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File: 153 KB, 957x1300, traditional-spanish-seafood-paella-spain-toledo-dec-waiter-served-dish-restaurant-saffron-rice-peas-shrimps-84721668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13436873 No.13436873 [Reply] [Original]

>they don't know and can't tell that we've substituted inexpensive safflower stamen which gives the same exact colour and flavour

>> No.13436895

The safflower poster has to be the weirdest, most niche dude here.

And no, they don't taste similar

t. Iranian

>> No.13436913

Thy don’t taste “similar,” they taste, smell, and impact identical color.

Most people have never, and will never, have real saffron because the restaurant trade exclusively uses safflower.

>> No.13436952
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>> No.13437615
File: 9 KB, 198x255, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying an Iranian opinion is worth considering.

>> No.13437641


so what the fuck does it matter?

>> No.13437647

It absolutely does not have the same flavour because I fucking HATE the flavour of saffron (tastes like chewing on muddy tin foil) and don't mind the flavour of safflower.

>> No.13437655


you've never had real saffron

>> No.13437662

>literally picked it myself
>but I've never had it
The two plants don't even look alike, so it's not like I'd have confused one for the other.

>> No.13437689


so you just picked some random stamens from some bumble fuck flower you thought was saffron? no shit it tasted like ass.

>> No.13437700

Autumn crocus is easy as fuck to grow, just don’t let your pets near it if you love them.

>> No.13437706


>picked it myself

there's your problem, you have to harvest saffron before the sunrise and in a low humidity environment, or it will taste like shit. you can't just go out midday, find a wild saffron flower, and pick good saffron.

>> No.13437726

Saffron doesn’t grow wild and is easy to cultivate. If anon was picking from the wrong wild look-alike he’d be bitching about getting poisoned instead.

>> No.13437727

Not everyone lives where you live, Anonipoo. Some people live in countries which grow saffron crocus plants. btw, wtf is the plural for crocus in English? Crocuses? Croci? Croque madames?

>> No.13437751

Domesticated saffron literally doesn’t grow wild. If you’re going out and picking wild saffron you’re either trespassing in someone’s garden/farm or straight up not picking saffron.

>> No.13437775

Where did Anon say anything about picking wild saffron? Where did Anon even imply that the saffron was wild?

>> No.13437823

It’s implied in the post when they talk about countries that grow it because you can bring the bulb inside even when the winters are really cold.

>> No.13437857

Because you can get a big pillow sized bag of safflower stamen for $20 and the equivalent amount of saffron would cost $50,000!

>> No.13437861

They control the saffron trade and use it to launder money. Safflower is Hezbollah-free.

>> No.13437963

then why would you ever use saffron

>> No.13437984
File: 236 KB, 900x900, SodiumHexametaphosphate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most niche dude here

Fuck you buddy.

>> No.13438136


To feel important

>> No.13438148

it's only 10 or maybe 15 $ a gram at costco

>> No.13438839

fuck costco, it's full of trash and their beef and seafood isn't that great

>> No.13438903

It’s autism. You know they love routines right? Doing something different causes them anxiety and stress.

>> No.13438911

fuck you nigger

>> No.13440167

i can and do buy real saffron in any grocery. sounds like a problem limited to your country to be honest senpai

>> No.13440313

saffron is not that expensive, because you need very little of it to season a dish. Do you think a renowned restaurant would risk screwing its reputation just to save like a dollar or two on a dish? And no, saffron and safflower can be recognized by anyone whose tastebuds are worth a shit.

>> No.13440556
File: 182 KB, 720x1180, 1498768392497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you hexametanon
it really does make emulsifying sauces a lot easier

>> No.13440562

but can you see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?

>> No.13440595

I can walk to a store near me and buy tins of saffron, black truffles, and sturgeon caviar... expensive but it's readily available. I've gotten a small bit of saffron for some rice, really does go a long way, even the like gram I bought of it.

>> No.13440665


>> No.13441691

khameni was based tho and Persians are literally the most based middle easterners ofc they’re still shitskins but they make some dank food

>> No.13441851

nigga, is you alright? you havin' a stroke? how the fuck does any of that imply he was talking about wild saffron? lrn2reading comprehension in the new year, faggot

>> No.13442230

Persians are the closest thing to white that will ever come out of the middle east

>> No.13443409

quick rundown?

>> No.13443418

More like a labeling standards issue in your country.

>> No.13443452

can anybody give me a quick rubdown on what this is >>13437984

>> No.13443753
File: 159 KB, 702x1024, 2e47f3a0b17b705abc3815bd889eadeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his whole thing is talking about how well it emulsifies and thickens sauces
at first i thought he was some kind of shill or shitty memer and yelled at him to stop shitposting about it constantly
he responded with basically 'lmao have you even tried it' and no i hadn't
so i got some from a friend who already had some to try it myself
tl;dr works exactly as hexametanon said it would
had to figure the ratio out myself but it truly does make my sauces emulsified just the way i want