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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13425299 No.13425299[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is this being shilled so heavily? felt like it just started a couple months ago and now there's thousands of articles about it. i don't wanna eat bugs desu

>> No.13425302

i never even knew this was a thing until /pol/tards started spamming it 24/7. you're the only ones shilling it lmfao. i bet you're american.

>> No.13425303


>> No.13425305

>muh /pol/ boogieman
jesus, get a life.

>> No.13425306

>/pol/tards spamming
i learned about this on /ck/ fren

>> No.13425308

boogieman implies that it's not a real thing, though. we all know that you're a based pede and have a soyjack folder.

>> No.13425313

Why is she calling her readers kids?

>> No.13425315

If they really want to be diverse then they should take into account all the phobias

>> No.13425318

i feel kinda repulsed at the idea of eating bugs but i cant think of a logical reason not to

>> No.13425323

lmfao learned about what? some imaginary bug conspiracy? lol what is even takeout.com I never even heard of that literal who website.

>> No.13425324

>. i bet you're american.
Americans are the only ones willing to fight against the degeneracy of entomophagy. Yurosperms will roll over for anything that their libtard (((masters))) demand of them

>> No.13425327

why is it degenerate?

>> No.13425330

>only what i actually see is what's real
ok Hume

>> No.13425332

>shilled so heavily
>article is from thetakeout.com
>the "freelance journalist" writing this probably got paid $25 to shit it out one morning in between coffee and her morning shit
this cockgobbler >>13425302 is right. there's like 3 mainstream articles about this gay shit in the last year when I googled it. and by "mainstream" I mean shit like huffpost

>> No.13425331

I’ve started *saying* I’m Jewish so I can’t eat bugs. I commend you all again and again to join me and pledge to merely *say* you’re Jewish.

>> No.13425340

the takeout.com isn't even a top 2000 news media site lol

>> No.13425342

>implying this is the only media piece telling the goyim to eat their bugs

>> No.13425343

op probably wrote the article and is desperate for hits

>> No.13425345
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do sardinians really?

>> No.13425349


Did you bring this over from Reddit you fucking vegan homo?
Get the fuck back there, you are a disgrace to the human race......
Personally, no-one with any self-respect is going to eat shit like that.
These things are called pests for a reason, in that they are bottom-feeders, just like your average American fast-food patron.

>> No.13425350
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this shit has been shilled multiple times by multiple companies on Shark Tank which is watched by millions of normies

>> No.13425353

they're not going to make you eat bugs homo. they're going to make you pay ever increasing taxes on meat. that's the setup in the chess game. you still think you're woke and they're still outmaneuvering you all over the board like the scrub you are

>> No.13425355

kill yourself dolt nigger

>> No.13425365

Americans will never experience the texture and bite of a cheese such as this.
Your loss, not ours.......

>> No.13425366

They are going to make leafs and eurotards pay meat taxes. They never will in the US. I’m not even slightly worried. And no Democrat will ever win the Presidency again in the US.

>> No.13425374


You called me what? Ha Ha Ha
Cry yourself to sleep fatty

>> No.13425376

>plebbit spacing
>sub-100 iq post
you have to go back

>> No.13425385

>I’m not even slightly worried.

Oh I think you are, Hillary.......

>> No.13425399

Whatever you little fuckwit, I've never been to reddit.
Why would I waste electricity on a shit-house place like that?

>> No.13425404

>posts about bugs and veganism constantly

>> No.13425414
File: 1.89 MB, 500x375, 1572474469664.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so torn on bugs as food.
On the one hand I see only positive things about it:
>Good source of protien
>Cheap to farm
>Far less herbicides, pesticides and hormones than conventional meats
>Actually pretty tasty desu
>Ecologically sound
>Cruelty free unless you are insane and give a shit about bug death
>Easy to self-farm
But on the other hand I just don't trust anything that gets shilled. That is literally the only hangup I have on bugs. I think every other argument against bugs as supplementary source of food is paranoid and retarded. But I just can't shake the distrust I have for anything mainstream media is insistent that I should buy into. What do they know that they aren't telling me? Or is this just a rare case of something being pushed because it is just objectively a win for everyone?

Does anyone else feel this way?

>> No.13425422

Whoa it's almost as if you're paranoid and should stop trusting the schizos on /pol/.

>> No.13425479

you're embarassing yourself

>> No.13425481

Today it's bugs, tomorrow it's soylent green

>> No.13425482

Conditioning for a future planned famine.
Conditioning to accept a much lower quality of life and not rebel. The frog is boiling. We are boiling, can you feel it?

>> No.13425487

Why don't third worlders who can't even afford shoes just stop having a bajillion kids?

>> No.13425490

because the mainstream media likes to piggyback off each other's terrible opinions and ideas, not because the NWO is going to make us eat bugs
remember how hard they tried to push hillary on us? remember how we got trump anyways? see how they continue to shit on him constantly despite him being a zionist puppet? mainstream media is hilariously out of touch and doesn't appeal to anyone other than white liberal boomers

>> No.13425496

i don't see this push for bugs anywhere but from autistic and paranoid chantards. it's kind of how "cuck" was nearly an unknown concept until chantard autism memed it into the mainstream back in 2016. no one is pushing for this shit except for you fags and it might actually become a thing due to schizo weaponized autism so keep it up i guess.

>> No.13425511

Bugs are actually expensive to buy in store.
I would consider eating bugs if they were cheap.
They are marketed as gourmet shit with an expensive price tag which ruins the whole purpose of eating bugs.

>> No.13425517

where do you live? the only places i've seen selling bugs are at fishing bait stores or pet shops (food for reptiles) but then again i'm an amerifat. shrimp doesn't count.

>> No.13425519

>They are so cheap, bro!
Bullshit it costs me over a dollar to feed my tarantula just 6 large crickets.

>> No.13425524

The logical reason is you do not want to eat bugs. That's all. We're not machines, we're not the 100% programmable and tabula rasa man that since the French Revolution left-leaning ideology has believed. We eat because of culture, because of appetite and because of taste rather than just for mindless nutrition. Hindus don't eat cows and prefer to eat vegetarian not because of science but because of cultural ethics. Same with Haram and Kosher food.

I want to eat what tastes good and what is healthy enough for me. Bug may be healthy, but I don't feel like eating them. That's all the logic that is needed.

>> No.13425528

>why is this being shilled so heavily? felt like it just started a couple months ago and now there's thousands of articles about it. i don't wanna eat bugs desu
I don't really care, I'll just eat people if they force me to eat bugs.
Nice slab of soiboi steak.

>> No.13425571

>eating soft gelatinous libcucks
rather eat the bugs

>> No.13425586

jews run the media

>> No.13425599

Profit margins, how many times does it have to be said?

>> No.13425604
File: 298 KB, 1023x484, 1577518988600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so youre basically admitting you dont make informed decisions based on logic but defer to your base instincts like a child. ive never seen pol-ideology explained so eloquently, anon, thanks.

>> No.13425773

>being shilled so heavily
Stop browsing /pol/ retard.

>> No.13425784

Nice try, I brought locusts.

>> No.13425789

Well that and bugs contain a fuck ton of parasites and unlike with those in fish and say beef the ones in bugs are too small to pick out so you g as mble with getting trichinosis and pinworms when you eat bugs that's why most cultures stop eating them as soon as they can afford not to

>> No.13425797

I can understand marketing the idea of eating bugs to adults but
>buckle up, kids
Really? That’s pushing it on the levels of weirdness, none of this is set in stone or even close so how could she be telling anyone that it’s “the food of the future”.

If nobody fucking buys it then its not going to succeed, even a little bit.

>> No.13425811

Wtf guys the sjw commie libtards GEORGE SOROS anti-white democRATS wants to turn you into trannies by cutting off your dick and force feed you bugs!!

>> No.13425824

thanks for the input buzzfeed, but 4chan has always been reactionary and politically incorrect even before it was given a dedicated board to be politically incorrect on. it most assuredly is a boogieman.

>> No.13425827


you type like a nigger and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.13425831

aren't you homos getting put in jail now for burning lgbt flags and the most advanced country in terms of demographic replacement despite having some faggy rights based constitution that's supposed to protect your civil liberties, but doesn't? you might be able to blow smoke up /ck/'s ass but anyone with even the slightest amount of political awareness knows what a cuck town the JSA is.

>> No.13425833

>dolt nigger

don't try to improvise it's thoroughly cringe inducing for those of us having to read it

>> No.13425835

Stupid faggot hipsters trying to pull a meat is murder thing again. Only this time the food industry is buying into it because they think breeding a gorillion buckets of mealworms is easier and more cost effective than breeding a gorillion heads of beef.

>> No.13425844

What about quinoa ? It's supposed to have every essentials amino acids.

>> No.13425846

Fuck off. /pol/ is now the biggest board and all your the_donald friends from reddit shit up every board with their shitty culture wars.

>> No.13425849

Last I heard a few years ago, the industry professionals were looking into feeding insects to cattle and chickens as an alternative to grains. I don't know why we jumped from that to feeding the bugs directly to humans in the last few months. It's a fucking stupid idea.

>> No.13425854

doesn't make sense
I thought life was sacred to these faggots, like a vegetard screams at taking one chickens life for one meal, but somehow taking 1000 crickets lives for one meal is OK.

>> No.13425865
File: 46 KB, 1229x417, 1485430405745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh.

>> No.13425866

If this was really being shilled then we'd have celebrities pushing bugs and first-worlders selling them. Instead you have about five literally-who news sites saying it for reactions/clicks from easily startled moms/anons and the only people selling bugs are in Thailand and the occassional Californian meme-cafe.
I've been eating bugs for several years now and I've seen exactly zero bug merchants here in Oklahoma despite actively searching. You people are the only ones on the Internet I ever see talk about entomophagy. Hell, there's still only about two bug cookbooks available for purchase. The only people trying to push entomophagy are a handful of liberals who think it'd reduce global methane production and people who just like eating bugs and don't delve into the political side.

>> No.13425867
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>Americans are the only ones willing to fight against the degeneracy of entomophagy
>a country with shit gastronomy, with the most barbarian palate will resist to shit food.

>> No.13425869

>all the new recipes waiting to be invented
>all the new types of bugs waiting to be cultivated
>all the new depths of flavor waiting to be reached
I'm honestly excited desu, as every food and cooking enthusiast should be.

>> No.13425872

Capitalists trying to push some new product and taking advantage of the climate scare

>> No.13425873

That's because you never tried to understand what vegans were really saying. Also you're mixing vegans and entomophagists in your head for some reason, likely because you're an idiot.

>> No.13425876

For once I feel like people pulling the strings also share this fear.

>> No.13425878

Don't expect the average cu/ck/ to understand that, our most popular threads are about things like this and fast food.

>> No.13425880

They'll catch up when bugs fast food is a thing.

>> No.13425939
File: 40 KB, 637x184, poltard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But OP is a /pol/tard.

>> No.13425980

It's just yet another form of virtue signaling by the pathetic journo class. These people never pass up an opportunity to tell the plebs how morally superior they are. In this case they are morally superior because they proselytize for the eco-friendly consumption of bugs. Can you see this makes them better than us? So so much better then us.

Remember it plebs. Eat the bugs, watch television, get outraged at tweets, accept the monitoring chip implant...

>> No.13426024

Imagine getting outraged by a headline on some blog.

>> No.13426220

>Soy and soylent products: American
>All the hype around impossible meat and other vegan fake burgers : American
>All the HFCS in everything : American
>All the eat some bugs it's good for you propaganda : American
>Most of the vegan shilling / influencing : American
Do you start seeing a pattern? Europoors don't need to fight the degeneracy because they actually have a food culture. You're never taking meat away from us. Never.

>> No.13426237

in their heart they know you're right

>> No.13426243

Articles are written with the primary goal of getting as many people to click on links for them as possible because that's how pay is determined for these writers. Bugs being what everyone will eat in the future is excellent clickbait because it's out of the ordinary from what most people normally consider food to the point of even being offensive with insects in food traditionally seen as a sign of dirtiness or contamination. And at the same time it's not merely a ridiculous and offensive idea but instead has an actually plausible basis for being a shift in how people think of food given insects are already used as food in other parts of the world extensively and have some advantages over other sources of protein if you're concerned with very long term environmental issues.
And as others in this thread have already pointed out, it's really people like you who are driving this trend the most by continually being shocked at it and posting it for discussion here or on other websites.

>> No.13426260
File: 908 KB, 846x935, 1567724892624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the SCIENCE! angle doesn't work
>now they target children

>> No.13426263

How is this targeting children?

>> No.13426267
File: 43 KB, 211x194, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buckle up, kids

>> No.13426275

Am I retarded? Nowhere in that image does it say "buckle up, kids".

>> No.13426280

Among other things it is a new business opportunity to sell cheaply produced shitfood for a high price.

You all can bet your ass (((they))) will eat wagyu beef steak in their scyscrapers while you eat bug burgers.

>> No.13426282

Apparently that anon posted a picture alongside his post about targeting children that had nothing to do with targeting children and he was instead referring to the OP's picture.

>> No.13426284

they taste like shit, literaly filled with shit and their nutritional value is overrated

>> No.13426286

1) When you post a picture alongside text topically related to your picture people are going to think you're talking about that picture. Not sure why I need to explain this to you. If you wanted to talk about targeting children you could have included another picture that involved targeting children or you could have just replied to the OP without a picture.
2. "Buckle up, kids" isn't even "targeting children" you retard. It's just a cheeky way of referring to a general audience where you're kind of talking down to them. Learn not to be so slavishly literal and it might ease your autism symptoms in the future.

>> No.13426288
File: 76 KB, 1080x517, 1572347821762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am I retarded?

Yes you are. >>13426260 is from an earlier date, where they tried to use science as argument, now >>13425299 they address easily manipulated kids to further their agenda

>> No.13426295

Because food companies are starting to realize the way they harvest meat and veg on a mass scale has been rapidly degrading the soil of farm lands they raise it on. So instead of raising animals correctly, or growing veggies more organically they resort to swapping out bugs for protein, soybeans for vegetables and using weird artificially mutated mosquitoes to pollinate it all.