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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13380585 No.13380585 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's these.
I don't even give a fuck, they taste great and I've been eating them for 20 years without any negative affects.

>> No.13380590

Plus the fresh breath and super clean teeth are a nice bonus

>> No.13380609

I ate part of one as a kid I remember it tasting like a really bad cookie

>> No.13380613

The dog is on the computer again.

>> No.13380614

I ate a couple over the years, tastes like a very dry, chickeny cracker.

>> No.13380629
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more like your master cant afford the bacon strips

>> No.13380646

The idea dog food is awful is pretty fucked up when the same people who think this are completely fine with feeding it to their dogs. Where did the meme dogs should be fed low quality bad tasting food come from? Not even saying dog food counts as low quality or bad tasting necessarily, but the way people seem comfortable with believing it's crap yet still forcing their dogs to subsist on it pisses me off a bit.

>> No.13380654

I tried all the different flavors from the variety pack. They have a hint of the advertised flavor, but mostly taste like how they smell. Unpleasant, but not exactly disgusting.
Coincidentally, I once ate a brown chunk of what I thought was a crumb from a chocolate cake on my counter. It was a hardened bit of canned cat food and it tasted like horrible fishy sewage.

>> No.13380663

Because dogs are animals

>> No.13380669

because the dog likes it enough to get super excited about it, yet also has no qualms with eating cat shit from the litter box. Most dogs aren’t exactly picky.

>> No.13380671


>> No.13380672

So are humans, what's your point?

>> No.13380675

Why would you care how dog food tastes as long as it meets their nutritional goals? They are just dogs.
t. Long time dog owner.

>> No.13380676

I always liked the way they smelled, I never tried one though.

>> No.13380677

This is your brain on reddit. Read the Bible.

>> No.13380694

Humans have souls. Dogs don’t.

>> No.13380695

>read the bible
But I'm not a holier-than-thou, evil-for-thee-not-for-me, brainless cuck, anon.

>> No.13380701

[Citation needed.]

>> No.13380711

This is why you instead of raising a family are on 4chan getting pissed off at people who give dog treats to dogs

>> No.13380730

>instead of raising a family
I don't wanna be tied down to a wife and kid(s), THAT'S why I'm not """"raising a family"""": it's a black hole of despair that kills dreams and drains the soul.

Also, I feed my dog treats every day (not too many though), but I feed him better stuff than goddamn Milkbone or Purina or some garbage, because he's my friend not my property.

>> No.13380760

>thinking an animal which literally eats its own feces cares about taste

obv its best to feed your pets actual food, but thats true for all pets, not just dogs.

>> No.13380767

>and I've been eating them for 20 years without any negative affects.
Posting on 4chan is not a negative effect?

>> No.13380769

If you had some retarded child with learning disabilities who tried to eat his own poop, would you take that as a reason to stop feeding him food that tastes good?

>> No.13380773

Read the Bible.

>> No.13380777

then why do all dogs go to heaven

>> No.13380778

I've lived with dogs my whole life and I'd rather they eat something good tasting than not. Not sure what you mean by "just dogs." You're just an ape. Nobody's all that great or special here.
>super excited
You could probably make a person super-excited about low quality food too if you controlled where they could go from their birth to the present and the one bowl of food you gave them was their only experience with eating outside of leaves and dirt in the backyard.

>> No.13380780

I have. Are you implying I'm not Christian because I think giving dogs shitty low quality food isn't a good thing?

>> No.13380797

is your cooking really that bad that you have to eat these?

>> No.13380818

Le puperino guy is here lmao

>> No.13380823

Do yuropoors really?

>> No.13380824


>> No.13380831

Koreans pls leave. This is a thread for entities with souls, like humans or dogs.

>> No.13380834

Holy digits confirm dogs indeed have souls.

>> No.13380921

Not the pupper not heckling good boye not cloudy boye

>> No.13380932

How many KPOP stars have killed themselves this week, Kim?

>> No.13380953

How many vasectomies have you had this month? How many switch games have you played? How many times have you jerked off your dog today? Think of the sexual needs of the poor puperino...

>> No.13380963

>liking dogs is soy
when the hell did this happen

>> No.13380973
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>> No.13380999

Talking like a retard is soy. Liking dogs isn’t, and the only one talking like a regard in this thread is the guy criticizing dog lovers.

>> No.13381007


>> No.13381033 [DELETED] 

>when the hell did this happen
It's a forced meme pushed by soulless Korean and Chinese bugpeople who want to try to normalize beating dogs to death in burlap sacks to make their holistic "I can't get an erection" dog meat soup remedy predicated on the scientifically sound idea the dog meat will have more boner producing energy in it if they die as agitated and in pain as is possible.

>> No.13381040

Holy shit the doggerino man got really triggered. I hope nobody reports you for racism outside of /b/

>> No.13381054

It's not racism. Just looked it up and he's apparently right:
>In many parts of Asia, dogs are often tortured and beaten before they are killed as it is believed that the adrenaline makes the meat more tender. Korean farmers defend their right to keep dogs packed in cages and to treat them as any other animal being raised for human consumption.

>> No.13381062


>Bosintang (boshintang) (보신탕; 補身湯) or gaejangguk (개장국), called dangogiguk (단고기국) in North Korea, is a Korean soup that includes dog meat as its primary ingredient.[1] The soup has been claimed to provide increased virility.[2]

lol. Why don't Asians just use viagra?

>> No.13381065

>'soulless Korean and Chinese bug people'
>not racism
Go back and jerk off your doggerino he needs his release after the vegan treat you gave him

>> No.13381070

Not racism. If you beat a dog to death because your primitive folk beliefs are that this will help you get erections again that's called being a soulless bugperson.

>> No.13381078

Based and truthpilled (unironically).

Fuck you subhuman garbage that abuse animals because "mUh CulTuRe": fuck your """culture""".

>> No.13381081

you son of a bitch, im in.

>> No.13381086

what even is the point of providing tasty food if the animal literally doesnt care?

also, you should balance the "taste" to the animal's needs. For example, cats cannot have human amounts of salt, it is very bad for their system and it'll cause fur shedding and even organ damage. So no, you cant have "tasty food" for cats. I dont keep dogs so I dont know what they need, but there are certainly foods that will kill them like chocolate and alcohol. The best diet for adog would probably be a raw meat one, similar to what wolves (their ancestors) eat in the wild--with some omnivore additions.

>> No.13381090
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>> No.13381091

>"mUh CulTuRe"
You literally are from Twitter aren't you? Why are doggerino people invading this board? It's embarrassing...

>> No.13381101
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>> No.13381110

what are you advocating?

quality food?
or tasty food?
those arent the same things you mongoloid. A quad-patty burger with tons of grease and salt and mayo with buns fried in lard is tasty but its not quality food.

>> No.13381111

Go get some more plastic surgery Seung. This is the food board for Engrie speakies.

>> No.13381116

I accept your capitulation. Go back.

>> No.13381130

>what even is the point of providing tasty food if the animal literally doesnt care?
You could make your own child not care if the only thing you ever fed him was Soylent each day and he didn't have anything to compare it to.
Stop it with the autistic nitpicking. All I said is it's fucked up to knowingly feed your dog food you consider low quality trash. I didn't say you should feed your dog cheeseburgers and pizza.

>> No.13381141
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if you eat any form of meat you have no morals to berate asians. Do you know that piglets are castrated without anesthesia in western countries? where is your crying over pigs?

>> No.13381149

>You could make your own child not care if the only thing you ever fed him was Soylent each day and he didn't have anything to compare it to.

and...? whats the problem again? as long as he is perfectly healthy thats all that matters

>Stop it with the autistic nitpicking
>swing between "tasty foods" and "quality foods" as if they are the same thing
>wah wah dont call me out on my inconsistency!

The perfect healthiest diet for a dog is probably very un-tasty by human standards.

>> No.13381151

They are butthurt that people realized lesser men's deep obsession with dogs. Look at this guy his brain is rotten, he considers a family a bad thing but cries because dogs get dog treats
He's severely mentally ill and is deeply coping

>> No.13381154

You should never own a dog or have a kid. I can tell you never had a masculine role model growing up. Either your father wasn’t in your life or he was a weak man like you

>> No.13381174

>The perfect healthiest diet for a dog is probably very un-tasty by human standards.
Nah. Dogs evolved into being hanging around humans and eating what they eat. Their nutritional needs are extremely close to ours. It's not like we're talking about cows or something. Main quirk with dog food safety is chocolate being poison. Also meat is easier on their stomach than vegetables, although that's true of humans too (you just hear about it less nowadays because the obesity epidemic makes it strangely healthier for the average person to eat foods that don't digest well so they get fewer calories and don't aggravate weight problems).

>> No.13381176

Asians think it’s ok to be evil to ALL animals. Westerners think it’s ok to be evil to SOME animals. You have absolutely no moral basis for arguing more evil is somehow better. Give up, Chang, and admit dogmeat isn’t giving you half the erection as beating an animal does.

>> No.13381182

We frequently make kids eat food they don't particularly like because it's healthy. And you're honestly a bad parent if you don't do that and instead just feed 'em cheesy potatoes.

>> No.13381188


>> No.13381197

Mods need to get rid of dog fucking racist /pol/cels out of this fucking board.

>> No.13381199

>Asians think it’s ok to be evil to ALL animals. Westerners think it’s ok to be evil to SOME animals.

so westerners are straight up hypocrites? how is that better?pigs are literally smarter than dogs.

>> No.13381206

t. woman with a dried up womb who pampers her "baby" with dog massages and dog clothes and talks to it with GOO GOO GA GA baby speech

>> No.13381213

>Do you know that piglets are castrated without anesthesia in western countries?
>where is your crying over pigs?
I'd prefer they go with a less barbaric alternative like immunocastration. Also not a great comparison since unlike with beating dogs to death in a sack to try to "increase adrenaline" as an erectile dysfunction remedy castration serves a couple of legitimate / practical purposes not based on some backwards superstitious nonsense. Also most Western countries still practicing swine castration have been trying to move the industry away from that in recent years. And not many of them I'm aware of go around bragging about how they love abusing pigs.

>> No.13381220

You can make food that's both healthy and tastes good believe it or not.

>> No.13381225
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>And not many of them I'm aware of go around bragging about how they love abusing pigs.

>even including this point as if "its more okay as long as I dont hear about it"

>> No.13381230

Reread my post and try again. It’s written very clearly.

>> No.13381231

We do hear about the practice existing. We don't take pride in hurting animals like the idiots during Korean hosted Olympics who brag about torturing dogs as some weird hostile reaction to their backwards traditional holistic "medicine" rights getting taken away by the adult countries.

>> No.13381236

how about you westerners get used to gamey tasting pork instead of this straight up animal abuse? boar(essentially uncastrated wild pigs) meat is a thing you know

oh i forgot, standards for thee but not be me, its a-ok that you guys practice animal cruelty but not these "slanty eye chinks"

>> No.13381240


>> No.13381249

>"I abused an animal. I dont take pride in it"
>"I abused an animal. I dont care"

whats the fucking difference in the end? Does the animal care that "you didnt take pride" in its mistreatment? its just you trying to assuage your guilt. "ohhh well we dont take pride in it, it somehow makes us better. Sorry pigs! "

>> No.13381251

I'm well aware of that, but it doesn't mean decent parents don't prioritize healthy food over tasty food.

>> No.13381252

Nobody's saying that'd be bad to switch to. Why do you keep trying to bring up every other case you can think of where animals don't have good treatment when the issue is you're smugly taking pride in besting dogs to death for a retarded folk belief?

>> No.13381260

The difference is when you act like you do you're encouraging more pointless animal abuse. Just look at all your shitposts in thread thread alone. You're actively pushing the idea no one should care about dogs and that it's fine to beat the shit out of them for boner soup.

>> No.13381274

in both cases its because people think the meat will taste better if its "done this way"

so why the double standard? you cant argue that gamey tasting meat is "worse" because tastes are subjective and there are people who enjoy mutton for its gaminess.

you do the same thing essentially every time you crave about pork
>pork sales goes up as people demand more and more pork
>more pigs are bred
>more pigs get mistreated

>> No.13381277

Dog 'people' are mentally ill

>> No.13381282

rave* about pork

>> No.13381296

It's not a double standard. I never claimed you shouldn't eat boar meat or any other kind of meat. Everyone can tell how dishonest you are because you just spent a thread shitposting all over how much you want people to stop caring about dogs and and now you're rushing to bring up every other case of animal harm you can think of to hide behind. If someone puts a pig in a sack and beats them to death because their great-grandpa said this is how you cure erectile dysfunction that person would be as bad as you.

>> No.13381300

pigs are assholes

>> No.13381307 [DELETED] 

dude, either ALL mistreatment is okay or NONE of it is okay. The reasons for doing so dont matter. They dont matter to the animal. Stop fucking appealing to emotions/your personal morality on whats acceptable or not

>> No.13381326
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>most active thread on /ck/ today is about eating dog food

>> No.13381344

>They dont matter to the animal.
They do, just not directly. We already went through this. Forcing a meme where it's soy to care about dogs is you working towards making animal abuse issues taken less seriously. Even someone who eats meat from an inhumane supplier is better than you're being if they don't actively spread propaganda against the attempt to keep animals used for meat in decent living conditions where realistically possible.
All you have to do to stop being wrong here is just don't spread that retarded meme honestly.

>> No.13381349

why should I care about dogs when you dont care about pigs or chickens or cows?

>muh muh white culture

cringe AF. Have some logic in you instead of being emotional like a woman

>> No.13381355

I never said I don't care about pigs, chicken, or cows you idiot. Try again.

>> No.13381358
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this goes into the reddit folder.

Imagine. Crying. Over. Memes.

>> No.13381367

Well at least you stopped pretending you care about other animals. Good job.

>> No.13381375

so why arent you advocating well treatment for them? your points have been DOG DOG DOG DOG until you were called out

also, you are a vegan, right? Im sure you wouldnt want to partake in any of that nasty animal cruelty you are crying over.

>> No.13381385

>Cries to mods about being outed as a Korean
>"Heh, check out this guy who doesn't beat dogs to death for boner stew."

>> No.13381388

i dont care because im not SOY, lmao

hundreds of thousands of years of human survival where we straight up murdered every single other humanoid species to extinction, clawed our way up the food chain to apex predator status and world domination. And now here we are, you crying over dogs that our ancestors literally bred to be a working animal. You're a disgrace.

>> No.13381389

I don't think vegans want animals used for meat to be raised and killed humanely. That's more of a people who eat meat thing.

>> No.13381401

>we straight up murdered every single other humanoid species to extinction
You didn't do shit. Stop jerking off to your imagination of ancestors who probably just scavenged scraps from stronger predators and picked berries.

>> No.13381405

>racist posts deleted
Based mods, doggerino guy BTFO

>> No.13381414

proof human's have souls

>> No.13381426

More like
>soyman gets angry dogs eat dog treats
>gets clowned
>says everyone who doesn't agree with him is Asian and starts spamming racist shit
>gets shut down by mods and relentlessly clowned by Chads on /ck/

>> No.13381440

When you kill a person, they lose about a single gram of weight. This is their soul leaving their body. Volunteer at an abortion complex and ask to see this data. They don’t publish it for obvious reasons but theyre usually cool about showing curious volunteers.

>> No.13381474
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i wonder if there are dog friendly hot pockets to send the jannies and mods

>> No.13381480

yes im sure they just held hands and danced around fires singing the kumbaya and waited for the neanderthal tribes to surrender, give up their territories and commit mass seppaku

"Bro. Im so moved by your message of love and acceptance. Here are the keys to my car and my house and you can also have my entire collection of first press Madonna laser discs too"

>> No.13381741

I bought my dog those air dried raw jerkies and those smell really amazing, I wonder how would they taste. Is it even safe for humans to eat?

>> No.13381766
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How does anyone believe this

>> No.13381777

No one does. I’m loosely remembering a Tales from the Crypt episode.

>> No.13381941

they're safe but they're unseasoned and hard

>> No.13381958

>unseasoned and hard
Story of my damn life..

>> No.13382022
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I switched to the "beyond meat burger."

>> No.13382037

This thread has been blessed by Dog.

>> No.13382146

Ok muhammad

>> No.13382169

That's what I like.

>> No.13382177

Good doogy

>> No.13382218


>> No.13382250

Raising a family is not for me, you seething shitbird: not all of us want the same things in life. I respect people who want to have a family, but I am selfish with my time and I know it.

What would be better: raise a family I resent, or stay single/dating and enjoy it? Do you understand that a family is a 24-hour/365 days a year non-stop commitment? No time for yourself, your dreams, your own life? Fuck that noise.

>wanting to treat your pets well = non masculine
Anon, the most anti-masculine thing you could ever do is treat your animals poorly.

>> No.13382926
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get a load of this faggot