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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 288x288, sv3rige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13425227 No.13425227 [Reply] [Original]

He's baaaaaaaack
sv3rige with another edition on "vegans: epitome of malnourishment"
Episode 6 is a one of his best, maybe a masterpiece.


While watching this ask yourself one question: which is worse for your body: crystal meth or veganism? The faces look the same.

>> No.13425295

who cares

>> No.13425326

Vegans do, they can’t refute this lad.

>> No.13425329

Are you a vegan?

>> No.13425333
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it's afraid

>> No.13425336

Is that a real question? How many questions can you ask before people get tired of it? Does questioning pass as dialogue where you’re from?

>> No.13425341

Refuted. Saged. /thread

>> No.13425354

You didn't answer my question. And if you're not a vegan then why the fuck do you care about this faggot with a receding hairline?

>> No.13425358

Why is your question important to me? Do you believe that receding hairlines aren’t caused by veganism?

>> No.13425359

you're either a cattle rancher or mentally ill. either way, it's not healthy to care this much about obscure diets

>> No.13425369

>years of shrill vegan activism
>people get sick of it and strike back
>y-your obsessed!
Get used to it, meat advocacy is gaining steam and veganism is losing adherents.

>> No.13425372

No, but I'm sick of seeing this fucking faggot posted here every day. I'm sick of the pro and anti-veganism threads on this board. And I'm sick of you.

>> No.13425380

Does he get an extra cm of forehead for every animal he doesnt eat?

>> No.13425387

We’ve been over this. Mechanical planting and harvesting kills between twenty and thirty thousand small mammals per acre, every year. These animals are not instantly killed with a captive bolt gun, but they are crushed to death in their shallow burrows or ripped to shreds by whirling blades. Their atomized gore ends up permeating every single pulse, grain, bit of rice you eat. Unless you believe that somehow a cow’s life is worth more than a vole’s or a rat’s, which is totally stupid thinking as I’m sure you agree, you’re causing more suffering and animal death than if you exclusively ate beef, where you could easily kill only one cow per person per year.

It’s not the meat industry that kills the most animals per year. It’s big grain and soy.

No, only a sick freak of a vegan would eat grains and pulses and beans. It’s absolutely cruel! This is why, as an actually ethical vegan and not just a slave to big grain, you shouldn’t eat mechanically harvested crops of any kind. Imagine this little animals getting crushed, mangled, their guts spurting out in wormlike coils as they are crushed, entire families of them! Tiny little baby bunnies and voles, their eyes just opened for the first time, and the only thing they EVER saw was their poor mommy’s skull getting smashed and her brains coming out, right before that soy harvester kills them too.

Vegan people are sick freaks and they’re in a Satanic death cult - lying and saying they’re saving the planet when their soybean hunger is deforesting the Amazon and they deal much more death than a strict carnivore. All the while lying to themselves and everybody else.

Veganism is positively Satanic unless you do it like the Jain.

>> No.13425388

if you think vegans who are less than 1% of the population are some oppressive force you are mentally ill. im guessing you conflate dietary recommendations to eat more fruits and vegetables with vegan activism.

>> No.13425392

What does this have to do with food or cooking?

>> No.13425398

What about the soy planted used to feed animals?

>> No.13425742

How long did it last up? He needs a different backup site for these

>> No.13425755

Vegan detected

>> No.13425762

Somehow he comes off as more of a pompous ass than vegans—that is no simple feat. Bravo.

>> No.13425963



>> No.13425982

RIP OP. Reminder to sage. Toothless anti-vegan hillbillies on suicide watch.

>> No.13425996

Why is there a thread about a guy who does not cook his food on my cooking forum?

>> No.13426011

It's just a copy-pasta and literally nobody cares about it except him, if you reply to it he'll just samefag the pasta telling himself how awesome he is.

>> No.13426065
File: 60 KB, 454x640, 1edda822c7237e9ad4fb4605cc7a4a2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegan chad here.
Where does this fag live so I can go kick his sorry little meatcuck ass?

>> No.13426075

bet hes a faggot too

>> No.13426276

what am i looking for exactly?

>> No.13426300

i don't know about that anon

>> No.13426363

>eat more fruits and vegetables with vegan activism
Nah, that's a commie, socialist, UN, Soros conspiracy to enslave the US.

>> No.13426367

The only shrill vegan activism that I ever see are /pol/tards and carnist industry shill falseflaggers.

>> No.13426510

Why do you niggers have to lie? No one would be so anti vegan if those dumb niggers didn't reeeeee 24/7 about people eating meat.

>> No.13426525

>it's a Communist plot to overthrow the US!

>> No.13427430

who is dis fagget ? even i look more buffed than him, lolzed

>> No.13427470


>> No.13427479

FOOD & Cooking

>> No.13427785

Fucking ghouls the lot of them. I feel sorry for that girl with the migraines though.

>> No.13427791

if your diet is not idea, i suggest eating a daily vitamin with a handful of peanuts every day. the fat helps the body absorb the vitamins in the pill.

>> No.13427819

>both an e-celeb shill thread and a veganism thread
Yup, pure cancer.

>> No.13429320
File: 10 KB, 320x180, 80DD613B-96E8-49B7-B758-91A1C2466242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This vegan is suing based sv3rige for making fun of him. Oy vey!

>> No.13429366
File: 1.15 MB, 1881x1511, Carnivore - Keto - IF - reduced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder why did epitome 6 get (((delisted)))

>> No.13429719

I surmise that it was a coordinated mass-flagging by a vegan group that simply don't want anyone shedding light on their delusions.

>> No.13430446

Anteenootrients u r a slave

>> No.13430616

hehe you fucking retard you are eating poison hehe you are mentally ill your body lacks nootrients hehe

>> No.13430679

haha. those google/youtube faggots are probably all vegan and censored him

>> No.13430727

wow. this is painful to watch. only made it halfway through before I stopped. it's like seeing those krokodil addicts who wasted away

>> No.13430794
File: 2.43 MB, 2048x1536, 177B323F-2D53-45DF-ADB6-F6C283EA14E6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the power of brainwashing.

>> No.13430806

I've noticed all the vegan people I know are really pale. Even the Mexican. They have no color like ayy lmaos. Are aliens vegan?

>> No.13430857
File: 207 KB, 1284x1045, 1577537204214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[YouTube] Not Found (embed)
>literally just a collection of before and after videos


>> No.13430916

Anyone who argues against a balanced diet is a retard. But why get all the benefits from multiple food sources when you can get internet money for being a retard and making hillary voters scream right?

>> No.13430927

Is he actually suing or threatening to?

>> No.13430931

Looks like a methhead

>> No.13430937

Meth is vegan.

>> No.13430954

Carnivore is the most based diet if you eat enough animal fat. I most eat fatty lamb and lamb organs because lamb is much cheaper here. But I do eat some beef steaks and egg yoke (for steak tartar and making carnivore mayo as a dipping sauce).

I feel like a million bucks and all my health issues have gone away.

>> No.13431142

But is it fairtrade and ecological?

>> No.13431532

Video removed by Jewtube

>> No.13431556

deleted because of the Nasim footage.

>> No.13431560

Why do you keep advertising your own videos pretending to be an anon?

>> No.13431583


>> No.13431586

so is there such a thing as a fat vegan? looks like a great weight loss diet

>> No.13431650

This has been refuted time and time again, shit bag. Where does most of the grain and soy go? To feed all the cows, pigs, and chickens that meat eaters have to eat because they are worried about not being manly enough. What would happen on a vegan diet? We would stop feeding all those grains etc to animals and it would go directly towards feeding humans, which is far less than what all the animals need. This argument is so retarded I can't believe anyone even still uses it to counter vegans.

>> No.13431675

It got deleted because he made fun of greta thumburg and she is protected by companies like google.

>> No.13431699

Don't take his shit bait, he never even bothers to put it in a correct context anymore.

He included footage of a woman who literally fucking shot at YouTube employees.

>> No.13431860

Is it bait? I see so many meat head people not even on 4chan who still spew this bait, if we can call it that

>> No.13432049
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Yes, most soy and grain is used as animal feed and for additives in human food, e.g. soy oil, lecithin, flour, etc., and obviously Asian foods. Also, calculations on actual kills have been done, and obviously meat and even dairy/eggs kills more since you have to feed the animals and that means harvesting whatever you feed them and they eat a lot of it (yes you have to harvest grasses to make hay or just because they don't get enough via grazing always).

I mean eat whatever you want, but I hate that people have to pretend that eating meat is "more vegan than vegan!" because less animals die, and then go full retard to deny the basic math and biology involved and throw a fit when you point it out to them. If you can't handle animals dying for your food, don't eat meat - if you eat meat, fucking deal with it and stop inventing feel-good fairy-tales.

>> No.13432070



>> No.13432193


they're just two extremes. complete abstinence from meat and complete carnivorism. most sane folks take the middle road

>> No.13432282

Maybe you should look at what has happened to Morrissey in the last two years since he turned vegan, he has aged 20 years. Ageing ten years for every one is the normal rate for adult vegans.

I saw him after he was diagnosed with cancer and then two years later and he looked just as fit and his voice was stronger, now he's wasting away and looks like a fat old man with whispy white hair.

>> No.13432328

>"I’ve always found food to be very difficult because I only eat bread, potatoes, pasta and nuts… all stodge. I can’t eat anything that has any flavour. I’ve never had a curry, or coffee, or garlic."

No shit he's in a bad way.

>> No.13432640
File: 722 KB, 950x480, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course it isnt more vegan than vegan if you think about everything

-vegans start by 20 and die by 40 or so
-always are infertile but in case they manage to have a baby they kill it
-too weak and tired to drive a car

>> No.13432839

That in no way, shape or form is related to anything in the post you replied to.

>of course it isnt more vegan than vegan if you think about everything
Take your meds.

>> No.13432847

Why did (((they))) take it down.

>> No.13432873

aajonus 'ive had 200 heart attacks' vanderplanitz

>> No.13433320

this man is the best argument for veganism

>> No.13433346

I only eat fish that eat other fish. It's the most ethical decision to make

>> No.13433696

>I feel like a million bucks and all my health issues have gone away.

Yes, it seems most people report this when starting carnivore.

Yes I remember him being anti-fasting but not specifically the other stuff. Like I wrote you can learn something from each of the writers.

Probably caused by energy directed weapons by the alphabet agencies for talking too much about chemtrails or something

>> No.13433702

Is this guy being ironic or is he actually retarded?

>> No.13433813

based kids ranqe

>> No.13433826

A self hating faggot and his autistic obsession with fallacies which doesn't apply to nutrition

>> No.13434427

have you actually read the study for that graph? it's complete bullshit. it ignores pesticides used in plant farming which cause >99% of animal deaths

>> No.13434448
File: 537 KB, 2048x1536, grains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at what this cow is eating. do you really think humans could eat this? this is merely byproduct. if we stopped farming cows we would just throw it away.

>> No.13434468

The vegan bodies talk for themselves though. So he is at least not the only one retarded here.

>> No.13434471

Good things animals can get their energy from the sun via photosynthesis so we don't have to involve growing any plants
Feeding them only inedible byproducts is a decent argument for environmental efficiency but probably won't convince people who think killing animals is wrong, and probably wouldn't be able to supply as much meat as is currently used

>> No.13434474

first response

>> No.13434484
File: 118 KB, 800x800, 1571492997210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read about regenerative agriculture. the way we are farming plants right now is not sustainable. it destroys the soil and causes desertification. plus you HAVE to use pesticides if you want to compete and pesticides cause numerous environmental and health problems.

To farm ruminant meat and dairy all you need is grass and animals. no pesticides, no harvesting machines, they can be farmed everywhere even on mountains (so less transportation).

Veganism is based on the lie that plant agriculture is ethical and environmentally friendly. it isn't and it will never be.

>> No.13434540

> field of corn 40% of which is for animal feed and another 40% for biofuels
> vs field of grass (closely related to corn) that's less common because it takes more land and time


>> No.13434947

based jews killing off the bourgeoisie wh*toid filth by pushing literal starvation diets on them.

>> No.13435352
File: 79 KB, 768x768, CFFDCB0F-40F2-46F4-BD1D-32F381A105E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threatening to of course.

>> No.13435956

explain this thing

>> No.13437407
File: 89 KB, 1100x1100, 33757FCA-F918-4CDC-A0BB-8C64FE201EC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing in current year plus five that there are women who collect betabux by gaining massive amounts of weight and posing for photos
It’s called feederism and it’s real.

>> No.13437438

He's also blatantly lying about pesticides. You can go to any state's agriculture data on pastures and they will specifically list the pesticide they use for pastures. They also require shipping in alfalfa for plant feed and use PLANTS to replenish the range because the cattle degrade the grass and soil and doubles as food. All of which needs to be foraged and tilledm

>> No.13437441

It's been explained at least a billion times: animals eat plants. Lots of plants, due to conversion rates: depending on the type of feed a cow typically eats between 7-15 lbs of feed to grow 1lb (7 for soi-based, closer to 15 for hay). These plants have to been grown and harvested. That involves pesticides, death by mechanical harvesting, killing wildlife to protect crops, etc. It doesn't matter if the thing grown is edible by humans or not for this purpose, growing things will involve the above. Yes, even grass needs to be harvested to make hay, or to supplement livestock when they can't get enough grazing (btw, only 1% of beef on the market is fed only grass i.e. "grass-finished" as it is sometimes called, the rest get a mix of grass and grain). Organic grass-fed at least doesn't use pesticides, or at least not artificial pesticides (organic farming can still use naturally occurring pesticides such as copper and sulfur which are far less harmful for the environment, but obviously still kill pests).

So when you calculate deaths for certain products, you put together *all* the deaths involved in the whole chain of production, including harvesting of feeds and any other death involved. For eggs this includes slaughter of male chicks too.

Simply put: the higher up on the trophic chain you eat, the more total death involved (and the more energy used). Eating primary producers causes the least death; eating primary consumers causes much more - eating secondary or tertiary consumers like anon here >>13433346 suggests involves even more.

>> No.13437446

This is a completely different argument from the one about total deaths, and goes to environmental efficiency and not death per product. It has a point - if you appropriate only a portion, say 10-15%, of solar energy, this is inefficient if you could have appropriated more; compare eating 100g of soy to feeding a cow ca 700-800g of soy to make 100g of cow and eating that. Clearly the latter case is less energy efficient. BUT, if you approprate even 1% of solar energy that you could not otherwise have had, you make a net gain; e.g. feed a cow bits of soy undigestable by humans or grass or whatever else. Energetically, it makes sense, it's bonus calories otherwise unavaliable.

However, the pro-meat argumement ignores three important facts:
1) Not all pastures are natural; to meet demand, artificial pastures are being created through deforestation which creates environmental problems a purely energetic perspective doesn't quite capture.
2) Even animals grazing natural pastures produce methane and cause other environmental impacts like eutrophication,
3) 'Byproduct' is a matter of perspective; soy is a very popular crop precisely because its 'byproduct' (when making e.g. crap like vegetable oil and soy flour and lecithine used as food additives) can be used as feed. E.g. soy oil is neither particularily healthy or tasty or good for the environment, compared to say olive oil, yet it's widely used. Animal feed is not a happy accident, a way to get rid of all the inedible pieces of soy we just happen to have for some unknown reason - it's an intentional part of the production chain. You could as well argue that humans get fed the 'byproducts' of animal feed production.

It's like some people think cows use photo-synthesis directly or something...

>> No.13437468

You didn't calculate the oxygen entering the atmosphere from growing of said grass and grain, and how it holds in the topsoil, or how the hooves do nice things to the soil. Herd animals are excellent for the environment!


>> No.13437492

Like do you think you just plant the exact same shit, dumbass? Is this the highest cerebral level you operate at?

>> No.13437542

The hooves do the exact opposite of nice which is why plants need to be introduced to the pasture
>Herd animals are excellent for the environment!
The results of the actual study do not reflect your or the article you linked editorializiations. It indicates it is better than grainlot feeding in some regards

>> No.13437563

Also this is a specific type of grazing management that specifically introduces crops for soil and grass replenishment and meticulously time managing the introduction of said crops and the hiatus between grazing

>> No.13437598

>cut down a rainforest
>destroy unique biosphere
>significantly reduce O2 production
>plant some grass there and have cows eat it
>cow farts and burps release copious amounts of methane
>"It's GOOD for the environment, the grass makes oxygen!"
Imagine being willfully ignorant.

Also livestock usually cause top soil erosion. There's a reason the authors of that article felt the need to put a "(really)" in the article title, it's an article that really goes against the consensus, and also it speaks about adaptive multi-paddock grazing which is pretty new and rarely used. You're ignoring the 99.9% and focusing on the a rarely utilized exception which is less bad but still not ideal.

See, as the article makes clear, land-usage increased with AMP, and the assumption here is of natural pastures and NOT artifical ones. This is cruical, as we're running out of natural pastures and while AMP has advantages it does use twice as much land, meaning - as the article again makes clear - "somewhat lower per capita beef consumption".

The article also mentioned that impact on "waterways and other natural surroundings" still remains; citing "nitrogen leaching, sedimentation and run-off". It was only emissions that were off-set.

You did not read it at all, did you?

>> No.13438103 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 219x250, 1576475153649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes goy waste away with no HGH in your body

>> No.13438560

But he just clips stuff from their vegan channels? if none of those channels are NSFW, why would his vid be flagged like that?

>> No.13438652

How is it going with YouTube getting sued because they think they have the the liability of a public forum and the power to pick and choose like a publisher?

>> No.13438713

You don't starve from being vegan tho.

>> No.13438733

When you don't have facts you use force (in an abstract sense in this case)

>> No.13438877
File: 106 KB, 635x525, 1570649215009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cows are carbon negative now (regenerative ag)
do you really think you can replace all the products we get from grass fed cows (calories, protein, vitamins, leather etc.) without killing more animals and causing more environmental damage (more plastic, desertification etc.)?

>> No.13439124
File: 800 KB, 575x555, J4uEpVb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegan chad here. What is the best soymilk brand?

>> No.13439816
File: 94 KB, 471x388, 1561325542944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegan Chad
>Jon Venus

>> No.13440242
File: 399 KB, 1616x531, vegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you really think you can replace all the products

>> No.13440249

He used clips from that one crazy girl who shot up a YT headquarters.

Post physique.

>> No.13440359

Jon Venus is not vegan. He is plant based

>> No.13442186

It's sad how brainwashed meatcucks are

>> No.13443963
File: 94 KB, 768x1024, 1546904721747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vegan gang

>> No.13444403

This reminds me of the leftist wall of text memes... All that justification for something which is retarded and dumb and impossible in the end (impossible to be healthy as a vegan).

>> No.13444415

imagine your ideology aligning with the most wealthy people in the worlds way of thinking.

>> No.13444455
File: 997 KB, 1550x1108, 1566073283682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vegans are literally insane

>> No.13444607

i think you forgot your b12 injections today and your brain is malfunctioning. do you really not understand how much environmental damage manufacturing synthetic versions of all those products would cause? how many animals would die by pesticides to replace all the calories, protein, micronutrients? how is replacing leather with plastic a good thing? how do you plan to replace wool if we stopped farming sheep?

>> No.13444789

Not an argument. Initial claim was disproved, keep seething.

It is possible to find alternative ways of manufacturing those products, which disproves the initial claim. You're now moving the goalpost, but fine. What exactly do you want, a comprehensive list of environmentally friendly ways to produce all those things? Typical anti-vegan: make a dumb claim, get immediately disproven, move the goalpost, and demand comprehensive proof - takes you 10 seconds to make the initial statement and me 10 hours to disprove it, and which point you'd just move on to the next dumb statement. I'm not playing. There are environmentally friendly alternatives for all those products, you can look that up for yourself if you feel like it but you probably won't.

To put it simply: prove that an environmentally friendly, vegan alternative to those products is impossible or fuck off.

Literally explained ITT, just a few posts above yours: >>13437441. And, of course, that post was completely ignored by carnietards save for a quick out-of-hand dismissal that failed to address the central point.

>replacing leather with plastic
You can just not do that. Piñatex is a synthetic leather made from fucking pineapples. MuSkin is based on mushrooms. That's just two alternatives, there are plenty. Did you google "vegan leather not plastic"? No, you did not. Because you're disingenuous and don't actually care. You just want an excuse to dismiss vegan so you'll grasp at any straws that allows you to pretend to have to moral high ground. You don't.

>replace wool
Cotton. Or Woocoa, it's made from coconut fiber. Tencel is made from wood-fiber. Again, 2 seconds of google away, but you chose to rush to shitpost instead.

>> No.13444800

See: >>13437446
Carnie-tards are literally willfully ignorant. Your blood-fueled brains simply shut down and your eyes glaze over when your shitty dumb memes are disproven. Psychologically, the defense mechanism is impressive and fascinating, the ability to just delete from your consciousness any information that contradicts your beliefs and alter even your memories. You keep making the same shitty arguments over and over, maintaining confidence that you're right and proved the vegans wrong, and when called out truly cannot remember anything else than having proved "those dumb vegans" completely wrong with logic and science despite the opposite happening every single time. Sad!

>> No.13445357

I can't tell if this is true but damn I love these videos. Wish there were more. I like to watch the guy eat raw shit too. I couldn't eat that either wtf

>> No.13446151

The methane study every uninformed retard reaches for is an inheritantly flawed study. Yeah if you lock a bunch of cows in a building and measure methane, yeah there will be a lot of methane. Measure the same cows grazing grass and you'll measure little to no methane. Why? Most of the methane actually comes from the cows mouth while digesting, not farts. When this is expelled from the mouth the microorganisms living the the grass absorb almost all of the expelled methane.

Whenever you hear anyone mentioning cow farts you know it's not someone that has done their research and will use any study as a means to an end.

>> No.13446369

Studies indeed show that it comes from their mouths and not asses, "cow farts" is just a bit of a vegan meme because it sounds funnier. Only a small portion of the methane produced is through farts. Some studies are on enclosed animals, sure, but others use tracer techniques or calculate emissions based on fermentation of feed or different micrometeorological mass balance approaches. Outdoor measurements are common.

Here's an example of a study using two different micrometeorological techniques, both done on "a herd of dairy cows freely grazing within a fenced paddock":

Wait, you didn't think there was just ONE study on this did you? LMAO. You're ignorant and full of shit.

Methanotrophic bacteria in the soil do not absorb 100% of methane or even close, since the ones who live on grasslands are low-capacity absorbers. Plus methane is lighter than air, you mong, so invevitably some is gonna float upward. And you conveniently "forget" that only 1% of cows are fed only grass, and only a few of those can graze year-around. And methanotrophs aren't common to all pastures, it takes specific conditions.

>> No.13447361

>no argument
lack of choline, many such cases, sad.

>> No.13447441

Bullshit originating with a claim made by Dr. Emma Derbyshire, a member of the Meat Advisory Panel. Tofu, broccoli, peanuts, quinoa and white button mushrooms are among the plant-based sources of choline.

Also I do believe that was just a plain insult and not intended as an argument.

>> No.13448031

Vegans like you are mentally ill. You know that the best nutrition comes from animals, but you try to justify getting nutrition from plants which is almost impossible. You don't really care about human health.

Also humans are creatures too, hehe, so your moral system is also erroneous, bankrupt.

>> No.13448058

>youre mentally ill! not me who just lied and doubles down on it! just eat the meat!
I'd say you have a mental illness but I question you even have a functioning brain and aren't some low IQ NPC automating text scripts.

>> No.13448074

Based vegan soychad dabbing on the carniecucks

>> No.13448180

the question was
>how does it make sense
and your answer is
>it is possible to find alternative ways

talk about idiocy

>> No.13448333

Pure autism

>> No.13448339

Its peak Marxism. Everything is interchangeable and replaceable to them. Nothing has any intrinsic value. Everything is the same to them.

It's just like in Star Wars/Mandalorian where the "alien" species are just humanoids who have different looking physical morphology and speak different languages.

Marxists want to play God and work against nature rather than with it. It's different from e.g. fascism, stoicism, paganism which explicitly seeks to work in conformity with nature.

>> No.13448344
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