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13424580 No.13424580 [Reply] [Original]

Is alcohol supposed to make me tired and dizzy? This isn't fun. I just wanna go to sleep now.

>> No.13424591

>Is alcohol supposed to make me tired and dizzy? This isn't fun. I just wanna go to sleep now.
I think if you start out tired, then yes, alcohol will exhaust you.

>> No.13424595

Sounds pretty normal. That's how I feel when I get drunk. That's why I don't like it.

>> No.13424615 [DELETED] 

The first time I drank alcohol my nose went numb which was really funny. Some older cousin made fun of me for relating that to him, but he's the one that bought the booze for the two of us.

>> No.13424617
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Drink absinthe.

>> No.13424627

vodka and sugar free redbull gets me loose and energetic

>> No.13424630

no dont do this youll hallucinate

>> No.13424631

That's called Gogo Juice, according to a drag queen I know

>> No.13424634

You won't hallucinate but you'll get drunk really quick since it's high proof.

>> No.13424641

is it sad to admit that the most charismatic version of myself is someone whos drunk on gogojuice?

>> No.13424645

Take four shorts of everclear.

Good stuff!

>> No.13424647

Nah, that's literally why they do it. Gives you energy to have fun while uninhibiting you just enough to be charismatic

>> No.13424656

It's just an upper combined with a downer. wow who knew caffeine and alcohol could do that.

>> No.13424663

Yes, we all knew that. Don't gotta be a dick about it
You could accomplish the same thing with espresso and Bailey's

>> No.13424668

I'm not the one going on about "gogojuice".

>> No.13424673

Either you enjoy the taste of alcohol, be it beer, wine, or liquor. Or you are you an addict who needs it to live.

>> No.13424676
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Oh god, someone named a cocktail, stop the fucking presses
Man, chill out. Have some Gogo Juice.

>> No.13424705 [DELETED] 

Your butthole is likely loose and energetic you gay homo!

>> No.13424744 [DELETED] 

Is this "gogojuice" the new faggot meme?

>> No.13425619

Idk a 5th of whiskey usually gives me tons of energy and an endless amount of ambition to do questionable moral things.

>> No.13425631

You've bought the wrong alcohol, you got the one that gives you the gay,fuck man you'll die in your sleep.

>> No.13425641 [DELETED] 

Just don't go around raping and pillaging random chicks on city streets.

>> No.13425645

It usually just makes me feel tired too even in really small amounts, I don't like it much either. I'd rather have a cup of coffee. Supposedly there's a genetic component to how much you'll enjoy alcohol, people who don't like it as much digest it in a way where they only really get its downsides.

>> No.13425660
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>you'll get drunk really quick
An average dose of absinthe (2cl) with water (20cl) is the equivalent of a glass of wine or beer so no, not really.
>pic related, one of the best

>> No.13425668

butt chug it.

>> No.13425692

wouldn't that just make it worse though, because it makes the effects stronger?

>> No.13425711

nonono it usually involves mutually trying to knock someones/my own teeth out.

>> No.13425714

What does it taste like?

>> No.13425741

When I drink, I feel similar and want to go home. Why do people drink this stuff regularly again?

>> No.13425843

Really it depends of the recipe some taste more like anise than others but it's the most obvious taste. You usually find these ingredients: wormwood/absinthe (obviously), small absinthe, anise, hyssop, lemon balm, star anise, fennel, sometimes mentha.
You can find almost all qualities but the best are usually from France or Switzerland (but you can find good absinthe from other countries for sure).

>> No.13425946

That depends on what you are doing while drinking.

>> No.13426229

Because religious maniacs think they're "triggering the mudslimes" by spending half their paycheck poisoning their bodies every night. Same with the bacon mat nonsense and the backlash against starbucks (according to conservatives coffee is evil now because it came from an arab country originally)

>> No.13426256
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depending on how much I drink I get either sleepy or horny, extremely horny

>> No.13426259

Based schizo poster. Take your meds son.

>> No.13426262

wtf triggered this response?

>> No.13426266

It depends on the person i guess. I know people who get more active when drunk.
I'm pretty quiet to begin with and if i drink i might as well not be there.

>> No.13426287
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>> No.13426309

Coffee came from Ethiopia long before Islam was even a thing, or even Christianity lol

>> No.13427149

People drink absinthe too fast to hallucinate. You have to drink it slow so you aren’t overwhelmed by the alcohol while the hallucinogens build up.

>> No.13427166
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>alcohol just makes me wanna go to sleep
>implying this is a bad thing
Have you tried combining it with cocaine?

>> No.13427172

Yes that’s normal.

It also makes me flirt with effeminate boys on Facebook.

I truly am a degenerate.

>> No.13427181

I fucking love absinthe. I also love the colour

>> No.13427183

dumb fucking weeb.

>> No.13427186

Image being a Muslim so obsessed with milking perpetual victim-hood that they can't help but bring it up in completely unrelated topics. Inshallah

>> No.13427203
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I don't know where you fags get your absinthe, but in all my drinking of absinthe i've never once hallucinated. Yeah it has a nice taste, the cheap ones give a hangover like hell, the good ones just make me feel happier (which is weird, alcohol usually depresses me), but no such thing as hallucinations. Hook me up with some *good* absinthe brands?

>> No.13427213


>"Hey guys, why do my vital functions become impaired when I consume this depressant?"

>> No.13427217
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>> No.13427220

>France or Switzerland
I've always associated absinthe with central Europe/bohemia like Czech Republic or Hungary for some reason. Tell me more about Swiss absinthe.

>> No.13427228

Sounds exactly like the right.

>> No.13427242

I sure could do with some gogo juice right about now...

>> No.13427252
File: 39 KB, 600x354, honey-boo-boo-fttr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't "go go juice" revealed to be just what pedo beauty pageant organizers put in the sippy cups of their obese, heavily made up toddlers before forcing them to dance seductively on stage?

>> No.13427254

real talk you won't and never will because they used to make it differently

>> No.13427328

The hallucination is just a placebo-myth; you might as well smoke a licorice stick and claim you're tripping

>> No.13427331

This is why people put sugar in their drinks to keep going
Or >>13424627 as the aspartame apparently inhibits alcohol metabolization and keeps you drunk longer
But also once you drink an absurd amount of booze >>13425619 you won't sleep a wink

>> No.13427365


This is why Red Bull and Vodka is popular drink with younger people, it’s a way harsher drunk.

>> No.13427469

Ok, tell us about the sex though.

>> No.13428522

Different kind of gogo juice

>> No.13429204

It means you should try to be more friendly in everyday life.

>> No.13429206


If you only knew

>> No.13429572

You're probably just a really boring person

>> No.13429575

If your dehydrated and drink on an empty stomach it will yeah.

>> No.13429578

Kys weeb

>> No.13430445

eh, alcohol has always made me happier.
I resent the need for social inhibitions, but I'm not stupid enough to discard them. Social drinking reduces the punishment for being yourself / speaking the truth. It's somewhat freeing.
Also I find I enjoy old hobbies more, even when solo drinking.

>> No.13430447

I don't see the point when you can just drink two rum and cokes to achieve the same caffeine level.

>> No.13430453
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never drink alone anon
always drink with your best friend

>> No.13430548

is that a penis?