

>> No.13453459

>Because I like their products
US tarrifs don't affect Canada.

>> No.13453461


>> No.13453464


>> No.13453473

So you won't be affected leaf, and it's not your problem.

>> No.13453474

Yeah just pay $3000 for this graphics card that you could have bought for $1500. But at least that $3000 graphics card was made in your country

>> No.13453494

>gpu anal ogy
Doesn't work retard. One french food shit is mostly banned in the US, or at least different states for various reasons. Some ethical, and others over sanitary issues.
The other french products should be banned, because the french forces everyone to pay for their uncompetiveness, and outright lazyness.

>> No.13453495

I'm not a Canadian. It isn't my problem though, my country wasn't dumb enough to cuck itself with tariffs.

>> No.13453501

What country?

>> No.13453505

>complained about french tarrifs, and Not American
Called it.

>> No.13453507


>> No.13453511

he should put tariffs on everything
fuck free trade

>> No.13453514

Might as well have a tarrifs with the shitty prices you pay for everything m8.

>> No.13453523

Your country has tarrifs on everything.>>13453514

>> No.13453525

We get cucked with high alcohol tax though because so many soys don't drink these days.

>> No.13453535

You guys kind of get cucked on everything.

>> No.13453543

Not true.

At least we don't have state owned liquor stores.

>> No.13453560

>Not true
Australia abides with the wto, and still pays more for everything without tarrifs.
>state owned liquor stores
You get paid less, and have to spend more on alchohol. Also enjoy your Sharia.

>> No.13453861

>Australia abides with the wto

>You get paid less
We get paid very well actually.

>> No.13453883

Seems like it would fit on a place like 4chin. Unless you are a mobile poster?
If they are so "uncompetitive and lazy" why is there a need to tax their products 100% to make it more expensive?
If they are so expensive and undesirable, why are they being bought over local ones?
Maybe because they are not more expensive before the 100% tax and thus, an insane tax was imposed as a form of protectionism.

>> No.13453915

You take that back zut alors! Us French are a proud powerful people. Do you remember the yellow vest protests? Americans today are too pussy to pull this off, in fact you don't protest at all. You wouldn't want to miss out on the opportunity to work minimum wage for Mr Shekelstein

>> No.13454359

Fuck Europe.

>> No.13454388

I dont mind paying more if Trump says so. It will also trigger the libs so its awesome.


>> No.13454418

trump is the laughing stock of the world

>> No.13454425


they arent....?

france (and germany) opposed the iraq war in 2006

>> No.13454431
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And the GOP, and by extension flyover USA, is still salty over it

>> No.13454433

Now this is some 4D-chess

>> No.13454462

>they actually call them tendies
I unironically thought that was a meme lmao

>> No.13454466

And they were correct to do so given the reason for it turned out to be a trumped up excuse.

>> No.13454467


>> No.13454471

Are you retarded

>> No.13454472

>called tenders
>actually dry as fuck

>> No.13454473

Well the people that can't afford Dom and buy it anyway are likely black rapper wannabes and the music industry is run by...well yes, you're right. Oppression.

>> No.13454475

You thought 4chan fabricated the "picky eater manchild who only eats chicken tenders" stereotype, or you thought actual chicken tenders weren't a thing?

>people only pretend to enjoy nice things to seem cultured
>people only pretend not to be scumbags to virtue signal
>people only pretend to have had sex to make me feel bad

>> No.13454487

Liar liar

>> No.13454491

>oh shit I look stupid now
>quick bring up black people!

>> No.13454492

I assumed it came from one of them americans-actually-call-wingy-rinka-ding-dings-airplanes threads.

I didn't know the word chicken tender, only knew them as nuggets.

>> No.13454693

Tendies is the meme word

>> No.13454751

Tenders are not nuggets. Tenders are like elongated nuggets. Originally they were boneless skinless breasts cut lengthwise into 4-5 narrow strips, breaded and fried. "Tendies" in particular would be nugget material (pink slime) molded into the shape of tenders.

>> No.13454760

no, real tenders are made from the breast "tenderloin" which is a small section of muscle under the breast.

>> No.13454763

Could some American explain to me how in the hell Trump has time to manage all this shit? Setting wine import taxes, building walls, murdering motherfuckers in foreign coutries... surely there must be other people in the government making decisions, no? Do none of those people have the right to complain about his shit decisions?

>> No.13454824

>surely there must be other people in the government making decisions, no?
He throws a tantrum and fires them via tweet when they try to give him good advice. Almost his entire cabinet is filled with no-name "acting directors" that get replaced every 20 minutes because his idea of management came from the reality TV show he starred in a few years before he was elected.

>> No.13454830

If you don't like pinot noir, don't drink pinot noir. There are lots of other grapes out there. The fact that a movie told you liking pinot noir was cool doesn't mean you're a sophisticated patrician for drinking pinot noir that's adulterated with mega purple and bulk petit sirah/zinfandel grapes to make it taste more like smuckers jam blended with grain alcohol.

>> No.13454839

He has plenty of time between golfing, watching hos advisors Hannity and Lou Dobbs on Fox, and rage tweeting about CNN.

>> No.13454840

>source: cnn
you're on the wrong website buddy. you can't get internet points here for posting dumbass talking points

>> No.13454843

i think trump disapproved of it too.

>> No.13454851

the president doesn't do anything himself. he just gives the authorization to go ahead with what other people come up with. he hired these people so they have a good idea of what he's looking for to begin with. trump isnt micromanaging every facet of the country despite what r*ddit and cnn tell people

>> No.13454859

All of it is true.

>> No.13454868
File: 173 KB, 1214x1559, Trump on diet Coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the legwork is being done by a shadow gov't comprised largely of NGOs, he just needs to sign shit and approve things that he probably doesn't understand if he reads them in the first place. That's why his rhetoric often clashes with what he does.
>We're gonna BUILD THE WALL
>And fuck up the profit margin of the farms that utilize abusive business practices which require vulnerable people with no protection
>Oops haha looks like that's taking forever because of those darn DUMBOCRATS but if you give us your money and your vote we'll totally get it next time
>Because I'm just like any other bootlicking zionist NYC politician
>Oops haha looks like Ukraine hacked my twitter I love the 2nd commandment
But of course he implemented a bump stock ban via federal rule, arguably for the financial benefit of the ancient faggots who fucked up the post-Hughes auto market by buying firearms as investments.

>> No.13454875

good advice is subjective. you only think its good because its in line with your thinking. he has also never fired anyone over twitter, nor does he replace them every 20 minutes. lastly, he is a successful real estate tycoon. you don't become successful in any business without management skills. sorry you're so salty still. only 5 years to go
>inb4 muh paper billionaire/bankruptcies/tax returns etc etc etc

>> No.13454880

Champagne is trash, Prosecco is vastly superior

>> No.13454895

>literally has a team of spin doctors openly lying to the Pentagon in writing in order to badly cover up his illicit foreign policy drug deals that are too batshit crazy for even the most batshit crazy foreign policy wingnuts
If only these leftist democrat-controlled commie rags like the WSJ would stop spreading their leftist bias the orange man would have built a wall by now and made anime real

>> No.13454900

Great. The rest of the world is welcome to it. The judgement of paris happened twice with the same results, French wine is served to anyone who values appearance over taste.

>> No.13454904

He fired his secretary of state via twitter you dumb fuck. He’s such a pussy he never fires anyone face to face.

>> No.13454934

Good fuck the French at this point, honestly.

>> No.13454973

Good. South African wines are leaps and bounds better.

>> No.13454983

>Frogs defend their industries
Based, c'est le milleur dans le mond! French food is amazing and so expensive oh la la wow
>Trump does a fraction of this

>> No.13454986

I like a good New Zealand wine myself. Never tried wine from Africa. I suppose the blacks aren't the ones running the vineyards?

>> No.13454988

On a scale of Denzel Washington to Chief Keef, how black are you?
Pinotage tastes like literal garbage juice

>> No.13454998
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>Frogs commit anticapitalist overreach
>Americans don't care because it doesn't really affect them
>American president commits anticapitalist overreach
>Americans care because it affects them

>> No.13455002

He fired John "Mad Dog" Bolton, one of the craziest warmongers in the Cheney regime, because even Bolton wasn't crazy enough for Trump's apocalyptic rural evangelical death cult. Are you now suggesting that Bolton is a left wing socialist kenyan, because he wasn't crazy enough to go along with Trump's insanity?

>> No.13455019

>Trump's apocalyptic rural evangelical death cult.
Are you just pretending to be retarded to make Democrats look bad or something?

>> No.13455023

Orson, relax buddy.

>> No.13455044

>French Champagne prices are set to double in response to the President's highly unpopular family winery producing sparkling domestic wine that no one wants. How does this make you feel?
Im sure France is thrilled. When you designate a single region to being able to use the name, they created the scarcity price gouging issue themselves.

Americans and anyone who drinks sparkling wine is happy having sparkling wine from multiple regions around the world and will carry on doing that, just as before. Food pairing. Celebrations. Doesn't matter. Only nouveau riche idiots are buying brands and not paying attention to their palates and what they like. If anything people might age more wine in their homes like never before, if they do care about prices. Dry champagne is the priciest, aged more, and most palates tend towards the sweeter newer varieties now.

>> No.13455048

>Anything California does poorly, New Mexico does better and cheaper. Fuck California. This isn't 1970 anymore. Pussy pass denied.
Of course one state has growing land, and other state is nearly all desert.
I get some kind of inferiority complex you have, state vs state rivalry or something. But, are you talking about wine from CA vs NM? Or, are you just talking football or something?

>> No.13455062

>nooooo, you can't fuck with the french winemakers just because they have fucked american consumers for decades, that's wrong, impeachment now!

>> No.13455070

>fucked american consumers
The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.13455082

Meanwhile in reality Trump was the only one who prevented North Korea to start a nuclear war. What did Mubumbo bin Obama did in eight years? Oh yeah, he said he was going to end the war in the middle east and got a nobel for that. Then he didn't. But Trump is literally Hitler.

>> No.13455088

>Hey guys, X place is doing a thing so we should too
>t. every Californian transplant

>> No.13455094

>Trump is literally Hitler.
Glad we agree.

>> No.13455105

Do you think their market protection laws don't hurt the end consumer?

>> No.13455106
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>Of course one state has growing land, and other state is nearly all desert.
High yield farmland produces shit tier wine grapes. The california wines worth discussing come from a few small slivers of land and the very best comes from high drainage slopes dynamited into the hillside by Chinese laborers, land that would be totally useless as "growing land" for general agricultural purposes
>I get some kind of inferiority complex you have, state vs state rivalry or something.
I've been to New Mexico once in my life, for about 5 days, over 30 years ago. But sure, I'm from New Mexico. I'm also from France, England, the People's Republic of China, Mexico, California, and countless other places that I've expressed more than abject ignorance on. Because internet logic.
>But, are you talking about wine from CA vs NM? Or, are you just talking football or something?
Yes, football, that must be it. Jose Canseco, hoo-uh, the New Mexico Giants will win many layups this Wimbeldon.

>> No.13455116

Sounds like a literal cuck.
>you can't screw someone just because they screwed you over
You must be canadian.

>> No.13455126

OMG upvoted, this is going to my 360 no scope smoke weed everyday montage on YouTube, hope I get many upvotes too! #imwithher

>> No.13455141

>I've been to New Mexico once in my life, for about 5 days, over 30 years ago
So, yea, you know nothing about NM. Such a strange post.

>> No.13455142
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>Sounds like a literal cuck.
I have no significant other. I also have no idea why you people thought that was a clever insult to bring to a site for wizards in training. Explain to me exactly how France has screwed over American consumers.

>> No.13455146

>On a scale of Denzel Washington to Chief Keef, how black are you?

I’m not French dude

>> No.13455158

>if you're from a place you're not allowed to have an opinion because you're biased
>if you're not from a place you're not allowed to have an opinion because you have to be from there

>> No.13455177

I tell my mom to buy tenders BECAUSE they're always real juicy chicken. Tenders are never the pink slime crap. Side note: I wouldn't mind the pink slime crap if they were at all like McDonalds nuggets.

>> No.13455183

/pol/ here

I would it the shit out of Trumps creampies like you wouldnt believe.

>> No.13455473

They wouldn't need to turn to nationalism if they were intelligent.

>> No.13455486
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I'd do the same thing but then say no homo because I'm not a faggot.

>> No.13455502

>north korea had nuclear weapons during obama's administration
>no nuclear war
>north korea still has nuclear weapons during trumpf's administration
>no nuclear war
>so obama didn't prevent it, but trump did
This is your mind on magatardation!

>> No.13455515


Fuck E*ros.

>> No.13456069

>denying reality
Australia is about 20million. The buying power isn't really there, and that's why you guys generally pay more for things even when you have a free trade agreement in place.

>> No.13456096

If you buy a bottle of wine over 20 dollars and its not a few hundred, you got ripped off
This. Everything they do is done better by other countries. Italian food btfos French food. What the fuck is french food anyway, its so easy a rat could do it
He is. Youre either a brainwashed liberal or a wannabe nazi whos only redeeming quality in life is being distantly related to the great white men of days long gone
>in his effort to btfo his fellow anon, it is he who exposed his utter virginity, scaring away all potential mates. It will continue to be a cold winter for this anon
Ahhhh, the internet nazi the sjws mistook me for on instagram. Yeah bc you think jews are rotting society right? So your response is to allow them to do it but say mean things online? Yeah, real hero
Big fact. Any white people of value were smart enough to move to America. Europe is a museum of faggots

>> No.13456232

McDonald's doesn't use """"pink slime,""""

>> No.13456298

Says the person that brought up jews.

>> No.13456429

What did he mean by this

>> No.13456486

I could care less about the wine, but setting tariffs to thwart overseas competition in regards to your own family business is just gross and disgusting.

>> No.13456490

From the looks of the thread, looks like they all want to worship a Zionist Neophyte Faggot that is bought and paid for by his owners, the business interests that control the Federal Reserve.

Good thing I really only like beer now anyways.

oh, and inb4 some faggot reads my post and assumes I am a liberal or democract, because their mind is tiny. When in fact I own more guns than them.

>> No.13456495

The technical term is rent seeking, in case you want to rant about it some other time.

>> No.13456689

Wouldn't Cali lolberals enjoy this a lot? They produce shit ton of wine...