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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13399977 No.13399977 [Reply] [Original]

>almost 2020
>drinking soy milk when almond milk is a thing
it's unbelievable to me that people actually do this.

>> No.13399985

Almond milk is unsustainable. Only oat milk is truly acceptable.

>> No.13399987

>almond milk
Get with the times, dum dum. Even oat milk is passe.

>> No.13399994
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>using either when actual milk like pic related exists

>> No.13399997

Gross torture. Get this out of my sight.

>> No.13400001

>drinking nut milk

>> No.13400002


Im gay btw if that matters

>> No.13400005
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>> No.13400050

Soy < Almond < Oat

>> No.13400065
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Holy based

>> No.13400072

Almond and soy milk are both shit, they're both literally just sugar water with 1% almond or 1% soy.

>> No.13400136

>almost 2020
>drinking almond milk when human semen is a thing
it's unbelievable to me that people actually do this.

>> No.13400609

Fuck all of that shit, it's not real milk.

>> No.13400616

>almond milk

its literally like <5% almonds, sugar, water and seaweed thickener

what a scam

>> No.13400630

Pea and soy are the only ones with any protein in them.

>> No.13400651

almond milk tastes like shit
it is not comparable to bovine milk or soy milk in any way for any purpose

>> No.13400669 [DELETED] 

so when is this pedo piece of shit op gonna be banned?

>> No.13400706 [DELETED] 

You will never be a woman

>> No.13400810

give me money and I buy that 5€ per litre almond milk.

>> No.13401029

That's the point, doofus.

>> No.13401038

You mean almond juice. If nut juice was so good they wouldn't have to market it under a false name.

>> No.13401075
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>nut juice

>> No.13401095

I-is she drinking milk?

>> No.13401100

Penis milk.

>> No.13401133

Yeah and milk of magnesia is total bullshit, if they had any confidence or integrity they would call it juice of magnesia.

>> No.13401137

Yes, we are on the same page. Thanks for contributing.

>> No.13401280

Sounds like it's really activated your almonds.

>> No.13401288
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For me, it's muscle milk.

>> No.13401292
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>> No.13401334

>drinking sugar water full of additives with a single digit % of whatever plant it pretends to be from
How about you just don't have any "milk".

>> No.13401339
File: 8 KB, 400x376, Goat-Milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking milk from a cow or plant

>> No.13401348

>drinking cow milk
Enjoy your estrogen mantitties, faggots. Might as well start taking HRT too

>> No.13401349

But it is milk. Stop seething over your soy juice.

>> No.13401356

Stfu plantfaggot

>> No.13401367

You guys are the ones ingesting ACTUAL estrogen. Real milk drinkers are lower test than soy/almond/oat milk drinkers.

>> No.13401374

I buy a gallon of 2% from Kroger every week. Good stuff.

>> No.13401382

Its not from a muscle. Breasts and utters are organs and tissues

>> No.13401386

>his muscles don't produce milk
Do you even /fit/?

>> No.13401439

Absolutely based

>> No.13401444

What kinda milk is the wizard in the back?

>> No.13401471

I don’t consume almonds or avocados because I’m not going to hell

>> No.13401474


>> No.13401478
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Wizards drink salty milk for MP.

>> No.13401775

dolphin milk

>> No.13401907

>drinking milk past the age of 2 months
Awwww wiittle baby wants his milkiiies googagaga

>> No.13401925

Why not whole? Whats the point of watered down milk?

>> No.13401933

That looks like an excerpt from actual gay propaganda, the left is such a joke.

>> No.13402531

Almond milk tastes like fucking water dude.

>> No.13402534

I need my arteries to last beyond age 50.

>> No.13402535

Thats christcuck propaganda

>> No.13402648

Pagang cope lmaoooo
Have you actually read your eddas?
Odin and Thor have on MORE THAN ONE occasion either gendershaped or put on drag. I'm not joking. Meanwhile, the only reason you're even capable of feeling grossed out by this is because of the moral framework instilled by Christians.

>> No.13402752
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mother milk

>> No.13402757


>> No.13402776

>consume less fat for health
>called brainlet
You're like a dog - too dumb to realize he's dumb.

>> No.13402800

>fat is bad
buddy, you're a retard

>> No.13402804

Not all but most. You need good cholesterol - not the common bad stuff.

>> No.13402808

All dietary cholesterol is bad, its mostly LDL and raises your LDL primarily

>> No.13402810

>Not all but most
Not even most, and fat in cow milk is not one of them.

>> No.13402813

and the cholesterol in whole milk is somehow worse than the one in the 2% pisswater?

>> No.13402840

>"I never fucked a pussy, not even one time, ever, but instead hung out with 13 dudes"

>> No.13402844

>any year
>drinking anything other than cow milk

>> No.13402845

Yes. That's why they call it 2%.

>> No.13402855

Agreed. We're on the same page.