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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 473 KB, 1920x1440, IMG_20191218_032508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13383038 No.13383038 [Reply] [Original]

>5 kg potatoes
>2 x 20 packs of 10 handkerchiefs
>5 liters of generic organic red wine
>3 x 75cl of olive oil (2 out of 3 being organic)
>3 x 75cl organic apple cider
>2 x 2.3kg of clementines (one crate isn't on the photograph)
>2 packs of brussels sprouts
>3 x 6 organic honey waffles
>3 x 250ml organic lemon juice
>2 x 500g organic lemons
>2 x 1kg basmati rice
>1 black radish
>2 x200g assorted nuts

>> No.13383041


>> No.13383044

Holy shit, shouldn't you spend some of that money rebuilding after WW2?

>> No.13383051
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And 6 packs of non-gelatin containing sweets, because I also love sugary teats

>> No.13383055
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I enjoy living in squalor

Here's what I'll be eating tonight: rice and lentils leftovers, they were not really good as I had run out of olive oil

>> No.13383057

Alright op I’ll bite. What’s up with the pics?

>> No.13383064
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But I'll be mixing them with potatoes, cooked in water and a lot of olive oil, spices and garlic of course

>> No.13383067

Well it appears to be things that he bought with the amount of money that he posted in the text. I know, reading is hard.

>> No.13383077

m8 u a squatter?

>> No.13383084

I remember the last thread. Have you been successful in hermiting yourself away from your wife and child, OP?

>> No.13383086

What do you mean?
I'm just presenting the food I bought, and what I am cooking

>> No.13383092

wait, there's haribo gummies that don't have any gelatin in them?

>> No.13383101

It looks like you live in an abandoned building, Jacques. I knew the French couldn’t be bothered to ever work, but Christ.

>> No.13383109

Whatever dude. Atleast it’s not a fast food thread or weak political bait. I guess You have my attention op

>> No.13383122

Here's some context:

Hell yes. I had a car accident the day after posting here, dozed off at the wheel and went into a ditch. What's hilarious is that this one time, I thought "hey let's not blaze while driving this time". I smoke sativa, and it wakes me up. I didn't smoke, and totalled my car.
Well it should be repairable for 1500€ or so, but it's in bad shape, at one point this summer I took a hammer and pummeled it for reasons tied to my wife and child and own childhood the traumas of which came back with my being a parent.
My wife yelled at me after this incident and I said ok that's it, I feel like you're my mother, I feel like my father when I'm in your presence, only terrible emotions and urges of violence, this ends here.
Of course she's quite devastated but she's pretty good looking and bitchy enough to find any beta provider she wants
I know that I'm an asshole but I haven't felt that aligned with myself in a long time.
I can now devote my energy to fully being a useless piece of shit

Sorry for using /ck/ as my diary. I hope my culinary approach is entertaining tho.

>> No.13383130

Yeah, same here in germany because of all the Hajis and in recent years because of vegans.

>> No.13383136

Dragibus don't, Lutti Long Fizz either
I got some Haribo Sour Straws thinking they don't have gelatin, but I didn't read the ingredients properly

>> No.13383150
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Setlle in, bois the king of the neets is back online

>> No.13383284

You're still alive, cave troll? Was starting to think you got some horrible disease and died.

>> No.13383380

Basado cave troll. How much did you pay for this property?

>> No.13383402

Can you not afford to have the lights turned on in france?

>> No.13383474
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Drinking apple cider and lemon juice erryday keeps the diseases away

30k€. It's in buttfuck nowhere though. But France being small, it's actually a luxury, if you don't mind the isolation

I live in front of my computer, the ground floor is just for heating + cooking in winter

>> No.13384079

hey man you might be a cave troll but i still love you

cheers and god speed bro

>> No.13384262
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That thread

>> No.13384543

French Dino Tendies

>> No.13384597
File: 323 KB, 1920x1440, 1574289254573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit it's Ogre-anon welcome back!
I'm eager for more comfy pics of your hovel.

>> No.13384600
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, 1574282801496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are always welcome here Shre/ck/

>> No.13384843

Dude buy some lights

>> No.13384861

Good post I need catharsis. Sorry to hear things were bad for you though

>> No.13384887

Are you in Limousin?

>> No.13384917

Do Frenchies really?

>> No.13384995


Where the fuck are you in France that property is that cheap. This is highly relevant to my interests. Is there a freshwater stream or deep well nearby? Good land? How many people?

>> No.13385231

I live a semi normie life but really, in my mind I live like OP.

>> No.13385480

Imagine being a vegan because you think the diet is healthy and then eating this trash.

>> No.13385494

You should plant some fruit trees in the garden if you're a vegan, also prepare the soil for spring plantations.

>> No.13385582

alright this is based

>> No.13385709

finland is already a huge country and you could fit like 5 of those inside france.

>> No.13385974

Is finland cheap if you wanted to buy an old farmstead in the middle of nowhere like this guy did in france?

>> No.13386299

why are you eating in the dark

>> No.13386543

There's no light source

>> No.13386878
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>no limes

>> No.13386895

Is that the reason? My brother is allergic to gelatin, i figured it's because of allergies

>> No.13386906

Are those Tannoy Reveals? Focals are better and more authentic. I am reporting this to the Ministry of Culture

>> No.13387086

I think many vegans are vegans because they don't want to have animals killed for their tastebuds' enjoyment.

>> No.13387099

Take care of your child you piece of shit, larp as a hobo after you take responsibility

>> No.13387498

Did you say goodbye to your son/daughter?
Did you tell them you're going away? How did they react? Please tell me you said you were just going out for cigarettes.
What's their name?
How do you think your sudden disappearance and continued absence is affecting them?
Do you think they'll be particularly sad that daddy isn't there on christmas day?

>> No.13387547
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Targets the wallet
For a JUST look

Thanks fren (^.^)
You can have it all, my empire of filth

>> No.13387548

Are you that anon that is living in an unfinished house in the middle of a farm?

If so, based and howareyounotdeadyetpilled

>> No.13387557

How do you breathe in all that dust? Also when was that oven made? Mine was made in 1946? And not of my own choice.

>> No.13387562

Bad for my family, good for me
Either I was going to pretend until I went crazy, or I had to be an asshole and abandon them.
People with too much emotional baggage should think twice before having children

Cantal, Auvergne
It's 3000ft high, so agriculture is a big tough, there's cabbage and potatoes. Most farmers raise cows.

There is a stream downhill, and there was a well on my land. If my shitcoins moon, I'll renovate the whole thing and secure freshwater. Too much of a lazy fuck to do it myself
There are a lot of cheap properties in french buttfuck nowhere.
Check a site named "leboncoin", that's like our Craigslist with way less scammers

>> No.13387565
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>> No.13387577 [DELETED] 
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Hell no

They are, got them second-hand. I don't put a lot of money into gear, as I'm very disorderly and don't take good care of my things.

This is what I did, best to sever myself from them now rather than later down the road.
I become toxic and violent when living with other people, once the passive-agressivity has built up.
My ex won't have trouble finding someone way more qualified than me to raise this kid

They weren't living with me anyway
My ex is obviously quite devastated but better now than later

Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, ginger, chili, green tea

It looks old because I don't take good care of it, but this wood stove is probably from the 70s/80s

>> No.13387589
File: 220 KB, 1920x1440, IMG_20191122_010928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are, got them second-hand. I don't put a lot of money into gear, as I'm very disorderly and don't take good care of things (or people lol!)

This is what I did, best to sever myself from them now rather than later down the road.
I become toxic and violent when living with other people, once the passive-agressivity has built up
My ex won't have trouble finding someone way more qualified than me to raise this kid

They weren't living with me anyway
My ex is obviously quite devastated but better now than later

Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, ginger, chili, green tea

It looks old because I don't take good care of it, but this wood stove is probably from the 70s/80s

>> No.13387624

Sounds about right

>> No.13387826

Hi, I'm this anon
I wonder if diet/veganism has to do with your emotional state and irritability. I'm sure it does.
Are you familiar with Temple Grandin?
Some animals exist to give their lives so that we may live. This fact is neither Good nor Evil, but the process can be accomplished ethically and with compassion.
Take car Anon, if you're larping on us, it's a good one.

>> No.13387870

this is really odd and depressing and yet for some reason I can't help but feel some sort of vicarious comfyness from these odd images

>> No.13387930

>My wife yelled at me
She was right to. Quit fucking up your child by being an immature loser, and acting like you are somehow anyone's victim, you fucking scum

>> No.13388085

this is very comfy OP
can I rent a room and live with you?

>> No.13388775

Yeah, you can buy old properties ranging from 20k >
People are moving to big cities and outside of them, it really is buyers market

>> No.13388802

were gonna make a french /ck/olony

>> No.13388849

>living in filth and squalor in a farmhouse in rural France
OP is a Houellebecq character

>> No.13389652
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It's 9.20 pm, just woke up, there's a lot of wind outside but it's not very cold, I don't need to make a fire yet. Good thing, because the logs are at pic related, which is the other house you can see in the road photograph I posted in the previous thread.
I've been on 4chan since 2006 and this really feels like home, the by-default anonymity is a thing of beauty and prevents the insufferable bullshit and warped virtual relations we witness on standard social media, where everyone has to maintain a social facade.
As many already noted over the years, 4chan is one of the very few places, if not the only, where you can speak your real mind, and your real self. Therefore, you have to endure my using /ck/ as a diary. I hope it's still entertaining tho.

I'm not really vegeterian/vegan, but since the kid was born, I had bouts of asthma, so I stopped eating dairy. Cheese being my favorite food, it's a shame.
Also, there's quite a bit of aggressive vegan social engineering in France atm. I don't mind, as I think the meat industry is abhorrent. But since the vegans are very combative, our local meat industry reacts by hiring astroturfers/social engineers on the social media. I hate those pieces of shit with a passion, as they're paid to lie to the public, by writing walls of text explaining that "animals don't feel they're going to be killed :) " "anyway, animals don't suffer :) " "we chip the teeth of pigs but they don't feel anything :) "
Vegans are fucking retarded, but the meat industry and its shills are fucking evil. When I go to buy groceries (my neighbors have to drive me to town, 15 miles away, since my car is totalled, gonna buy another super cheap one in january), I often pick chicken, cheese, or dry sausage, then put it back one minute later because I cannot bear the thought of giving money to absolute pieces of shit pushing lies.

>> No.13389662

Vegans are fags

>> No.13389704
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I could buy from local producers, but they don't treat animals so good either, even if it's not on the level of the industrial meat nightmare. Ultimately I wish the only meat we got was from animals dead of old age, never mind the quality of the meat then.

I love solitude, but I could rent you the other house. It's way worse than this one tho, no water no heating no electricity yet!

Finland is so based. I spent a bit less than a year in Helsinki, had a great time. Amazing people. However summer is very unsettling, for people loving darkness and night. I liked the winter way better, sun rising at 9am, night falling at 3pm, darkness nearly all the time, so damn comfy

There's no sex nor the pursuit of sexual activites here. Probably because I'm already middle-aged, my hormones are going down.
Also I've had a good sexual life, Houellebecq characters are battling with frustration most of the time.
I hate this writer, it's so easy to be a nihilistic artist, such a vapid and artificial pose. His poetry is really good tho, if you read it out loud without following prosody rules it's all 12 syllables verses (alexandrins), but if youy follow them, there's no rhythm
I guess this is how traditional poetry dies. But, we've got rap and hip-hop, there's really good poets emerging from the scene since the end of 2000s.
I love Vald, I think he's the spiritual son of Alfred Jarry, top-tier absurdism in his lyrics
He also subtly references Lil Ugly Mane sometimes, or so I like to think.

For less than 100k this is really doable in the extended area where I live
Only old people, houses don't get bought when their owners die
There's also quite a few megalithic artefacts around, so fans of hidden archeology would love it

>> No.13389715

The pic related is not where I live, it's about 30 miles away, in the town (St-Flour) area

>> No.13389740

I can't believe he has surfaced on ck ... of all places on the chans.

>> No.13389750

I think your situation has potential if you worked at developing a sustainable garden and raising your own meat humanely. Of course, you'll be waking at 5AM instead of 9AM and be busting your ass. But it could be rewarding. But I agree, given people don't want to live in the area anymore, I wouldn't sink a lot of money in fixing up the house other than the bare necessities.

>> No.13389833

How do I lead a life like yours? Any contact with family or friends?

>> No.13389844

You got a job or just fixing the house all day?
If no job then, how'd you get the money to buy property in the first place?

>> No.13390008
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>>13389844 (22:40:40)
My father was quite wealthy. As he didn't raise me (got expelled from the household by his own father because he was seeing other girls while my mother was experiencing post-natal depression, or so I've been told), he always felt bad and I exploited this to never work a day in my life (I am a gifted liar and manipulator, my mother being adept at this). Well of course I did a couple interships he had networked me into, most probably could've done well and become some bullshit consultant earning 50-100k+€ a year but what's the point, being around well-off people since childhood it didn't seem to me they were very happy with their situation

tldr; parasite NEET leeching off dysfunctional family. Shitpost all day 420 erryday play a little music drink green tea

Man I would have loved to be an american citizen born into middle class but working up the social ladder, doing great for himself and his family, living in a nice suburbia, paying for his kid's college, then retiring in Alabama, brewing moonshine, shooting guns in the yard, growing pot and driving a big old 4x4 with military headlights on top.
But this type of german determination (1/4th caucasian americans are of german origin) and will to power is the heritage of the US people
You'll find plenty of driven french people tho, but just like in old empires, Portugal and Spain, there's a melancholy that keeps things stagnant at best. We'll see what comes from the Gilets Jaunes upheaval.
As of myself I'm too much of a lazy fuck to do anything ever. Apart from the extreme cleanliness, my mother's other hobby was to make sure I had maximum grades and was always better than the other kids. She was always semi-crazy so it didn't turn out well obviously, she was driven by revenge, that's not a compelling plan for a kid to follow. I am a vindicative asshole tho however.

>> No.13390014

how much are light bulbs?