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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 308x185, 18293388-0-image-m-25_1568108785390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13393381 No.13393381 [Reply] [Original]

>I only eat real meat, no fish
>I can't stand spicy food
>I can't eat food without spices
>I'm vegan
>I can't digest garlic
>I can't digest mushrooms
>No pork and I only eat halal
>No green shit on my plate
>Is it gluten free?
>Is it organic?

What's more annoying than a picky eater? I mean you're an adult not a child.

>> No.13393384

Years ago kids like this would be spanked. Hard.

>> No.13393416

>only cucks and chefs are people who get upset at how others prefer their food
Why don't you just blend all of your food together if you're such a non-picky eater? Save some time, no chewing, only one texture.

>> No.13393427

And then those children grew up to bring the world to the state it is in today.

>> No.13393431
File: 101 KB, 614x356, 29C9F46F-3454-4B91-83B4-29B4BBF8BEB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I accidentally eat a small crumb of one of these I could die
if your body confuses peanuts with biological weapons you should probably just die

>> No.13393433

weak unbringing led to spoiled entitled useless millennials and the LGBTQAIIHIV+ generation

>> No.13393440

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.13393442

You're a millennial

>> No.13393443
File: 377 KB, 1080x1512, 20191220_140749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70 percent of Americans

>> No.13393621

>I can't digest garlic
>I can't digest mushrooms

Wait... you're mad at people because it brings them extreme pain to eat certain food? What if they have gerd? Do you hate diabetic people for only being able to eat sugar-free shit?

How about how half the health problems an individual human will face in their life are the result of NOT being a picky eater and cramming what ever crap people sell into your mouth because you're on some macho "I'll eat anything" bullshit?

How about the fact that our economy is based on tricking dumb or sad people into paying to eat poison? The human race has fucked itself because we weren't picky eaters.

>> No.13393640
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>tfw adult brother in law eats like a toddler and I have to cook shitty tasteless toddler food for him over the holidays

>> No.13393656

>I can't eat gluten

Scientists discovered recently that the vast, VAST, majority of 'gluten intolerant' people are actually not even remotely gluten intolerant. They just eat a lot of garbage and blame it on bread.

Unless you have been diagnosed with coeliac disease, you are not gluten intolerant. You're just a fucking snowflake.

>> No.13393658


>> No.13393672
File: 32 KB, 460x643, Obesityuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most first world countries are having an obesity epidemic.

>> No.13393675

I thought that a lot of that was people shitting their pants because an insane amount of flour was heavily dosed with a pesticide that makes people shit their pants.

>> No.13393684

Only commies who hate freedom would care what other people eat. Unless you are paying for my food you shouldn't be bothered by it at all.
I am an American and I en enjoy my freedom, my country is abundant and I can and will choose what I eat. Keep seething

>> No.13393694

Unless you live in some desolate part of the world, your doctor can usually requisition an IgA anti-tTG blood test at no cost to you for suspected Coeliac. As long as you eat some bread the day before and day of the test, the results are pretty solid for diagnosis.

>> No.13393703
File: 162 KB, 639x444, Screenshot_2019-12-20 Why Does Russia Loathe Its ‘Old, Fat and Ugly’ .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the developed world

>> No.13393707

I thought only oligarchs were fat in Slav nations

>> No.13393709

God I wish that the communists wanted to strap fat retards down and make them eat the fuggin salad.
I would fucking build the gulags with my bare hands in such a case.

>> No.13393745

Compared to Russia, most other former SSRs have notably lower rates of obesity. It's still a global problem, though.

>> No.13393749

>I can't eat food without spices
Valid depending on the context. If you're serving me a plain chicken breast, you best believe it's not going in my mouth.

>> No.13393766
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On one hand I agree with you, on the other I don't.

As an amateur athlete, I sometimes turn down junk food like fried stuff or donuts because it's detrimental to my health and fitness.

Of course, sometimes I will eat it, especially if it's christmas or something like that, then I don't give a fuck. But I'd be in a much worse place physically if I ate stuff like that every time someone offered.

>> No.13393773

>What's more annoying than a picky eater?

>> No.13393857

Vogans? The poetry aliens?

>> No.13393864

I agree. Being picky is ok if there are legit health concerns/reasons behind it.

And I don't mind that people have culinary preferences, but people who are so picky they can't try anything new (or a better version of something they think they hate) are annoying.

>> No.13393879

What kind of retarded are you?

>> No.13393889

The weak should fear the strong

>> No.13393902

Not a single person who says the phrase "picky eater" is talking about people who avoid eating granulated or refined sugars, fast food or microwave dinners.

>> No.13393908


>> No.13393916

He's mad because he's implying they're lying.

>> No.13393924

Yeah, I know what I like, but that doesn't stop me from trying things I may not like. The other day I tried zeitoon parvedeh for the first time, and it was a disgusting combination of flavours, in my opinion. I figured as much from the ingredients, but I was told that it complimented Persian cuisine rather well.
Nothing's better than confirming your apprehensions by ignoring them.

>> No.13393936
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I don't get the fuss, if a guy doesn't eat something who cares? How is it a bother to me if one of my friends doesn't eat certain foods? Seems like a non-issue to me.

>> No.13393955
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>le enlightened individualist
You should do a murder-suicide of your whole family and everyone they associate with.

>> No.13393963

I feel the way I do because I do have a close friend who barely eats anything and it has never been an issue. If we're eating out he gets his own food so no problem, if eating at home I either cook something we can both eat or he just eats something else.
Literally what are you fussing about?

>> No.13393965

I can't stand food that is spicier than cayenne.

>> No.13393972
File: 283 KB, 472x453, 1567805431355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a Westerner, aren't you?

>> No.13393982

Westerner as in I live in west Europe? Yes. Everyone is a "westerner" depending on where you are talking about.

>> No.13393990
File: 58 KB, 1024x576, 1575981042943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking cvck, come to Eastern Europe to see how "muh allergies" fags and the scum defending those are treated

>> No.13393995
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Your issue is allergies? My friend doesn't have allergies he's just picky. If that gets your panties in a twist then fine, was just wondering if you got upset for a reason or just got upset to be upset.

>> No.13394009
File: 55 KB, 350x350, 1563363984671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should kill him and then yourself

>> No.13394010


>> No.13394019
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Make the herd stronger

>> No.13394039
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The eugenics argument is a hard sell when there is nothing biologically abnormal about a picky eater. It's not as if not liking certain foods is hereditary and even if this was an allergy situation the removal of that mutation is hardly feasible or a realistic end goal for an overall stronger society. Hell, even the notion of "herd" as a singular is so much of a stretch that it's practically laughable.
I'm becoming quite convinced you havn't thought this through.

>> No.13394055
File: 838 KB, 1443x2048, 1573764419440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you honestly think that someone cares about all the shit you wrote?
>y-you didn't even think this through haha
If I see a gypsy trying to lockpick my car, do I "think through" the situation? No, I call him a cigan and tell him I'll murder him. It's instinct. It's the same with soibois that are "picky". All of the picky eaters I've met are irresponsible manchildren. So pls kill him and then kys
>inb4 muh anecdotal fallacy

>> No.13394060

Being a picky eater is a sign of attentiveness and creativity.

>> No.13394062

cope, seethe, and dilate

>> No.13394063
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It's not even about it being anecdotal, it's a completely different situation. An active crime being committed doesn't allow for the time to sit back and judge. Your wanting to make the "herd" stronger does allow for thought. You are just choosing to act like a chimp about it.
Is there a source on this?

>> No.13394065
File: 8 KB, 350x289, green-and-blue-cartoon-character-pepe-the-frog-know-your-meme-pol-4chan-meme-png-clip-art-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm vegan

A lot of certified studies have come out and humans are actually more of a herbivore , we're opportunists and you can get a shit ton of health benefits from going plant based and eating meat every once in a while. Not only that but if ur prediabetic , overweight , and have high blood pressure or cholesterol eating plants will lower it all together because it is a primary source and lacks alot of the chemicals that cause inflammation and fats to build up in your system so instead of getting ur nutrients through the median (animals) try eating more plants. It doesn't matter if it's GMO or organic bc that organic crap is bullshit . But yeah all plants are good and going plant based will help ur health and keep u alive longer unless ur suicidal then go for it .
I refuse to call myself a vegan bc holy shit those ppl are fucking insane. Also fuck the animals I don't care if they live or die going plant based means my shit won't hurt

>> No.13394068
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>y-you're a chimp if you take action when a gypsy is breaking into your car instead of calling the pigs!!!11!
I hope your family dies in a mudslime attack, Western scum

>> No.13394074
File: 921 KB, 834x451, water gud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a balanced diet is a good thing
I agree.
I literally said the opposite of that anon. Are you alright?

>> No.13394076
File: 368 KB, 840x700, 1560230413029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hope all westerners die raped by a thousand niggers

>> No.13394080
File: 982 KB, 500x200, 1571720328717.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not convinced you believe in God.

>> No.13394083

Protestants, Cvcktohlics, Chosenites and mudslimes aren't God's children

>> No.13394085
File: 22 KB, 480x480, IMG_20191219_165826_054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the spanish didn't rape their way to here so I wouldn't have to be here in America

>> No.13394086
File: 230 KB, 1000x730, 1572635887525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all well and good anon but that hardly means you believe in God.

>> No.13394091

All westerners are Satan's pawns.
The dushman was established to want to destroy our kin ages ago, I'd gladly nuke every non-orthodox country

>> No.13394093
File: 360 KB, 539x648, 1563464518545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

West of what?

>> No.13394239

I do. I make all my foods a salad/food bowl of sorts; if theres a salad its getting mixed in with my meats and pasta or rice, if theres salad its getting (ranch) salad dressing, and the meat could get some hotsauce. you're so fucking edgey with your suggestion of mixing your foods instead of keeping it separate and not touching like a picky child.

>> No.13395072

Yeah, but boomer, how would you spank me if I'd turn around and whoop your ass?

>> No.13395618

Iktf bro. I love everything else about my roommate but food-wise he's a fucking culinary pleb that refuses to do anything outside his comfort zone.
>Make really nice udon beef
>My other friends and family all love it
>He learns what dashi is
>Won't even try it and orders a pizza instead

>> No.13396493

Only mentions halal but not kosher. Ight om heading out

>> No.13397068

Vegans are just advanced picky eaters.

>> No.13397094

Wait. I thought being a picky eater meant only liking certain foods. If turning down a donut cause I'm not hungry makes me picky, fuck it I'm picky

>> No.13397103

Plain and simple - picky eaters are either children or genetically inferior.

>> No.13397114

picky eaters are genetically superior, we have more taste buds for bitter and a better sense of smell, food that you "normies" eat smells and taste like shit. enjoy your poison.

>> No.13397127

Whatever makes you feel better, sport

>> No.13397130

Over the face with a closed fist.

Or on the ass with a closed fist