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File: 2.80 MB, 2848x2136, Casu_Marzu_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13434123 No.13434123 [Reply] [Original]

Do Italians really do this?

>> No.13435013

Italians are the textbook definition of food autism. Not surprised.

>> No.13435050

Typical cheese from sardinia
It's cheese with some type of maggots inside. They eat the cheese and "defecate" it and that's give it a special taste.
It's very rare and it can only be found in that region so saying "do Italians really do this" it's like saying "do americans really do this?" Referring to fucking your relatives just because in some part of Alabama or Florida or whatever the fuck you want do that .
So yes... we do this but if you go on any place outside that island you are not gonna find it .

>> No.13435710

You could de-ice a runway with all that salt

>> No.13435718

it's illegal now innit?

>> No.13435756


It's illegal to commercialize it.

Some people may do it on their own in Sardinia, but that's it.

>> No.13435784

No, that's the French or Japanese. Italians take what ever crawls, swims, rots, grows, etc and finds a way to eat it.

My grandfather almost died because he tried to ferment a month after exp. date leg of lamb to save it ... he also would forage for mushrooms, cook test shrooms in a pan with butter and garlic if the garlic turned black they were poisonous. They're food thrifty bunch, like the Chinese.

>> No.13435798


>have global monopoly on the best snacking fish in the world
>eat rotten cheese instead

>> No.13435810

Fuck shitaly
fuck shitalians
fuck their """""cuisine""""", it's all stolen and worse than engl*sh """"food"""".

amer*cans made shitalian "cuisine" better, fuck even the pinoys make better carbonara

>> No.13435843

The same for Korea, only with cabbage.

>> No.13435851
File: 220 KB, 1200x900, 1567772579721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13435887

airports don't use salt

>> No.13436260

Fucking your relatives? Yeah, since forever. That doesn't stop us though.

>> No.13436386

>Do Italians really do this?
You wait and see what they have been doing to your're dads cock

>> No.13437437

It's known as a sardinian cheese, but you can find some variation of in some region of italy but it became famous thanks to some amerimutt show.

You can say we eat it, It's more like a rarity tho.
I tried it once, it taste good, but very strong.

It's not different than eating honey

>> No.13437459

> have global monopoly on the best snacking fish in the world
They eat that too.
Actually all the southern Italy eats a lot of fish, they are surrounded by sea

>> No.13437511

>It's very rare and it can only be found in that region so saying "do Italians really do this" it's like saying "do americans really do this?
This happens all the time you fucking retard

>> No.13439428


>> No.13439495
File: 160 KB, 1080x1350, FB_IMG_1577796010331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my grandmother used to eat gorgonzola with maggots too

>> No.13439845

damage control

>> No.13439905

Based taleggio block that looks like a tile

>> No.13441058

He's true.
The majority of Italian will live without knowing what casu martsu is.
Generally nobody moves to Sardinia and a lot of Sardinian will never leave their island so there's little to none cultural contaminations between Sardinia and the rest of Italy.

>> No.13441090

Daily reminder that Sardinians are a bunch of inbred hicks and have next to nothing to do with Italy. It'd be like saying Costa Ricans are American.

>> No.13441847

I will be visiting Sardinia in a few months time. If I see or smell any of this fucking maggot cheese I will vomit on the spot, I know it. What are the chances I accidentally encounter it without specifically seeking it out?

>> No.13441882


>> No.13442111

>>13441090 >>13435050>>13435798

daily remember that shitalians are inferiority complexed mutts who deny that maggot cheese is an italian culinary delicacy spread in almost all their regions and absolutely not only in Sardinia
Bross ch'a marcia in Piedmont;
Cacie' Punt ("formaggio punto") in Molise;
Casu puntu in Salento (Apulia);
Casu du quagghiu in Calabria;
Gorgonzola coi grilli in Liguria;
Frmag punt in Apulia;
Furmai nis ("formaggio nisso") in Emilia-Romagna;
Marcetto or cace fraceche in Abruzzo;
Salterello in Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

>> No.13442133

>X cheese is sound in a remote Y village in region Z

It must be so pathetic living as a cultureless shadow of the humanity like you

>> No.13442145

>daily remember that shitalians are inferiority complexed mutts
We don't have an inferiority complex, it's actually the opposite you mongoloid.

Feel free to provide some data of this "delicacy" consumption in Italy, you mutt

>> No.13442161
File: 190 KB, 1502x1064, coricheddos-recipe-main-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sardinian cuisine is very different from anything you will find in italy tho. It's kinda good, except from the sweets, they are generally bland aside from few exceptions

>> No.13442326

my papà refused to eat ham for dinner because it wasn't "the Italian way." He would also spit out anything in casserole form, it literally wasn't considered food to him. Really anything that wasn't pasta or meat with a separate side dish was deemed inedible slop.
Italians are absolutely autistic.

>> No.13442349

If he hated casseroles so much, why did he put them in his mouth to start? Why spit out what you know you hate that's stupidity. He's retarded anon, not autistic

>> No.13442420

It was just a taste anon, just one little tastioli.
And then he hit my mom (not italian) with a belt and she never did it again. It was a good system.

>> No.13442428

What you're forgetting is that there isn't really such a thing as "Italian".

>> No.13442478

t. ashamed sicilian

>> No.13442701

bees dont poop honey

>> No.13443235

honey it's the byproduct of the digestion of bees.

>> No.13443267
File: 57 KB, 630x520, 1572415671626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it isn't, retard.

>> No.13443290

yes it is

>> No.13443322

I'm curious of how do you think honey is produced by bees? do you think they have little laboratories in which they mini mass produce honey?

>> No.13443355

bees eat nectar from flowers bees then digest the nectar till it turns into honey bees then throw up the honey

>> No.13443453

That isnt how it works at all.

>> No.13443632


>eating rancid maggot shit is no different than eating honey
>comparing maggot shit to a complex process of water reduction and using enzymes to break down nectar into glucose-fructose

Fucking italians. Protip: bees never consume the nectar, They have a crop that acts as a storage bladder.

>> No.13443639


Bees store nectar in a crop and deliver it to the hive, where other bees introduce enzymes and induce evaporation that slowly transforms it into honey. The honey never goes farther than their mouths and crop. At worst it is comparable to eating food you pulled out of your dogs mouth.

>> No.13443690

All of those are "literally where?" villages.

>> No.13444647

> Bees produce honey from the sugary
> secretions of plants (floral nectar) or from
> secretions of other insects (such as
> honeydew), by regurgitation, enzymatic activity,
Based retard

>> No.13444663


>> No.13445777

I don't see why people are so repulsed by this. Cheese is already partially digested by Chymosin, and further digestion by other organisms like Penicillium is common throughout the world. Alcohol and bread are both made by Saccharomyces predigesting carbohydrates. Hell, all mushrooms are literally just the decomposition process in action, so literal rot. If it tastes good, eat it.

>> No.13446179

yeah pretty much the same thing don't you think?

>> No.13446237

No difference why bacteria should be ok and larvae not.
Especially when the larvae lives and eat in the cheese without external contaminations