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File: 121 KB, 1000x750, 1577409502442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13419943 No.13419943 [Reply] [Original]

Who would win iif they were in charge of an actual war: General Tso or Colonel Sanders.

>> No.13419954

Insulin manufacturers.

>> No.13419967


>> No.13419970


>> No.13419973

The men? I mean General Tso Tsung-t'ang actually was a General.

>> No.13420099

Tso was a real general who had nothing to do with the food, so

>> No.13421051

General Tso is a better strategist but Col. Sanders wins in the long run based off of the fervor of his troops.

>> No.13421089

and Colonel Arlen Sanders wasn't actually a Colonel, and he had everything to do with the food.

>> No.13421125

Colonel sanders had guns an cannons and shit also fried chicken

Tso loses pathetically

>> No.13421272

Considering KFCs popularity in Asia, Id say much of Tsos army, if only at least the Chicken Regiment, would defct to join the Kentucky Fried Commandos

>> No.13421298

Theyd hit a stalemate. Then Popeye's navy would ambush and route both of them with his chicken sandwich naval barrage. The chicken bucket marines would mop up any stragglers and establish a solid beachhead.

>> No.13421310
File: 254 KB, 1500x900, Burger_King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The clear answer to your question is "the king"

>> No.13421317

this photo has triggered my cheeseburger uncanny valley

>> No.13421321
File: 280 KB, 1200x1200, chuck-norris-15720761-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuck Norris would put in some roundhouse kicks on that slop.

>> No.13421324

amer*can gayboy army would lose of course to superior Chinese men in their army.

>> No.13421329

No, we'd just chill out while they buttfuck each other and all get the full blown aids.

>> No.13421332

Goosestepping commies and socialists really doesn't appeal to anyone on the planet anymore. Get over yourselves.

>> No.13421346
File: 32 KB, 465x340, a251caf4-45c0-49b7-8a0b-4381ea2e7591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the political system behind the army is of no concern. amer*can "soldiers" are girly men, too busy sucking each other off, while Chinese army has discipline, is homogenous, has strong, real men.

>> No.13421351

Yeah, right. That's pretty believable.

>> No.13421352
File: 111 KB, 822x462, MAC22_PASHTUNS_POST01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real men in sandals have easily crushed amer*can fag army.

>> No.13421354
File: 103 KB, 382x497, 1475271049990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13421359

That's why they hide like cockroaches while Americans build bases.

>> No.13421360

Hello 2006

>> No.13421368
File: 53 KB, 400x300, lol stupid faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is how we send them home. Their own fault for "building bases" where they shouldn't have stuck their large noses in the first place lol
BTW, right now your buffoon joke president is making your girl soldiers flee from all those bases haha

>> No.13421371

terries cant stop us from givin proper burial

what happen to ur boy osama? oh he got his ass dumped into the ocean? lol.

>> No.13421374
File: 121 KB, 602x452, Goosestepping_Chinese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13421381

So what you're asserting is that shillary, pelosi or schmucky schumer would be the better president? You're full of shit if you think that, but to each there own if you have a vote, if you're some foreign sack of shit then you have no vote and should shut the fuck up because we don't care about you or your bullshit foreign opinion.

>> No.13421386
File: 33 KB, 450x300, 9659140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terries cant stop us from givin proper burial
lol is this how you rationalize your losing against real men?

>what happen to ur boy osama? oh he got his ass dumped into the ocean? lol
I'm not a sandnigger, but you are a barely literate american't and also a trump voter, judging by your poor spelling skills. Contrary to what you think, the world is laughing at you!

>> No.13421389

Defense Mechanism the post

get psychological help

>> No.13421392
File: 66 KB, 460x300, 6a00d8341c630a53ef0111689a6048970c-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Look at all the Cletus trump voters coming out and getting triggered! And they all seem to have severe reading comprehension and spelling problems lol
Why is the world laughing about amer*ca and your joke president?

>> No.13421401

another picture of american soldiers being properly honored

It may seem weird to savage civilizations like yours to not just leave war casualties lying in a ditch as carrion for vultures. I understand. Your culture doesn't honor heroes or freedom. It's fuckin' sad, bro.

>> No.13421404

How come you can't spell "America?"
You need to put an asterisk in there like a faggot?

>> No.13421406

That's pretty lame, you can't spell "America" but call me a joke, fuck you scumbag.

>> No.13421410

>if your enemies kill you, you win

lol you should hear yourself

>> No.13421413

guys, there's an asterisk in there because "America/American" is considered an insult in most of the world. Everyone can spell amer*ca. But you have problems with your own native language and its spelling lol

>> No.13421415

Yes, clearly you can only "win" by having 0 casualties in a war?

I'm starting to think you are actually retarded.

>> No.13421416

You should hear yourself you frenchie that sucks up to sandniggers and merkel.

>> No.13421418

America hasn't won a single war since since the middle of the last century.

>> No.13421420

We in the USA don't really care about what you think of us, get over it. We don't run our nation based upon what scumbuckets such as you think about us. Deal with it or don't, how about stop taking our foreign aid money and shut the fuck up.

>> No.13421421

That's becuase we generally try to not get involved with them or your stupid foreign bullshit.

>> No.13421423

this fuckin nerd can't hack it on real boards like /pol/ so he comes here with his pathetic troll attempts

go be butthurt elsewhere little bitch boy if you want to bitch about how much you hate americans there is a board for that

>> No.13421426

It's pretty funny and pathetic that your nations are thousands of years old yet blame the USA, a nation not even 250 years old for all of your problems. You fucks make me want to spit.

>> No.13421432

/pol is about as full of shit as /g, none of them are professionals. For instance the only thing coming from /g is "hey man what's your big computer." They've never been paid for a living and don't know shit.

>> No.13421435

as if you decide anything. when israel says jump, you jump, and as best as you can lol

>> No.13421438

This makes me think of eurotrash and foreiners, the Josey Wales spitting compilation.
I just can't help wanting to spit on these foreign scum.

>> No.13421439

Piss off, that's really old and stupid, blaming jews for all of your problems is really stupid and pathetic. Are you so retarded that you can't think of something else to blame, how about blame yourself for your bullshit?

>> No.13421442
File: 513 KB, 2048x1536, xaq8iv1vuu721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, look a triggered pol poster

> real boards like /pol/

>> No.13421447

Nah, I never posted on /pol/.

You're the triggered one who carried your garbage "bantz" to a guatemalan basket weaving forum because you couldn't hack it. Fucking. Pathetic.

>> No.13421448

Are you so consigned to making minimum wage that you have blame jews for your problems?

>> No.13421462

lol the Jews are an honorable people, but they sure as hell aren't my problem, they're yours! It's your satelite government that takes orders from Israel not mine...
And yeah, when they want your soldiers to die as heroes for them, then you had better hurry the fuck up to die as a hero!
> High five bro, our soldiers are getting sent home draped in flags, real honor

>> No.13421464

and that's why General Tso will always triumph easily over your inbred Colonel Sanders!

>> No.13421475

please stop replying to this lost /pol/ faganon ok thx

>> No.13421484

>please /pol/, stop replying to a troll
corrected that for you