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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13373553 No.13373553 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the most niggered out, underappreciated job ever? I've been a cook for a few years and they're all treated basically like slave-tier mongoloids, especially by waitstaff, even though it takes immense amounts of skill, attention to detail, and strict maintenance of a clean work area. And the pay fucking sucks too. Why do people do this?

>> No.13373589


>> No.13373594

probably, the wagecucks where i work at ferry around a cart aimlessly socializing more than working picking up candles around the warehouse with a piss easy quota making $17.25/hr with all the overtime you can bear because they can never find enough reliable people and the only ones that work there are absolute bottom of the barrel trash. 70iq retards that can't bathe clear $1000+ week doing something a competent 10yo could do better. so i always wonder who the fuck is dumb enough to do these shit jobs

>> No.13373601
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>immense amounts of skill
This is bait

>> No.13373617

It's the most skilled job in the restaurant. Most of the time the retard chefs cant even properly do what the garmo does.

>> No.13373634

Probably cause every kitchen is filled with drug addicted soi bois with sleeve tattoos and no hygiene

>> No.13373636

Dont get too down on yourself, after all, youre only fucking making food probably because you thought it was easy

>> No.13373643

What job is this?

>> No.13373646

Appreciation comes from God alone. If you expect things from men you will be disappointed.

>> No.13373648

The greatest system in the history of earth. If you don't believe me give me all your money and in exchange I'll tell you that you're a good person

>> No.13373660
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It's like being the smartest retard

>> No.13373667

I cooked for a good many years.

It can vary from underpaid overworked to no pay and 16 hour days 7 days a week with 15 minute breaks or you have to pretend you smoke just to get a breather.
Sweating your ass off just to get yelled at by other people who fucked up shit in the first place.

The bosses at most restaurants will do anything to screw you over out of money.

>> No.13373673

This. I trained in Japan and their mantra was work hard or fuck off

>> No.13374597


>> No.13374976

At this point it's tradtion. Thankfully its already biting the industry in the ass because there's not enough people willing to do this shit job anymore

>> No.13374989

Don't be a bitch. If your job sucks, leave. Call in sick and spend a whole solid eight hours looking for a new job and if you're not a total useless shit you should be able to get some stages and interviews lined up. Your next job will probably suck too. There are tons of jobs in this industry and most of them are crap; the hardest thing about being a cook is finding an employer who won't treat you like dog shit.

>> No.13375077

Yes, engaging in a voluntary and mutual beneficial economic relationship is the hallmark of capitalism.

>> No.13375084

>Why do people do this
My plan A failed due to autism and I started drinking and watching Alton Brown. Not sure what everyone else's excuses are; they're all fucking losers.

>> No.13375102

I wanna do a chefs apprenticeship so badly, but I don't wanna live this bullshit stressed out life

>> No.13375198

I have no problem getting a new job. I'm fast and efficient enough and have the basics down to work anywhere. It's the faggot FOH staff and retard kitchen staff that always ruins the job. Only the fucking worst people work in this industry

>> No.13375210

Don't do it. People don't get apprentices to teach them something, but to give them all the worst jobs and teach them the bare minimum, sometimes not even that.

>> No.13375213

I suspect the celebrity chef fad of the late 90's funneled bright eyed retards into what has always been a shitty career where they then feel victimized by others for their own poor choice

>> No.13375645

Being a line cook is a fun job. The work itself and the pressure isn't bad, it's the faggot people you have to work with. Especially the waitresses, they're the dead worst people you can ever meet and are the definition of "I never had direction in my life".