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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13413613 No.13413613 [Reply] [Original]

i want to study nutrition. to do that i would have
work 3 years as a cook apprentice. and then work 1 year as a diet chef apprentice.

i just dont know if im cut out for the kitchen. Im good at handling stress in the kitchen, but when i leave the kitchen im depressed. the hours leave me burned out.

nutrition is the only subject that ever interested me in school.

>> No.13413624

isn't every chef depressed? The hours are fucking awful and you're surrounded by retards. if it's your passion stick through it until you get to where you wanna be

>> No.13413628

out of 100 chefs, how many end up having a decent job that doesn't make them want to kill themselves every day?

>> No.13413668

0, that's why they're always drunk

>> No.13413753

Can you handle high stress environments in uncomfortable conditions?

>> No.13413755

for low pay and long hours working more on holidays rather than less

>> No.13413770

Maybe think deeply about what it is about nutrition that interested you and find another path involving something that might have similar appeal.

>> No.13414105

yes, it is the single worst career to express your interest in nutrition. Do something else and open a restaurant on the side once you're successful in that if you have money to burn

>> No.13414662

but i could be a diet chef, they only work in hospitals and old peoples homes. and in culinary school (france) half of the material is about nutrition and food composition.

>> No.13414666

what are some better careers for nutrition?

>> No.13414985
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My dude, I am 15 years into this industry. I want to leave it too, but I love actually cooking and learning the craft.
We are all miserable. Every last one. Get a new job, but don't stop learning. You can get books or master classes. Hip up community college, or just buy some culinary text books. ( chegg . org/com )
Let you passion be your passion, and let your work be your work.
Don't stop faggot. Keep working on you and cook.

Also, do popups on the side.

>> No.13415005

That's terrible advice. Aside from being an actual food scientist, culinary nutrition is just about the comfiest job in the food industry. Opening a restaurant ("on the side" - fucking kek) is the absolute least comfy.

>> No.13415208

if you have other options yes, give it up and keep it as a hobby

>> No.13415217

nutrition+ist ?

>> No.13415229
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>should i give up becoming a cook?
>low pay
>horrible hours
>criminals and deadbeats as coworkers
>likely poor benefits
>high chance of minor injury, low chance of medium level injury
>little room for meaningful career advancement
>will probably develop a smoking habit
>make less money than a server despite working twice as hard
I think you should not be a cook and should instead get a COMPUTER SCIENCE degree. I say CS because I don't know how to code and I have a CS degree and haven't had to code anything in years because I'm a talentless hack who is only pretending I know what I'm doing until they catch on.

>> No.13415248

I would. The two major colleges I've worked in the nutritionist had her own office and just sat there all day randomly coming out to take food temps and making sure everything was labeled properly with allergens and such.
Making way more than the chefs behind the line.

>> No.13415253
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That fucking hollandaise looks amazing anon. You could put that shit on vanilla ice cream and it would probably taste good.

>> No.13415262

i cannot sit for prolonged hours. its like hell to me. i need to stand up after an hour and just walk around a bit.

constantly looking at a screen seems like hell and fuck it seems boring. im actually a tranny so its funny because computer science is somthing most trannies have an affinity for.

but to be it seems like the most draining and boring thing ever. adjusting one and 0s and semicolons is for the smart people. im not smart

>> No.13415278

>I want to be a nutritionist
>in order to do that, I have to work in a restaurant as a line cook for 4 years
>I want to be an artist
>to do that, I have to paint commercial buildings for 4 years
>I want to run a funeral home
>in order to do that, I have to be a serial killer for 4 years
>I want fly commercial jets
>in order to that, I have to be a theoretical mathematician and get published in an astrophysics journal
>I want work in IT
>in order to do that, I have to sell phones for 4 years
>I want to be on the PGA Tour
>in order to do that, I need to become a landscaper for 4 years

>> No.13415293

retard.. studying nutrition requires money.

and i might as well become a diet chef and the earn money so i can go further and then study more nutrition.

and to be a diet chef you need to have worked as a cook for 3 years in an official apprenticeship.

if you dont have apprenticeships in this country the only jobs ull get is cleaning dishes and maybe cutting tomatoes and making some soup or pouring tea

>> No.13415407
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It depend of the country or it's the same shit everywhere ? Because apprently in the US it's awful, but how it is in other country ?

>> No.13415416

i have a cs degree. there are no jobs. dont listen to thisg uy

>> No.13415817

sounds like bullshit, where are you

>> No.13415821

good post

>> No.13417655


>> No.13419446

Never give up A dream

>> No.13420081
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>i have a cs degree. there are no jobs. dont listen to thisg uy
get the fuck out of here. there are so many jobs (east coast. DC/MD metro area personally) that we struggle to find enough candidates to hire. I've had my management ask me more than once to recommend my friends from college for interviews, too bad i was a huge sperg in college (still am obviously) and didn't actually make any friends or connections.

>> No.13420216

Is it because they outsource the jobs to indians who work for pennies?

>> No.13420227

I've been working at the same restaurant for the last 20 years, started in Dishes and work my way up to cooking. The food isn't something to brag about its not gourmet by any reason. The hours suck the pay is decent, If I had to live on my own I couldn't. I drink daily, I hate humanity as a whole, I've worked so long in the kitchen I cant work somewhere else. I have other jobs and kept the restaurant just in case things didn't work out. And they didn't because I hate corporate, never ever work in a corporate job they will suck every ounce of life out of you. I love to cook, and my job is easy. So that's what kept me there for all those years, and before I know it, it will be 21 years.

>> No.13420424

Hey mate could you recommend some culinary textbooks please?

>> No.13420505

Call your uni's programming club or whatever it has, become a valuable source for jobs for the youngns and for talent for the company. You don't actually have to be their friends. This is an opportunity for you

>> No.13422090

do it and find out faggot

>> No.13422100

>study nutrition
Please don't subject people to your food, you people are the most bland chefs in existence

>> No.13422108

>Cs degree
>no jobs
You must be exceptionally unlikeable

>> No.13422131

That’s chef Ramsay

>> No.13422139

Naw not true...

U can eat healthy and yummy yknow.

Tbh I think I might be too interested into nutrition to be a chef. I believe in keto, and woud feel bad serving foods with white flour or lots of sugar, etc carbs

>> No.13422146

Plant based Veganism is the healthiest

>> No.13422218

i disagree

50% of the cells are made up of saturated fats. and then some people wonder why vegans look like anemic zombies, they arent getting enough saturated fats.

keto diet is the most based. Butter, fatty meats, organ meats, and cruci vegetables that are extremely low carb but high fibre (brokoli, salads, etc)

>> No.13422234
File: 173 KB, 1300x700, sund-mad-er-ikke-noedvendigvis-kedelig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are already confirming my predictions.
pic related - your idea of an exciting meal

>> No.13422240

the fish looks good. but the veggies need a nice sauce. you dont need flour for sauces you know.

some of the tastiest sauces are actually keto friendly. hollandaise for example.

>> No.13422270
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The whole plate SCREAMS nutritionist. People don't want to pay for that shit, they can make it themselves at home ya doofus
pic related - what practically every succesfull restaurant is putting out

>> No.13422288

most people mess up even the simplest of things at home.

cooking is not hard. its mostly just logical thinking.
even the ancient chinese had it down to a science. balance is the key to a good meal (acidity, saltiness, sweetness, etc)

but most people are not good at logical thinking with food

>> No.13422324
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You would be surprised how many good home cooks there are. It is also a fashion thing now. Its cool to be able to cook, and people are getting more and more excited about delicious new food, even in Scandinavia where there has a been a culinary dark age for like 300 years.
on a side note, you have to be specially stupid to fuck up boiled vegetables. Cooking is not just about logic and sanitization, it's literally an art form.

>> No.13422501


Dunno.. before I got out of the industry my last job was pretty good. But it was why I also left.

I was a prep cook / menu think tank experimenting with the two head chefs. It was very relaxing, 9 - 5 type thing. I never had it better.
Then they sold the place, moved far away to open a new place and I was just left, obviously. Then I had to go back to the same thing, and realized I didn't want to work those hours and such anymore.

It's all about who you work with and for, or if you own your own place. Otherwise 90% of the time it's a crazy career.

>> No.13422539
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Enjoying what you do is just something people used to tell each other to make it seem like there is hope while you are stuck in a job you dont like. Very few people actually enjoy their work, thats just a fact of life.