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File: 158 KB, 660x442, raw-red-meat-steak-flickr-tarale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13449220 No.13449220 [Reply] [Original]

Will synthetic meat/fake plant meats be commonplace by the end of the 2020s?

>> No.13449228

doubt it

what would we do with all the spare cows and stuff?

>> No.13449229

I've never seen anything mentioned about the removal/excretion of toxins, metabolic byproducts, etc. There seems to be a way to adequately feed these meet blobs, but how about livers to filter them from their own filth?

>> No.13449272

I don't think those things are produced, or at least not in an amount to matter because it gets produced faster than how long it takes an animal to grow

>> No.13449291

Not by 2020, but eventually. We're running out of food due to varying factors. Population rate coupled with pollution. We're getting to the end game.

>> No.13449295

nuke china and everything will be fine.

>> No.13449299

pls do it amrifats.

>> No.13449307

I'd suggest that, but I wouldn't want to irradiate good soil. We should probably holocaust em with mass produced robots airdropped in. Get a bunch of those big dogs or whatever from boston dynamics and strap guns to em, and mow everyone down.

>> No.13449310

>move western factories to China
Well that's because it's your shit they are making lmao.

>> No.13449322

Get a job

>> No.13449409

Is there any good soil, though? I thought everything was cancer village and heavy metal contamination which the dear orange leader is trying his best to also remove similar restrictions in the US because muh free markets and muh coal mining states.

>> No.13450781

>We're running out of food
Lol no we're not. Not even fucking close.

>> No.13450793

I genuinely can't wait for lab-grown meat to take off. I'm a staunch carnivore, but if we can create animal protein and fat without the suffering of animals that would certainly be the best of both worlds.

>> No.13450810

It's already sold at the supermarket, but I highly doubt it will replace meat ever.

>> No.13450891

Same. The plantmeat is alright I guess, but it's not the same.
Give me lab grown tissue to devour. And then I will adopt piggu after porker industry collapses.

>> No.13450906
File: 40 KB, 647x659, 08F1D36A-200A-41C6-99AB-8FF08CA90387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13450934

I think it'll be plant based impossible burger style meats starting to rise a ton in the first five years, then synthetic grown meat in the last five years, with it finally overtaking animal meat by 2030. It'll probably kill the plant meat substitutes too.

>> No.13450950

Nope, living animals have organs and glands that secrete hormones and shit that affects the meat quality.

Unless they start cloning animals in test tubes it won't really be the same to be honest.

>> No.13450953

No this will never happen in our lifetimes. Just another retarded silicon valley idea for intellectual lightweights to jack off to.

>> No.13451205

Impossible Burger is flopping SO FUCKING HARD that companies will be reluctant to push that trash as time goes on.

Bill Gates lost almost a billion dollars on his retarded pea mayo for the goyim slaves who didn’t want it.

>> No.13451756

I hope so