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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 124 KB, 1200x1800, stovetop-macaroni-cheese-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13440934 No.13440934 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best cheeses for mac and cheese?

>> No.13440939

Velveeta and sharp cheddar with a bechamel base. It's goo.

>> No.13440954

Stop saying bechamel with your goddamn mac and cheese sauces. All you need is cornstarch coated noodles. Not some cunting flour sauce. Just bone tired of this horseshit.

>> No.13440958

Nah, you're wrong but it's okay.

>> No.13440959

aged hucow cheddar

>> No.13440975

I'm not wrong, because cornstarch breaks long chain protein bonds and makes shit creamy. Every other asshole uses flour for not goddamn good reason. It's either that or sodium citrate. I know what I'm talking about because I've fucking done it.

>> No.13441010

baked mac and cheese is better with bechamel
if you're just making it and throwing it in a bowl cornstarch is smoother yeah but it doesn't hold up as well to baking

>> No.13441016

Best cheeses are deli American, sharp cheddar, triple cheddar, and Muenster

>> No.13441027

who fucking bakes mac and cheese. It's not lasagne.

>> No.13441038
File: 96 KB, 560x394, tastysfriedchicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's never had mac and cheese as a baked casserole
it's standard southern fare

>> No.13441050

so it grits and ochra and other vegetable feces.

>> No.13441056
File: 206 KB, 560x460, Kraft_Dinner_Mac_Cheese_(crop).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok baby we won't bake your mac and cheese we'll use the box like you like

>> No.13441061

Keep pretending, goof. I'll teach you real cooking but you don't care.

>> No.13441071

how could you teach me anything retard
you didn't even know what baked mac and cheese is
sodium citrate and cornstarch are commonly known thickeners too, you're not enlightening anybody with easily googleable information

>> No.13441082

whatever, shithead. Go back to bed. I'm not going to waste my time telling you things you obviously think you know already.

>> No.13441092

seethe harder fuckwit, cheese sauce is simple and you're not more knowledgable than any other average retard with an internet connection
enjoy your day faggot

>> No.13441103

people who use the fucking word seethe. You garbage people. Honestly, grow up. I'm not joking.

>> No.13441113


>> No.13441117

Holy fuck this is hilarious

>> No.13441119

there's the other retard word "cope" what else is there? There has to be other retard 4chan words you can use.

>> No.13441123

Yeah, it's funny watching 14 year olds bicker. Isn't it?

>> No.13441125

there's dilate but odds are you aren't a tranny, your typing style doesn't fit that manner

>> No.13441131

That's the word, dilate.. like the crippled incompetant morons on this board.

>> No.13441136

There's no meaning behind the words, they're just human jibberish. Say it all in a row and no one will care.

>> No.13441146

It's okay leedle boy. You're wrong and you know it. Now that's the first step.

>> No.13441152
File: 56 KB, 843x903, 1577384677121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a handy guide to internet arguments in 2020 so you can keep up next time
yes words are sounds that humans give meaning to in order to communicate concepts and ideas
good work

>> No.13441157

Go nuts, gumby. Keep typing, I want to hear your shit.

>> No.13441161

Put your head next to my juicy bhole then. In the meantime, I'll enjoy my mac n cheese the proper way with bechamel sauce.

>> No.13441163

What kind of childish gimp would make that image? Jesus you people are dedicated to infantilism.

>> No.13441167

why are you on 4chan if you aren't here to shitpost and fuck around

>> No.13441170

Sharp cheddar, gruyere, and parmesan. A little pecorino romano goes in with the crumb topping. That'll usually do it for me, but sometimes manchego is nice. Macaroni and cheese using anything is literally a meme

>> No.13441174

Fresh off the boat from reddit, eh kid?

>> No.13441175

I keep forgetting that this place is for infant fucking children that can't wipe their own asses yet. MY BAD. You fucking worthless cunt.

>> No.13441189

if you don't have the mental fortitude to withstand being called a retard and a faggot and then being able to continue to argue your point then you don't belong here

>> No.13441194

Might be the most newfag post I've ever seen

>> No.13441195

rent free

>> No.13441207

What's sad is that you don't even know how uneducated you sound. It's a mornay sauce not bechamel, faggot

>> No.13441222
File: 39 KB, 577x595, 1477193790605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you sure showed him

>> No.13441230

No need to get offended over a cheese sauce, buddy

>> No.13441235

oh no.. new fag? Oh dear. I have to clutch some pearls. You stupid fucking douche. Grow up. YOu don't get how much you sound like a mangled human being, right?

>> No.13441236
File: 44 KB, 720x720, 1552187740232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i don't think i'm the offended one friendo

>> No.13441262

It's funny just how big of a shit fit someone can throw over corn starch in mac and cheese

>> No.13441274

Or, who gives a shit, it's typing while I watch The Mandalorian. I love teasing kids. It's a shit fit if you see it that way. Otherwise it's me being bored and torturing kids.

>> No.13441291


>> No.13441308

This thread is gay as fuck

>> No.13441335

What do you expect. It's dumb Amerilards who think they are cheese oficionados. It's like getting Stephen Hawking giving pole vaulting advice.

>> No.13441346

>What are the best
Such obvious bait. And so many fell for it. I'd bet there's not a single poster here that can even see over the countertop.

>> No.13441350

>french names for sauces they alone invented is a commie, socialist agenda
Good goy!

>> No.13441360
File: 85 KB, 736x668, 1518358836237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite a reach there
what does any of this have to do with politics or kikes?

>> No.13441685

You are the most pathetic "adult" I've ever met. You're trying so hard to play it off like you aren't shaking with rage over fucking cornstarch of all things

>> No.13441700

You wouldn't be replying with smug anime images unless you were extremely offended. That's just fact

>> No.13441737

It's time to stop this bechamel shit.

>> No.13441778

B-b-but if you add sausage meat it's gravy.

>> No.13441786


>> No.13441821

Look at the post directly above yours.

>> No.13441843

I don't see an issue besides you being autistic over labels.

>> No.13441868

trips declare year of the lemon

>> No.13441872

that edge is pretty dull

>> No.13441877

Smoked cheddar, gouda, mozzerella and cream cheese.

Dont' fucking @ me queers.

>> No.13441879

Americans denying their obvious dumbness to the world. And you wonder why we all laugh at you.

>> No.13441887

Natural or chemical smoke?

>> No.13441898

But you start with butter, flour and milk. It's a bechamel until you start loading it with cheese and there's nothing you can do about it, faggot.

>> No.13441899

Natrual, might be harder to get if you're not in a cheese producing state, but I generally have no trouble finding wood smoked cheeses in Oregon

>> No.13442137

>newfagging this hard

>> No.13442466

who hurt you sweaty? yikes t b h>>13441161

>> No.13442986
File: 566 KB, 980x982, Screenshot 2019-12-30 at 23.15.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only person to mention gruyere only person who has tasted a half decent mac and cheese

>> No.13443188


>> No.13443211

lmfao look at this butthurt Amerilard

>> No.13443213

Imagine getting so trigger on /ck/
Reddit is that way soyboi
Or better yet...why not stay awhile browse /pol/ maybe you'll become something more than a limp wristed faggot

>> No.13443316

It's sweety, not sweaty you fucked up shit brain of a human. But good try. Fucking children.

>> No.13443349

Where'd you go, gimplington? Your shitburger is ready.

>> No.13443489

How old are you?

>> No.13443495

12 and what is

>> No.13443529

underage b&

>> No.13443532

>It's sweety, not sweaty
no... i'm pretty sure anon got it right the first time

>> No.13444675

dickcheese and toejam

>> No.13445060
File: 101 KB, 531x500, 8bf4433a-3e02-49a6-94f3-028e7936d1b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big chicken cheese.

>> No.13445090

47. Way too old for this shithole.

>> No.13445405

Vermont Sharp White Cheddar

>> No.13445496

Imagine holding 47 years of repressed anger back and unloading it on a fucking /ck/ thread about cheese sauce. You're out of your element, sweaty

>> No.13445528

What the fuck are you guys talking about?

>> No.13445687

civilized countries

>> No.13447245

amazing, how does an old man even find this place

>> No.13447260
File: 132 KB, 500x366, a1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aged into it

>> No.13448930

I like what you're up to

>> No.13449182


>> No.13449517
File: 96 KB, 290x406, starwarsDrEvazan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm talking about because I've fucking done it.

I don't think you have Anon. You are, as they say, a big fat liar.

>> No.13449524
File: 51 KB, 468x558, zzzzzzzzim-not-mad-but-I-think-you-are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus you people are dedicated to infantilism.

>> No.13450141

Where the fuck can I find Gruyere that's less than $15 a pound?
Shit is tasty, but its not appropriate for a dish that should cost no more than a couple bucks to make.