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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13414257 No.13414257[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13414262

this can't be real...

>> No.13414274

18000000 times what though?

>> No.13414276

DOCTOR said it. I'm gonna believe him.

>> No.13414286

>someone contradicts my cult
no no no no no no no no no

>> No.13414340

>conveniently omitting bovine estrogens, growth factors and antibiotics, bc muh doctors [spoiler]appeal to authority [spoiler] are not paid for that, but somehow paid to test the one vegan option in the entire menu
>equating phytoestrogens with actual mammalian sex hormones

>> No.13414345

you can order a test yourself, probably.

send samples to lab and ask them to test for X.


>> No.13414347


>> No.13414351

yeah, and some doctors (retired chiropractors) say that starch is bad and that dairy is healthy so who gives a shit?

>> No.13414385

>Carnist cannot read.
Literally not even shocked.

>> No.13414392

>Trusting doctors.
>The same people bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies.
>The same companies that actually make estrogen pills.
>The same companies that literally sell poison in the form of vaccines.
>"I can trust these people, they have special papers on the walls!"

>> No.13414394

>think it's offensive to call people 'carnist'
Oh I am laffing

>> No.13414414
File: 7 KB, 245x250, 1577234401084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already eat plant-based meat, in the form of cows that eat plants. Vegans eat plants that were raised in fertilizer, and fed bone meal and blood meal. Vegans eat plants that are fed animals, I eat animals that are fed plants.

Eventually, I will eat vegans.

>> No.13414420

All doctors aren't one person retard

>> No.13414425
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Any degenerate dumb enough to eat BK deserves everything bad that ever happens to them.

>> No.13414428

Note that I don't exclude the possibility for this product to be shit, as I myself don't eat over-processed foods for many reason.
It's the total ignoring of the modern omnivorous (especially the fast-food) lifestyle and the harm it causes whilst microfocusing on a plant burger that makes my blood boil.

>> No.13414446 [DELETED] 

Eat meat! Not eating meat makes you a pussy! You frail sense of ma liness will keep funding factory farming that drives us closer and closer to extinction

>> No.13414450

Eat meat! Not eating meat makes you a pussy! Your frail sense of manliness will keep funding factory farming that drives us closer and closer to extinction

>> No.13414462

>i'll support to my dying breath the right of amerilard megacorporate dairy farmers to fill their cattle with carcinogenic rBGH hormones
>but I'll scream bloody murder when people eat harmless phytoestrogens because it's muh scary commie, socialist, globalist *gasp* p-plants

>> No.13414473

>harmless phytoestrogens
enjoy developing breasts.

>> No.13414485


Endless cycles of harvesting massive fields of monocropped plants that strip the ground of minerals & nutrients, while reducing bioderversity, that also pollute our water supply with herbicides/pesticides is a million times worse for the environment than factory farming. Not to mention shipping seasonal fruits and vegetables in refrigerated gas guzzling super tankers all around the world all year long since some plants only grow in certain climates.

>> No.13414498

Every crop strips ground of minerals and nutrients.

Either you shit where you eat or you're slowly depleting the soil.

>> No.13414499

>Every crop strips ground of minerals and nutrients.

>> No.13414507
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>harmless phytoestrogens

Oh no no no no!!!!!!! HA HAHHA HA HA

>> No.13414509

they don't do anything though

>> No.13414511

The block estrogen you moron, they're an issue for women of a certain age.

>> No.13414514

Imagine bragging about being a fucking neutered faggot. Jfc, the west needs to hurry up and collapse already, I cant handle this shit anymore.

>> No.13414515
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I only eat pasture raised grass fed & finished beef that literally shits and pisses ferterlizer while putting carbon in the ground.

>> No.13414516

imagine being so insecure that this bothers you

>> No.13414519


>> No.13414525

>cows eat air

>> No.13414528
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> t. Castrated bugman.

>> No.13414530

How's the inferiority complex working out, stormtards?

>> No.13414543

They shit and piss the nutrients which the plants they ate took from the soil. Their flesh stores a lot of those nutrients as well though, which are not returned to the soil.

YOU have to shit where you eat to close the cycle, not the livestock.

>> No.13414562

Its easier to reintroduce the missing minerals to field than carbon. Grassland with an appropriate amount of grassing animals does a great job at this.

>> No.13414566
File: 117 KB, 718x960, 1511452117205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They bind to estrogen receptors and activate them the only difference is that the activation is not as strong as regular estrogen. No male has enough human origin estrogen in their bodies to continually bind to all of the much more numerous estrogen receptors. Also exessive xenoestroges lowers testosterone for the same reason injecting estrogen does: estrogen and testosterone are similar enough in structure that the hpt axis will down regulate production if either T or E are high enough.

>> No.13414582

Because animals have nuclear fusion plants in their stomach which generates phosphorus and other elements from thin air?

>> No.13415687
File: 12 KB, 241x209, vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a vegan, i don't even eat that shit. But you know who do, retards thinking it is healthy, which compared to the regular garbage beef patty, prop is.

>> No.13415699

Scrolls thread for link .. piss poor propaganda.

>> No.13415758

seethe more castrated cuckboi

>> No.13415759

agrochemicals kill all the soil life (earthworms, microbes)

>> No.13416384
File: 73 KB, 960x540, I'm a damn fool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13416507

He's a vet.

>> No.13416808

Most of the crops goes to feed the livestock.
9/10 of the crops' energy get lost in transmission.
Those crops could feed the world, but you prefer growing your fifth chin and dying at the of 40 instead.

>> No.13416862
File: 149 KB, 476x476, 3a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw vegans have higher T levels on average
inb4 seething mental gymnast omnis

>> No.13416904

Anyone that is eating an impossible burger is already of testosterone blockers anyways or might as well start.

>> No.13416908

>Abloo bloo the starving chilluns in Africa!
You mean the same starving nations that kick out actual farmers and wonder how they don't have food now?

>> No.13417080

>implying there is shortage of local hungry and homeless before we even mention the oogas
you should try getting out of your gated neighbourhood sometime

>> No.13417083

Post here

>> No.13417084

Don't worry about the homeless in the US.
I hear california is going to spend a few billion and give them a campground with hotel amenities.

>> No.13417089

>being a chestlet
I bet you haven't even induced lactation via Impossible Whoppers yet, faggot

>> No.13417093

personal sincere help moralizes the hobos more than the gibs from the government that they just take for granted tho

>> No.13417140

Impossible Burger is almost 1to1 the same as Dog food and is full of Estrogen

>> No.13417281

one can't produce testosterone without animal products.

>> No.13417377

Based, and secondhand vegetarianpilled.

>> No.13417380

>agrochemicals kill all the soil life (earthworms, microbes)
No, they don't. The soil would become compacted and unable to grow plants. They are reduced, but the soil isn't lifeless.

Western farmers are generally intelligent and adaptable. No/low till, crop rotation, micro-nutrient fertilization, they do whatever it takes to optimize profits. Killing the soil will not optimize profits. As long as the (fossil) fertilizer and water lasts western farmers will keep their soil alive.

Also the grasslands they use to graze cows ... not a lot of free range with infinite nutrient magic in Europe, we have to be a little more scientific.

>> No.13417386

I would hate my wife if I got a vasectomy and she rubbed my nose in it like this.

>> No.13417407

>everything I don’t like is racist
>even when the teasing has nothing to do with race

Goddamn. No wonder people make fun of vegans.
Eat a steak, anon, it’ll help you think a lot more clearly.

>> No.13417408

What's the estrogen levels in drinking alcohol for most meals?

>> No.13417427

>unironically believing professional drifting criminals will have a sudden change of heart because you give them a plate of organic rice

>> No.13417432 [DELETED] 
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>Those crops could feed the world, but you prefer growing your fifth chin and dying at the of 40 eating meat.

40 years is 39 more than true vegans get. (A true vegan is a forced vegan, from birth)

>> No.13417440 [DELETED] 

>Also the grasslands they use to graze cows ... not a lot of free range with infinite nutrient magic in Europe, we have to be a little more scientific.

You have Ireland and England, and you have (underutilized) Ukraine. Furthermore if retarded huwhite nation's helped each other instead of feeding fucking Africa, between the US, and Australia and New Sealand we could easily satisfy all of Europe's needs for grass fed beef and lamb.

>> No.13417451

Ireland and England aren't in the same league as the US and Australia. Cattle density is much higher on pasture than rangeland. They don't have the luxury of waiting a century for infinite nutrient magic to hit a wall, they have to fertilize or perish right now.

Unless your rangeland is on/near a floodplain (where eroded rocks provide high nutrient inflows) you'll have to fertilize sooner or later. Grazing and human consumption create nutrient outflows natural processes will not equilibrate before the soil is as dead as you pretend farmland is. Savory is a hack.

>> No.13417545

>this is your brain on broscience

>> No.13417559

>you can't possibly malnourish a child on an omnivorous diet
what is the multibillionaire supplement industry

>> No.13417561

nice cope for a crab unwilling to part with half a penny

>> No.13417614 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 800x800, 1574784463716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point was that England and Ireland do provide beef and lamb, and the US and Australia can pick up the slack and feed Europe. Furthermore having cattle on the land is the fertilizer, as long as you avoid overgrazing.

New methods have sheep and chicken following the cows around increasing productivity on the same land.

Beef production- Zero pesticides use natural fertilizers and the cows coexist with smaller critters (rabbits mice etc)

Vegetable farms-- forest is plowed over, massive perpetual chemical pesticides use and all animals large and small are killed fucking dead just as a part of the operation on gigantic monocrop farms.

>> No.13417618 [DELETED] 

>Wat is the multibillionaire supplement industry

?? I guess that industry is something that vegans and other unhealthy people pay money to every day of their lives??

>> No.13417626

prove me wrong.

>> No.13417667

you mean like lettuce?
yeah lettuce is pretty good

>> No.13417669

I was a lifelong liberal Democrat, but shit like this is why I had to #walkaway.

>> No.13417679

No. I also don't get what's so difficult about eating vegan. Just cook normal meals but leave out the meat. Still tasty.
All this crap food is just marketing bullshit.

>> No.13417682

Are you retarded or just babbys first troll?

>> No.13417687

In a room full of vegans and a carnist, how do you identify the carnist?
That's right, by his B12 deficiency.

Btw, the B12 in your meat comes from supplements. It's not natural at all.

>> No.13417706

These are hilarious. It is almost to the point where I felt like I was reading satire. Here is the of source national file is referencing, I'm linking it because the nf source is basically a poorly worded regurgitation of the same article. Note: the source is a blog from Tri State LIVESTOCK news, so already biased source. The "Dr" lists his credentials as dvm, doctor of vetenary medicine. Also note, no sources for any claims anywhere. There is no analysis or study which actually looked at the difference between a Whopper and impossible.


>> No.13417708

He’s right. You can do crop rotation and cover cropping to prevent the damage and keep the soil nutritious, but industrial farms aim to grow the same crop 24/7/365. That’ll fuck the land.

>> No.13417711

Yes its a negligible fertilizer while they degrade the soil and uproot the grass
>Beef production- Zero pesticides use natural fertilizers and the cows coexist with smaller critters (rabbits mice etc)
Complete and utter lie. Of course pesticides are used you lying fucking freak, does coexistence with animals include their deaths from displacing them from their habitats to protect the grazing land? When it gets foraged and tilled? Treated with pesticides? For the alfalfa that is flown in for the livestock feed?

>> No.13417714

+ there is not just enough grassland to meet the everincreasing demand for meat and dairy

>> No.13417720

>A non-meat product enjoyed by women and gays has estrogen in it

Never would've guessed, what a total shock. Oh man, I am in awe of this information.

>> No.13417725

I eat vegan products every once in a while. Decent amount of it tastes pretty good.

>> No.13417744

And soda has 6 gorillion times more sugar than water, yet you fatasses still chug it down like it's nothing.

>> No.13417746

Vegans don't make even a percent of the total population, you can't earn such gigantic profits out of this tiny demographic.
So you can be health unconscious on any diet, especially the omnivorous one.

>> No.13417956 [DELETED] 
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>there is not just enough grassland to meet the everincreasing demand for meat and dairy

Let me translate from veganspeak lies--

"Not enough to feed China, and all of Africa*
*Africa gets it for free.

So Australia and the US government have decided to completely destroy their own forests, to feed niggers, for free. Obviously my fault right?? And I have to go vegan?

>> No.13417962 [DELETED] 
File: 770 KB, 1280x800, Average Lovely Vegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Btw, the B12 in your meat comes from supplements. It's not natural at all.

I eat game meat only, hunted from deer in the wild. Are you supplementing them too?

>Some sneeky ass vegan, supplements all the deer in the forest.

>> No.13417975 [DELETED] 

>does coexistence with animals include their deaths from displacing them from their habitats to protect the cattle grazing land?

So cattle ranches on thousands and thousands of r acres they go around killing the mice? Rabbits? Foxes? Turtles not to mention insects????

Oh wait my bad that's where your vegan dollar goes, on the industrial scale animal Holocaust factories called vegetables farms, my mistake.


>> No.13417993

>anon typed smugly on her planned obsolescence plastics and conflict minerals electronic device made from components shipped all over the world

>> No.13418098


>> No.13418103

Yes. So unless you plan on invading those countries soon and culling all the subhumans, what is your plan? Kill us all out spite?

>> No.13419322

>prefer dieing at 40.
You got me there boyo. Not gonna be meat that does it to me though. It's gonna be the semi crippling alcohol addiction that gets me. Completely normal to an outside observer, never late to work, never fuck things up or get arrested so nobody worries about me, but I piss the bed drunk after 30 beers every night.

>> No.13419524

Who washes the sheets and how often?

>> No.13419613

I do and every day it happens. Doesn't actually happen every single day, probably 3 times a week or so.

>> No.13419619

You didn't really think anyone else lives with me did you? Although I do have an ex that tried. Miss her sometimes. Still talk sometimes

>> No.13419624

>Miss her sometimes.
Man, you get so drunk you can't even piss on someone?

>> No.13419646

Actually that's one of the reasons I miss her. That's true maybe. Never pissed it while she was there. She knew I did it, but it never happened when she was spending the night. 5 years gone

>> No.13419851

I don't piss the bed but occasionally I come out of a stupor where I'm pissing on the floor. Happened on Christmas eve. Not a happy feeling.

>> No.13419882
File: 878 KB, 226x320, dance king.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if meat has .000001 mg of est per beef patty
>fake meat has 18 mg of est per patty
>birth control is only 20mg
the math is not good, bitch tits.

>> No.13419896

I've got a brother that does that. Yall work too hard, feels just as bad. Stay in bed and sleep till it finally gets cold

>> No.13419905
File: 166 KB, 994x745, 1577210835563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is completely untrue.

85% of crops given to cattle are parts of the harvested crop humans can not eat(leaves, roots, cobs, stems, stalks,vines, ect.), crops that fail to reach the market quality needed for human consumption or are byproducts from the plant being processed into another form. Chickens and pigs or fed s*y which humans should not be eating anyway.

Stop parroting vegan lies.

>> No.13419940

They get fed corn and other grains. Including soy as well, and alfalfa, you're just making shit up on the spot to be contrarian to the opposing point. And even if what you said were true (its not) the land grown for crops can be appropriated for crops for human consumption you dumb shitbrain

>> No.13420126

These are hilarious. It is almost to the point where I felt like I was reading satire. Here is the of source national file is referencing, I'm linking it because the nf source is basically a poorly worded regurgitation of the same article. Note: the source is a blog from Tri State LIVESTOCK news, so already biased source. The "Dr" lists his credentials as dvm, doctor of vetenary medicine. Also note, no sources for any claims anywhere. There is no analysis or study which actually looked at the difference between a Whopper and impossible.


>> No.13420272

>It can be grown for humans!
But what about the poor animals you bastard?

>> No.13422116

>the parts of the harvested crop humans can not eat
Of course. Why would you sell human quality grain to animals when you don't have to, and can instead make other products (soy oil, flour, lecithine, etc. and even use it in biofuel) and then sell the rest to animal ag as feed? Sure, you could argue that cows get our leftovers, but you could also argue we get the cow's leftovers - it's semantics. But there's a reason that soy is such a popular crop and soy-derived crap is in so much of our food, and the reason isn't that soy is just so awesome and delicious and healthy.

You mean the ones we breed in billions so we can torture them, kill them and eat them? Well, I was thinking, and I know it's crazy - but how about we NOT do that?

>> No.13422160
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>> No.13423747

>I'm gonna hunt and kill vegans!
ZOMG!! that's just too edgy 4 me anon, wow!

>> No.13423763

>White Liberals: OMG, killing a cow for food is morally evil! You people that eat meat are Hitler!!!
>Alslo White Liberals: I'm only 8 months pregnant, I can abort my baby if I want to!!! You can't tell me what to do, I do what I want!!

wtf is wrong with white people?

>> No.13423766

Not all white people are irrational like that. Just liberals.

>> No.13423893

To be fair, white people environmentNazis are now advocating "getting rid of" people "for the sake of the planet" so it's consistent, at least.

>> No.13423968
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>> No.13423977

liberalism is a mental illness.

>> No.13424008

This. It’s entirely within the realm of possibility to make savoury, plant-based dishes that will satisfy you the same way that meat does (or at least similarly). My issue with vegan foods are those that are clearly just fake bullshit pseudofoods designed as meat knockoffs. Why flaunt being plant-based and vegan if you’re going to try to taste like beef? Makes no sense.

>> No.13424034

it's mostly for people flirting with the idea of veggie/low meat diets

i've been vegan for over a decade and if i'm out with a mate i don't mind trying that sort of thing but at home red kidney beans are king

>> No.13424040


>> No.13424042

Have you ever tried to get 50g protein out of fuckin' beans? Vegans need processed food to get adequate nutrition, so it might as well be appetising.

>> No.13424043

>not killing babies