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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13445686 No.13445686 [Reply] [Original]

>been on a few dates with girl
>invited her over for me to cook for her and watch a movie
>i can't cook
help! I can boil pasta, if I do a tomato basil sauce and chop up some basil leaves for garnish is that okay? what could i do as a side?

pls help i like this girl :o)

>> No.13445695

Tell her she has to eat all the eggs.

>> No.13445701

I've never cooked eggs before and I didn't find her passed out on the side of the road. tank u fren tho

>> No.13445706

Just order pizza and fuck. Simple.

>> No.13445713

there's alot of recipes online fren
cook a meal that looks easy yet appetizing for you and if you like it, cook it tommorow again
id suggest pasta with meatballs,tomatosauce and garlic bread

>> No.13445718

I said I would cook for her. The worst thing about this whole thing, and where I'm really retarded, is her literal job is related to stuff like those michellin star restaurants and stuff. So I'm going to be cooking her noodles like a retard. kek

>> No.13445720

I don't know how to cook meat and she is coming tomorrow :/

>> No.13445721

A real chad would order pasta from a high end restaurant and pass it off as his own.

>> No.13445725

I'm a shitty liar.

>> No.13445735

How about this? Boil pasta, make a sauce like you described, fry up some chicken strips in a pan. Oil a round corningware dish. Layer noodles, sauce, chicken and some mozz cheese in the dish. Do it with any pasta. Repeat layering and make the cheese thick on top and cover it, put it in the oven (350) for 30 - 45 minutes. Ta da! Take it out and enjoy a fun, easy and impressive enough food that doesn't take a Michelin-star chef to cook.

>> No.13445737

Idiot just order a lasagna from the best Italian place in your area and have it in the oven when she gets to your place. She’ll never know.

>> No.13445741

Fucking choose something light and girly now. And cook it multiple times before you have to cook for her. You fucked up anon you have one day to get good. It's not that hard, I believe.

>> No.13445747

Lobster. Remember that you'll need to dress in black lace up shoes to make the atmosphere fancy, so hopefully you at least have cleats or something.

>> No.13445749
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I will know! I just want to make a nice girl dinner and cuddle watching a movie and try to kiss her more. Not be a sneaky sneak!

That sounds really heavy though, I'm looking for light cuz you know girl at your place sort of thing.

Now we're talking, what is light and girly?

>> No.13445759

Could make carne asada tacos. Pretty easy and girls love tacos.

>> No.13445764

just take minced meat and form it into balls with some breadcrumps and eggs fry it in oul
you wont know how to do if you dont try it
it's your chance!

>> No.13445768

eggs really? How do you make the balls cook? That sounds like a disaster dude, I literally just learned to boil noodles. I mean I can try but I have like four hours, then got work, then cooking for her tomorrow night

>> No.13445773
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If u really want to impress here's this really fucking quick and nice spagehtti guide I'll tell you

Dried italian seasoning mix(or basil,thyme, parsley and sage)
1 can San Marzono (the expensive kind)
1 large spanish onion
Fresh basil
Step 1. Get enough olive oil to cover the bottom of the pan and maybe 1 glug more
Step 2. Boil water, season water with a lot of salt
Step 3. Heat oil, put in onions,let transparent, then add garlic until the garlic almost ends up crispy.
Step 4.add the tomatoes but to get extra penis points, use your hands to catch each tomato and crush each tomato before you put it in the pot. Like crushing a hamster and tossing it's corpse in the pan.
Step5. Cut carrot into large chunks and put in sauce but remember ur gonna fish this out later.
Step 6. Put about 2 tablespoons of italian seasoning into the sauce along with the sauce.
Step 7. Let it simmer for as long as u want, put tomato paste but if u wanna but it doesnt matter.
Step 8. Finish cooking the noodles. And let drain.
Step 9. If the sauce has boiled down, add salt and pepper, to taste.
Serve bitch

>> No.13445774

Pan fry some steaks, roast some broccoli, get a bottle of wine and a loaf of french bread.

Wa la

>> No.13445784

This nigga needs to just buy a sauce and have the ingredients around so that it looks like he cooked it

>> No.13445788

The loaf of french bread is great, I will get that. Steaks is too hard, I've never even cooked chicken.

>> No.13445794

You ain’t fuckin after a steak dinner even if he doesn’t screw it up. He could buy a sous vide to make a perfect steak dummy proof I guess.

>> No.13445796

I think I'm going with a pasta with tomato basil sauce (no garlic), penne, french bread, bottle of wine, and a candle.

>> No.13445807

Salad with chicken

>> No.13445809

Why not? Just do thin cuts, like a milanesa or something.

>> No.13445815

Is bag lettuce safe?

>> No.13445816

Have them in a pan on the highest heat for like 2 minutes on both sides and then have them in there for another 15 minutes while changing sides every now and then

>> No.13445824

I just made Chef John's pasta fagiole. It's dumb easy. Even a frog poster can do it. The hardest part is browning some sausage. She can help out by stripping the leaves off the kale or chard stalks.

>> No.13445829

just make a Cesar salad with some chicken stripes come on you aren't too retarded to look up a recipe and try it out

>> No.13445834

this guy is trying to make out with her dumbass

>> No.13445837

I meant for getting the lettuce. Do you get a stalk and chop it up or buy it pre cut?

>> No.13445841

i would get a stalk and cut it up. it feels more self made and isn't really that much work

>> No.13445851

Thanks. What kind of lettuce? Isn't romaine a no go now? What's the good crispy kind?

>> No.13445866

This reminds me of the time an anon got himself a date with a female chessmaster. He lied that he could play in /v/ was teaching him . Good times.

>> No.13445873

I just invited her over for dinner, never said I could cook lol.

>> No.13445883
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>> No.13445901

Why did you tell her you would cook for her if you can't cook?

>> No.13445940

Alright anon remember marinara and the red sauces don't go so great with chicken. But chicken or fish, or shellfish, are the move for this pasta. Remember no cheese with seafood. Make ARANCINI. Bitches love this shit. Don't try to get the melty moz in the middle, that's too extra. If she likes bacon, get a small amount of cut up bacon in there. Use proper rice. Use parmesan or peccorino and some other cheese. Moz does NOT melt as well. Do not forget the eggs. You have to chill the rice, PARSLEY, egg, and cheese mixture in the freezer so it can be made into balls. I use Panko Japanese style breadcrumbs for a lot of deep frying, it's my favorite. Good luck frogposting babyman

>> No.13445945

OH and do not forget the salt and pepper. But be careful to not go overboard with the pepper

>> No.13445957

i just realized he probably meant for the eggs to help her with her hangover but he's so autistic that he couldn't think of a proper way to explain it so he came up with that retarded line

>> No.13445963

pick one nigger. a thread died for this

>> No.13445965

learn how to use the board newfag

>> No.13445973

What did you previously think was the reason he said it? I've never conceived of any other possibility.

>> No.13446004

Garlic bread as a side. Pussies gush over garlic bread like pizza

>> No.13446040


Clearly you have never gotten a girl wet with pasta sauce making skills, the pasta aglio scene from chef for reference

>> No.13446066
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Just be yourself

>> No.13446088

How the fuck does someone reach adulthood lacking these basic life skills? You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.13446089

Make this.


It doesn't require any special skill to make, but has an interesting flavor profile that will appeal to just about anyone. Just buy the ingredients and follow the instructions, and it'll get you into her pants.

>> No.13446105


>> No.13446138

I wanted to hang out with her and going to restaurants it's hard to be intimate because you are sitting across from the table from her the whole time. Just thought it would be nicer and comfy.

>> No.13446204

Reminder that if she likes you enough to come to your house, she won't really care how the food is unless it's truly horrible. Your goal is to make something that's just at least decent, rather than something spectacular or impressive. Just make something that's not gag inducing then give her the fugg.

>> No.13446239

Thanks fren. I just want her company. I don't want it to be so bad she isn't able to eat, but I think if i just stick with a pasta I'll be okay

>> No.13446265

Doesn't have to be fancy. Have a pasta course, a simple salad, and some garlic bread. If she digs your company, it's the effort that counts.

>> No.13446273

Thanks. What's a simple salad? I always get afraid of the bagged lettuce because of food poisoning. I got sick from that shit once.

>> No.13446274

..also I was thinking no garlic because I want to finish the night kissing her...

>> No.13446328

not the poster but garlic bread isnt as strong and smelly as typical garlic
you will probably have onions in your pasta sauce as well and you two wont smell like onion either
you can just use bagged lettuce but if it feels unsafe, just buy fresh one and chop it yourself. it's just a side dish so it doesn't need much except for a slight dressing with seasoning

>> No.13446343

You know, some decent lettuce (I like a mix of iceberg and romaine), a bit of spinach, some tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, maybe some button mushrooms if you like them, and a nice vinaigrette for dressing.

As for garlic, if you want to be with her, that won't stop you.

>> No.13446349

When you chop lettuce, you kinda peal it back and then wash it right? Like you chop, and then wash?

Do you have to cook spinach to put it in a salad or can it be raw?

I can just buy vinaigrette dressing, right?

>> No.13446362
File: 297 KB, 1260x1320, All The Eggs Kamala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy, I just found it so unsettling that I never thought there was a reason. Like being inside a serial killer's mind.

>> No.13446380

If you both eat garlic neither of you will smell garlic, dumbass.

>> No.13446423

Yes, raw spinach is the way to go. Of course you rinse your vegetables in cold water before serving them.

>> No.13446469

Thank you!

>> No.13446587

Just tell her the truth bro
Get a basic recipe for salmon stir Fry or something simple, if its shit just laugh it off as a mistake and let her know you wanted to get to know her without all the noise around.
You could even offer to order in pizza if the food turns out bad, she will appreciate the honesty

>> No.13446596


>> No.13446662

I'm completely cool with her knowing I'm a novice, I haven't advertised myself as a cook. I just want it to be kinda nice for her.

>> No.13448331

yeah, same as this guy>>13446362

>> No.13448422

make this.
dessert get a good vanilla ice cream and a good chocolate sauce.