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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13376462 No.13376462 [Reply] [Original]

Who came up with the idea to submerge cucumbers in acid until they became edible?

>> No.13376475
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Suckle upon my pickle

>> No.13376476

Some goddamn genius

>> No.13376485

Mr. Pickles

>> No.13376496

Probably some barely literate yokel. Country people pickle every goddamn thing that’ll fit in a jar.

>> No.13376510

Yeah, so food can be preserved for longer. Are you stupid?

>> No.13376515

why do you need to preserve food? just go to the grocery store

>> No.13376520

quite the rickle indeed

>> No.13376532

>rural farmers in the 1800s can just gO To tHe GroCeRy StOre
Again: are you fucking stupid?

>> No.13376534
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why do these cucumbers have those bumps on their skin?

>> No.13376535


>> No.13376539

for your pleasure

>> No.13376562
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Cucumbers are naturally bumpy and spiney my dood

>> No.13376571
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For more flavor.

>> No.13376598

I've wondered how a lot of shit like this came about. Like certain foods that are normally poisonous but can be made edible by steeping it in boiling water a few times and pouring the water off like pokeweed.

>> No.13378042

People who were too shitty and lame to wait for superior lacto fermentation to take place

>> No.13378058

Maybe someone forgot to throw their cucumbers into the next batch of beer?

>> No.13378071

24 pickling cucumbers (3 to 4 inches each)
Sweet red pepper 1 To taste, sliced
2 heads of fresh dill plant
Garlic 4 Clove (5gm)
Pickling Spices 2 Teaspoon
Alum 1/8 Teaspoon

Vinegar 1 Cup (16 tbs)
Water 2 Cup (16 tbs)
Pickling salt 1/4 Cup (16 tbs)

*personal addendum 2TBSp of white sugar
Hot Pickled pepper for sweet red.
double the garlic
Don’t use a freaking microwave.

1 Wash cucumbers; cut off flower end. Cover with ice water, let stand 2 hours.
2 Divide red pepper, dill, garlic, pickling spices and alum between two 1-quart jars. Pack cucumbers into jars.
3 Combine Brine ingredients in 4-cup glass measure.
4 Microwave 10 to 15 minutes on HIGH, or until boiling (about 200° F). Fill jars with hot brine mixture. Cool; cover, and refrigerate for at least 24 hours before serving. Pickles will keep up to 3 months in refrigerator. 2 Quarts Pickles

>> No.13378119
File: 44 KB, 600x600, half sour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the half sour pickles

>> No.13378146

salt and vinegar have been used as preservatives for millennia because it was figured out over time that these two chemicals kill bacteria. how things change over time is due to experimentation. clearly, the first ever pickled cucumbers were a primitive version and nothing at all like the kind you get at the grocery store.

>> No.13378469

honestly never knew about sanitzing jars in the microwave so much easier.

>> No.13380188

oh, that's easy. faced with hunger and death, you would resort to trial and error with volunteers, prisoners, animals, and so on. maybe 3 was just symbolic of something and it happened to work with good ol' dumb luck.

the real mindfuck is how many groups through the millennia had to perform this experiment until books became a commonplace thing where you could look up the edible and poisonous plants in an area?

>> No.13380192

it's an old preservation technique, called lactic acid fermentation. they basically left the pickle cucumbers in salt water and the bacteria produce a sour environment where other bacteria cant grow, making it so you can preserve your produce a lot longer without refrigeration. Quite ingenious actually, and delicious

>> No.13380206

>I live in the 1600s without refrigeration but [PERISHABLE] is just so damn good, there's gotta be some way I can eat this year round

This logic will apply to basically everything.

>> No.13380490

An old timer in my area told me about how they'd salt-cure pork when he was a kid by getting a wooden barrel / cask and filling it with water and then dumping in enough salt until an egg would float. He said that when the egg floated there was enough salt to cure the wild pig they had caught / killed. Not sure if they added any nitrates back then; they probably did as he was a kid back in the late 1930's / early 1940's so adding nitrates to cured meats to prevent botulism should've been common practice. Still pretty neat to hear from someone who actually did it in "olden times" out of necessity to feed the family when refrigeration wasn't a thing and times were tough.

>> No.13380506


I love you Makoto!!!!!

>> No.13380536

the logic is quite simple, really.
>vinegar doesn't go bad after a significant amount of time
>[food] goes bad quickly
>hmm what if we put [food] in the vinegar
>check it after it would normally go bad
>is good
wa la

>> No.13380559

Salted meat is actually awesome. Same for salted fish. Double for smoked and salted. Smoked/salted ham and herring were the staple meats for peasants the British Isles and Scandinavia, and salt beef (jerky) for everywhere on the continent.

I do faire (basically medieval/Renaissance larp), so I've seen a lot of historical cooking. We usually eat according to the role we're playing. When you play a peasant, the first two days of salted/smoked meat is actually really good, I look forward to it and even snagged a little to eat later when I was given the role of the chambermaid. But by the third day you want *anything* else. At the better faires, everyone gets a feast on the second night, so as to break up the muttonotony.

Alongside that salted/smoked meat is some shitty porridge, and all the vegetables you have access to are pickled.

>> No.13380565

lol good one anon

>> No.13380727

They used it but called it saltpeter which is sodium nitrate.

>> No.13380737
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>> No.13380757

I like bread and butter pickles the best.

>> No.13381382

why would i microwave a cucumber for 15 minutes

>> No.13381559

Who's a good boy?

>> No.13381589

Y'all better not be pickling with vinegar. Make yourself a brine and ferment them shits.

I don't actually care, they'll be delicious either way.

>> No.13381778

>salt and vinegar
.....also makes the best chip flavor ever, don't fucking @ me, its pointless, you're wrong

>> No.13381805

>don't fucking @ me

>> No.13381829

It's a stupid Twitter thing

>> No.13381853

We call those (You)s here retard

>> No.13381892

>been lurking/posting since 2005
Yes, I'm aware, thank you Captain Shitass.

>> No.13381899

some shaman tripped out on shrooms probably

>> No.13381957

I hate sweet pickles but that seems to be the only recipes I see online. Is it as simple as just adding more vinegar than water? maybe even using only vinegar?

>> No.13381982

Big pickle runs the government

>> No.13382001
File: 98 KB, 996x720, 1576556958777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is "half sour"?!

>pic related

>> No.13382008

If you want the sour (the best way) just add vinegar. No water. No sugar. You can still add dill and spices.

>> No.13382014

(((I'll give you a hint)))

>> No.13382020

>I've wondered how a lot of shit like this came about. Like certain foods that are normally poisonous but can be made edible by steeping it in boiling water a few times and pouring the water off like pokeweed.
Most of these cases with poisonous food involves a fatality rate way lower than 100% for starters. So maybe it could kill you but for a lot of people trying it the result was probably just a lot or pain and sickness instead. For another thing there are documented historical cases like with Captain James Cook where his crew fed the less desirable organ bits of pufferfish to pigs and one of them died (pufferfish organs have most of the toxin).

>> No.13382027

>You can still add dill and spices.

what difference does that even make at that point? fuck it, i'll just use 100% white vinegar and experiment after that

>> No.13382045

>what difference does that even make at that point?
Why do you think dill pickles are so popular? And spiced vinegar is best for pickling.

>> No.13382282

Is america so backwater that they don't have stores??????

>> No.13382295

Are you ESL, anon? Read what he wrote again.
>rural farmers in the 1800s
Why do you read that as "America?" Obviously modern Americans never need to rely on pickling unless they make the conscious decision to find some spot of land completely removed from civilization to live off the grid. We're not talkingg about modern Americans. We're talking about the original historical purpose behind the invention of pickling.

>> No.13382529

Which goes back over 2,000 years.
Dumb Americans in this thread arguing over which American "invented" pickling. Makes me laugh.

>> No.13382539

Pick an argument and stick with it. Your new complaint has nothing to do with how you responded to his post about rural farmers in the 1800s by asking if it was true Americans don't have stores.

>> No.13382562

>trying to go full proana
>eat a shitton of pickles instead of caloric foods
Thanks, pickles.

>> No.13382567

Looks like he was probably referring to home pickling with mason jars:
>Home pickling was made much easier and more sanitary during the 1850s, when two essential canning tools were invented. First, a Scottish chemist by the name of James Young created paraffin wax, which helped to create a seal for food preserved in jars. A few years later, John Mason developed and patented the first Mason jar.
Again though it's kind of irrelevant to the question of why you responded to a post on "1800s rural farmers" with some weird attempted joke about modern Americans not having stores. How did you even manage to read it that way? You would need to miss half of the words in the sentence. It's baffling.

>> No.13382586
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>Don't use a microwave
>Use a microwave

>> No.13382605

Newfags. Been here since 98

>> No.13382608

Cope, incel.

>> No.13382622

Rent free, dilate.

>> No.13382789

Butt hurt as I pointed out Americans didn't invent pickling.
Pickling is in vinegar. Kiln jars will suffice. No need for Mason jars. Plus you're also babbling on about Americans inventing pickling.

>> No.13382804

The other anon was talking about invention claims if anything. Once again I'm just pointing out you can't read and responded to his 1800s rural farmers post with some inane question about whether modern Americans don't have stores. Keep squirming and dodging the point though if you're into that.

>> No.13382808


I think what he meant is: foods like pickled cucumbers or sauerkraut were invented so they can last through the winter, yes. But TODAY that's irrelevant, you can buy fresh food all year around. There is no need to eat disgusting pickles in 2019, yet people do it. WHY?

>> No.13382825

I didn't mention stores, dumb fuck. I pointed out Americans didn't invent pickling, and I am laughing at them arguing over which American invented it. Follow the fucking thread and learn to read and comprehend.

>> No.13382830

>There is no need to eat disgusting pickles in 2019, yet people do it. WHY?
Because a side effect to the pickling process was making cucumbers taste much better. People today almost universally eat them because they like them, not because it's necessary as a food preservation technique.

>> No.13382833

Pickles involve vinegar. Sauerkraut is salted and produces a brine. It is not pickled.

>> No.13382839

> didn't mention stores,
Then you're not even the anon being talked about. This one is:
>Is america so backwater that they don't have stores??????

>> No.13382842

I'll pickle my dick in your asshole boy how bout that

>> No.13382847

you've been a niggerlover since 2005 maybe

>> No.13382854

So why reply to me?

>> No.13382858

Because you replied to my post replying to that post obviously. That's how conversations work.

>> No.13382875

Not too bright, are you? Does Mommy call you "special"?

>> No.13382898

I'm not the one who can't figure out why responding to someone else's conversation would make others treat you like you're that someone else my differently abled friend.

>> No.13382901

Ask for your education money back. You're obviously not very well educated.

>> No.13382909

In developed nations you get this thing called public education FYI.

>> No.13382917

Then ask your government to claim back all the money spent on your education.

>> No.13382932

Every American who has been in this thread has the ability to look up who invented pickling. Yet all seem too embarrassed or too ashamed to admit that pickles originated in India. The same people you continually dismiss their food and and their culture. Berate them as poo in the loo people, street shitters, etc. And yet, they invented your beloved pickles, which you adore.

>> No.13382973

full sour is fully fermented and loses it's original color and is pretty sour
half sour is less fermented and still crisp and bright green and much less sour

>> No.13382979
File: 41 KB, 640x427, Will SMith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pickles originated in India
>hypotheses include being developed by Chinese workers, or in Tigris Valley of Mesopotamia, from the cucumber plant that originated in India
Nice try pajeet. Having tomatoes doesn't mean you invented arrabbiata sauce.

>> No.13383035

And having hamburgers, pizza, sausages, beer, steaks, chicken products, mayo, jalapenos, burritos, enchiladas, chimichangas, sandwiches, bread, butter, whiskey and renaming it bourbon (whiskey is already a fake version of whisky). You just have to take a deep breath a realise that virtually all your food is foreign to USA and a hell of a lot of it existed before USA was ever discovered.

>> No.13383043
File: 122 KB, 827x574, 1572119387462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another sardine-can-packed yuroshart ruins yet another decent thread kind of day
That's it, I'm gonna run for President later in life, and my first act will be to nuke that God-forsaken shithole of a continent. Saged.

>> No.13383059

Bye, fag.

>> No.13383081

sweet gherkins

>> No.13383104

Why do you have to make them sweet? The purpose of pickling now is to make them sour.

>> No.13383110

If you want sweet gherkins, store them in sugar water or honey.

>> No.13383123

For me, it the sweer cocktail pickle

>> No.13383127

They taste good on their own. I like sour pickles in burgers though.

>> No.13383129

Probably more of the cock for you. That's what you enjoy isn't it?

>> No.13383138

sweet pickles are nasty. Why steep them in vinegar if you want them sweet?

>> No.13383162

Buy are jar of sweet pickles. Drain off all the liquid. Top the jar up with apple cider vinegar. Replace top and refrigerate for 3 to 4 weeks. Enjoy.

>> No.13383176

protip: they actually submerge them in brine because salt kills botulism.
they discovered this by eating meat once.

>> No.13383278

What? Over 2,000 years ago? How did they know it wasn't salmonella or e coli? All 3 weren't discovered until the 19 century.

>> No.13383287

That too. But this is a pickle thread.
Try the sweet n sour one. It has the perfect flavour balance.

>> No.13383320

Hot and sour is best. Vinegar and chilli. Can't beat it.

>> No.13383349

ok brainlette

>> No.13383357

Call names. No valid argument. Typical leftist with no idea.

>> No.13383363

smelly smelly dumdum!

>> No.13383536

It's a common for preservation technique (submerging something in salt and acid).

>> No.13383677

You don't have to know what something is called to know that it doesn't make you sick if you do something particular.

>> No.13383727

Out of everyone ITT--this is probably the closest answer
People probably realized that pickles survive longer because they are sour--so they dunked vegetables in something sour and it pickled

>> No.13383732

sauerkraut is literally pickled cabbage

>> No.13383908

Wah! As expected of country grown vegistaebles!

>> No.13384218

>retard changes his argument because he was made to look like a retard


>> No.13384226

its fermented nigger