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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13450245 No.13450245 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw Norf
>loyal Norf FC supporter
>genuinely trying to lose weight but I love drinking pints too much and they're like 200 calories each

What do I do?

>> No.13450276

hehe funny wojak :D

>> No.13450282
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keep drinking

>> No.13450292

Switch to Glen's.

>> No.13450296 [DELETED] 
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Anonymous 01/03/20(Fri)02:51:37 No.13450276>>13450282
hehe funny wojak :D

>> No.13450727

Switch to brandy

>> No.13450917

Just eat less

>> No.13451033

Norf is the only good wojak variant you tasteless fag

>> No.13451220

>they're like 200 calories each
beer might not be the biggest culprit, it's what else you have beside it. state your diet

>> No.13451280

I don’t understand how something that is 95% water and ~5% alcohol can be more than a few calories. You pee it all out an hour later anyway.

>> No.13451568

Risidual grain carbohydrates in solution. The yeast usually doesn't consume all of it. Also alcohol is obscenely high calorie.

>> No.13451896

>Also alcohol is obscenely high calorie.
this. just 5% alcohol is already 35 cals per 100ml. vodka is 280 cals per 100ml. a bottle of vodka is already over daily calorie need

>> No.13452134

Fast a day or two before the big match, Big Mickey gave me the tip and it's life changing.
Scran never tasted so good.

>> No.13452140

Now the /sp/ cancer is metastasizing here. Lovely