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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 300x272, dragonwell-tea-z_1_300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13364559 No.13364559 [Reply] [Original]

I bet you’ve never drank a pot of Chinese spring harvest dragonwell tea picked 2 days before consumption, flown out here with fedex next day air. I bet you’ve never had tea so fresh that it awakens your senses and instantly catapults you into a deeply satisfying mind space. For me? That’s normal. That’s a regular day for me. I do it so much I probably couldn’t fit all the fresh, expensive tea leaves I’ve had in your entire second floor. You couldn’t get on my level even if you tried. My tastebuds are too advanced for you and the same tea that tastes like music to my tongue probably tastes like grass to you.

>> No.13364573

Based and teapilled.

>> No.13364575
File: 342 KB, 481x750, iced_tea.png.750x750_q85ss0_progressive[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the finest for me

>> No.13364695

I have over fifty puerhs alone. I have Chinese State Guest House tea. I have Red Robe from one of the actual mother plants. Just tonight I drank some highest end jade dew from Japan, grown by monks and it’s not even sold, it’s given to benefactors only.

I mean you might be hot shit, OP, but I’m hotter.

>> No.13364741

stop buying Chinese products

>> No.13364765


>> No.13364885

Every country has products they have a competitive advantage at. Am I supposed to stop buying Chai from India, Coffee beans from Ethiopia/Columbia etc., Wagyu from Japan, Maple Syrup from Canada? For what reason? They are higher quality.

>> No.13364888

I bet you never had sex faggot

>> No.13364901

Literally all sweet tea tastes like the same Walmart brand Milo tea and it's disgusting because it's so watered down and tasteless, it's literally water with sugar and food coloring added. It has no substance and is overrated.

>> No.13364911

your phone/computer is already 99% made in china components..

>> No.13364914

If this isn't copypasta, it should be

>> No.13364921

>spring harvest in dec

>> No.13365025

You want to get some tieguanyin 铁观音
Best tea mates

>> No.13365850

Fuck off /pol/fag

>> No.13365852

can’t wait to see white yellow fever fags being castrated and tortured in chinese death camps

>> No.13365853

Get a life consumerist drone

>> No.13366230

I don't think they treat the western prisoners the same as the locals. They're more of political prisoners. Besides, you'd have to fuck up really badly as a westerner tourist to get thrown in the concentration camps.

Anyway, I was reading that the biggest culture shock western tourists have in China now is that it's almost impossible now to function with cash. Almost everything must be paid for with creepy government spyware social credit score apps. I guess you have to buy a special in-country computer aids phone and set it up with the correct surveillance apps to do things.

>> No.13366233

>typing this when the NSA -literally- spies on american citizens 24/7

k e k

>> No.13366251

Fair enough. We can use cash, and our social credit scores haven't evolved beyond credit scores (yet), so you can still opt out of a lot of it.

Hi, NSA (stop jerking off to me)

>> No.13366340

Enjoy your arsenic

>> No.13367535

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.13369033

>t. seething

>> No.13369069

imagine not going to china and having tea straight out the ground.
this nigga having his tea with old ass 2 day old tea leaves that have been on a plane, fuck me what a loser

>> No.13369072

just enough points to be cringey but not horribly bait

>> No.13369100

currently living in china.
you can still use cash in most of the places ive been in, but using wechat is much more convenient for everyone. plus they have charging stations everywhere so you can keep your phone charged

>> No.13369165
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1000, Barrys Gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stick with this, thanks.

>> No.13369867

I had some and it wasn't bad, but for me, it's Japanese ceremonial grade Matcha - the best green tea known to mankind.

>> No.13369875


>> No.13370164
File: 238 KB, 988x1190, 1562295738619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree
for me, it's fukuoka gyokuro

>> No.13370191


literally tastes like boiled veggie soup, its too much