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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.35 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20191215_162756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13370901 No.13370901 [Reply] [Original]

let's make egg white leavened cheese and onion rolls.

>> No.13370905
File: 1.21 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20191215_163357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pour your egg white and cum into a suitable container

>> No.13370908

Don't use an electric mixer OP, that's cheating.
Make it like they made it in the 1700s. Classic hand mixing, come on

>> No.13370917
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ok, I'll try and see how I get on. but first we gotta caramelise some onions.

get your slightly clean pan

>> No.13370926
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get your deenz aspic and oil

>> No.13370928
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unload it

>> No.13370940
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set this aside to defrost

>> No.13370958
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>> No.13371402

monitoring thread

>> No.13371403
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let me show you guys how to properly dice and onion. the correct way.

>> No.13371410
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you halve it

>> No.13371420
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you slice it perpendicular to the layers

>> No.13371437
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then you cut it along the onion latitude

>> No.13371446
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wa la. perfectly even onion chunks in pleasingly regular geometric shapes.

>> No.13371458
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by now your fish juice and oil should be liquid again

>> No.13371488
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add onions

>> No.13371514
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>> No.13371528
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realise you missed an onion.

>> No.13371534
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>doesn't have money for a frying pan
fuck this game earth

>> No.13371537
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quickly repeat the dicing process. which you can do because this dicing technique is fast and easy.

>> No.13371543
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you can use anything to fry it anon. a pot would have been fine too. I'm only using a fry pan because I haven't washed it since last saturday and I wanted to get one more use in before I wash it.

>> No.13371554
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>2 whole onions
jesus nigger calm down

>> No.13371556
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season your steamy onions with pepper. no need for salt because of the sardine juice.

>> No.13371561
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I'm using 6 egg whites.

>> No.13371607
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this cheese was on sale in lidl a few months ago for <3£ per kilo. I bought 2 blocks, wish I had gotten more lads :(

>> No.13371615
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keeping stirring the onions

>> No.13371628
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nice big chunk

>> No.13371644
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roughly chop and crumble it.

>> No.13371658
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keep an eye on your fish onions

>> No.13371671
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hand whisk your egg like it's 1700

>> No.13371700
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add some chili sauce to the onions.

>> No.13371717
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sorry anon. I just couldn't do it any more. I'm going to have to get the whisk vibrator.

>> No.13371728
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make sure you haven't burnt your onions whilst trying to hand whisk your eggcum into hard peaks

>> No.13371770
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>> No.13371778

chicken silk

>> No.13371780
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take onion off heat to cool a little.

>> No.13371790
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get ur flower

>> No.13371798
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add some amount of flower to the chicken silk.

no need to measure because cheese and onion rolls are very forgiving if you use too much or too little.

>> No.13371831
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High-tier thread, OP.

>> No.13371840
File: 1.09 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20191215_174019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my phone died so I'm missing a few photos. but you fold the flower, the cheese, and the onions in gently into the egg.

>> No.13371851

thank you, that's lovely pair of cats, may I save the image?

>> No.13371872
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spoon your mix out into a floured tray

>> No.13371881
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garnish with flaxseed

>> No.13371895
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bake in oven preheated to 170°c

I cook all my oven foods at 170°c and it has always worked out well. regardless of what the food is.

>> No.13371952

Hm, wouldn't it be faster, easier and less hassle to skip the flour, fry the onion cheese protein mixture and put it on a slice of toasted bread? You wouldn't need much oil and it should get nice and crispy at a high temperature with a soft gooey centre.

>> No.13371956
File: 1.18 MB, 2592x1456, IMG_20191215_182708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk how long I baked them for but I guess I could work it work from the time stamp if I could be bothered.

just eyeball and stick a knife in to test when they look and smell about ready

>> No.13371964

>I cook all my oven foods at 170°c and it has always worked out well. regardless of what the food is.
quadruple digit iq detected

>> No.13371968

39 minutes

>> No.13371977
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>on a slice of toasted bread
I don't have any sliced bread atm. I only buy and freeze them when they're reduced.

>nice and crispy at a high temperature with a soft gooey centre.
only temporarily though. if you bake them in the cheese and onion rolls will taste good cold and you can have them for breakfast/lunch for the next 5 days.

>> No.13371987
File: 1.35 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20191215_183356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty ty

here is it. served with some black olives and found avocado

>> No.13371991

Where did you find the avocado?

>> No.13372018
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near one of those indian greengrocers that have piles and piles of fruit and veg boxes, and they also do fruit and veg in a bowl. found it after they closed for the night. must have rolled off or something.

the bread rose okay and had lots of holes in it from the cheese. very tasty! :)

>> No.13372037

Looks pretty good, I'm jelly.

>> No.13372077
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it's very tasty. a mix of melty and crispy cheese, soft sweet onions, and light fluffy cake-like bread. with a hint of fish. the flaxseeds add a nice crunch too.

next time I think I'll actually add some real raising agent and more flour so it's a bit more 3d.

also, in making this thread I fucked up my phone even more :( now there's condensation in the camera. I can only use the front facing camera for photos now.

>> No.13372093
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so if anyone wants to send me some btc to buy a new phone... bc1qfwacyvnup6ryw2hzmczntvh6g0t0f270gnvfkk

>> No.13372105

No shit, here's where you fucked it: >>13371556

>> No.13372136

yeah that didn't help. but also when I tried to get a photo of it coming straight off the oven >>13371977 I stuck the phone right in there like a dumbass. plus all those times I did it before with other cookalongs....

It's no big loss. I've had this chinese botnet phone for over 3 years and I cracked the screen a few months ago too.

>> No.13372221
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and if anyone has advice on getting condensation out of a phone camera, lemme know

>> No.13372239

Put it in some rice.
It will attract crafty Chinamen to fix the problem.

>> No.13372262

Wash it in isopropyl alcohol. Make sure it's bone dry before you turn it on again.

>> No.13372263

don't have rice. would flour work?

>> No.13372276
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I have some rubbing alcohol but the water is inside the camera. or do you mean soaking the whole thing? because i don't have enough alcohol for that.

>> No.13372319

Rubbing alcohol is usually isopropyl: read the bottle to make sure. If it were me, I would open the phone up and slowly pour the isopropyl over the camera. Don't touch/wipe the lens directly.

>> No.13372371

I don't have it in a bottle, only pre-soaked into those little single-use pads.

>> No.13372412

Just buy a bottle, it's dirt cheap. Cheaper than a new phone, anyway.

>> No.13372434

true. I'll leave it in the bag of flour for tonight and see how that goes.

>> No.13372461

Yeah, it might sort itself out. Remember not to t

>> No.13372467

...urn the phone back on until it's completely fucking dry if you decide to use alcohol. Leave it several hours.

>> No.13372474
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goddamn it candleja

>> No.13372493

This makes me feel old.

>> No.13372515
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we're only going to keep getting older anon. make some fun foods to distract yourself from how the world is passing you by.

>> No.13372519

meant to reply to you, not myself. oops

>> No.13373397

Imagine this faggot standing in his kitchen taking a dozen pictures every time he chops an onion.

>> No.13373440
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I'm very lonely okay