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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 505 KB, 1000x1480, kenjilopezalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13375559 No.13375559 [Reply] [Original]

So what do you guys think of this guy? Does he make science mumbo jumbo or actual good recipes?

>> No.13375593

He hast some really good recipes. I dont know what to criticize hin for.

>> No.13375613

I think I read somewhere that his beer hall was a flop even though it's much more simple to prepare as opposed to most of his recipes.

>> No.13375640

He has great recipes.

>> No.13375651


>> No.13375654

Can you recommend me some good recipes of his?

>> No.13375692


>> No.13375693

Dunno, I just see him as a food tech rather than a chef.

>> No.13375699


>> No.13375775
File: 407 KB, 1184x1046, 1557096889255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As soon as he gets popular the contrarians will come out and turn it into the hot new meme regardless of how good/bad his recipes are.

>> No.13375797

Thanks for the recommendations.
That is mostly true but he seems to fly under the radar a bit on this board. It seems like the only ones people "care" about here are Bon Appetit and Binging with Babish.

>> No.13375808

Kinda looks like Norton

>> No.13375815

>As soon as he gets popular
wut? Kenji is OG. He's been good for about as long as the BA clowns have been alive

>> No.13376090
File: 3.90 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20191126_152516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been there, it was delicious, but not super busy. Pic related is a burger I got there. I went a few different times while I was in the area and tried a good amount of the menu.

>> No.13376105

Looks pretty good, maybe it was just some problems with the opening and early days of the restaurant since it was pretty long ago when I read about it being mediocre.

>> No.13376117

Fuck this commie cuck

>> No.13376149

For as long as he's been around, he's never gotten as popular as BA though.

>> No.13376167

Ivan? Or is it Deng?

>> No.13376181

tst tst tst

>> No.13376282

He sometimes has good ideas
but his website has autoplaying videos that scroll with you and hyphenated names are dumb

>> No.13376703

I think I'd hate the guy in person, seems like a limp-wristed NPR-listening zombie.

But his book is a great reference work & serious eats is a decent site for recipes

>> No.13376708

Kenji Lopez. A jap and a spic. Great.

>> No.13376779

Thats true. Its because, like the name said, he was about serious about eats. Bon Appetits youtube show is a scripted reality TV show with a cooking theme

>> No.13377036

why use his alt if he's such a skilled chef? If i want cooking advice I want the guy to be using his main, it just makes me feel confident i'm getting his best work

>> No.13377185


I think it was a Sporkful episode where he was interviewed about that and he basically said, "yeah, opening a restaurant is hard and I'd never done it before. Things were rough early in but have gotten much better."

Based on his IG posts it looks like the place is doing pretty well.

Overall, I like him a lot. His book is great and he actually explains the tests he did to develop his reasoning instead of just relying on folk knowledge.

>> No.13377191

Lopez is his wife’s last name. He’s half white and half Japanese.

>> No.13377227
File: 20 KB, 400x300, thumbnail_58392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AND he took HER name

>> No.13377244

>stay at home dad

>> No.13377253

His real name is actually James Alt.

>> No.13377692

i always assumed he was gay?

>> No.13377731


Compared to Heston Blumenthal and Alton Brown he's not scientific at all, he's a cook.

>> No.13377736

Good for him, at least he's not half the piece of shit that most people here are.

>> No.13377744

Cope you fucking beta. Imagine taking your wife's name.

>> No.13377794

I was the "alpha" in my marriage. I don't even subscribe to that retarded notion and neither to psychologists in the homo sapiens sapiens world. But I would take my wife's name because I'm not so retardedly insecure as to care.

>> No.13377807

I'm well older than you are and even in your life you can't cope with taking a woman's name. You live in the south with southern values like the tard you are. You live in the 50s. You don't even know how fucking fucked you are in this life. Not yet.

>> No.13377831

Damn, /pol/tards btfo by irrefutable logic!

>> No.13377841

He's literally insane on Twitter.

He got mad at a guy for making a mildly sexist Tweet and tried to get his girlfriend to break up with him.

>> No.13377846

Yeah youre not insecure youre just an out and proud fucking faggot

>> No.13377864

He is a solid cook and doesnt afraid of anything. I have made many of his recipes, all have turned out A-1

>> No.13377949

You don't sound like a cunt. I just want you to know that. You don't sound childish.

>> No.13377981

How does being a cuck make you mature?
>I'm fine with my wife's BVLL because I'm an adult, m'kay?

>> No.13377987

I know you're a fucking child. I don't worry or care about opinions from kids. You have no idea about life, you're too stupid and too young yet. You'll learn because life is hard and rocks abraid idiots like you.

>> No.13377995

sorry, I didn't explain abrasion to a kid like you. When you rub something weak against something that's strong, the weak wear away.

>> No.13378027

>I know you're a fucking child
Not true, but believe whatever you want beta-boy
>life is hard
You live in the easiest, wealthiest, and most forgiving society to have ever existed. Those are some paper thin excuses for being a whipped little bitch

>> No.13378048

You really can't grow up and let women be people. Where do you live?

>> No.13378059


It's west virginia, south carolina, georgia, alabama, louisiana, or mississippi. You live in shit world.

>> No.13378086


Where are you from, fuck up? I need to know your shitty life.

>> No.13378120
File: 926 KB, 2560x1440, pan pizza 1019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13378126

The point is that entering into a marriage carries restrictions for both parties, that's the whole point. Women don't have to get married; they can do whatever they want on their own. But when you marry a woman and let her control your life(which includes you taking her name), you have become a little bitch. Have a little self-respect, you're pathetic
I don't live in the south. I'm not a Christian. I live in a major coastal city. I just have some pride and don't debase myself worshiping women. Pussy isn't that special m8

>> No.13378130

You obviously care a lot. You're probably getting off to being told you're a weak like bitch

>> No.13378139

Lol this little soycuck is PISSED

>> No.13378142

what a cuck lol. i bet you're american

>> No.13378161


You sound like an entirely pleasant person with little to no emotional baggage relating to your ego. Good job.

>> No.13378174

Ah yes, the pinnacle of dialogue: passive aggressive ad-hominems. You really do act like a woman

>> No.13378182

They hyphenated. They both took each other's names. I unironically think the best naming strategy is for everyone to have four names, first name, middle name, mother's name, father's name. Mother passes on mother's name always, father passes on mother's name to girls, father's name to boys. That way the names track the X and Y chromosomes which is pretty neat.

>> No.13378184

Sorry, that is they track the Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA, not the X chromosome except via female children of a man where you know which X chromosome it was.

>> No.13378187


Wasn't the guy you're responding to previously, and that wasn't passive aggressive. It was overtly aggressive via sarcasm. I also didn't attack your character at all. Your argument is based around some ideal of male pride and superiority. That's fine - it just implies a fragile sense of self.

>> No.13378289


>> No.13378311


Shouldn't have said that in the first place considering he's not a sole proprietor, but it's too bad he walked it back.

>> No.13378315

>im not that cuck im just an even more pathetic one whiteknighting him

>> No.13378333


Good response. I'm not even kidding here - I hope that one day you're able to feel a little less of the burden of a social structure that's raised you to believe that any small thing is a personal affront to your pride. Keep on fighting, anon.

>> No.13378345

>burden of a social structure
what does this even mean, these are all personal beliefs
>any small thing
The argument was originally about changing your last name, which is not a small thing. It follows you around for your whole life and is the first thing people hear about you.

>> No.13378400


>these are all personal beliefs

They happen to be in line with the prevailing "muh feels" arguments around things like this. I think it's naive to assume our biases aren't heavily padded by cultural norms. That goes for me, too. I don't know, though, you may think the way you do completely independently of anything else.

>It follows you around for your whole life and is the first thing people hear about you.

First off, the context was in hyphenating a last name because that's what Kenji did. Secondly, in what world would people who are hearing your name for the first time a) know if your last name is your father's or your wife's, and b) even if they did, what people are you hanging around that would judge someone for that?

If my last name was Smith until I took my wife's name of, say, Baker, who upon hearing "Anon Baker" for the first time is aware of the change or judging me for it? You've explicitly argued from a point of pride in carrying on your own last name. I don't really have an issue with that, but I don't think that's a point of view that's exclusively male. A woman could also want the same thing. That's probably why Kenji and his wife hyphenated, and I don't see how that makes either of them less of person short of an argument based on feelings alone.

>> No.13378406

Lol nobody is reading this shit you nutless fucking monkey

>> No.13378441



>> No.13378452

Oh cool more hyphens to replace your testicles

>> No.13378464


>none of those are hyphens

If you're going to try to be clever it generally has to be accurate. Have a few drinks and listen to some IDLES really loud. I think it may help.

>> No.13378754


>> No.13378910

Both his carnitas and gyro recipe work incredibly well in terms of making them at home.



I also really enjoy reading the science type shit that goes into his recipes.

>> No.13379555

His charred salsa verde is great.

>> No.13380099

You come off like the biggest fucking pussy I've ever met. You whine that its beta and cucked to use your wifes last name as if it holds some fucking magical purpose. Do you really think using her last name changed anything about either of their lives in a meaningful way?

>> No.13380296
