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13400376 No.13400376 [Reply] [Original]

Best ways to nurse a hangover?

>> No.13400379


10% strength orange gatorade if it's really horrific

>> No.13400382

Taco Bell.

>> No.13400385

water and aleve

>> No.13400388


>> No.13400390

>nsaids for gi trouble
you're going to give yourself an ulcer with that shit

>> No.13400395

well don't take them until your stomach feels better then

>> No.13400398

completely stupid and pointless to take for a hangover at all

>> No.13400400

yep, taking aleve for a hangover is almost as moronic as taking tylenol

drink some water with a pinch of salt for electrolytes, jerk off, eat something substantial and smoke a bowl

>> No.13400401

then what's your answer, you fucking asshole?

>> No.13400404


>> No.13400414

Maybe a very small bowel of oatmeal made with water and no sweetener after 30 minutes of first water intake.
Eye drops.
A short walk.

>> No.13400416


The effects of a hangover are basically dehydration. Just drink some fucking water.

>> No.13400418

dude was trying to help you not hurt yourself with bad practices and hes an asshole? chill

>> No.13400420

Shoot up some heroin

>> No.13400421


If you have the money or the influence you can get an IV drip. I remember back in the day my Chief would tell me he had a hook up in medical where he did this. Come back stupid drunk and get an IV and be good to go after a short stint.

That said, just drink water. While going on a Bender aint exactly the best idea in the world probably cut it with plenty of food and some water inbetween drinks unless your intention is to simply get obliterated.

>> No.13400437

- strong cup of tea
- toast with salt & pepper
- instant noodles w/ 2 packs of beef flavouring

>> No.13400441

RN here. A lot of the young doctors and med students around here used to put an IV in themselves after we'd been out drinking so they could have a liter of NaCl run in while they slept.
The practice was never condoned of course but it was really cracked down on after one genius fell asleep after putting in the IV catheter but before screwing the saline tube onto it.
Retard almost bled to death through that little piece of plastic over the following hours.

Keep that in mine next time you go see your own doctor; they're retards just like the rest of us.

Plenty of water and a shot of vodka. See if you can keep down a little food, maybe some simple carbs. I'm a grilled cheese man myself.

>> No.13400443

take a kudzu supplement

>> No.13400467

The real redpill and only true answer, is more alcohol

>> No.13400476
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>Best ways to nurse a hangover?
lots of water to rehydrate, possibly some smart water or a serving of gatorade thrown into that mix.
Caffeine, and an anti-inflammatory, and aleve is my favorite since it goes 12 hours, will help the pain from the vaso dilation/constriction issue of the migraine pain.
For the rest of the GI trouble, follow BRAT diet and take a proton pump inhibitor (ex Nexium or Pepcid) to calm down that increase in acid production for a day or two. Eat a nice oatmeal bar or bowl of oatmeal to soothe and coat the stomach for longer. I swear by sweet tea in the morning for a couple days, staying away from coffee and OJ. But, you can take a multi-vitamin. I certainly do feel better with a big comfy meal, like a full breakfast or a mcgriddle....but I do not that that chalks up scientifically for any reason due to the high fat in an otherwise irrigated GI lining, and use of the gall bladder and liver in that scenario. There may be a protein connection that helps, someone else may know.

Vita Squad and other "on-call home visit doctors" in Miami Beach, who visit wealthy vacationers, athletes, celebrities, anyone...these types who make $$$$ for hangover IV bag visits, are doing the anti-inflammatories for your pain and inflammation, but also 1) hydration, 2) stomach acid and nausea medication, 3) B and C vitamins, 4) magnesium, which is involved (with vitamin c) in helping eliminate the alcohol by supporting the body's ability to make more and more of a particular enzyme involved in that process, dehydrogenase.

>> No.13400494

vanilla milkshake and time

>> No.13400496

Lots of water, avoid caffeine, drink a beer or two.

>> No.13400569


>> No.13400585


>Two downers in one go

Nothing wrong could ever come of that.

>> No.13400586

>getting hangovers

>> No.13400589


>> No.13400866
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combine with dudelmao for a degenerate/10 way to complete your already degenerate weekend

>> No.13400876

I use a chaos magic servitor before I start drinking to prevent hangovers.

>> No.13401063
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my go to hangover cure is rosół which is basicaly Phở but simpler

>> No.13401085

aspirin n electrolytes they say. and spaghetti n noodles out of a can suck

>> No.13401090

Order a nice big old 'za from dominos and just chill bro

>> No.13401093

Look in mexican stores for suero oral. It's cheaper better flavored pedialyte and boy howdy do I need some right now

>> No.13401108

in-n-out brgr, sex with a hot chick and some weed and water afterwards. You can thank me later.

>> No.13401176

Is it still that oily texture? It's really the most off-putting thing about Pedialyte

>> No.13401321

Not gonna lie and I don't wanna encourage smoking weed.
But the answer is weed + water + saly food. It helps the most.

>> No.13401335

Just sleep through the hangover, if you cant sleep anymore have a Bloody Mary

>> No.13401394

Not as bad, bc the flavoring is stronger, but you'll never get away from that with so much shit dissolved in it. It actually has warnings on the bottle to not drink too much too fast because it'll pull water from your blood if you do

>> No.13401406

Stop talking like a nigger you stupud nigger

>> No.13401423
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>> No.13402224

He's entitled to talk, and keep talking.

>> No.13402332

Stay still and feel regret
You won't keep anything down anyways

>> No.13402339

Just fucking drink more dumbass. All these retards talking about water are forgetting you can't get drunk off of water, stupid retards.

>> No.13402388
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literally just pop a xanny bruh anything else is for weak bitches

>> No.13402395

>smoke a bowl
Go back

>> No.13402398

A walk followed by a warm shower and a hearty meal

>> No.13402887


>> No.13402901


>> No.13402947

Based scienceposter

>> No.13403362

>bowel of oatmeal
I'd rather just have the hangover

>> No.13403367

Water, Rub one Out, Excedrin, Water.
Shower. Hot
Coffee. Black.
Breakfast. Greasy

>> No.13403384

straight edge fags seething

>> No.13403388

take the carcass of half a estonian child and add jalapenos to it to please the baltic fruity-ouch-pepper gods.

>> No.13403682

There should really be a fool proof way way to limit drinking because if a hair of the dog level is how hard your getting smashed and IV saline level is how hard you get dehydrated. That's just too drunk.

Cold water spicy soup

>> No.13403694

Forgot to add weed particularly cbd that you can vape

>> No.13403796

Water, salty food, jerk off or have sex, and sauna.

>> No.13403947

hydrate prior to drinking and after
salt helps too for electrolytes if you really went at it hard

>> No.13403964

weed and gatorade

>> No.13403980

Realistically, there is no actual scientific cure, because hangovers aren't really understood all that well. You've been poisoned. Your body needs time, rest, water, and nutrients to heal itself. Your brain will also need some things that are harder to put into words--I like hot showers and walks in the cool and/or cold morning to get the post-drinking blue out.

>> No.13404032

Lots of water. Long shower. Taco Bell.

>> No.13404085

A thick load freshly milked from your wife's bull's BBC.

>> No.13404123

How do you fall asleep while your bleeding to death?

>> No.13404274

Can't believe it took this long for the true answer. Just get stupidly high and go back to bed.

>> No.13404311

Whataburger's Breakfast Burger if you live near one. its a heaping mass of American obesity but itll kill any semblance of hangover.

>> No.13404319

Sleep, dramamine, and gatoraide.

>> No.13404329

Yeah, this. Water the night before prevents hangovers to begin with, it's 90% dehydration.

Just guzzle water, nibble on something to get something in your stomach, curl up in the shower and sob. Back to fighting form in 90 minutes.

>> No.13404368

Along with >>13404319
I've found no weird light transitions is good, very good. That means leave a light on. If I have a nasty hangover and I suddenly change the lighting situation then it just makes it worse, so constant lighting or lack thereof is useful.
Good fresh cool air, that's a good one.

>> No.13404391

That's not the point of OPs question now is it? It's not how to prevent it, its how to deal with it.

>> No.13404400

A hair of the dog that bit you.

>> No.13404414

The bit about curling up in the shower and sobbing wasn't for prevention. I'm not sure that prevents anything.

>> No.13404458

Curling up in a shower and sobbing sounds like a rape victem, at least from what I've seen on TV.

>> No.13404464

The only real answer here. The secret to a hangover is to never stop. Ever. Quitters.

>> No.13404479
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Water and pick related

>> No.13404484

Drink lots of water and fuck the shit out of someone for an hour before passing out.

>> No.13404567

Michelob ultra pure

>> No.13404584

Water+food+time. Shower is also nice, provides first step.

>> No.13404667

corned beef hash
eggs over easy
pint of guiness
3 oysters shooters
great bar called the alibi in Arcata used to go every wednesday for this, under $20

>> No.13404675

Cyclizine for the sickness/nausea
Carb heavy food after than
Maybe another drink if you can stomach it.

>> No.13404689

What's one of the most common symptom of blood loss? That's right, loss of consciousness.

>> No.13404762

Hair of the dog, mate.
But really, water and electrolytes. And next time make sure you drink more water when you're out getting drunk, it's a lot easier to prevent hangovers than try and deal with them the morning after.

>> No.13404796

Water and weed

>> No.13405325

not this.

>> No.13405377

You fucking cookie cutter FAGGOT! you think smoke is good for your body, you dumb fucking cuck bitch. Im fucking your whore mother no rubber, she taking back shots

>> No.13405427

Low dose of any benzo to stop the withdrawal symptoms while your body gets rid of all the acetyldehyde. Vitamin C and meat to help your liver produce the enzymes you need to break it down. Electrolytes to replace all the salts you pissed out. Plenty of water. Some kind of PPI if you get problems with acid reflux when hungover.

>> No.13405610

Coffee and masturbating

>> No.13405626

The anti dude weed movement around here is fascinating. I imagine it's a mix of boomers and religious whack jobs who've been told it's bad for you their entire lives, and underage contrarians. The anti nausea, and appetite stimulation properties make it a go to for me if I'm hurting the next day. And for those of you who consider it "so bad" so is poisoning yourself with alcohol.

>> No.13405649

water + salt/minerals

It's dehydration BUT the alcohol and drinking massive amounts of liquid(pint after pint of beer) flushes out the minerals and salts in your body making you unable to maintain the fluid in your body, since you need salts to keep hydrated. Just drinking water doesn't work you will just pee it out since you can't keep it.

>> No.13405690

I dont do any of that cookie cutter nonsense. Go back to your ejaculatorium listening to rap music and swilling beer, you piece of yuman filth

>> No.13405696

wanted to fuck your mom too but she way too stinky lmao

>> No.13405700


>> No.13405733

Pickle juice
rolaids, not tums they are shit
cannabis if you've got it

>> No.13405817

Salted lard on toast with a glass of Clamato
T. traditional quebecer

>> No.13406007

Weed makes me see people in a demonic light, so I don't really like it. It also does jack all for my appetite, alcohol is better for that. If you want to smoke weed that's fine, but shilling your shitty drug

>> No.13406016

lol 420 weed d00d

>> No.13406082

Daddy cum

>> No.13406269

>combining weed and alcohol is dangerous

>> No.13406299

my friend went into a coma that way. he was at a party and had 9 shots of vodka and ended up smoking a whole pack of marijuana cigarettes

>> No.13406397

Gatorade or Pedialyte followed by water and time

>> No.13406442

Breakfast food. Glass of water, tomato juice. Hash browns, sausage, toast

>> No.13406459

What a retard. I hope his parents pulled the plug, it's the only logical action when you go comatose from smoking weed and drinking 9 shots.

>> No.13406470


You retards shouldn't be mixing drugs period but most stoners are fucking retards so it's not a surprise. Funny thing too since marijuana actually has some benefits, but it's all associated with retards now.

>> No.13406501

Not being an alcoholic degenerate.

>> No.13406530

Water with a weak cordial in it to help with the taste of your mouth after a night at it.

Instant ramen that isn't spicy. Tonkotsu works well, the broth is more important than the noodles.

Bovril, a beef stock again works great; it's basically more of the broth part of the ramen.

Weak green tea; warm, caffienated and won't make your stomach upset. You can also just keep topping it up with hot water.

That's my go to hangover remedy with a good few ipubrufen and sleep as well.

>> No.13406542


>> No.13406555


>> No.13406604

Stop being a bitch who can't deal with reality and resorts to alcohol to drink their sorrows away rather than finding an actual solution to their problems. Fucking faggot suck my dick then spit the cum back in my mouth homo.

>> No.13406608


Most people just drink because they enjoy it not because they're trying to solve a problem

>> No.13406611

If you enjoyed life you wouldn't be resorting to drugs. Period.

>> No.13406613

Most people are mindless NPC drones.

>> No.13406614

They mostly come out at night, mostly.

>> No.13406650

Plenty of people only use drugs every so often.

>> No.13406651

And they don't fully appreciate life.

>> No.13406934

Are drugs not a part of life?

>> No.13407001

I agree with you in principle but alcoholic beverages taste good

>> No.13407078
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Eggs and coffee. That's it.

>> No.13407141

more booze
taper off

>> No.13407168


>> No.13407441
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Water, coffee and especially greasy food helped me

>> No.13407497

Just drink coffee then sprat shit all over the shower :)

>> No.13407514

just drink more. cant get hungover if you're always drunk

>> No.13407523

Re-hydrate yourself my man.

>> No.13407531

Puking your guts out after drinking water, then drink coffee and shit your guts out, then eat junk food, and finally drink again.

>> No.13407536

It's the acetaldehyde, you need DRUGS like gabapentin and you feel better then can resume binging.

>> No.13407544

Puke, pee, poop, then masturbate.

>> No.13407588

I've found a solution to my problems. I will die and then no more problems. So fuck you and who do you think you are anyway?

>> No.13407626

Unironically drink a beer

>> No.13409033

My roommate swears by multivitamin gummies.
I just not drink because I am not a retard who can't stand being sober and drinks literal yeast shit.