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13409851 No.13409851[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

BTFO vegans

Animals cuck you yet again, having to make up ways just to support your fucked up regime


>> No.13409859


>> No.13409870

Yes, that is exactly what vegans would say.

>> No.13409877

huh... who would've thought that plants need animals?

>> No.13409883

Wait until they find out flowering plants depend on bees and other insects.

>> No.13409886

The only funny version of this meme I’ve seen.

>> No.13409895

Wow. The fact that manure exists is a news item now. What a fantastic era we live in.

>> No.13409902

Vegans didn't seem to be aware of it.

>> No.13409907

This isn't even a critique of veganism, it's just pointing out that organic agriculture needs organic fertilizer. It doesn't follow at all that the current level of meat production is efficient or ethical or necessary to sustain vegan diets.

>> No.13409922

And the figs use a dead wasp to fertilize it

>> No.13409925

Yeah this totally mystifies them. You're not sounding desperate to find a legitimate argument at all.

>> No.13409928
File: 105 KB, 984x693, landuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, even organic vegetables are orders more efficient forms of food production than beef is, even factoring in whatever fertilizer is needed to sustain them.

>> No.13409929

organic is a fake word. most if not all "organic" pest control and fertilizers are still made by heavy chemical industry. For shit sake, the most common product is created by pouring copper in sulfuric acid. That's your "organic" agriculture. lies and fake science.

>> No.13409934

They were either aware of it making them hypocrites or weren't, making them morons, so which is it?

>> No.13409935

>land used
who cares, animals use space improper for culture.

>> No.13409939

I didn't know an adult pig weighted only 100 grams

>> No.13409941

I don't advocate for organic agriculture (especially not in the american corporate interpretation) I just advocate for veganism and vegetarianism mate.

>> No.13409946


Ranchers have been deforesting the amazon at an unprecedented rate for more ranching land. There are consequences to the unprecedented level of meat consumption in the world when it is this costly.

Also worth noting that the land use also factors in the cost of growing cattle feed (which could just be fed to humans).

>> No.13409949

Wrong, Monsanto shill. Don't you have thousands of Roundup lymphoma lawsuits to worry about rather than a mom & pop growing vegetables responsibly and sustainably?

>> No.13409956

We have this magical place called the Western US which is the size of all of Western Europe and nobody lives there, it’s just a giant cattle pasture.

>> No.13409957

>animals cuck you
by getting eaten?

>> No.13409981

And yet they're still deforesting to create more pastures here and abroad, as well as growing massive amounts of cereals to raise cows. The end result is massive biodiversity loss, pollution. Grazing occupies 26% of the earth's ice-free terrestrial surface, and feed crop production uses about one third of all arable land. This system cannot continue to expand with the population forever.

>> No.13409989

We don’t slash-and-burn here, only third world hellholes like brazil do that. It might surprise you but not every single square inch of North America was covered in forests before ebil white men arrived.

>> No.13410022

Yeah, I suppose here it's mostly just feed production draining the aquifers while overgrazing of grass-fed cows results in dust bowls, oh well. Definitely don't consider that you're a spoiled baby with the most destructive and wasteful diet in human history.

>> No.13410038

vegans will never NOT be BTFO

>> No.13410196

>never not
Carnist brain rot everybody!

>> No.13410221

Nice graph, I wonder if insects fit in there and where they'd be.

>> No.13410234

>retard vegan thinks 'never not' is grammatically incorrect.

>> No.13410285

>Muh double negative

Fuck off retard there's nothing wrong using that kind of grammar

>> No.13410290

why would you advocate veganism? there was a post on here the other day showing a vegan diet was responsible for killing a child. you're sick

>> No.13410309


So you're saying its an overpopulation problem, I agree! We should close the borders

>> No.13410334

>draining the aquifers
California? Don’t worry I’m sure everywhere else in the continental US will gladly sell you water at a significant upcharge.

>> No.13410346

That's why I only eat pocket mulch.

>> No.13410358

No I'm in michigan we're flush with the water but anyways you should probably do some reading. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_impact_of_meat_production
Damn homie that's wild

>> No.13410366

You're not being serious but obviously the U.S. population is barely related to the issue as the U.S. exports a huge amount of meat. That is, at least for now, until Brazilian production picks up and the large meat corporations continue shifting production there.

>> No.13410446

Why would anyone take your opinion on water seriously when your water is yellow and corrosive?

>> No.13410448


That's a great point and I'm glad you asked. The reason is that some of the water is in underfunded municipal water supplies and the rest is in large lakes.

>> No.13410454

>I ain't done nothing ungrammatical
Ok, carnist, lol!

>> No.13410458

But the form used was 'never not', which is considered grammatically correct. You'd know that if you weren't an ESL nigger.

>> No.13410460

Imagine being this rent free

>> No.13410612


The meat-cucks and their BULL i.e the meat-industry are working overtime on Xmas Eve to damage control. They're afraid.

It's the third option where you have no idea what the definition of veganism even is or what animal rights entails because you don't give a shit and someone threatening your beloved BACON feels like a personal attack.

>> No.13411024

It's Christmastime you absolute Grinches. Cheer the fuck up.

>> No.13411033

Vegans are ruining Christmas for the rest of the family. No cheese in the salad, no suet in the pudding, a smaller selection of meats on the table. All for the benefit of a couple of fussy whiners. This is exactly the time of year to give them the kick in the teeth they deserve.

>> No.13411294

Are you legit retarded? Put the salad in two different bowls. Make a vegan pudding for the vegans. And the presence of a vegan at the table doesn't prevent you from eating meat, in fact there's more meat for you. Stop being a faggot and a liar.

>> No.13411456


>draining the aquifers
You mean for all of those California rice farmers?

>> No.13411490

The amount of buffalo before white man near = todays amounts of cattle. Native savages would scare them off cliffs by the thousands and would take what they could carry and left them to rot. Also white people were in North America thousands of years before natives. Archaeologists and scientists know this but if you talk about it you will be fired.

>> No.13411543

>Also white people were in North America thousands of years before natives. Archaeologists and scientists know this but if you talk about it you will be fired.
Well that's convenient =/

>> No.13411615

>Also white people were in North America thousands of years before natives. Archaeologists and scientists know this but if you talk about it you will be fired
Actually wait a minute here, roll back, how the fuck would you know that?

>> No.13411906

Vegan here. Buy stuff from the Farmers market, I didnt do anything to any of you but. Whatever go ahead. Hate me. sorry I eat only plants cause I have bad genetics and I will have a massive heart attack at like 35 if I eat meat. If thats enough reason to hate someone, kill yourself. I dont force my shit on anybody. I dont care what anyone else eats. But goddamn I hope people that hate vegans just cause get horrible painful ass cancer that like, has them in pain for 40 years before they die just...Fuck off. I eat plants nigger. You eat meat. I dont give a fuck, but you gotta hate me cause...Youre a miserable piece of shit.

>> No.13412088

I don't care what some stupid subhuman spics are doing, if you do good send in the US military in and literally wipe out the population of all of the central and South America's because they can't be trusted to protect biodiversity. Then do it to the Chinese and India and the rest of the third world because they are destroying the environment better than we ever could. Go ahead and tell me to stop eating beef because some spics are burning the Amazon rainforest down, that really is related to cattle being raised on land incapable of growing crops for humans.

>> No.13412100

A buffalo population has never existed in America. We only have bison.

>> No.13412124

Yeah im sure thats why the US has the second largest emissions in the world and the highest per capita of any actual country. Beef creates massive greenhouse emissions, soil and grass erosion, species displacement/extinctions, along waste spilling into the water supply every bit more than a Keystone pipeline
>raised on land incapable of growing crops for humans.
The Irish do fine with that

Have consensual sex you retarded faggot

>> No.13412134

Ok and this is my fault as a Canadian who only buys Canadian meat how? Shut the fuck up

>> No.13412136

>yurocuck fagboy tries to lecture someone else on being a virgin
Gay married Canadian on vacation in Jamaica here
You're a pussy

>> No.13412140

Brazil exports beef to other countries too. The Amazon is just the shining example of environmental destruction caused by beef.

>> No.13412145

Are you gay btw? Idk if that matters

>> No.13412149

To Canada? No

I am gay btw, hope it matters

>> No.13412158

>muh heartache
>I don't care what you eat
>you eat meat
No actual vegan would say these things. You eat plants for your health and not to abolish animal suffering like the Holocaust that is taking place.

You were never vegan. You are plant-based

>> No.13412170

They definitely do, probably not a lot. I'd imagine mostly for Brazilian steakhouses in the cities. Maybe some cheap shit for the guai lo in Hongcouver

>> No.13412179

Yeah, fair point about restaurant imports, but I mean the average stuff available at your deli, butcher, or grocery store

>> No.13412199

Why not be a normal, NATURAL human being?

>> No.13412231

Info leaked before it was (((shut down))).

>> No.13412555

you are worse than vegans. everyday the same shit.

>> No.13412844

umm my plants DO kill insects and bees but who cares at least it isn't a beautiful cow or a fluffy cute chicken

>> No.13413035

This isn't /pol/ take it somewhere else

>> No.13413043

Ah so you just made it up.

>> No.13413500

I wish I could poo in the loo and eat the poo with veggies too

>> No.13413553

I can't tell what's more fucked up. The fact the wasp dies to fertilize the fig, or the fact that there's a dedicated wasp executioner in the form of a fruit

>> No.13414381

The virgin wasp fertiliser
The chad wasp executioner

>> No.13415032


>> No.13415099

>someone threatening your beloved BACON feels like a personal attack
Well, that's because it is.


>oh but we're not really like that we're just peaceful assholes who invade restaurants to shout at people through bullhorns at a distance of one inch from one of their ears because MEAT IS MURDER YOU FUCKING CARNISTS!!!!!

>> No.13415169

To canada too. Because imported stuff is always cheaper.

>> No.13415230

I have literally never seen beef, pork, or chicken for sale at a Canadian grocery store that was imported from another country (besides the States, obviously)

>> No.13415236

>get momentarily annoyed by activists before security kicks them out
Oh grow up.

>> No.13415956

>the US has the second largest emissions in the world and the highest per capita of any actual country
That's because it's 50 countries that act as one, why does everyone ignore this fact?

>> No.13415964

He already specified per capita statistics.

>> No.13416026

Yes but that another anon doesn't know what that means, remember to always use a 3rd grade language at most on 4chan.

>> No.13417340
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>> No.13417364

>And yet they're still deforesting to create more pastures here and abroad, as well as growing massive amounts of cereals to raise cows. The end result is massive greenhouse gas emissions from the constantly lying mouths of the vegan propagandists.

Once again a vegan tells HALF the truth. Yes in addition to cutting down forests for Palm oil for you vegans, ((((they)))) also cut down forests for more cows TO FEED FUCKING CHINA YOU VEGAN LIAR.

$o for overpruduction and greed ((((they))) cut down forests, obviously my fault right vegan?

>> No.13417375
File: 456 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_20191217-064004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how these violent vegan nutjobs never attacked a Halal butcher shop or a Moslem restaurant. Do you think it could be a ~coincidence?~