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File: 123 KB, 766x494, cherrycolas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13384875 No.13384875 [Reply] [Original]

Some things should never change. Like these logos. I'd still drink these shits if they looked like these.

>> No.13384881

I'd still drink your mom if she didn't change

>> No.13384883

God bless the 90s. Glad I got to experience these while you zoomers get flossing. You'll never push a video tape into a VCR. Enjoy watching Lil Nas X you fucking zoomy faggots.

>> No.13384885

I'd enjoy these if they'd sell them in non-zero or non-HFC versions.

>> No.13384963

I was trying to explain to an 18 year old zoomer coworker of mine that 9/11 changed everything. I felt kinda bad telling her that and I didn't intend to make her feel bad about her childhood but the 90s really were very different and very good times. Everything was looking up then.

>> No.13385033

im an 18 year old zoomer and experienced every one of those things
you’re not special

>> No.13385036


>> No.13385048

You wouldnt enjoy them then.

>> No.13385051

90s lasted longer than the 90s

>> No.13385052

She probably was annoyed by some boomer telling her "back in my day" stories. Leave her alone you old creep.

>> No.13385131

I'm only 30. Please be nice and don't use the b-word to an elder.

>> No.13385145

>only 30

>> No.13385151

>only 30
OK Boomer

>> No.13385177

I'm 35. I was a senior in high school when that shit happened. I had no idea what was going on at the time. I think people in general were more naive back then. Nowadays, when some crazy shit like this happens, terrorism is the first thing everyone thinks of.

>> No.13385223
File: 42 KB, 560x325, wmacm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not a 90's kid unless you know what THIS is

>> No.13385246

>30 is boomer
Ok zoomer

>> No.13385253

ok millennial

>> No.13385316

I agree the 90s Cherry Coke design was best. But everyone still *does* drink it. It's probably the most popular Coke flavor variant commonly around.
>I was trying to explain to an 18 year old zoomer coworker of mine that 9/11 changed everything.
I'm 33 and never agreed with the idea 9/11 made culture go from optimistic to dark and cynical. The main thing I noticed with 9/11 is everyone caring way too much about 9/11. Nobody would stop talking about it like it was the first time they ever heard of a large number of people dying. Every time some student or teacher wanted to do some writing exercise where you compared 9/11 to something I groaned. "How did 9/11 make you feel?" "Wow, 9/11 really changed everything bro!" "9/11, never forget!" "Politics are so different post-9/11!" I seriously wouldn't care *this* much even if I was personally falling to my death from the thing. I'm less bothered by it now that there's been some distance though and people don't bring it up in conversation constantly anymore.
In terms of culture being less like the 90s, that already seemed apparent to me before 9/11 in the first year and change of 2000s pop culture (or even as late as the tail end of 90s pop culture). We all got excited over Y2K and also over that Prince song becoming literally true in 1999 followed by it becoming nonsensical afterwards. I think that was the letdown right there, and 90s being a decade everyone loved was already a thing even before the 90s finished (no joke, it's why people would actually call themselves 'a 90s kind of guy' during the decade; kind of hard for people who didn't live through it to process since in the 2000s and 2010s the main sentiment is 'the current time period is bad'). Everything coming out post-90s began to seem less cool and less legitimate, like weak echoes of the cool 90s stuff (e.g. you had tame alt rock kind of doing the Soundgarden / REM / Pearl Jam vibe but in a way analogous to elevator muzak vs. music).

>> No.13385604

Everything else is HFC-free in europe and tastes way better

>> No.13385634

I think he's talking about those blind taste tests where they showed hipsters who think they prefer the Mexican import Cokes with cane sugar really end up preferring the cups that had regular American Coke in them. If you tell these people they're drinking Coke with cane sugar instead of with corn syrup they're influenced into believing it's better, but on taste merits alone the difference is somewhere between not noticeable and outright better for corn syrup.
Which makes sense. Most of the corn syrup hate seems to have more to do with people noticing it's in everything now and taking that as a sign something's sinister and lower quality about it than it does with an actual preference issue. People just really hate the idea of subsidies even though subsidies end up producing more economic benefit than harm. It's hard to explain to most people how that works because all they hear is "we're giving taxpayer money to farmers for nothing!"

>> No.13385643

Things were already going downhill fast by '98/'99.

>> No.13385656

If you don't regularly drink soda or sweet stuff it's pretty noticeable. Then again I'm also a cook so I taste stuff all day.

>> No.13385667

No fucking way, I'd be able to tell the difference between fountain, can, and glass bottle.

>> No.13385668

It is obscenely noticeable, the fuck are you even on about

>> No.13385678

I was goth (true goth, not teenybopper shit) so everything already sucked long before then.

>> No.13385733

>I'd be able to tell the difference between fountain, can, and glass bottle.
Anon you retard that's not how blind taste tests are done. They don't try to see if you can tell the difference between fountain soda or soda from a bottle. They try to see if you can tell the difference between soda with corn syrup or soda with cane sugar with all those other details kept the same specifically to avoid ruining the experiment with confounding variables like people noticing a difference in ingredient concentration from a fountain.

>> No.13385751
File: 105 KB, 1080x1350, mallgoths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was goth (true goth, not teenybopper shit) so everything already sucked long before then.

>> No.13386502
File: 53 KB, 558x705, 1453820295283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13387696

Don’t bother. These anons are in full tard mode.

>> No.13387776

It tasted better

>> No.13388312

now i want to cry. i remember that can looked rad as fuck

>> No.13388839

I will always despise Muslims because of 9/11 and the Jews who orchestrated it

>> No.13389231

Cradle of filth was black metal. Not goth.

>> No.13389242

My mom just asked me at Thanksgiving if I knew who started the invasion of Iraq. I mentioned John Bolton as being an architect of our advance, but my mom said "no. It was the Jews." I hang out on a racist imageboard and I expect that from here, but not my mom. Maybe she posts here :(