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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 126 KB, 640x877, kfcdoubledowninside1-1551667873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13378052 No.13378052[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

did anyone ever try it? I don't think i had it because i was too young to remember and wasn't allowed to eat fast food

>> No.13378060

yes, very average

>> No.13378073

Yeah. It was OK. The whole appeal was the idea of it being super gluttonous, but they weren't really that big.

>> No.13378082

I got it when it first came out and thought the people working at the KFC must have forgot the buns or something. I still don't understand what that design was about since it's clearly acting like the stuff you'd eat in a sandwich with the cheese and bacon in between like that. Not like I care about having a bun particularly but it was weird they didn't put that in between bread.

>> No.13378085

It's funny how the public perceived this as such an unhealthy abomination compared to other fast food items. If you stuck the exact same thing between a bun it would be viewed as just another fast food item. Then call it something like "KFC's New Double Bacon Snacker" and nobody would have given a shit.

>> No.13378107

They did something weird where it wasn't their regular chicken coating. It was incredibly salty. I would have preferred regular chicken pieces.

>> No.13378121

>wasn't allowed to eat fast food
I'm so sorry

I mean yeah my family wouldn't eat it every night, but it was a good treat now and then. Plus I got some N*Sync & Britney Spears hit clips and bit some people in the ball pit.

>> No.13378128

I don't like to think about how I was in those McDonald's ball pits when I was a kid now that I'm aware of how horribly unsanitary they must have been. Or the fact I used a public swimming pool growing up for that matter.

>> No.13378132

i make a keto version of that and it's fine. use almond flour instead of wheat flour and it's good.

>> No.13378140

>use almond flour instead of wheat flour
fuck you

>> No.13378141

>bit some people in the ball pit.

>> No.13378169
File: 121 KB, 500x564, old-and-crying-pepe-the-frog-53972668[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too young to remember the double down

>> No.13378548

It was horrible. Tiny pieces of chicken that got soggy in the wrapper. Very disappointed.

>> No.13378679
File: 213 KB, 804x771, waffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those were the days... It didn't live up to the hype, but it was still great. The Waffle Down was pretty based, too.

>> No.13378694

I bought it once and felt instantly betrayed after hearing all the hype about how insanely indulgent and gluttonous it was. In reality it was just a shitty sandwich about the size of a fist and poorly seasoned plus the added inconvenience of no bread. This was also around the time KFC went from 'going downhill' to garbage.

>> No.13378698

>too young to eat a double down.
You must be 18 to post here.

>> No.13378706

i'm 25

>> No.13378716

I’m ashamed to say I tried it out of morbid quriosity. It is everything wrong with KFC. Complete gimmick product with zero redeeming qualities.

>> No.13378723


In Australia it was two breast fillets. It was about the best thing you could get from KFC, if you're the type to get KFC in the first place.

>> No.13378730

a bunch of tastelets itt. the double down was the only good think kfc had on the menu in the last decade and without it there's zero reason to ever go there now.

>> No.13378743

The fuck is this fake nostalgia zoomie? Double Down was only introduced in like 2012.

>> No.13378744

What a coincidence, I'm 25, too. Must have been a different release schedule up in Canada, because I tried one when I was 16 and had a part-time job. Tried the waffle double down a couple years ago. Both were based.

>> No.13378749

Good but paltry compared to the grilled cheese bun hamburgers Friendly's was attempting at the same time. Talk about indulgent but it was kino.

>> No.13378756

2010, to be precise. Came back a couple times where I live, and the Waffle Down was around last year.

>> No.13378797
File: 1.07 MB, 1854x1655, 2019-07-16-KFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends where you are. Its not discontinued everywhere.
Image taken in July, 2019, Ibagué Colombia. Its still on the menu.

>> No.13378810


LOL, and I watched a YT vid only a couple of hours ago about nostalgia gatekeepers.

>> No.13379276

Weren't they opening vegan green KFC chains like a month ago?

>> No.13379441
File: 95 KB, 800x600, KFC-Chizza-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chizza>Double Down

>> No.13379474

It was my go-to guilty pleasure.
I'd feel so dirty eating it.
It was the gastronomical equivalent of sex with a cheap hooker.
You feel ashamed and debased, but you come back for more.

>> No.13379506

It was OK, the KFC pie was amazing tho

>> No.13379609

Test product for one store. Might end up as a regional thing, highly doubt it'll go national.

>> No.13379617

Holy shit, this. It wasn't even that long ago. I remember moot even posting a pic of himself with one. inb4 literally who?

>> No.13379623

You know that same shitty salty soggy taste all fast food has? Tastes like that

>> No.13379626

oh sheeeit, what time to these fuckers open.

>> No.13379645

This. They dried me out and weren’t nearly as enjoyable as they should have been

>> No.13379710
File: 32 KB, 425x332, KFC Double Down available nationwide April 12th 2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was based. Like getting two chicken sandwiches for the price of one. I don't eat bread, so it was a win-win. I remember the sauce they used being pretty good also.

>> No.13381005

So it was your BK triple stacker. I understand.

>> No.13381026

Got one in the UK, was pretty good, the cheese was awful because it's that plastic yellow shit and added nothing to the taste, and it was obviously messy as hell to eat because the sauce made the coating slip off the chicken and it just slid all over.

But yeah, it's just a lot of chicken, bit of bacon, and that's it. Not bad at all.

>> No.13381031

Imagine two chicken fingers with a slice of cheese and bacon. You can probably still order this since the ingredients are all there its just not on the big overhead menu anymore.
It wasnt even that bad for you thinking about it the thing would have just been a double chicken sandwich if you added bread

>> No.13381046

I got it like 3 times.
The first few bites were really good, but by about the half way point it was just gross. Too much salt and fat at once, and I was ~19 and in the Marines at the time (could eat anything).

>> No.13381047
File: 22 KB, 262x320, 01-bottom-light-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon...2012 was 20 years agoooooo

>> No.13381049

The double down was fucking great, and it's actually healthier than a traditional chicken sandwich with bread.

>> No.13381919

Not worth the mess it makes.

>> No.13382017

Is KFC good again?

>> No.13382038

its literally chicken cordon bleu and people flipped the fuck out for no reason

consider the BLT, it's a fuckin bacon and mayonnaise sandwich, how about any fast food restaurant where you can order quadruple double pounder cheese burgers and nobody bats an eye at it

but 2 pieces of chicken? now you sick fucks have gone too far!!!

>> No.13382097
File: 1.33 MB, 2768x2770, acb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but 2 pieces of chicken?

>> No.13382106

>super gluttonous
>insanely indulgent and gluttonous it was

It has no cards tho, maybe the breading but even that is nothing compared to any other sandwich. You can probably lose a lot of weight eating a double down compared to any other sandwich. Of course it is going to fuck up your cholesterol levels but just take it with an omega 3 and do cardio

>> No.13382225

I'm not saying it happened in that year, just saying a childhood without any fast food at all ever sounds inconceivable.

>> No.13382240

>it's a fuckin bacon and mayonnaise sandwich
No. It is a bacon lettuce tomato sandwich. People have preferences of dislikes, so it may not even have mayo as a condiment, you fucking dense failed abortion.

>> No.13382267

The fuck do you mean? I eat that shit every week. You make i>>13378060
t sound like it’s a seasonal thing.

>> No.13382272

>the cheese was awful because it's that plastic yellow shit and added nothing to the taste

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate American Cheese. The mouth feel is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical chemistry most of the meltiness will go over a typical /ck/ poster's pallet. There's also American cheeses' mild flavor, which is deftly woven into it's flavor profile- it's design philosophy draws heavily from Velveeta texture, for instance. The true patricians of /ck/ understand this stuff; they have the complex enough pallet to truly appreciate the depths of the meltiness, to realize that it's not just yellow goo - it says something deep about MOUTHFEEL. As a consequence people who dislike American Cheese truly ARE tastelets - of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the texture in there cheeses' definitive label "Pasteurized Cheese Product," which itself is a cryptic reference to it's Ohioian origin I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated tastelets cleansing their pallets in confusion as Ronald McDonald's genius unfolds itself on their tounge. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have an American Cheese tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the jannies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 flavor profiles of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.13382460

Thats the thing. Two fried chicken breasts for buns isn't actually worse for you than two slices of white bread as buns. Obviously not something you want everyday, but its hardly a sinful treat.

>> No.13382559

absolutely brain dead post. Fried chicken is absolutely worse for you than white bread. How brainwashed by Dr. Atkins do you have be to unironically post drivel like this.

>> No.13382583

>too young to remember
What the fuck? Are you even old enough to come here? I swear that was around like 5 years ago.

>> No.13382591
File: 27 KB, 400x370, Hit-Clips-Music-Boombox-Player-with-5-Clips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hit clips
Now that's some real nostalgia. I thought those things were gonna become huge. 20 seconds of song on a tape the size of your fingertip? Fuck yeah.

>> No.13382595

>plebbit political memes

>> No.13382598

It came out in 2010

>> No.13382600

It was fine. Mostly tasted like salt. Almost 2g of salt in a single sandwich.

>> No.13382617

Colonel's sauce (mayonnaise with the spice rub for the chicken)

>> No.13382633

This. Honestly, I think the public outrage was part of their advertising campaign. Create something infamously 'unhealthy' that people just have to try it. Going by calories alone, Double Down was 540, Big Mac is 563. While neither at the best things for you, being disgusted by the Double Down while being fine with a Big Mac is just dumb.

>> No.13382655

His post was clearly under the assumption that the included chicken breasts would be put on the sandwich as well, if it was using a normal bun.

>> No.13382666

This and only this. The only time I went to KFC was when they had it. Everything else on their menu is trash.

>> No.13382696

It was partly the ad campaign but it also failed because KFC's target audience in America is boomers and black people who freaked about about "A CHICKEN SAMMICH WITH NO BUN????"
That's why American KFC has the most boring ass shitty menu of any fast food place. You'll never see Taco Bell level crazy shit on the menu here like in other countries because

>> No.13383184

I had it. I'm still seeing a therapist.

>> No.13383452

This. It was fast food cordon bleu.

>> No.13383934

Atkins was a super cuck. His diet plan had too many carbs because he was scared to be a true keto king.

>> No.13383986

double down was ok. Now the famous bowl, that was where it was at

>> No.13383998

alright then boomer what's the cutoff for being able to have nostalgia for something? 10 years? 15 years?

>> No.13384317

reading comprehension people

>> No.13385251

The Doublicious was the superior KFC sandwich

>> No.13385261

Fuck OP how old are you. They were still pushing this stuff back in like 2012 last I remember.

>> No.13385912

Because calories isn't the only bad thing with food. Cholesterol, saturated fats, etc.

>> No.13385917

It's two pieces of chicken and some bacon and lettuce. It's no worse than a standard trip to a fried chicken restaurant.

>> No.13385918

>too young to eat a double down
Wtf that couldn't have been more than ten years ago? Why is this thread still up? Mods take care of this shit