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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13374042 No.13374042 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/

I tried making challah today

I've never tried making bread before

Wish me luck

>> No.13374079
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I don't know if it's going well or not

The upper loaf tearing as it expands probably isn't a good sign...

>> No.13374115

egg wash them next time

>> No.13374124

Egg wash should help with browning the surface but the expansion problem is probably due to underpoofed dough, right?

>> No.13374131

The gf is allergic to egg, so I try to avoid it when I can

These loaves are eggless, by the way

I let them rise for 2+ hours, then let them rise again for another hour after knocking the air out, then let them rise one more time for 20 minutes before baking, but I'm sure I fucked something else up along the way

>> No.13374136

If it was underproof, it'd fall flat rather than rise.

Dunno, maybe you just used to much yeast.

>> No.13374144
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>Dunno, maybe you just used to much yeast.
That sounds likely. The recipe I followed said use 3 packages but it seemed fishy to me

Is this done? I don't want it to become tough and dry

>> No.13374162

Yeah, 3 packages sounds like a lot.
If you're not sure if it's cooked, cut it in the middle. People don't magically know whether something is done unless they already have the recipe down.

>> No.13374214

very obvious that it's not done just by looking at the picture so i wouldn't take this guys advice for anything

>> No.13374234

I didn't say whether it was done or not, I gave him a basic and general advice on cooking an unfamiliar recipe.
It's obviously not done but he won't always have people to backseat cook for him.

>> No.13374242
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Well, I took them out anyway

They seemed done-ish to me

Only way to know for sure is to let them cool and hope for the best

>> No.13374244

clean your fucking cookware

>> No.13374253

It is clean motherfucker, those are scorch marks

>> No.13374265
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i get the same scorchmarks on my spoon when i smoke crack

>> No.13374267

I'd be damn proud if I ever made bread that looks like that top one, nice job

>> No.13374276

Yeah well, the taste test may prove that statement to be foolhardy...

Still waiting for these to finish cooling, will post results later

>> No.13374302

>then let them rise one more time for 20 minutes
That probably wasn't long enough

>> No.13374326
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Well, the flavor kinda sucks, I'll have to work on that in the future

But it's bread. Not a *complete* failure, at least

>> No.13374331

>one of the outer braids is still uncooked
toss it
dont know how you fucked up so bad

>> No.13374350

Are you blind? That's a piece I tore off the end of the loaf

Or are you talking about the middle of the long loaf? That's cooked, it's just not golden-brown because it's the inside that expanded out as it cooked

>> No.13374360

that piece you tore off is not fully cooked

>> No.13374363

If your eggless challah was a failure, maybe you should try a nice vegan brioche?

>> No.13374365

What was the recipe you followed? This is probably a super basic take but I've always found salt to be one of the most important ingredients when it comes to bread flavor, better to add a little too much then too little. Also, in terms of getting the right crust and the loaf expanding well, the moisture levels in the oven at the beginning of the rise are important. You want it to be a bit humid in the oven (I was told this was to keep outer crust from drying out immediately and losing its flexibility but that may be wrong) , at the very least my loaves turn out better when I a pan of water in the oven while it preheats and take it out about 10 minutes or so into baking. Alternatively, spraying water into the oven when you put the loaves in works too. This is just my experience from making run of the mill bread though, not sure what differences there might be with challah

>> No.13374469

Trust me, it is. It's exactly as fluffy as any professional challah I've had

It honestly isn't that bad, it's mostly the flavor that went wrong. I think the other anon that mentioned letting it rise longer before putting it in the oven was right

>What was the recipe you followed?
It was an amalgam of different recipes. All vegan recipes you can find online are various degrees of terrible, you have to try to take the best ideas from all of them and smash them together until you get something good. What I ended up doing was
7 cups unbleached flour
2 1/4 cups water
1 cup sugar
3 packets yeast
1/2 cup oil
not enough salt

>I've always found salt to be one of the most important ingredients when it comes to bread flavor
This was my biggest mistake. Way more salt and maybe some honey instead of sugar would make this a lot better

>my loaves turn out better when I a pan of water in the oven while it preheats
I should definitely try this too. Thanks for the tips

>> No.13375054
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buy your girlfriend some steel wool and tell her to use baking soda, that is not clean nor acceptable

>> No.13375062

those silpats look pretty rough for your first time baking

>> No.13375071

Damn nice dude.

>> No.13375868

Not my first time baking, just my first time making bread. Also, the damage wasn't from me, it was from the gf. She's pretty careless

>> No.13375880

He is correct, this would not be acceptable at any restaurant.

>> No.13375889

I'm to embarrassed to ask them to unlock the case to get steel wool

>> No.13375912

you should be, but that is just a risk that you take by being with your girlfriend.

>> No.13376019

You need a protein to enrich this dough further.

>> No.13376032

>The gf is allergic to egg, so I try to avoid it when I can
Use condensed milk instead.

>> No.13376057

You think? Could I just use bread flour?

I'm allergic to lactose, so that's a no-go.

>> No.13376069
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>> No.13376075

Did you meet you gf on a platform for genetic fuck-ups or something?

>> No.13376080
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Try oil maybe.

>> No.13376128

Yeah, it's called 4chan

I used butter for these loaves, though I think the recipe I was looking at called for sweetened milk. I might try some condensed cashew milk with honey next time

>> No.13376173

>Yeah, it's called 4chan
That's a pretty good comeback.

>> No.13376429

Thanks, it's also true though

>> No.13376472

really just...don't use butter. sure maybe after the bread has baked paint some on the crust, but the times I've tried using butter it's come out weird and greasy.

>> No.13376509

Yeah, definitely gonna pass on the butter next time, it really doesn't make for a great flavor or texture.

>> No.13376729

Nothing as satisfying as making your own bread. Keep doing it my man. You ever make your own sourdough as well?

>> No.13378492

>unlock case
what type of ghetto are you jews living in, christ

>> No.13378589
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>unlock the case to get steel wool
Seriously, where the fuck do you live? I've been in cities where they locked black men's hair care products and electric trimmers, but this is post-apocalyptic shit. Are the AAA batteries back there too?

>> No.13379076

Ripping from underproved dough or weak gluten development. Underproved means the dough hasn't relaxed enough and tears from the expansion, weak gluten development would cause it because the dough just can't handle being stretched. Of the two I'd bet on under proved. Let it prove for 45 to 60 minutes next time.

>> No.13379079

Good job, OP!

>> No.13379084

Yeah.. better luck next time. Never use a recipe that calls for 3 packets of yeast..

>> No.13379585
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Fuck you you worthless kike

>> No.13379679

Challah is designed to be torn apart, so even if it tears up it's fine.