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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13437433 No.13437433 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/, /v/ reporting in (just to make it clear that I don't browse this board)

Can you explain to me to the smallest detail exactly why you guys like raw meat? I just don't get it. Why is it considered the "superior" way of eating it? Even if it's not LITERALLY raw, what the fuck is wrong with you? Anything that's not fully cooked tastes like shit, and yes I've tried it. You guys are weird.

>> No.13437439

i honestly dont get it either

>> No.13437458

It's more tender, juicier, more flavourful.
You can go too rare, of course, but well done does not taste good.

>> No.13437467
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>That red ass piece of shit
>more flavourful

>> No.13437471

Go ask /sci/ you zoomer shithead

>> No.13437485

>well done does not taste good

>> No.13437582

Rare & medium rare steak isn't raw, the redness has little to do with doneness, it's just how minerals in the meat look. It's completely safe to eat. It's good because the meat is juicer and the subtle beef flavors are more present than with more done steak.

>> No.13437597

I've eaten slices of completely raw high quality steak before and it was everything I hoped. Raw chicken is even better but I only ate one piece once

>> No.13437651

>It's completely safe to eat
Doesn't mean it's not disgusting

>> No.13437708
File: 223 KB, 775x1025, 2019-12-30 21.10.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause it tastes good

>> No.13437712

It does not.

>> No.13437724

it does though, tender as fuck

though maybe i'm biased because I buy good quality meat and the best cuts.

>> No.13437826

>/v/ reporting in
Stopped reading

>> No.13437828

More of a texture thing, overcooked meat dries out and feels like shoe leather in your mouth. Ever had an over cooked chicken breast? That’s how steaks feel to me anytime they get cooked over medium. Certain cuts can handle less cooking than other though. Lean beef cuts like filets tend to be better rare because of the lack of fat which causes them to dry out faster but a lot of lean cuts are just better as slow cooked meats because they tend to be heavily worked muscles like rounds and the like. Fattier cuts like ribeyes and skirt steak can handle a bit more cooking because of the high fat content, usually medium rare to medium is best for these cuts. I vastly prefer medium rare but because of the high fat content cooking these steaks to medium will not completely fuck them up while lean cuts are much more tricky to handle thus being much less beginner friendly. I find that if you cook fatty cuts rare they tend to get pretty tough as well, could be the fat not having enough time to render though I’m not really sure.

>> No.13437842

Damn that looks good, nicely cooked.

>> No.13437846
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>nicely cooked

>> No.13437863
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Don't hate

it was perfect for me

>> No.13437869

I know this is a hard concept, but people have different tastes when it comes to food. You are not a litmus for tastes.

>> No.13437874

>I know this is a hard concept, but people have different tastes when it comes to food
That argument would be valid if people didn't look at me weird when I order something well done at a restaurant. You pretentious fucks.

>> No.13437888
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>very fatty cut
Enjoy your chewy steak retard

>> No.13437953

Fuck off you tasteless faggot. I hope you like eating your shoe leather steaks.

>> No.13437977


>> No.13437978

I enjoy it more than you eating your raw shit.

>> No.13438049

Rare steak isn’t raw retard

>> No.13438053

>It's more tender
It's literally not though. That's the point of cooking it. To make it easier to chew. Raw meat is chewy and stringier, depending on the cut.

>> No.13438095

That's only when it's blue rare basically.

If you just cook to rare or medium rare it wont be chewy, it'll be extremely tender.

Though this obviously depends on the cut and quality of the meat.

>> No.13438661

no u

>> No.13438691

That's not raw, that's rare. Rare is fine. It's more juicy and flavorful. Medium rare is the ideal state for steaks, although going as high as medium won't ruin it too much.

>> No.13438712
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>Literal b8 thread
>everyone falling for it.

>> No.13438719

when i get an order for a well-done protein of any kind, i have to assume that the customer isn't really concerned with what they are eating. i'm a good chef. i can cook beef to 175 farenheit without it turning gray. do you know what happens when i do that? the food gets sent back. they just don't want to confront the the idea that they are consuming obviously delicious animal flesh. for reference, vide the impossible burger

>> No.13439999

Not every cut of meat is meant to be cooked medium-rare.