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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13366985 No.13366985 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ put anything unconventional in their coffee? I’ve been a cream-only guy since I first started drinking (if you put sugar in your coffee do not enter this thread) but just realized there might be other kinds of tasty shit you can put in there
Share your forbidden esoteric coffee knowledge

>> No.13366988

there's a coffee thread already up feel free to browse and post in there instead of creating a new one for attention

>> No.13367004

Hot chocolate packet. Sometimes a peppermint stick or peppermint anything. I think that's it.

>> No.13367022

Literally maniac tier

>> No.13367038

There's a pinch of cardamom in the Levant in the espresso. Sometimes italians will twist over a lemon zest into the espresso, and it adds a hint of nice bitterness.

>> No.13367050

tradgirl pee

>> No.13367609

i put almond milk in mine but it tastes awful

>> No.13367614

i usually drink it black but sometimes whipped cream is good in it.

>> No.13367616

i mix chamomile, natural peanut butter with heavy cream and just enough honey to not be sweet.

>> No.13367674

Do Americans really put cream in their coffee?

>> No.13367682

Yes, we do. Jealous?

>> No.13367687

Why? I love peppermint and peppermint creamer is garbage.

>> No.13367787

Sometimes I put cardamom and rose water

>> No.13367789

I don't drink cream in my coffee, but your mom does drink my cream in her coffee

>> No.13368110

because it's not right desu~

>> No.13368112

Cream, pinch of salt.

>> No.13368121

black pepper in espresso is pretty good, gotta brew it with it though and not just sprinkle it in after the fact

>> No.13368123

you should be unironically institutionalized

>> No.13368147

>if you put sugar in your coffee do not enter this thread
>he tries to be a cool rugged gatekeeper while still putting sugary fag-cream in his coffee
Get in the gas chamber with all the others, pure black coffee is the only way

>> No.13368153

amaretto and butter.

>> No.13368203

salt, gelatin, cinnamon

>> No.13368206


>> No.13368223

Cardamom is pretty nice in coffee

>> No.13368498

Raw cacao powder

>> No.13368512

Hot chocolate packet is based.

Sometimes I add butter someone literally kill me in my sleep desu

>> No.13368648

Raw egg yolk and a bit of honey or absinthe.

>> No.13369106

I tried it once with a bag of earl grey and really liked it but then tried it again and it was so awful I had to toss it

>> No.13369138

Génépi mixed with espresso is really nice.

>> No.13369250

I use evaporated milk in addition to regular milk

>> No.13369297

okay well let me really blow some of y'alls minds

think bulletproof coffee? basically a few oils emulsified, usually butter.

when I was in my undergrad program I had a lot of injuries and was in a lot of pain. I discovered that turmeric and pepper together have massive anti inflammatory effects. golden milk is a think, but I couldn't keep anything refrigerated, so I wired the recipes together.

I used to take massive does of this at each meal, three times a day. maybe upwards of 3-4tbsp:

1 part coconut oil
1 part turmeric
season with pepper until you can just taste it; if you're tasting a lot of pepper it's room much

I put that shit in coffee

>> No.13369307

Does no one else put whisky in coffee?
I have that before work.
I have that after work.

I just don't have it at work.

>> No.13369462

Half-and-half, to be precise. We often call it cream
It’s fucking delicious

>> No.13369497

Sweetened condensed milk and/or gin.
scm because i used to live without a refrigerator and couldn't keep real milk around, and gin because it fucks with people.

>hot chocolate
Motherfucking ranger coffee

>> No.13369531

I used to put brandy in my coffee during high school sometimes, was pretty good DESU but the flavor definitely wasn’t why I did it

>> No.13369750

I add tea to the coffee in support for HK

>> No.13369786


Peanut butter.

Seriously, try it.

>> No.13369797
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wtf sicko

>> No.13369806

shaved egg

>> No.13369811

If your egg was hairy, it would be called a chick.

>> No.13369814
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Hate me niggers, i don't give a shit.

>> No.13369817

>no cholesterol
>gluten free
Do you actually fall for this shit?

>> No.13369821

nah i tried doing some of code bros weird shit and its good. the egg emulsifies with black coffee and makes it smoother without thickening like a raw egg does

>> No.13369888

Hi Anon, if you're still having problems have you considered taking a tumeric circumin supplement? My co worker raves about the health benefits

>> No.13369893

hows that taste

>> No.13369903

Sweet condensed milk
Somtimes I melt a chocolate in hot water and mix with coffee to make a sort of pseudo-mocha.

>> No.13370007

Of course not, but i just love that shit.

>> No.13370042

some milk because i'm a bong and can't do anything without adding some milk

>> No.13370200


>> No.13370487

>There's a pinch of cardamom in the Levant in the espresso
On the rare occasions I use an espresso pot, I put a couple of cardamom pods on top of the coffee when I tamp it.

>> No.13370489

Sometimes crumble a bit of cinnamon stick into it too.

>> No.13370495

>do americans reallyposting
>in a wholesome coffee thread
Yes, cream cuts the acidity of strong coffee. Americans do this, as do most Europeans.

>> No.13370499

Here's that reply you wanted, you joyless edgelord.

>> No.13370517

i put about a tablespoon of hot chocolate on two tablespoons of instant coffee with some cream. takes the bitter edge off and gives me enough energy raid with my epic gamer squad for the whole day.

>> No.13370544

>most Europeans

>> No.13370552

>muh steamed milk is special and different from cream
People are the same all over.

>> No.13370573
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3.25% maximum fat content
18% minimum fat content

Its the same thing guys!
Pic related, it's you

>> No.13370593
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>huge amount of milk
>dash of cream to cut acidity
>totally incomparable lmao because m-muh fats

>> No.13370603

I think you'll find YOU'RE fats

>> No.13370610

I full fatted you're mum last night

>> No.13372309

>as do most Europeans.
I don't know about the rest of Europe but here in Italy 90% of coffees are just black espressos.
The remainder have maybe like a teaspoon of milk in them to make a macchiato

>> No.13372377
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If your coffee is good, you don't need to ruin it with other shit.

The Spanish do a gorgeous drink called a cafe bonbon which is like half and half espresso to condensed milk. In the UK we only get 397ml cans which aren't worth opening for a cafe bonbon, but all the Polish shops here do a tube of condensed milk called mleko which is great for adding to coffee.