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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 512x288, 1571882794574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13392207 No.13392207 [Reply] [Original]

More than 12 million people enjoy the Colonel's freshly cooked chicken every single day.

>> No.13392216

He's dead though

>> No.13392221

too bad you aren't

>> No.13392225

I had some 3 days ago. I hadn't had fried chicken for years and forgot how amazing it is.

>> No.13392238

12 million people commit 50% of violent crimes

>> No.13392255

Maximum 9gag edge

>> No.13392265

and 11.9 million are disappointed. again.

>> No.13393043

Too expensive where I live

>> No.13393056
File: 8 KB, 350x230, African American Obesity Out Of Control.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you white people allow your niggers to use welfare money & EBT on fast food places like this? Are you literally trying to kill your niggers with heart disease & diabetes?

>> No.13393066

It's good but it is too expensive. I don't understand where nigs get the money to fill every restaurant constantly

>> No.13393068

>12 million people commit 50% of violent crimes
Yeah, but your american niggers can't be expected control themselves so I blame all the crimes they commit on white liberal enablers.

>> No.13393092

>I don't understand where nigs get the money to fill every restaurant constantly
from the pockets of taxpayers

>> No.13393101

>I don't understand where nigs get the money to fill every restaurant constantly
Many states in the US allow welfare recipients to use their EBT cards at places like KFC.

>> No.13393289

It lets us kill them without people complaining about it.

>> No.13393292

Name 3 with sources.

>> No.13393299

only 5.5% of black people dont have jobs

>> No.13393320

That figure is skewed. They no doubt presume my purchases are enjoyed by more than one person.

>> No.13393344

That's just sad. You white people might as well just let niggers buy drugs & alcohol with EBT.

>> No.13393352

KFC is a faster and cleaner way of killing them.

>> No.13393356

>Many states in the US allow welfare recipients to use their EBT cards at places like KFC.

So? EBT is for food. You wanna dictate to people they can't buy food at specific restaurants? That sounds fucking racist. Are they your slaves or something?

>> No.13393485


>> No.13393568

No one ever said it's a bad thing. That being said EBT is already limited to food and not accepted everywhere.

>> No.13393574

Why would you care?

>> No.13393600
File: 520 KB, 888x894, 1574909551014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You wanna dictate to people they can't buy food at specific restaurants?
Yes, some people do, because not all food is priced the same. If someone decides to go blow their EBT at Morton's The Steakhouse or something, then what are they going to eat for the rest of the month? It should be for making sure they survive so they can get a job and support themselves in the future, not so that they can enjoy pleasure that's beyond their means for a tiny bit of the month and starve the rest of it.

...is what I'd say if I weren't racist. But, as someone who thinks that every single filthy nigger in the US should starve under a bridge, I say let them buy anything they want with it. If they buy expensive chicken, then they're a shithead who deserves every second of hunger, and if they buy drugs, then that's just another labor source for the prison system to take care of.

>> No.13393933

My family is Mexican, we always have KFC as part of Christmas dinner. Ham, turkey, tamales, and KFC. I do not know why.

>> No.13394056

It showed up a lot at christmas get-togethers with extended family when I was a kid and none of us are mexican. I think it's just a nice, easy thing to bring people will like.

>> No.13394711

shhhhhhhh. its slowly working

>> No.13394712

Hey white people eat KFC too

>> No.13395521

Insanely based

>> No.13395527

>muh 12 million

>> No.13395557

yes, we're so racist we pay for them to stuff themselves with fast food, the KKK infiltrated the government and orchestrated the whole thing

>> No.13396101

fuck kfc
- popeye's gang

>> No.13396128

So we should just let welfare niggers use EBT to buy alcohol and drugs then? Cuz "controlling" them by giving them free food & money is racist right?

>> No.13396558

Are poor whites on EBT considered niggers now, too?

>> No.13396560

I went here recently and it tastes so bland. I don't understand why anyone eats here.