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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13395055 No.13395055[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13395059

Why is this newsworthy

>> No.13395067

It's wholesome parenting. We need more of this in our national discussion.

>> No.13395070

This is like when your coworker starts talking about their kids
Nobody gives a shit Karen, shut up

>> No.13395073

This. That must be one ugly ass mom.

>> No.13395079


why do people say this all the time?

>> No.13395081 [DELETED] 

That's really cute! Just like Ben Solo joining the light side, and Rey being Palpatine's granddaughter.

>> No.13395095
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I'm going to murder you, you little shit AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.13395114 [DELETED] 

If you strike me down now, Ben Solo will just res me, just like he did to Rey he used the force to sacrifice himself instead.

>> No.13395120
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>> No.13395228

Isn't the packaging loaded with BPA or that stuff that replaced BPA that is actually worse than BPA?

>> No.13395231

What a good dad, he cooked unhealthy fried food at home, and he even put it in dirty, used packaging to trick his kid into eating it!

>> No.13395232


>> No.13395236

Imagine being such a soygoy those words have meaning to you.

>> No.13395245

Kinda fucked up marketing that they call it a "happy meal", when you think about it.

>> No.13395267

>can give it anything as long is on a McDonald's package
>still gives her french fries

>> No.13395269

that guy got a face like a wax figurine.

>> No.13395295

kids aren't retarded

>> No.13395305
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My god you're greasy,

>> No.13395411
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>Andy’s dish costs far less at £1.70, compared to £2.99 at McDonald’s, and he even buys a toy to include in the meal.
The food is still garbage for you, McDonald's or not.

>> No.13395416

Also tainting your home with all that branding is brainwashing the kid into McDonalds brand loyalty, this is gay

>> No.13395418

>literally fucking precooked fries and nuggets from the freezer aisle

Dad of the year right here

>> No.13395435

If my parents pulled shit like this id have just refused to eat it. Fuck him.

>> No.13395466

You were too young and blank minded to have a grasp of reality. You would have gone along with whole thing.

>> No.13395522

in america headlines are almost always something to do with mcdonalds or fast food because they are fat

>> No.13395523
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>> No.13395549

he looks like a gambling addict that just put himself in a lifetime of debt

>> No.13395550

Jesus christ. This guy is an idiot! What is he thinking?

>> No.13395553

good luck getting through the door before rupturing a blood vessel you fat fuck

>> No.13395558

Whoa he made some junk food, give him the physics Nobel prize

>> No.13395603

Awww. Cute.

>> No.13395678

Yes let's all lie to children that's going to set such a great example.

>> No.13395708

Your parents lied to you, when they said that you wouldn't end up being a gay prostitute turning gay trix for $3 a pop in the middle of Boise, Idaho.

>> No.13395710

I actually never talked about that with my parents and there's nothing wrong with making a living out of what you love.

>> No.13395712

>It's another having a mental breakdown over America meltdown

>> No.13395729

It's used correctly here.

>> No.13395761

Why the fuck is everything a “hack” now?

>> No.13395762

Because people are fucking retarded.

>> No.13395775

me on the left

>> No.13395777

I don't even watch star wars but please tell me your fucking joking that twist concept alone is giving me a kidney stone.

>> No.13395786


>> No.13395794

Don't worry about serious news. International incidents are boring and frustrating. Pewdiepie has gone on holiday. Focus on things like that.

>> No.13395887

Breath of fresh air, atleast its not a school shooting or a child coming out as a tranny

>> No.13395942

Do you really think someone who cared enough about spoilers to get mad hasn't seen the movie or stay off 4chan of all flippin places until they do? You twelve kiddo? This is something I'd do when I was twelve thinking it was so ebin. Get a clue chump.

>> No.13395945

It is 2019 nearly 2020. People are not constantly looking at all their handful of regular websites never no matter what.

>> No.13395997


>> No.13396057

Imagine unironically wanting a society where it's not okay to talk about wholesome family values or loved ones, or what you actually care about in your life

(((they))) won.

>> No.13396059

It was a bold move to end the franchise like that, to be honest.

Hayden Christensen waking up in bed with a start, realising it was all a dream. He turns to the other side of the bed and finds it not only empty but apparently unslept in.
Then he puts on jeans and a T-shirt, no socks, though, and I kinda feel that the camera lingered a little too long on that fact.
Slow walk to the kitchen with your classic slow door open at the end.
And there she is; whatsherface from the prequels, happy as a clam and with that unique glow you only get in a young mother. Golden morning sunlight from the window enhancing the effect gorgeously.
And of course with a twin on each arm, breastfeeding.
Hayden walks over to the coffee machine and pours himself a cup. They exchange good mornings and he couldn't look more relieved as he stands there leaning back on the counter with his "#1 Dad" mug looking at his lovely family.
One of the babies spits out the nipple and laughs adorably. Hayden's heart must be bursting with love by now.
Then he notices the single drop of milk on the corner of his son's mouth. It's blue.
A frown comes over his face. He pulls a little metal spinning top out of his pocket.
Hard cut to black silence.

Bravo Lucas.

>> No.13396063

I'm dying over here anon, thank you for that

>> No.13396071

Im all for wholesome stories, this is just some fucking faggot using the mcdonalds packaging but cooking the food himself and calling it a fucking "hack" when it isn't.

>> No.13396075

>This is like when your coworker starts talking about their kids
>Nobody gives a shit Karen, shut up
I'd just ask Karen if she still breastfeeds them while staring at her chest and licking my lips.

She won't bother you again.

>> No.13396085

She'll get you fired for that. Karen is a bitch but she has friends in HR.

>> No.13396249

It's home made because he did it at his home. You gotta be creative writing these clickbait feel good articles

>> No.13396261

>Redditor commits trademark infringement to impress his wife's daughter so he can groom her.

>> No.13396267


gotta make sure shes healthy when the muzzies come to rape her.

>> No.13396270

>check out article
>Girl on the right pic literally stretches out her legs like a whore
Fucking Britain

>> No.13396274

There's at least one person who's going to be buttmad enough about this that he's going to try and tell the daughter she's been eating fake McD.

>> No.13396282

If you read the article she knows as he told her they will make them at home. They even cook it together

>> No.13396284

Very possible McDonalds themselves actually.
Was it Disney who shut down a kid's funeral because there were Marvel heroes painted on the coffin or something?

>> No.13396287

>Disney who shut down a kid's funeral
Jesus Christ.

>> No.13396293



>> No.13396298

this is your brain on /pol/, pure paranoid deconstructionist thought process.

>> No.13396304

Eh, didn't remember it exactly right.
Still a shitty move IMO. I don't think people will stop watching the annual new Spider Man movie just because some kid has the character on his gravestone.

>> No.13396333

so he bought her a happy meal once, and has kept the same packaging since?

>> No.13396343

He occasionally goes to McDonald's and asks for extra packages when ordering food

>> No.13396348

Based Disney keeping the funeral from being absolutely cucked

>> No.13396369

>4years old
This article reads like satire

>> No.13396388


>> No.13396433

What about my fellow students in my special education classes

>> No.13396459
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Everybody calls it blue but it looks green to me.

>> No.13396464

>having to trick your kid into thinking they're eating mcdonalds

pathetic white people

>> No.13396526

i don't disagree with disney here,honestly
cemeteries in general are already a way past boomer meme and imagine letting normies just shit them up completely with cartoons and corporate imagery

>> No.13396545

I saw an article in my newsfeed the other day. It described the oh-so-pain-staking process of opening a case of soda cans and having to put them into the fridge two cans at a time, one in each hand. BUT! We have a """"""""hack"""""""" for you!!!!!!!!
Put the whole case box in the fridge! And use the perforated lines on the box to open a little window on the box for you to get your soda cans out when you want one!!!! Like it was fucking designed to do and literally everyone who drinks soda on the regular would know! And even people who don't drink it on the regular! The only "hack" here is whoever wrote that """"""""article."""""""" Maybe the editor who okayed it, too.
Goddamn, do I hate my fucking newsfeed lately.

>> No.13396549

Just bake chicken and make rice and beans and vegetables instead wtf is wrong with people?

>> No.13396550

This isn't cute or wholesome. He's training her to consume big corporation product without even consuming it. This is fucking weird.

>> No.13396561

I don't understand.. why do you need Disney's permission to make a fucking gravestone? Just, uh.. make it. What the fuck. Is this reality?

>> No.13396567


eh........shes about a 6/10

>> No.13396630

Yeah, we wouldn't want a bunch of made up fairytale bullshit in the cemeteries. Just Jesus and Angels.

>> No.13396638

Dude... no.

>> No.13396652

Look at all the seething racists.


>> No.13396658

is it summer yet?

>> No.13396662

But can she boogie woogie

>> No.13396665

fairies would be ok i was thinking more along the lines of PEPSI and mickey mouse shit

>> No.13396667
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>> No.13396903

>facebook humor

>> No.13396911

>niggers run amok across his country daily

>> No.13396923


>> No.13397089

I don't want to train my kid to eat that crap. Is he too cheap to but this shit or is he one if those everything must be organic dipshits?

>> No.13397236

Perfect union of native ads and lazy journalists.
>Go to McDonalds
>Eat Happy meal
>Save wrapper
>Try to recreate withe the Golden Arch trash

>> No.13397259


>> No.13397381

This would only be newsworthy to pinterest users.

>> No.13397423

>>>13396652 (You)
>is it summer yet?
It's obviously winter. Dumbass.

>> No.13397688

This is deceitful. Lying to your kids like that. Lil bitch will develop trust and authority issues later in life. Congratulations on raising yet another whore.

>> No.13397830

She has autism, doesn't she?
Very cute nonetheless; at least she has a caring dad y'know.

>> No.13398978 [DELETED] 


>> No.13398995
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I got some taters for you hon.

>> No.13399001

i wonder who contacted the news to share the story, is it the dad?

>> No.13399027

This is terrible

>> No.13400384

because american cant live without seeing mcd everyday

>> No.13400573

this is an abusive father lying to his daughter

>> No.13400576

Y didn’t they put celery sticks in th box?

>> No.13400581

>Dad is too cheap for McDonald’s

>> No.13400595

current state of journalism, just bury your head in the sand and forget that the world is completely fucked

>> No.13400601

This is what happens when you don't pull up in the drive thru

>> No.13400686

>in america
Except that the article is about a guy in Bongistan.


> Andy Penn, 37, has figured out the ultimate way to save money on fast food purchases by making ‘Happy Meals’ with his daughter, six-year-old Chloe in the comfort of their kitchen.
> The fork lift operator from Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, will cheekily ask for extra packaging when he places an order at McDonald’s, and then fill it with chicken nuggets and chips that he has fried up at home.
> Andy’s dish costs far less at £1.70, compared to £2.99 at McDonald’s (though prices can differ slightly depending on the branch), and he even buys a toy to include in the meal.

>> No.13400695


I feel that's that's an ingenious parenting technique to turn away your children from fast food.

Trick them into believing your delicious cooking is from McDonald's.

When they actually go there is wont be as good.

>> No.13400699

right cheeky, that

>> No.13400701

>blaming the dad and his daughter
ITT: idiots

>> No.13400724

>parents have to compete with advertisements just to feed their kids
wew lad

>> No.13400790

No joke, that little femoid is a retard if she can't tell that supermarket shit isn't McDonald's.

>> No.13400908
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If you'd bothered to read the article, you would have known that she understands this.

>> No.13400936

>Andy’s dish costs far less at £1.70
Why settle on £1.70 as the cost it is "far less" than?

>> No.13401010
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>> No.13401073

Its a female, they respond positively to brandnames even from birth.

>> No.13401220


>> No.13401229

Based coomer

>> No.13401473

fucking normalfags

>> No.13401482

Bread and circuses

>> No.13401487

Ok normie

>> No.13402741


>> No.13402745

>life hack
Can boomers stop using this please?

>> No.13402807

Except it happened in bongland you illiterate mong

>> No.13402865
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What if I were to do my own cooking and disguise it as purchased fast food?

>> No.13402892

Can't fucking believe that took almost two whole days

>> No.13402955

man cooks

>> No.13402964

>poorfag father

>> No.13402980

I just don't see it as wholesome. Its true that they said she isn't tricked into thinking its actually Mcdonalds. I just find it kind of disturbing that she doesn't like eating food unless its made to look like it. Should you really be enabling something like this long term and getting her addicted to the concept of Mcdonalds itself?

>> No.13403170

It's cardboard

>> No.13403320

If I was there I'd be standing by him saying:

>"You can do it, bro".

>> No.13403439

Whats the hack

>> No.13403544
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I saved this post from a thread months ago, makes more sense now.

>> No.13403940

You can tell she's a right trouble maker, look at her little smug face.

Don't ever let this demon-spawn have a guinea pig.

>> No.13403970

White people, even when surrounded by or fully immersed in sin, still yearn for wholesome family oriented content. This kind of article is like mental mouthwash after consuming hundreds of hours of Netflix specials depicting girl-next-door nubile white women having dirty sex with negroids and shows glorifying hard drugs and gay sex. And fuck you I don't browse /pol/, nice try.

>> No.13405130

mcdonald no please no!

>> No.13405369
