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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13419455 No.13419455 [Reply] [Original]

Might as well ask random fuckers on the internet since no one else ever comes up with a great answer. I'm trying to GAIN weight, and frankly have been for the last decade at least. Given the following, anyone have suggestions on foods to try/learn to cook/whatever?

>Am 6'6" tall, 130lb. According to fancy scale am sitting at 5.1% body fat
>Watched calorie intake in the past, daily was usually at 2000-2200
>Work a desk job, don't really exercise
>Have to eat gluten-free, unfortunately
>Jaw is kind of fucked from dental work, so I try to stick to soft/easy to eat foods (For reference, don't have the jaw strength to finish an 8oz steak in one sitting)

>> No.13419473

Drink a cup of oil in the morning

>> No.13419475

how about you eat my cock fatty?

>> No.13419484

Cheesy, high carb foods should do the trick

>> No.13419505

crackers with peanut butter will fatten you up real good.

>> No.13419511

>6'6" tall, 130lb
Thank you, based skeleton.

>> No.13419553

>Drink a cup of oil in the morning
Pretty much this, more fat.

Out of curiosity, what do you eat during a normal day?

>> No.13419861

Don't forget your calcium

Start the day with those Jif to-go cups of peanut butter with some supplements mixed in, a hardboiled egg, and chocolate milk to wash down
Lunch is usually whatever I normally pick up from a restaurant, one of my favorite ones is to pick up some chili, cook a cup of rice at work, and have rice and chili for lunch
Dinner is a crapshoot, sometimes I'll have an actual meal over rice or rice pasta, and sometimes I'll go full bachelor mode and eat half a dozen hardboiled eggs or a 1600 calorie package of store-bought sausage

>> No.13419874

I’m 7 inches shorter and still weigh 35 pounds more than this stick

>> No.13420564

Do the keto diet, but continue to eat carbs. I lost 40 lbs in 5 months. My wife ate the same as me, but ate a carb heavy breakfast & snacked on whatever she wanted to. She gained 22 lbs in 5 months.

>> No.13421427

6'3'' 290lbs here. Jesus Christ a strong breeze could snap him in two and blow him away.

The secret is liquid calories whenver you're thirsty, no weak ass tea or water. Full fat milk, perhaps with a dollop of cream, strong beer, sweet sodas. And have high caloric snacks with you wherever you walk and sit, Cheetos, Nachos with heavy homemade mayo based dips and chocolates. Take up cooking if you havent already. Start with watching Laura in the Kitchen's videos, she makes a lot of pretty heavy and sweet stuff.

>> No.13421554
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I've been on his board for the past 5 years, maybe 6, and this is the first time I've ever seen someone actually ask this. Every time I was ever on /fit/ and someone asked this dumb question I'd say to come here, and behold, you aren't even repping /fit/.
This, humorously and unironically.
You eat like a healthy bachelor with no sense of the culinary world, and at your height and weight (age undisclosed) you literally need to be stuffing your goddamn face taking shits that require you to lift off the seat a little bit. You can sit their and drink oil like a GTA cheat code but you're body is going to get used to that shit pretty fuck fast and you're gonna throw it up sooner or later. Do what that Anon said. Liquid calories will make up for that lack of wanting something to eat while still maintaining calorie intake, and you gotta just fucking eat dude. Eat eat and eat some more. Cut out that rice shit, or at least add some Yum Yum sauce/steakhouse sauce to it. Don't try to keep your sodium and trans fat levels down if you're trying to increase calorie intake, that's fucking insanely futile, because literally everything in your diet will have to be increased - you can't take away from foods what make them that specific food.

Eat more. I started my first bulk with a tube of cookie dough and ended my first cut with a successful 50 pounds lost by the start and end of Autumn eating egg white omelettes with plenty of veggies, some fat free milk and protein cereal, isolate protein shakes, and chicken breast with broccoli and rice. Learn to cook and enjoy food and you can enjoy almost anything. Eating more shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.13421557

Mass gainer, milk and peanut butter shakes

>> No.13421589
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>> No.13422691

To lose weight, the simple formula is to eat less and move around more.

So, I suppose, to gain weight, eat more and move around less.

>> No.13422750

pint of full fat milk with each meal

>> No.13423322

seeing an actual doctor or nutritionist would be a good start, with how knobby you are you're beyond a quick fix

given that you have been diagnosed with some sort of a gluten intolerance, it seems more likely to me that you are having trouble absorbing the food, whether it's due to intestinal inflammation or straight up being riddled with parasites, there are tests they can and should do for both of these.
I'd also suggest getting tested for any sort of lactose intolerance while you're at it, it could be you're not gluten intolerant at all but are causing the problems with something else you're eating.
also, you should gradually increase your calories, not all at once or your body won't be able to adjust even assuming you were a healthy person, which I assure you, you are likely not.

simple mashed potatoes are fairly efficient to digest and are calorie dense, just boil and mash, add some butter and scarf down.
thick soups like potato and onion soup will be good for you too, can just slurp that shit back
if you like fish, battered haddock wouldn't do you wrong, keeping stocked with fresh fish might seem tricky, and fridge freezers are usually full of other shit, so i'd suggest if you don't own one to get a cheap deep freezer, you can get them for like 40 bucks and they're useful for all sorts of shit, but that alone will help you conserve calories you'd otherwise spend going back and forth to get meat, and it'll save you a lot of money in the long run.
Also will let you have as much ice cream as you could ever want to eat which is pretty sweet
but with the fish, battering them and frying them in beef tallow is my honest recommendation, it's damned good and will certainly get you eating.
Oils stimulate appetite in the same way salt stimulates thirst, I'm no nutritionist but I've heard that it also helps you retain weight in the same way salt retains water, not sure how true that bit is though so take that with a grain of salt

please see a doctor